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IDAHOFRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICEVoters Guide "The Voice of Idaho Law Enforcement"

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The Idaho Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is the largest LawEnforcement organization in Idaho, representing over 2600 LawEnforcement Professionals from all levels of government. Each andevery day, our members strive to protect every person’s right to“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” by maintaining anorderly and safe society. As the voice of our profession, weregularly communicate our rational, real-world perspective to ourelected officials in order to assist in their decision makingregarding the laws that we are asked to enforce. We commend those leaders who consistently demonstrate thecourage to do what is right, even when their position might not bethe most popular. Candidates who value and support ourprofession can use our endorsement in order to let theirconstituents know where they stand. IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Statement from the Idaho Fraternal Order of Police"The Voice of Idaho Law Enforcement"

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The endorsement from the Idaho Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is one of the mostsought-after endorsements in Idaho. Idahoans respect our law enforcementofficers and want to live in a community that maintains law and order. The FOP ismade up of over 2600 sworn law enforcement officers with 30 local lodges fromacross this great state. The FOP is run from the bottom up where the members setthe direction of the organization.Our endorsement selection process is simply to support candidates who supportofficers and law and order. It is considered by some as one of the most thoroughand lengthy endorsement processes with direct member input and approval. Firstand most important, we require a written request for endorsement. Without awritten request, we can’t consider an endorsement. We send a questionnaire that istailored to our priorities of backing the blue and law and order.We have an election committee comprised of members throughout the state.Our election committee reviews: Incumbent voting records on our priorities. The candidate questionnaire. Campaign contributions. Social media. Input from local lodges of the district the candidate is from.The election committee makes recommendations that are sent to all 30 lodgesacross the state for member input, as well as a two-thirds majority approval of therecommendations. The 30 local lodges have the final say in politicalendorsements. IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Idaho Fraternal Order of Police Endorsement Process"The Voice of Idaho Law Enforcement"

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The Idaho Fraternal Order of Police Political Action Committee was created tosupport candidates who support law and order and support law enforcementofficers. The FOP has a saying “Law and Order is the Safeguard of Freedom.” Noone knows the dangers of an officer more than officers. We also know the dangersof elected officials who enact pro-crime legislation that puts officers and citizensin danger. Look no further than states and cities that enact pro-criminal, anti-police laws andyou will see violence and chaos. Don’t let that happen here in Idaho. ‘Progressive” elected prosecutors have vowed not to enforce quality of life crimes. When quality of life crimes are no longer charged, quality of life ceases to exist The Idaho FOP has invested thousands of dollars and resources into lobbyingagainst policies that put our citizens in danger. We have supported candidateswho support law and order. We have stood up to criminal justice reform that puts citizens in danger and turnscommunities into crime zones. We need your help now more than ever! Make no mistake, there are “defund the police” efforts in Idaho. Please donate to the Idaho FOP PAC and help us support pro-law enforcement, law and order elected officials.IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE "The Voice of Idaho Law Enforcement" Idaho Fraternal Order of Police Political Action Committee

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Senator Woodward, a former US Navy member, resumed activeduty after the 9/11 attacks. He is a genuine hero whocomprehends the importance of safeguarding both our nationand community. The FOP endorses Senator Woodward due to hisstrong commitment to community service. He acknowledges thatsupporting law enforcement will uphold law and order in oursociety.Former Senator Jim Woodward District 1IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesThe FOP proudly supported Mark Sauter in 2022 as we viewed himas the most suitable candidate for law and order. During histenure as a member of the judiciary and rules committee overthe last two years, he has demonstrated his strong support forlaw enforcement, making him one of the top Representatives whostands by the police.Representative Mark Sauter

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Representative McCann is backed by the blue because shesupports the brave men and women who put their lives on theline for asafe community. Representative Lori McCann - Seat A District 6 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly Endorses

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Senator Geoff Schroeder District 8 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Bundy dedicated 20 years to serving in the US AirForce, flying bombers, teaching high school, and being a citycouncil member. He is a hero who values integrity and serves hiscommunity diligently. The law enforcement officers trust hisunwavering support.Representative Matthew BundyRepresentative Megan Blanksma Senator Schroeder has shown unwavering support for lawenforcement, acknowledging the essential role they play inupholding law and order in our great state.Representative Blanksma has demonstrated her consistentsupport for law enforcement during her tenure in the IdahoHouse of Representatives.

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Scott Syme - Senate District 9 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesAs a state representative, Scott Syme advocated for PTSD coveragefor first responders, managed the State Police Budget, andconsistently supported law enforcement. Having retired as a colonelin the US Army with two tours in Iraq, Syme served his countryhonorably. He received accolades such as the Bronze Star, Legion ofMerit, and numerous Meritorious Service Awards.The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) honored Representative Syme asthe "2022 Representative of the Year" for his dedication to mentalhealth coverage for first responders.John Shirts - Representative Seat A John Shirts possesses the experience and background essential forIdaho to uphold our quality of life by backing the individuals whouphold law and order.

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Representative Mike Moyle - Seat A District 10 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesWe trust that Speaker Moyle will leverage his leadership skillsto maintain Idaho's reputation as one of the safest states inthe country by endorsing law and order policies.

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Sarah Chaney - Representative Seat B IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Julie Yamamoto - Seat A District 11 We are confident that Representative Yamamoto will persist inher unwavering support for the men and women in lawenforcement who safeguard our communities.Sarah Chaney will strongly support law enforcement as sheunderstands the importance of upholding law and order.

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IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Jeff Cornilles - Seat A District 12 Senator Ben AdamsSenator Adams, a veteran who has served our country,recognizes the importance of supporting the men and womenwho safeguard our streets. This is why the FOP endorsesSenator Adams.During his initial term in the Idaho House, RepresentativeCornilles has demonstrated unwavering support for law andorder. As he stands by law enforcement, we stand by him.

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Jeff Agenbroad - SenateDistrict 13 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesFOP President Bryan Lovell mentions that Jeff Agenbroad, a strongsupporter of law enforcement, has worked closely with the IdahoFraternal Order of Police on different issues related to maintainingpublic safety. The endorsement for his campaign is a result ofSenator Agenbroad's demonstrated backing for law enforcement,which we have personally witnessed and appreciate.Representative Kenny Wroten Representative Wroten has shown unwavering support for lawenforcement throughout his tenure on the judiciary and rulescommittee. Idaho is a safer state thanks to Representative Wroten.

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District 14 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesSenator Scott Grow Senator Grow has dedicated efforts to safeguard Idaho againstillegal drugs and their detrimental impact on communities. Hechampioned the State Police budget to ensure proper funding forlaw enforcement and advocated for mental health coverage for firstresponders. In recognition of his contributions to drug legislation,the FOP honored Senator Grow as the "2021 Senator of the Year."

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District 20 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesSenator Chuck Winder Senator Winder is a true American hero, having served in the UnitedStates Navy during the Vietnam War and remaining dedicated to servingthe citizens of Idaho. He is a staunch supporter of law enforcement,consistently opposing policies that favor criminals and have negativelyimpacted neighboring states. Despite calls to defame and defund thepolice, Senator Winder stands firmly behind law enforcement. Weappreciate his rational and conservative leadership in our legislature.Senator Winder was honored with the "2013 FOP Legislative of the Year" award for his dedication tolaw and order and support for Idaho law enforcement.Recognized with the "2013 Legislators Award" for safeguarding Idaho's children through fundingInternet Crimes Against Children Investigations.Senator Winder was awarded the "2022 FOP Law and Order award."

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"I have dedicated twenty-five (25) years to law enforcement,collaborating with numerous public officials. In the past five (5)years, I have had the honor of working alongside Treg Bernt. Tregstands out as an unwavering supporter of law enforcement,consistently prioritizing public safety and the well-being of ourcommunities. Unlike those swayed by distractions and activists, Tregfocuses on the long-term welfare of our neighborhoods and policeforce.District 21IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesSenator Treg BerntI have witnessed Treg at City Council budget meetings with the City of Meridian, question thenumber of officers requested. Treg added more officers than those officially requestedbecause he knew what was best for the community and for our officers. Treg’s focus has alwaysbeen on our men and women in blue." -Tracy L. BasterrecheaRepresentative James Petzke“Rep James Petzke is supported by the men and woman in bluebecause we know of his unwavering support for those who protectour communities.”

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IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesDistrict 22Representative Jason Monks - Seat B Representative Monks has demonstrated strong leadership in theIdaho Legislature, advocating for a safe state that supports lawenforcement.

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District 23IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Melissa Durrant - Seat A Shawn Dygert - Representative Seat B Representative Durant, who comes from a family with a backgroundin law enforcement, fully understands the dedication of thecourageous individuals who work to protect and serve thecommunity. We have complete trust in her policymaking choicesthat will uphold law and order in Idaho.Shawn Dygert is dedicated to backing Idaho's law enforcementofficers who courageously risk their lives for the community.

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District 24IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesAlex Caval - Senate Representative Chenele Dixon - Seat B The FOP supports Alex Cavel because we trust her to understandhow to uphold a secure community in Idaho.Throughout her tenure in the Idaho House Judiciary and RulesCommittee, Representative Chenele Dixon has demonstrated herability to uphold law and order in Idaho. The FOP endorses herbecause her commitment to supporting law enforcement isgenuine when she says she "backs the blue."

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IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Greg Lanting - Seat B "Greg Lanting has been incredibly supportive of lawenforcement. During his time on City Council he worked to makethe my job easier." - Tom Carter, Twin Falls County SheriffDistrict 25Senator Linda HartgrenSenator Hartgren has consistently been a strong ally of lawenforcement, showing unwavering support for police officers.Through her position on the Senate Judiciary and RulesCommittee, she has championed law and order. The FOP isconfident that she will persist in her commitment to upholdinglaw and order.

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IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Jack Nelsen - Seat B District 26Mike Pohanka - Representative - Seat AThe FOP is endorsing Mike Pohanka for the upcoming May 21stprimary as we consider him the strongest candidate whosupports law enforcement.Rep. Nelson backs law enforcement officers due to hisunderstanding of the importance of upholding law and order.We stand behind him for his re-election.

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IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Dan Garner - Seat B District 28Representative Rick Cheatum - Seat ARep Cheatum demonstrates his commitment to public safetythrough his role as an elected official. He recognizes thesignificance of public safety for our communities.Representative Garner's service on the judiciary and rulescommittee has shown the FOP that he has a good grasp of lawand order. In 2023, Representative Garner was honored with theFOP "Top Shooter" award.Senator Jim GuthrieSenator Guthrie has repeatedly demonstrated his grasp ofpublic safety and the necessary measures to uphold law andorder in Idaho.

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District 30 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesJosh Sorensen - Representative Seat B Josh Sorensen is the candidate who will ensure accountabilityfor criminals and advocate for the interests of District 30.

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District 31 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Rod Furniss - Seat B The Idaho FOP has endorsed Representative Furniss with ourcomplete support, confident that he will consistently back ourlaw enforcement officers. His unwavering dedication to thosewho risk their lives for a secure community has been evidentthroughout.

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District 32 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Stephanie Mickelsen -Seat A "The police, sheriffs, and state law enforcement officers makesignificant sacrifices daily for all of us. It is crucial that they feelsupported as they safeguard and serve our communities. I stand insolidarity with law enforcement." - Representative StephanieMickelsen Representative Wendy Horman -Seat B Senator Kevin CookSen Cook is a backed by the blue because he is a friend of lawenforcement. We trust him to have our back.Representative Horman has shown that she understands what ittake to have safe communities.

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District 34 IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesRepresentative Britt Raybould - Seat B Britt Raybould prioritizes supporting our law enforcementpersonnel who work tirelessly to ensure the safety of ourcommunities. She has actively advocated for keeping drug dealersbehind bars, backing full police funding, and engaging with locallaw enforcement. Her consistent actions demonstrate her strongsupport for the police and commitment to advocating for lawenforcement.Representative Jon Weber - Seat A Representative Weber prioritizes safe communities, which is whythe FOP endorses his re-election campaign.

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IDAHO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Proudly EndorsesDistrict 35 Representative Josh Wheeler - Seat BRepresentative Wheeler has the support of the FOP because herecognizes that ensuring safe communities necessitates backingfrom elected representatives. He has consistently shown hissupport for law enforcement by endorsing "Back the Blue"initiatives and advocating for law and order.Senator Mark HarrisSenator Harris has shown dedication to Idaho law enforcement byrecognizing that safe communities depend on law and order.