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The Fabulous Female Magazine

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THE FABULOUSINAUGURAL EDITIONDR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTDR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTCELEBRATINGORDINARY WOMENDOINGEXTRAORDINARYWORKS!FEMALE INSIDE THIS ISSUEThe “Original Fabulous Female”What Makes Your Fabulous?Don’t Talk About it, Be About it!Edification: Get Your FlowersWhile You are Alive!“Be Your Own Bank” Successful women are featuredmonthly to share top secrets andtheir stories of building wealth.THE “ORIGINAL FABULOUS FEMALE”MAGAZINE

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Welcome to our inaugural edition of TheFabulous Female! Although this magazine wasfive years in the making, I’ve learned thateverything happens in its own time.This magazine is designed to provideFabulous Females with tools, resources, andstrategies to leverage their finances, connectwith other Fabulous Females, and sharestories of triumph as they navigate theirbusiness, finances, and life.Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott, PublisherI N S I D E R InformationThis first issue offers insightful information,mostly from yours truly. Future issues willfeature one cover story and at least five otherwomen from various industries, sharing theirstories and promoting their products andservices. That’s what makes this magazineunique—we spotlight 'ordinary women doingextraordinary work' and showcase them tothe world through our circulation of over250,000 people across all social platforms,websites, and online presence.So, grab a cup of coffee, tea, your favoritedrink, or water, and sit back, relax, learn,connect, and LEVERAGE!Join the movementof Fabulousity andconnect with me toshare your journey.Scan the QR code to get started!JAS Enterprise | P.O. Box 17063, Jacksonvillle, Florida 32247 | |

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THE “ORIGINALFABULOUS FEMALE”DR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTHELPS FABULOUS FEMALESBECOME LEGENDARY!She became the original Fabulous Female inJune 2012. Her two daughters worked with heron the first annual Females Are FabulousEmpowerment Conference. This conferencewas created to celebrate the girls who hadparticipated in the programs, events, andmentoring sessions during the school year,and to recognize the professional andbusiness women who contributed asphilanthropists by giving their time, talent,and treasure (money) to support Essence ofa Lady, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationfounded by Dr. JoAnn moreDR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTDR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTFabulous is not just how you look on the outside, fabulous is synonymouswith extraordinary. Fabulous Females are ordinary women doingextraordinary works in their community, business and life!As Dr. Ajayi-Scott ensured that all girls,parents, and philanthropists receivedtheir awards and recognition, her twodaughters came on stage andsurprised her with the first-ever'Fabulous Female' award.Her love for the award birthed theinitiative of awarding the 'FabulousFemale' title to professionals andbusinesswomen who went above andbeyond in supporting Essence of aLady’s mentoring programs during theschool year.From there, she created the FemalesAre Fabulous Empowerment Seriesand, ultimately, the Fabulous FemalePhenomenon!Now, Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott is launchingthe Females Are Fabulous Movement.She is on a mission to bring 1,000business and C-Suite women togetherto help each other transform theirfinancial well-being by 2025.She is bringing together 10 women whowill share how they overcame the oddsto leverage their finances, buildgenerational wealth, and inspire othersto do the same!

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Fabulous?What Makes You What extraordinary work have you done in yourcommunity, business, or life?With all these accomplishments, is your money workingfor you, or are you working more, making more, but stillliving an average life?The Females are Fabulous phenomenon is looking tohelp 1000 seasoned C-Suite and business women “Be Alive and Financially Thrive in 2025!” Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott has over 35 years ofexperience mentoring and empoweringwomen in wealth building, monetization, andmoney acceleration! She and 9 other moneyand wealth experts will come together for 12months to provide tools, strategies, andresources to empower 1,000 women to 'BeYour Own Bank,' 'Protect Your Family' in acrisis, and 'Establish a Legacy of GenerationalWealth.'This journey starts at the 'Be Alive andFinancially Thrive in 2025!' Retreat in Januaryand ends at the 'Females Are FabulousEmpowerment Conference' in December 2025!Book a Clarity Call tolearn more Today!

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What does thisstatement mean to you?It means don’t just sit aroundand watch things happen—make them happen!eladies.bizIn the business world, it means don’t just have abusiness—get your business in front of yourtarget audience by marketing and promoting itfrequently. As a Fabulous Female, you have thebenefit of an online presence at eLadies.Biz,where women buy, sell, and connect! Get yourcomplimentary business listing today

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EDIFICATION: GET YOURFLOWERS WHILE YOU ARE ALIVE!This month, we spotlight Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott. Affectionately knownas Dr. Scott, she has spent over 35 years on a mission to educate, mentor,and empower women to achieve optimal health and wealth as parents,professionals, and businesswomen in this ever-changing world. She is theFounder and CEO of Essence of a Lady, Inc., a sustainable 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization.Dr. Scott created a network of over 400 philanthropists, later called theEssence Ladies (E’Ladies) Network, who contributed their time, talent,and treasure to further the vision of empowering women and youth,especially girls, to achieve maximum health and wealth. Through the "Each One, Teach One" concept, Dr. Scott partnered withover six school districts in three states to educate, mentor, and empowermore than 1,000 girls through mentoring programs, workshops, fieldtrips, and special events. Additionally, she collaborated with national,state, and local community leaders, including Mentor and Susan Taylor’sNational CARES Mentoring Movement, to recruit mentors. She alsoworked with other nonprofits and businesses, such as Big Brothers BigSisters and Communities In Schools, to provide support for youthprograms.

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To learn more about Dr. Scott, click link below:Iconic Trailblazers - Top 5Most Influential BusinessLeaders Making an Impactin 2024Local school districts and community organizations provided programlocations, in-kind donations, and sponsorships to support the studentsselected for participation. With these combined efforts, Essence of a Ladyfurthered its mission to educate, mentor, and empower youth through adultphilanthropy for 20 years, from January 2004 to June 2024, touchingthousands of lives and awarding over $40,000 in scholarships between 2011and 2024.Dr. Scott has received numerous awards and recognition for her relentlessefforts to "Be The Change" she wishes to see in the world. Her most recenthonors include gracing the cover of an international magazine for executives,publishing an article, becoming an author, and receiving the InternationalWomen Alliance Ministries (IWAM) Unstoppable Award, which will bepresented in October 2024!WE WOULD LOVE TO FEATURE YOU!Share your journey to success for a chance tobe highlighted in the Fabulous Femalemagazine, speak at our upcoming retreat, orbe honored at our awards gala. Don't missthe opportunity to place your brand in frontof Fabulous Females nationwide! Scan theQR code to set up an appointment.

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BE YOUR OWNBANK!This may sound unrealistic or even impossible, but wouldn’t it be wonderful tonever have to worry about whether your credit score, monthly income, or racewill determine if you get a loan? Unexpected emergencies can happen to youor your family at any time, hence the phrase, “Life Happens!”This is why the concept of "Be Your Own Bank"resonates with so many people today. Everyday,hardworking individuals—especially C-Suite andbusinesswomen aged 30 and up—are makinglong-term financial decisions to protect theirfamilies from societal judgments aroundqualifying for loans. They do this by saving andinvesting in themselves, building cash value toborrow from their own savings. They can accessfunds for a down payment on a house, car, orbusiness; cover repair costs; or even send achild off to college!Scan to complete and beinterviewed for thisyear’s activities!

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To learn more about securing your future, borrowing from yourself,and achieving financial freedom, connect with Dr. JoAnn byscanning the QR code and get your playbook on Amazon.DOWNLOAD THE PLAYBOOK