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The Flippergubers SAMPLE

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by John Cayden

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the FLIPERGUBERS Escape from the Closet Copyright 2022 By John Cayden All rights reserved www johncayden com No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews This book may be purchased for educational business or sales promotional use For information please write to johncaydenbooks gmail com First edition published 2022 Written Illustrated and Designed by John Cayden Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Is available upon request if applicable ISBN 979 8 9859029 0 7

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for little protectors of earth in the making This is a work of fiction Animals trees rocks plants locales and incidents are either the products of the author s imagination or used in a fictitious manner Any resemblance to actual Flipergubers living or dead or actual places or events or puppies or hampsters or birds is purely coincidental For more information on other books for children and adults by John Cayden visit www johncayden com

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No Flipergubers were harmed in the making of this adventure

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This is a story about the Flipergubers who live in mysterious places and because they are so tiny we ve never seen their spaces Their leader is squishy but strong with the proud family name of Obe He likes old brown bananas and dreams of traveling the globe

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On a day like today but Tuesday of course when the sun had gone down and the light was no more Obe dreamed of a new space one he never explored he wanted to leave this old place for the want of much more

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He talked to his friends and the neighbors and pets his aunts uncles and cousins and the ones he forgets Only some of them listened and some happily agreed to go off with their leader to fill his need to know need

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First thing was first in deciding which way to go But they each pointed west except Asa you know Asa soon changed his mind and decided to be with in group and this bright band of Flipergubers shouted out with a whoop

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After the whooping and a bite of some bread the Flipergubers got themselves ready and made up their beds Let s take some stuff Some food and some hats No leave that behind we ll find some new that s

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Obe replied kindly We must travel light be agile and fast If we take too much stuff the adventures won t last

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So the group started off to find the edge and divider and their eyes got much wider as the portal got brighter The divider you see is a crack between spaces It s how the Flipergubers get in to this world and these places

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With giggles and smiles the group started out They moved through the divide giving goodbyes with some shouts When each Flipergubers was through and the heads would be counted the group looked around at new sites that astounded

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