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The EB Teachers' Club Admin Flyer

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THE EB teachers club R E V O L U T I O N I Z E planning and teaching with E N G A G I N G and R I G O R O U S lessons that are completely aligned with E L A S T A N D A R D S

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If you re anything like the principals we were fortunate enough to work with at our schools you care about providing your teachers with exceptional curriculum programs so that they can deliver effective lessons to their students You want your teachers to show up confident excited and prepared to teach each day with rigorous and engaging lessons but not at the cost of burnout And like so many of the principals we ve met through the EB Teachers Club you want your middle school students to become critical readers and writers who can confidently analyze a text craft an essay and engage effectively in class discussions all while having fun You know that providing your middle schoolers with a strong reading and writing curriculum will ensure they are prepared for high school and beyond So when you can find a program that meets the needs of both your teachers and your students it s a game changer Our EB Teachers tell us that not only are their admins raving about the lessons they are teaching but that the EB Teachers Club is life changing for them professionally emotionally and physically and their students LOVE the lessons Imagine being able to provide your teachers with a go to community where they not only find the exact engaging and rigorous lessons they need to help their students master the standards but their days nights and weekends aren t filled with work stress and worry about what they should be teaching next week or even the next day We invite you to take a peek inside the EB Teachers Club and see for yourself the transformation that s awaiting your ELA teachers and their students Thank you PAGE 3 EB Academic Camps LLC

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included u _s_ _ n _ o _ _ _ _ Ob ES TW URC TH O S E R ON at M H EAC ers choose hwehir t h Teac s best for o new k wor s with tw d nt lease stude ources re th es ELA r ach mon e TWO MONTHLY print and go LESSON PLAN BUNDLES Teachers can easily differentia te lessons by choosin g the 5th 6th grade vers io n or 7th 8th grade vers ion guest speakers Creating a Positive Culture and Climate in the Workplace Literary Lenses QUARTER LY TEACHER trainings led by so me innovativ of the most e and in s p ir ing educato rs and thought leaders The Rooted Classroom 3 Ideas to Engage in SEL The Masks We Wear PAGE 4 EB Academic Camps LLC The Collaborative Classroom

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BATCH PLANNING BOOTCAMP We guide te achers throu gh the work will transform that the way the y plan and eliminate co mmon teac hing frustrati We include ons our complete ly done forcurriculum m you aps and sch teacher test edule of ed and stud ent approve activities G d et ready for the teacher scra mble stress to disappear It totally s time for yo u r te achers to enjoy tea ching again THE ER EB TEACH y t i n u m co m of e network a positiv chers ol ELA tea ngly o h sc le d mid ho willi e globe w th d n u er ro a te and off collabora ps the e that kee ri e d ra a cam aching spark in te also HOW TO TEACH NARRATIVE WRITING A complete 3 week online Professional Development Course MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNT Click here for our current Calendar of Events 30 off hundreds of engaging lessons in the EB Shop BONUS CONTENT Grammar Sorts Test Preps Classroom D cor Lesson Plan Templates Mini Writing Units and more PAGE 5 EB Academic Camps LLC

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GRADES 5 6 EXAMPLE Short Stories Issue 17 is all about analyzing spooky short stories and using text evidence and justification in this engaging Mock Trial activity click here

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a lesson plan bundle GRADES 7 8 EXAMPLE Research Starting a Business Issue 36 helps students invest in their learning Students will learn and practice persuasive techniques as they create their own product and pitch it to a panel of investors Our resources are Printable Editable Digital and come with ELA Standards aligned ready to turn in EDITABLE lesson plans online LEARNING COMPONENT Our S T U D E N T F A C I N G V I D E O S walk students through the digital resources and instruct them how to complete each lesson so teachers don t have to Lessons are accessible remotely through Google Classroom and are also compatible with Microsoft Teams so students can complete them at school or at home PAGE 7 EB Academic Camps LLC

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have to say With the terrific templates and accompanying materials from EB Academics I am able to provide rigorous lessons tied to the state standards and keep students involved and engaged through the whole unit 6th and 7th Grade ELA Teacher 12 years of teaching There was one thing that provided less stress EB lessons I did not have to worry about planning anything because I had done so before this moment I now have more time with my family without taking away from my students 5th 6th 7th and 8th Grade ELA Teacher 11 years of teaching I love how my students always know to expect rigorous activities but they are also eager to do them due to how engaging they are It s awesome to see how far they ve come and how capable they are 5th and 6th Grade ELA Teacher 17 years of teaching Of our EB Teachers surveyed 96 say they would recommend The EB Teachers Club to other ELA Teachers 96 of EB Teachers find the monthly EB Issues Rigorous and Engaging PAGE 8 EB Academic Camps LLC 94 say that the EB Teachers Club has alleviated stress in their school and personal lives

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Included in the EB Teachers Club 2 Monthly Print and Go Lesson Plan Bundles Your Choice of 2 Bonus Resources Each Month Quarterly Teacher Trainings Batch Planning Bootcamp The EB Teacher Community Members Only Discounts A complete How to Teach Narrative Writing 3 Week Online Professional Development Course Bonus Content SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP license Includes all EB Academics programs resources and events EB Writing Program EB Teachers Club past current and newly released resources EB Grammar Program to be released this summer All on demand training videos live virtual professional development workshops and Batch Planning Live events 2x per year REQUEST A QUOTE OR MORE INFORMATION PAGE 9 EB Academic Camps LLC EB Writing Program

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www ebacademics com caitlinandjessica ebacademics com