The Road to ResetWORKBOOKw w w . t h e s o u l r e s e t p r o j e c t . c o m*a transformative experience for the soul*
…and welcome to the Road to RESET Program, a transformative journey designed forsouls seeking liberation from past traumas and a pathway to profound personal growth.We are dedicated to serving individuals who aspire to break free from the shackles oftheir traumatic experiences and embrace a future of healing and empowerment.Our mission is to be a catalyst for profound, inner transformation. We guide you inreclaiming your power and aligning with the highest expressions of self-love,authenticity, and inner peace. Our vision is a world where every soul awakens to its truest potential, healed from pasttraumas, and vibrates with the frequency of freedom. We strive to create lives abundantin peace, joy, and happiness.Here at the Road to RESET, we believe in your potential for transformation and arecommitted to supporting you every step of the way on this journey of healing and self-discovery.Let's embrace this adventure together!First, thank you!W E L C O M EI am Ni cole H a wkins , a RE S ET Co a ch, c e rtifi e d lif e coac h ,hypno t herap i st, a n d hum a n des i gn ex p ert, d edica t ed to guidi n gindiv i duals throu g h emo t ional maste r y. My books , "F*C K CARE G IVING "and " T he Gi f t of E motio n s," r e flect my jo u rney a nd in s ights intooverc o ming l ife's chall e nges. My ow n expe r ience s as a careg i ver,findi n g sol a ce in medit a tion a nd so u nd he a ling, have s haped mymissi o n to h elp o t hers p ercei v e adv e rsiti e s and emoti o ns asoppor t uniti e s for growt h . As t he fo u nder a nd CE O of t h e Sou l RESE TProje c t, I a m com m itted to le a ding o thers towar d self - love,authe n ticit y , and inner peace , empo w ering them t o emb r ace t h eir t r uepoten t ial.A B O U T M ENicole Y Hawkins
on the other side of pain youmeet your higherself.napoleon hill
RESET is an innovative program designed to facilitate deep personal transformationand growth. It's a structured methodology that guides individuals through a series ofphases, each focused on different aspects of self-awareness and healing. The journeybegins with Reflection, where participants introspectively examine their pastexperiences and emotions. This is followed by Examination, a phase dedicated tounderstanding these emotions and their impact on the body and mind.Next is the Study phase, where participants delve into each dense emotion using the six“self” concepts: self-insight, self-awareness, self-accountability, self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-forgiveness. This deep analysis facilitates a profoundunderstanding and management of emotional responses.In the Elevate phase, the focus transitions to actively transforming these emotions.Techniques such as meditation, journaling, and other therapeutic modalities are utilizedto shift emotional states towards positivity and empowerment. The final stage, Transcendence, is the culmination of the journey, where individualsstrive to reach their highest potential. This phase is about embracing growth, practicingself-compassion, and fostering a deeper connection with oneself and the world.RESET isn't just a program; it's a journey towards self-discovery, healing, andempowerment, providing tools and support for individuals to reclaim their inner strengthand live more fulfilled lives.RESETW h a t i s
Q U E S T I O N N A I R EWelcome to the first step of your transformative journey with the Road to RESET Program. Thank you forshowing interest in joining our program. This program was designed to offer a sanctuary for healing andgrowth, guiding you through a transformative journey that not only helps you confront and release pasttraumas but also empowers you to embrace you future with renewed strength, clarity, and self-awareness. To ensure this journey aligns with your personal goals, the following questions are designed to help usbetter understand your unique experiences and aspirations. We kindly ask you to answer the followingquestions.What does personal growth and healing mean to you?What are your specific goals for joining the Road to RESET Program?(For example, personal objectives, whether it’s healing from past trauma, achieving personal growth, orsomething else.)How do you envision your life changing as a result of completing this program?In what areas of your life do you feel you need the most transformation or improvement?How do you typically react to stress or challenges, and how would you like to change that response?
reflect on thetraumatic experienceR
Step one:complete themeditation belowbegin reflecting on next page
What specific traumatic experience are you seeking to let go of?Begin by introspectively reflecting on our significant or traumatic experiences. Thisinitial step is crucial for comprehending the ways in which these events havemolded our emotional reactions and perspectives. Engaging in this reflectiondemands both honesty and bravery. It entails confronting challenging inquiriesabout the nature of these experiences: the specifics of what occurred, the timingof these events, and identifying the individuals involved.R - ReflectShare details of when this occurred, who was involved, and where it took place?"What intense emotions emerged as a result of that traumatic experience?AngerShameGuiltFearLoneliness AnxiousDepression NumbnessConfusedAbandonment DisappointmentDisgustSelf-doubtStressHopeless RageGriefAggressive DiscomfortEnvyOverwhelmedHelplessDispiritedEmbarrassmentHurtIsolatedOutragedJealousHumiliatedInsecureNegativeIrritatedNervousOffendedSorrow Possessive Self-pityRejectedSubmissiveRegretVengefulOther (s):UnsettledTensionUnhappy
C H E C K - I NSelf-careHow happy are you with your life at this current time?How happy are you with your career path?How happy are you with your fitness levels?How happy are you with your friendship group and their support?How happy are you with you current motivation levels?How happy are you with your financial situation?How happy are you with your love life?How happy are you with the direction your life is taking?How happy are you with your own self?V E R YD I S A T I S F I E DV E R YS A T I S F I E D123456789101234567891012345678910123456789101234567891012345678910123456789101234567891012345678910
D R A I N E R SEnergyWhat are you currently putting up with in your life that iscurrently limiting you from reaching your goals? Use thebelow to identify these energy drainersEXAMPLES: Situations, Behaviours, Clutter, Crossed-Boundaries,Unpaid Bills, A relationship, Eating-habits
After “REFLECTING,” how do you feel?
Draw out how you feel in this moment.Art Therapy:
G R A T I T U D E T O O LThe 5 ThingsThink of just five things that you are genuinely thankful or gratefulfor in your life, and write them down on the hand below. Create ahabit where you do this regularly e.g. before you sleep, when youwake or whenever you are having a difficult day- Eckhart Tolle1."Acknowledging the good that you already havein your life is the foundation for all abundance"
DenseEmotiononeLet’s examine and take a deeper dive
Let’s examineDense Emotion Number 1:Sit quietly and focus on where you feel this emotion in your body. Is it a tightness inyour chest, a knot in your stomach, or a tension in your shoulders? Connectingphysical sensations with emotions can provide deeper insights into how your bodyprocesses and stores these experiences.Identify the thoughts that accompany the emotion and challenge any negative orirrational beliefs you might be holding. For example, if abandonment is the denseemotion, ask yourself what beliefs you have about being alone or unloved, and howthese might stem from or be reinforced by the traumatic experience.Engage in an emotional dialogue either with yourself or with a therapist. Talk to theemotion as if it’s a separate entity. Ask it questions like, “What are you trying to tellme?” or “What do you need from me?” This can reveal underlying fears or needsassociated with the emotion.Dense Emotion
Dense Emotion Number 1:Dense Emotion(Dense Emotion)Utilize this circle flow chart to gain a clear understanding of how emotions develop and influence our thoughts and actions. Here's abrief guide to filling it out:1. Central Circle: Write the dense emotion you're focusing on in the center.2. Outer Circle above the dense emotion: List a trigger like an event or situation that sparks this emotion. For example, if the emotionis sadness, a trigger may include loss, rejection, or nostalgia.3. Second Outer Circle: Connect this trigger to a related thought or belief. For instance, “rejection” may lead to the belief "I'm notgood enough."4. Third Outer Circle: Note a physical response linked to this emotion, such as 'tight chest' for anxiety.5. Fourth Outer Circle: Outline a behavior stemming from this emotion and physical sensation, like “withdrawal” or “aggression.”6. Fifth Outer Circle: Reflect on an outcome of these behavior, such as “feeling isolated” due to withdrawal.7. Sixth Outer Circle: Determine the direct outcome or impact of the behavior on your life and relationships. For example, if theidentified behavior resulting from withdrawal is “feeling isolated,” the direct consequence may be the development of unhealthycoping mechanisms.8. Seventh Outer Circle: For the behavior and its outcome, think of a positive coping strategy or action, like reaching out to a friend.This structured approach helps trace an emotion from its trigger to your response, offering insights for healthier emotionalmanagement.
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