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Y O U A R E I N V I T E DIt is both an honor and a joy to extend an invitationto The Golden Nest, a year-long companioningprogram held by a beautiful constellation ofwisdom keepers and elders on a journey oftransformation and sustainable change. We willshare our goals, desires, dreams, and stories whiletaking time to investigate and mend with both graceand critical thinking.The Golden Nest

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With the support and nourishment from the landand animals, an astrologer, healers, a financialplanner, bodyworkers, herbalists, consultants,artists, and more, we will develop the toolsneeded to sustain and harmonize our individualjourneys.We’ll use the year to learn, consider andexperience ways of being that will resonate withour own unique blueprints, ultimately preparingus each to take flight remembering we haveeverything we need. Your presence will enrichthis circle, and we look forward to the sharedunfolding of a transformative experience. Each month this commitment will include a halfday group meeting with individual check ins. With your commitment, you will receive anagenda with materials to journal and referencealong your journey.

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T U E S D A Y A T 6 P M6 5 6 5 B A B C O C K T R A I L I N V E R G R O V E H E I G H T S , M NM A R C H2 0 2 419Katri Balfanz and Deb Fee and Anna Decker will be introducing you tothe facilities, set expectations and exploring the beginning There is no cost for The Golden Nest. There will be an opportunity for reciprocity at the end of the year.Please RSVP by February 28th. Feel free to call if you have anyquestions. Katri Balfanz: 952-258-9830Deb Fee: 651-260-5153Anna Decker: 651-343-1273Our first meeting will be the evening ofMarch 19th at 6:00 to celebrate theVernal Equinox where there is perfectbalance between night and day. Vernalmeaning “of the spring”, “new” and“refresh,” sets us on a beautiful path toexperience a greater life force of creativeenergy within our minds and bodies.clickhere torsvp