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The Fabulous Female Magazine A Season Of Thanks Edition

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THE FABULOUSCELEBRATINGORDINARY WOMENDOINGEXTRAORDINARYWORKS!INSIDE THIS ISSUETransforming Brands with BoldStrategy and VisionHelping women find their voicethrough Self-Publishing PowerEmbracing inner peace andempowering women to lead withloveUpcoming: Females Are Fabulous– “Be Alive and Financially Thrivein 2025!”OLAMIDE SOYOYEOLAMIDE SOYOYEA SEASON OF THANKS EDITIONFEMALE MAGAZINEPASSIONATE BRAND STRATEGIST AND CONTENT MARKETER

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Table of CONTENTSInsider InformationDr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottiiDiscover the mission of Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott, publisher of The FabulousFemale Magazine, dedicated to empowering readers through exclusiveinsights, success stories, and practical tools for growth in all areas of life.The “Original Fabulous Female”, and how she helps fabulous females becomelegendary!Olamide SoyoyeEmpowering Brands with Strategy: Olamide’s Mission to Transform MarketingTara HayesFrom Story to Self-Publishing: Tara Hayes is Helping Women Find Their VoiceOmowonuola AleseLeading with Love: Omowonuola’s Path to Inner Peace and Empowermentfor Women LeadersWhat Makes You Fabulous?Upcoming: Females Are Fabulous – “Be Alive and Financially Thrive in 2025!”Don’t Talk About It, Be About it!What does this statement mean to you?Be Your Own Bank!i1257111215Wake Up, Fabulous Females andWalk In Your Fabulousity! Playbook16

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Welcome to our A Season Of Thanks editionof The Fabulous Female! Although thismagazine was five years in the making, I’velearned that everything happens in its owntime.This magazine is designed to provideFabulous Females with tools, resources, andstrategies to leverage their finances, connectwith other Fabulous Females, and sharestories of triumph as they navigate theirbusiness, finances, and life.Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott, PublisherI N S I D E R InformationThis issue explores how women give back intheir industry through their business and howthey impact others lives in the process. Thatmakes this magazine unique—we spotlight'ordinary women doing extraordinary work'and showcase them to the world through ourcirculation of over 250,000 people across allsocial platforms, websites, and onlinepresence. So, grab a cup of coffee, tea, yourfavorite drink, or water, and sit back, relax,learn, connect, and LEVERAGE!Join the movementof Fabulousity andconnect with me toshare your journey.Scan the QR code to get started!JAS Enterprise | P.O. Box 17063, Jacksonvillle, Florida 32247 | | info@femalesarefabulous.comii

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THE “ORIGINALFABULOUS FEMALE”DR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTHELPS FABULOUS FEMALESBECOME LEGENDARY!She became the original Fabulous Female inJune 2012. Her two daughters worked with heron the first annual Females Are FabulousEmpowerment Conference. This conferencewas created to celebrate the girls who hadparticipated in the programs, events, andmentoring sessions during the school year,and to recognize the professional andbusiness women who contributed asphilanthropists by giving their time, talent,and treasure (money) to support Essence ofa Lady, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationfounded by Dr. JoAnn moreDR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTDR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTFabulous is not just how you look on the outside, fabulous is synonymouswith extraordinary. Fabulous Females are ordinary women doingextraordinary works in their community, business and life!As Dr. Ajayi-Scott ensured that all girls,parents, and philanthropists receivedtheir awards and recognition, her twodaughters came on stage andsurprised her with the first-ever'Fabulous Female' award.Her love for the award birthed theinitiative of awarding the 'FabulousFemale' title to professionals andbusinesswomen who went above andbeyond in supporting Essence of aLady’s mentoring programs during theschool year.From there, she created the FemalesAre Fabulous Empowerment Seriesand, ultimately, the Fabulous FemalePhenomenon!Now, Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott is launchingthe Females Are Fabulous Movement.She is on a mission to bring 1,000business and C-Suite women togetherto help each other transform theirfinancial well-being by 2025.She is bringing together 10 women whowill share how they overcame the oddsto leverage their finances, buildgenerational wealth, and inspire othersto do the same!1

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OLAMIDESOYOYETransforming Brands with Bold Strategy and VisionOlamide Soyoye is a passionate brand strategist and contentmarketer whose journey in business began with her love formedia and marketing. With a degree in masscommunication, she was naturally drawn to the marketingindustry and immediately started her career aftergraduation. However, her desire to offer more personalizedmarketing solutions led her to build her brand on LinkedInand Instagram. Olamide’s unique ability to craft sales-psychinfused content, along with her expertise in brand andmarketing strategy, has been instrumental in her risewithin the marketing sector.Her drive to found her own business stemmed from herresult-oriented mindset and a passion for helping businessowners generate more profit. One defining moment early inher career showed her the potential for success, motivatingher to help others achieve similar results. She explains, “If Icould get results in a shorter time than I expected, I knew Icould help others do the same”. This desire to contribute tothe success of other entrepreneurs continues to fuel herwork.The primary challenge Olamide aims to address in her business is the issue of low or stagnantsales among hardworking business owners with fantastic ideas. She has seen firsthand how poormarketing can hinder progress and is dedicated to helping these businesses thrive. Olamiderecognizes that branding and marketing take time, but with the right strategy and team, theresults are undeniable.Olamide's business has been entirely bootstrapped, with no external funding. This self-sufficiencyhas given her the freedom to grow at her own pace and on her own terms.Tackling Sales Challenges Through Strategic Marketing2

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For her, the mostexciting part of her jobis the execution phase.While branding andmarketing requireextensive research andstrategic planning, thejoy comes from seeingthose plans in action.Looking ahead, Olamide envisions creating a club wherebusiness owners and marketers can come together tolearn, get inspired, and discuss branding and marketingbest practices. Her focus is on continuous improvement,ensuring that her clients always have access to the latesttrends and insights in the marketing world.One of the most significant lessons she’s learned is theimportance of knowledge when it comes to both businessand money. Olamide emphasizes that learning is acontinuous process, and staying informed is essential forgrowth.Her achievements in helping others succeed arenumerous, but a few stand out. For example, she mentored someone whose company was struggling with lead generation, andwithin a month, that company was able to generate over $25,000 in sales without spending anymoney on ads. She also helped a business owner go from being unknown to becomingrecognized by the right audience, leading to a smooth transition into brand monetization.A quote that keeps Olamide focused on her goals issimple but powerful: "Believe you can and you will".It’s a mantra that encapsulates her approach tobusiness and life.To women starting their journey in business or finance,Olamide offers this piece of advice:“Every woman has been created byGod to fill spaces men cannot.Recognizing the power and graceGod has given you is the first step tofulfilling your purpose in life. It maynot seem like you get it right at first,but always keep going becausegrowth comes when we don’t stopstretching”.3

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Thrive in 2025!Thrive in 2025!FINANCIALLYFINANCIALLYBe Alive andBe Alive andFEMALES ARE FABULOUSDR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTTHE “ORIGINAL FABULOUS FEMALE”Fabulous?What extraordinary work have you done in yourcommunity, business, or life?With all these accomplishments, is your money workingfor you, or are you working more, making more, but stillliving an average life?What Makes You The Females are Fabulous phenomenon is looking tohelp 1000 seasoned C-Suite and business women “Be Alive and Financially Thrive in 2025!” Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott has over 35 years ofexperience mentoring and empowering women inwealth building, monetization, and moneyacceleration! She and 9 other money and wealthexperts will come together for 12 months toprovide tools, strategies, and resources toempower 1,000 women to 'Be Your Own Bank,''Protect Your Family' in a crisis, and 'Establish aLegacy of Generational Wealth.'This journey starts at the 'Be Alive and FinanciallyThrive in 2025!' Retreat in January and ends at the'Females Are Fabulous Empowerment Conference'in December 2025!Join the movement.Let’s chat!5

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6FEMALES ARE FABULOUS2025DR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTTHE “ORIGINAL FABULOUS FEMALE”Saturday, November 23, 2024“Be Alive & Financially Thrive!”Pre-LaunchJoin the movement.Let’s chat!Scan the QR codeRetreat Package Options$250 — One Night$350 — Full WeekendPackages Include:Overnight accommodationsDelicious mealsEngaging retreat activitiesLoads of fun!

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Tara is helping women find their voicethrough Self-Publishing PowerTARA HAYESShe is a twice self-published author of thebooks From Irrational to Rational and Panicto Picnic: How to Find Your Own PersonalPath to Peace of Mind. After publishing herown works, Tara’s passion for helping otherstell their stories led her to establish TarafiedPublishing in December 2021.Her mission is simple yetprofound: ‘to help womenbecome self-published authorsand share their impactfulstories with the world’.The motivation behind founding Tarafied Publishing stemsfrom Tara's own experiences of hardship and discovery. Afterbeing laid off from two full-time accounting jobs in less thana year, Tara turned to self-publishing as a way to express herstory. Realizing the power of sharing her journey, she feltcompelled to assist other women in doing the same. Shebelieves that we all have stories that can make an impact andTarafied Publishing was born out of this belief.Tara is keenly aware of the obstacles aspiring authors face,such as formatting manuscripts, overcoming self-doubt, andnavigating the complex world of self-publishing. Her goal isto simplify the process and support authors at every stage,making the journey less daunting and more achievable byguiding them through each hurdle so they can successfullybring their books to life.When it comes to financing her business, Tara hasbootstrapped her entire venture. Despite applying for grantslast year, she hasn’t secured external funding, but herperseverance and self-reliance have helped her moveforward.7

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For Tara, the most fulfilling partof her work is reviewing bookideas from prospective authors.She loves hearing the diverseconcepts they wish to explore, andmeeting new people throughnetworking excites her. “I enjoylearning about the types of bookspeople want to publish andconnecting with new faces” sheshares.Looking ahead, Tara is optimistic about the future. Thanks toher continuous networking and word-of-mouth referrals,more aspiring authors are reaching out to her for help. She isfocused on delivering high-quality value to her clients, drivenby her passion to see each book succeed. Tara is dedicated tohelping every woman who comes to her achieve their dream ofbecoming a published author.The biggest lesson Tara has learned inher journey is the importance ofpatience and persistence. TarafiedPublishing is approaching its three-yearmark, and while she initially expectedfaster results, she now understands thatgrowth takes time and is embracing hercurrent season of growth. "Consistency and persistenceare what make business andmoney come into fruition. I’velearned that if I keep showingup, networking, and addingvalue, the money will follow,”Lessons in Growth: EmbracingPatience and Persistence8

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Proudest Achievements: ClientSuccess and Personal GrowthAmong her proudest achievements, Tara highlights helping one of her clients become anAmazon Best-Selling Author in six different categories. She also overcame her fear of publicspeaking, a challenge she continues to face head-on instead of running away from.WisdomWords ofA quote that keeps Tara groundedand focused on her goals is,This powerful message reminds her to push through her fears and pursue her dreams. Heradvice to other women starting their journey in business or finance is to take action todaythough the journey won’t be easy, but you only fail if you never try. Tara encourages women tonot worry about the judgment of others, emphasizing that as long as you don’t quit, success iswithin reach. Don't Die with YourDon't Die with YourMusic Still in You.Music Still in You. 9

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BE YOUR OWNBANK!This may sound unrealistic or even impossible, but wouldn’t it be wonderful tonever have to worry about whether your credit score, monthly income, or racewill determine if you get a loan? Unexpected emergencies can happen to youor your family at any time, hence the phrase, “Life Happens!”This is why the concept of "Be Your Own Bank"resonates with so many people today. Everyday,hardworking individuals—especially C-Suite andbusinesswomen aged 30 and up—are makinglong-term financial decisions to protect theirfamilies from societal judgments aroundqualifying for loans. They do this by saving andinvesting in themselves, building cash value toborrow from their own savings. They can accessfunds for a down payment on a house, car, orbusiness; cover repair costs; or even send achild off to college!Scan to complete and beinterviewed for thisyear’s activities!11

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ALESEOMOWONUOLA Embracing inner peace and empoweringwomen to lead with loveOmowonuola Alese’s journey began with a powerfulvision rooted in healing and transformation. Havingfaced her own struggles, she saw the immensepotential in sharing her story and empoweringothers to pursue self-acceptance. This purpose ledher to build a business centered on inspiring womenleaders to find peace within themselves andembrace their own stories.Her motivation stemmed from personal pain andthe realization that self-acceptance could be acatalyst for change. By creating a space dedicated toself-reflection, Omowonuola hoped to encourageother women to release self-doubt and to embracetheir journeys. The challenges her companyaddresses focus on empowering women to makechoices rooted in love rather than fear. Throughrelatable tools and stories, she provides women withthe support they need to shift mindsets and build alife that aligns with their authentic selves.When launching her business, Omowonuola reliedon an unwavering belief in her mission, combinedwith resourcefulness and persistence. Throughmeaningful connections and a deep conviction inher purpose, she pieced together the resourcesnecessary to bring her vision to life.12

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What fuels her most is witnessingwomen embrace their own power.Each story of transformationreaffirms the impact of her work,reminding her that lifting eachother up is central to her journey.Inspired by Empowerment:Fueling Transformation in OthersLooking to the future, she envisions building even stronger connections and creating safespaces for women to explore self-acceptance. She’s crafting tools to help women make peacewith themselves so that they can lead from a place of love.Reflecting on her biggest lesson, she has come to see money as a tool rather than the end goal.True wealth, she believes, lies in the impact she creates and the lives she uplifts. Investing inconnection and purpose has yielded returns beyond what she could have imagined.Her proudest moments come from seeing the transformation her work hassparked in others. Moving forward, she’s committed to expanding spaces wherewomen can reconnect with themselves and lead authentically.A quote that keeps her grounded is, "Total self-acceptance isthe key to unlocking peace, purpose, and joy in life". It servesas a constant reminder that her journey starts from within,allowing her to inspire others to do the same.For women just beginning their journey,Omowonuola offers this advice: Trust your path, let love and purpose guideyour choices, and remember that yourauthenticity is your most powerful asset.Though the road may be challenging, leadingwith love and commitment to growth willmake it worthwhile.13

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What does thisstatement mean to you?It means don’t just sit aroundand watch things happen—make them happen!eladies.bizIn the business world, it means don’t just have abusiness—get your business in front of yourtarget audience by marketing and promoting itfrequently. As a Fabulous Female, you have thebenefit of an online presence at eLadies.Biz,where women buy, sell, and connect! Get yourcomplimentary business listing today15

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To learn more about securing your future, borrowing from yourself,and achieving financial freedom, connect with Dr. JoAnn byscanning the QR code and get your playbook on Amazon.DOWNLOAD THE PLAYBOOK16