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The Constructioneer Winter 2023

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THE CONSTRUCTIONEER W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 Dutton Plant, Grand Rapids

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C F OS A F E T YR E C R U I T I N G L A F A Y E T T EH O U G H T O N L A K EL A N S I N GP H E N D & B R O W NC A L - R E G I O NS O U T H B E N DL A P O R T EG R A N D R A P I D SB H / K A L A M A Z O OI N D I A N A P O L I SB I G R A P I D SP E T O S K E Y / T CT O W N & C O U N T R YI T Y E A R S O F S E R V I C E P A G E 1 P A G E 2 - 5 P A G E 6 P A G E 7 P A G E 8 P A G E 9 P A G E 1 0 P A G E 1 1 / 1 2 P A G E 1 3 P A G E 1 4 P A G E 1 5 P A G E 1 6 P A G E 1 7 / 1 8 P A G E 1 9 P A G E 2 0 P A G E 2 1 P A G E 2 2 P A G E 2 3 - 2 9

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A wise man once opined that the waiting is the hardest part. It's a catchy tune that resonates, especiallyas we look forward to the holidays with loved ones while patiently biding our time for what Santa maybring. That phrase means something more for us employee-owners – we're waiting to see how we did onyesterday's Daily Job Costs, how our Area performed this month, and what the stock price will do thisyear. Fortunately, we already know the secret of how to eat the elephant: one bite at a time. As each of usperforms every aspect and every rudiment of our jobs to the absolute best of our ability, it's no surprisethat our relentless collective excellence, day in and day out, adds up to equally spectacular daily,monthly, and annual results. I am pleased to report that this year's annual results are an early Christmaspresent – Rieth-Riley is on pace to have a very successful year once again. We are especially grateful forthese positive outcomes as we consider the state of the world today and all the chaos in the daily newscycle. Our ability to focus and tune out the noise around us enables us to control what we can control andmake positive contributions where we can.It was another busy year on the acquisitions front. We acquired the Dutton asphalt plant near GrandRapids in early spring, and it became the second-largest producing plant in the company this season.Buoyed by the Dutton plant acquisition, the Michigan areas continued their remarkable performanceagain this season, while Northern Indiana had one of the best years in recent memory, as the synergiesbetween Town & Country and Phend & Brown continue to gather momentum. Central Indiana contributedto the company's outstanding year as well, with both Indianapolis and Lafayette performing a largevolume of work at a high level. In other words, the company has been able to leverage its projects mosteffectively. Our commitment to being the absolute best at the basics of the business is what drives ourability to deliver these kinds of results consistently.As always, safety and quality remain our focus in the field. Our safety team won the ICI 2023 Gold SafetyAward again this year, our 8th time in the last nine years winning the award! Our "Safety, Quality,Production" initiative continues to yield remarkable results, as our recordable injury rate remains belowthe national average of the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Not to be outdone, our quality team inboth states also continues to excel. Our Michigan team continues to perform at a high level, while ourIndiana team has also upped their game. Congratulations to the areas, our safety group, and our qualityteams for their impressive performance this year!Rieth-Riley's vision is to "Continually Grow and Prudently Sustain the ESOP," while our mission is to "Bethe Absolute Best at the Basics." Year after year, we have achieved success through disciplinedexcellence in those basic rudiments of the business, including bidding, job execution, safety, quality, andcustomer service, without compromising our core values of honesty and integrity. Each year is anotherbuilding block that strengthens the foundation for our ESOP's continued growth, not only for us but forsuccessive generations of Rieth-Riley employees.Thank you for your efforts and focus this past year. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season!1Letter from the Chief Financial OfficerMike Weber

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Even though we just ended the 2023 season, we must start preparing for 2024. Safety training is an integralpart of the process. Dudley Moore once said, “The best safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it."That may be true, but cops and safety personnel can’t always “follow” employees. We must ensure allsupervisors are properly trained and monitor the safety rules even when no one is watching. We conduct annual safety training in the spring. Safety Supervisors look at incident trends within Rieth-Riley and the heavy highway industry to provide relevant training topics. In 2023, motor vehicle incidentsand accidents were number one on our list. Safety Supervisors will attend a Smith System “train thetrainer” class in defensive driving. Rieth-Riley employees will then be instructed on the defensive drivingcourse during Rieth-Riley spring safety training. Safety training is broken up into groups to eliminateinstruction areas that do not pertain to a certain employee. For example, we don’t train asphalt plantemployees in traffic control; they don’t use it. Here is a list of the training groups and topics we conduct annual training with.OSHA/ Rieth-Riley Safety Refresher for field workers.Plant safety for plant employees.MSHA Refresher for miners.DOT/ Truck Training for drivers.ATSSA Traffic Control Supervisor training for employees setting traffic control.First Aid/ CPR/ AED for all supervisors.30-hour OSHA Construction training for all supervisors.We also conduct as-needed training in excavation, fall protection, confined space, flagging, respirators, etc.It is important to continually safety train your employees. Henry Ford once said, “The only thing worse thantraining your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.”Safety 2By Bob MontelMeet the Team!Dan LivingstonCentral INMitch RussellCentral INRyan EganMichiganBob MontelSafety ManagerJacob OgiegoNorthern INToby WitmerNorthern IN

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Safety Catches!3

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4Safety Catches!Watch for Us Campaign

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Congratulations to Dennis Demoss (Rieth-Riley) and everyone involved in getting House Bill 1015established and passed. House Bill 1015 requires the Indiana transportation department toestablish the worksite speed control pilot program to enforce worksite speed limits. Dennis lost his son, Coty DeMoss, and co-worker Ken Duerson in a work zone accident. Dennis is aHighway Hero and advocates for work zone safety. He helped start the non-profit RoadConstruction Awareness Corporation. The organization successfully developed and installedINDOT-approved highway signs that read, “SLOW DOWN. SAVE A LIFE. WE’RE ALL IN THISTOGETHER.” The organization also provides financial and personal support to families of deceasedand injured workers in the road construction industry. Dennis is saving lives, and everyone at Rieth-Riley is proud of everything he has done to help getHouse Bill 1015 passed.House Indiana Bill 10155

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All industries, especially construction - specifically heavy highway/civil construction, need help findingsuitable job candidates. Rieth-Riley is making efforts to incorporate a workforce development strategythat will attract and retain talent. We are partnering with high schools and colleges in Indiana andMichigan by hosting plant tours, job site visits, and coming into the classroom to discuss the careerpathway options available to students. Our internship program has proven to be our best talent pipeline! We hired 12 graduating seniors acrossthe company this year. It's very exciting to see these numbers! Rieth-Riley attended 12 college careerfairs in Indiana and Michigan this fall as we prepare for next summer's internship program. Thank you toeveryone who participated in this season's career fair; your time is appreciated. .Workforce Development6Recruitingby Megan HaynesThe Civil Construction Pathway hosted the 1st annualHeavy Equipment Safety & Skill Competition atMacAllister Machinery in Indianapolis. We are proudto say that Rieth-Riley came in first place! EricHolmes, General Superintendent, coached threestudents from Hamilton Heights High School. Theevent featured teams building a pad while operatinga skid steer.Judges evaluated based on the followingcriteria: safety, documentation, andaccuracy/quality. Purdue NW Jared Carlson & Dan McClureValparaisoAndrea Wick, Joel Dykstra & Courtney KisonBall StateBrian Strout & Megan HaynesIndiana StateMegan Haynes & Jazmin RamirezMichigan TechCourtney Kison, Megan Haynes & Bill BarnhartPurdueSam Wilson, Megan Haynes & Courtney Kison

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Lafayette is working hard to finish strong to close this banner 2023 season! To quickly recap, we arecompleting the 4-year Teal Road project, as well as sizable projects on SR 26, US 52, SR 18 and 218, to justname a few of the many. Due to the tremendous volume that Lafayette enjoyed in 2023, our crews havemade a major push in the field so that we can finish everything in early December. It has been achallenging and busy season, but the entire Lafayette team pulled together to ensure we had anotherfantastic year.We also have an extensive list of projects to carry over to 2024 including the I-65 widening projectscheduled to finish in the spring of 2024, the US 231 widening and resurface project, SR 38 CCPR, andseveral other projects. Our estimating department is hard at work to continue to add to this backlog fornext season.About eight years ago, Lafayette made a concentrated effort to promote and excel in ALL site work relatedto paving, which really shows! Now, we can compete with anyone regarding full-service site workoperations as well as the concrete and paving work we've always succeeded at. We showed that bythoroughly understanding and following our company's mission statement, "Be the Absolute Best at theBasics", we again lead the market in the Lafayette area.Congratulations to Lafayette's ENTIRE team (Office, Q/A, Field, Estimators, and Management)! Our extremeeffort and long hours push us to go above and beyond to aggressively pursue INDOT, cities, county,private, and community crossings' grant work. Lafayette finished 2023 with tremendous volume,translating into a highly favorable backlog that will fuel a bright 2024!May every Rieth-Riley employee have a safe, enjoyable, and relaxing holiday season!7LAFAYETTEby Chris WeinkaufSR-26Lafayette’s Concrete Crew showingFrankfort Civil students how to build aconcrete pad for their baseball team.

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Greetings from the North. With our season ending after another great year, we were blessed withsunny fall days to enjoy some well-deserved downtime before the holidays begin. While we know thesnow is coming, we are happy now, enjoying the sunny days while they last.Our plant crew was hard at work with R&M while the nice days were still available. Silo work and afew small projects are near completion already. With a couple more projects to go before they shutdown for the year, they are the only thing standing between them and a restful winter with theirfamilies.This summer we completed a very large tonnage mill and fill at the Oscoda Wurtsmith AirportAuthority. The project included a corrective wedge course and a top course. The 2.5 mile freshlypaved taxiway was later used as a testing ground for Car and Driver’s 0-to-150-to-0 speed test. Check out the article! 2024 has a positive outlook, and we have been blessed to have been read low on a few state jobsalready. We have more state work available in the December letting and we hope to capitalize onthose as well.We want to welcome Max Hofweber as our newest estimator. Max graduated from Northern Michiganand joined our team this past May. Max has experience as an MDOT intern, and many of us in ouroffice worked with him while he was an intern, making his transition smooth and memorable. He hasalready earned some great nicknames here in our office, and we are confident that he will be a greataddition to our team.As always, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas from the Houghton Lake office.8HOUGHTON LAKEby Nick OppermanOscoda Wurtsmith Airport 0-to-150-to-0 Speed Test

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Winter has arrived, and the final push to complete the last tons of the year is underway in Lansing. Mother Nature gave us a scare with some cold temperatures but is looking to cooperate for a bit longer tocomplete all our projects before a much-needed break. Our US-127 project from the City of Mason to the Jackson County line kept one crew busy most of theseason. This job required the installation of a significant amount of asphalt tons and involved therehabilitation of 48 lane miles. It took our entire team's hard work and dedication to deliver a project thatwe are all enormously proud of.In addition to our US-127 project, our earthwork crews stayed busy in Meridian Township, working on asignificant crush and shape project in residential neighborhoods. We worked for the City of Mason,upgrading utilities, reconstructing the roadways, and working for the Lansing Board of Water and Light,restoring behind their crews. Our asphalt season continued after US-127; we had to finish our project withWalsh on I-496 and complete county paving packages in Clinton, Eaton, Jackson, and Livingston Counties.Overall, it has been a busy 2023!This season, we welcomed Jenifer Colley as an accounting clerk. We had three interns, David, Grant, andHudson, in Lansing. The interns gained firsthand experience in the field, the QC lab, and the office, workingwith the office staff, project managers, and estimators. David will graduate from MSU this winter and jointhe Kalamazoo Area after graduation.LANSINGby Adam Roberts9We also added a member to our crew; we are utilizing a TinySurveyor robot on our US-127 project to helpwith the layout. Of over 240 miles of painting needed on the project.We want to celebrate the dedication, excellence, and commitment of all to achieve a successfulseason. We wish everyone a safe and happy off-season.

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Our crews were busy this year with several INDOT projects, including SR-15 Auxiliary Lanes in NewParis, a new road and bridge on CR 1300 in Milford, Woodview Road Reconstruct in Nappanee, andcollaborating with Cal-Region Bridge Group on a new bridge on US-31 in Marshall Co. Our team workedtogether and achieved our safety goal of zero recordable injuries this season. Phend & Brownsubmitted the INDOT US-30 in Marshall County for a Quality in Construction award with NAPA. Ourteam worked together and achieved our safety goal of zero recordable injuries this season. Phend &Brown submitted the INDOT US-30 Resurface project for a NAPA award. We are thankful we couldperform all this work safely and with the highest quality.We enjoyed holding a customer appreciation luncheon in September to show our appreciation. It was arainy day, but we had a nice turnout and enjoyed good food with good people from Hogs R Wild FoodTruck out of Leesburg, IN.Phend & Brown, Inc., and our major subcontractor, Rieth Riley – Gary Bridge Group, hosted OregonDavis High School students on the US31 Bridge Project in September. The students are participants inthe school’s Civil Construction Program. The day started with a safety briefing in the project stagingyard. The group visited with a mechanic, the borrow dirt operation, fill placement on the road grade,and bridge construction. We discussed employment opportunities, including trade crafts,superintendents, lab technicians, estimators, and project managers. The project constructionsequence was explained to include how each employment opportunity is essential to the constructionprocess. The tour concluded with lunch and a discussion of possible opportunities in our industry. Itwas our pleasure to host this group of students and give a firsthand look at the work we are proud of.Greetings from the Phend & Brown division. As we wind down the 2023 season, we are thankful for a safe,rewarding season.10Phend & Brown by Tanja BishWe welcomed Riley Wagoner to the ESOP family as an Estimator/Project Manager. He graduated fromIndiana State University this summer and was an intern in the South Bend Office. Riley has been a greataddition to the Phend & Brown team.Oregon Davis Tour US-30

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2023 is quickly winding down, Old Man Winter’s icy grip is upon us, Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, andeveryone’s settling in for the long winter’s nap, but Cal-Region is still firing on all cylinders and on pace tohave another successful year. As always, we are laser-focused on being the best at the basics. On the safety front, our area’s safety catchprogram has kept our field personnel and superintendents focused on putting safety first. We are pleased tobe awarded a NWIBRT/CAF Recognition Safety Award for the 8th consecutive year. The other area we remainfocused on is our quality. We achieved above our expected bonus on most projects and had a couple ofprojects in which we nearly achieved all the potential bonuses. Great job, quality control department! We are again elated to have two projects put up for awards this season. Our INDOT US 231 project has beenput up for a NAPA award, and our National Park Connector Trail project has been nominated for an APAIAward. Good luck, team!With all the asphalt placed, concrete poured, dirt moved, and bridges fixed or replaced, we couldn’t havedone all this without our incredible team in the Area. This year, we have bolstered our roster with thefollowing individuals:Josh Bolen joined us as an ESOP Project Superintendent in January. Josh started with Rieth-Riley in 2014 asa laborer and soon moved into a foreman role. He was promoted to his ESOP position this year. Bill VanBlaircom joined us as a Project Superintendent in our Structures group in May. Bill is the proud fatherof two children. He enjoys mission trips with his church, traveling, hunting, fishing, or anything outdoors.Jeremy Gerner also came aboard in May as a Quality Control Technician. Jeremy is the father of three youngchildren and loves to coach his son’s baseball team. He has been a volunteer firefighter in Schneider for thepast ten years.Tommie Davis joined the QC team as a Quality Control Technician in June. Tommie was born in Erie,Pennsylvania, and raised in Chicago. He loves his Chicago sports teams. He enjoys golfing, fishing, music, andcamping. This is his fifth year as a QC Technician and first with Rieth-Riley.Tarelle Kirk joined the QC department in July as a Quality Control Technician. Tarelle has three children (twoboys and one girl) and has been married for just over a year. He enjoys good food, sports, and anythingoutdoors and relaxing when he isn’t parenting. He is genuinely excited to join our team and looks forward tothe future.Jake Wheeler joined our group in a Project Superintendent position. Jake joined the ESOP team after hissecond year of interning. He is continuing his education at Purdue Northwest on his way to getting his BS inConstruction Engineering and Technology and MS in Engineering Technology. 11CAL-REGIONby Chris Speichert

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Ryan Frost came aboard in September as an Estimator and Project Manager in the Sales Department.Ryan has 12 years of experience in the construction industry, where he’s handled various projects fromwind farms to outdoor air pavilions. He is married to his wife, Kaitlyn, and has a son, Bennett, and adaughter, Everly. He is a diehard Cubs and Bears fan and enjoys golfing. Joel Dykstra has returned to Rieth-Riley and joined the ESOP family as a Project Manager/Estimator.Previously, Joel interned with Rieth-Riley for two years and graduated in 2021 from ValparaisoUniversity with a degree in Civil Engineering. Joel recently received his FAA Part 107 drone license.Welcome everyone to the Cal-Region Team!We want to give a big send-off to Ray Stone, QC Lab Manager, who has decided to retire after 23 years ofservice to Rieth-Riley in the Quality Control Department. Ray is planning on traveling and spending timewith his grandbabies. Congratulations on your retirement!Congratulations to Pat Konja for his promotion to the Valparaiso Lab Manager position, replacing Ray.Great job and keep up the excellent work!Finally, on behalf of the 50-plus ESOP owners of the Cal-Region, I would like to send a huge THANK YOUto everyone at Rieth-Riley. What we have here is something extraordinary, and I hope everyone has achance to reflect on how fortunate we are to be Employee Owners of our great company. We thankevery one of you for your hard work and dedication to helping this company continue to flourish. Wehope you have some time over the holidays to relax and enjoy quality time with family and friends, andwe look forward to returning to it in 2024! Happy Holidays!CAL-REGION Chris Speichert 12SR49 - ChestertonNational Connector TrailGary Plant

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Greetings from the South Bend and Elkhart Area! The 2023 Construction season is quickly coming to an end. Looking backat this year, we had a very successful season and are proud of what we accomplished! We couldn't have done it withoutour team's hard work and dedication throughout the season.Here's a look at a few of the projects we completed this year:South Bend Airport Reconstruct Taxiway B & Terminal Apron –this work included reconstructing the airplane apronand building a new taxiway.Wilden Ave. Reconstruct an LPA project with INDOT & the City of Goshen. It is a 2-year project that started last yearand completed in the 2023 season.SR 5 in Shipshewana & US 20 in Middlebury. Both Projects are in conjunction with the Cal-Region Group.In another collaboration with Cal-Region's Bridge Division, we completed the Douglas Rd. Reconstruct project.In addition to these jobs, we also completed various jobs for the City of South Bend, including contractor pavingrounds 1,2 and 3, Campeau Street, Longfellow and South, and Locust Road.We are excited to stay busy with two underground intensive projects this winter.City of Bend YSB Thrive Subdivision Infrastructure – New water, sanitary, and storm sewer mains as well as earthwork, new sidewalks, curbs, and roadway.Lakeville Water Distribution Improvements - New water, sanitation, storm sewer mains, and earthwork.We also have some exciting projects to start off the 2024 construction season.McKinley Hwy Reconstruction is an LPA project with St. Joseph County and INDOT. The project replaces the existing2-lane asphalt roadway with a 4-lane concrete roadway with a turn lane. This 2-year project began in 2023 and will becompleted in 2024.SBN Reconstruct Taxiway B & Apron Bid D – A major project that entails new asphalt and concrete. This work willbuild off the previously bid C package we completed this year and includes constructing more of the new taxiway andreconstruction of the apron. This year, we celebrated our ESOP Week in October. We had a packed week of activities, including trivia, a taco bar, an icecream/sundae bar, a manager's breakfast, chili cookoff, and all culminated with a tailgate for the Notre Dame vs. USCgame. We had several events to raise money for charity. We had a cornhole toss competition and a guess the aggregate ina jar competition. The money we raised will go to the Hillis Hans Community Center, which helps at-risk families andchildren with a place to do schoolwork and after-school activities and provides warm dinners to the families.We are excited about the future of our Area and continue to focus on being the best at the basics. The South Bend andElkhart Area wishes everyone a safe, healthy, and productive 2024 construction season!13SOUTH BENDby Garrett VanParysUS 6 - BremenChicago Trail

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The end of the 2023 paving season is just about here, and our crews are busy trying to beat the snow,putting the pedal to the metal, and finishing up jobs. The LaPorte area had a varied market this year,and we used all our skills to take on projects in many different areas. We see lots of growth in thenon-asphalt portions of our market.Our estimators did a great job winning nearly all the INDOT work in our market. Our opportunitieshad the crews working and getting mix from all our plants north of Indy. This year, our team workedon many bundle jobs, from the various county ADA ramps to small structure replacements and hadto wait out the weather with a Cured-In-Place Recycling (CIR) job. All in all, we learned a lot as agroup. Our asphalt crews did excellent work on US35/Pine Lake Avenue through the north side ofLaPorte and on US212 with a resurfacing after CIR. Many thanks to all the Rieth-Riley plants, Town &Country, and Phend & Brown, who helped supply the mix for our various jobs and lending crewswhen needed.We had a very good year paving for LaPorte County with their roads package. Laporte and MichiganCity both had projects that were also completed by our crews. The largest of them, Truesdell, iscompletely reconstructing the area around Clear Lake. The CCMG program was another avenue wehad great success in winning. Starke County (Range Road), LaPorte County (400S), Letters &Numbers, North Judson, Town of Rensselaer, Starke County (600E), Knox City, Michigan City, Townof Pines, Westville, and Beverley Shores about cover all the CCMG projects. Other interestingprojects from this year include Love’s Truck Stop, Laporte Airport, Arens Field Hangar Rehab, NewPrairie Running Track, and Starke County Airport.In some great news, we successfully recruited our two newest superintendents, announced in theSpring Constructioneer, as ESOP employees. Ray Holliday and Jake McDougal both joined the groupin the fall. We look forward to introducing them to our ESOP culture and festivities during ESOPweek. As standard for LaPorte, we look to enjoy some local restaurants and do some activities duringour post-Thanksgiving ESOP week.Lastly, the LaPorte area would like to say congratulations and thanks to Todd Bell on his summerretirement. Todd is an incredible man, and we appreciate all he did for the Area during his time here.We look forward to a busy winter of bidding to lead to a successful year in 2024!14LAPORTEby Patrick Mullin 92' Box Culvert - SR 114Starke County Airport

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Grand Rapids, Dutton, and Zeeland are nearing the end of another busy paving season. It was our first season withthe addition of the Dutton plant, and we are pleased to say it went very well! This season, we continued to do a lotof work with all the local counties, cities, and MDOT. Our commercial division had another great year, too. Somehighlights include Muskegon Correctional Facility, Gordon Food Service, P.J. Hofmaster State Park, and Penske. Wewill enter the 2024 season with a good amount of carry-over work and will work hard over the winter to find morefor next season. Our three plants have great production numbers again this year, so a big thank you goes to them!This year, for ESOP month, we had Rieth-Riley Carhartt backpack coolers made for all our employees and ESOPmembers. Thanks to Rick Willison for the recommendation! They are super nice, and everyone has enjoyed havingthem!We would also like to congratulate our team on the following APAM Awards:15GRAND RAPIDSby Angela LemkeCat 4 – Urban Street ProjectsAward of Merit52nd Street Reconstruction, Kent CoContractor: Rieth-Riley, Dutton PlantOwner: City of KentwoodCat 5 – Local Agency ProjectsAward of Merit 1Grand River Drive and Buttrick Avenue, Kent CoContractor: Rieth-Riley, Grand Rapids PlantOwner: Kent County Road CommissionCat 6 – Single Course Overly ProjectsAward of Merit 1M-45, Ottawa CoContractor: Rieth-Riley, Zeeland PlantOwner: MDOT Grand Region, Muskegon TSCCat 5 – Local Agency ProjectsAward of Merit 2Gregorville Road and 133rd Avenue, Allegan CoContractor: Rieth-Riley, Dutton PlantOwner: Allegan County Road CommissionCat 6 – Single Course Overly Projects Award of Merit 1 M-45, Ottawa Co Contractor: Rieth-Riley , Zeeland Plant Owner: MDOT Grand Region, Muskegon TSCCat 2 – Projects 10,000 to 30,000 TonsAward of ExcellenceM-66 Barry CoContractor: Rieth-Riley, Dutton PlantOwner: MDOT Grand Region, Grand Rapids TSC

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Benton Harbor/Kalamazoo by Brady Reynolds16With a snowy Halloween here in southwest Michigan, we still had some work to wrap up ouryear. But like every year, the snow was not here to stay, and we finished strong. This season, wecompleted another big project on US-31. We paved four lifts for 12 miles on US-31 for this yearand it looks fantastic.Congratulations to our estimators this year. They had their work cut out for them when anothermultiyear job on I-94 came up for bid. They secured this multi-year job, which will continuethrough 2026. We have already begun working on it to prepare for next year.The office will see some new faces this winter. Former Lansing intern, David Warnock, will joinour Kalamazoo Office as an Estimator. Also, moving to the Office from our QC team, JustinKrueger will start this winter as an Estimator. We had customer appreciation lunches atKalamazoo and Benton Harbor; each had a great turnout despite everyone’s busy schedules. As our seasons all end, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas!I-94 Paving with plant in background US - 31 Niles, MI to Berrien Springs, MI

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INDIANAPOLISby Jennifer Welch 172023 has been an extremely busy and successful season for commercial construction in the Indianapolis Market.Some of the exciting jobs that we have been working on include the following:Fishers Event Center - This will be the new home of the Indy Fuel hockey team. We have installed half ofthe curbs and asphalt and look forward to completing it next spring.Indiana Law Enforcement Academy - This will be the new training facility in Plainfield for all lawenforcement agencies in the State of Indiana. A test track for police cars is part of this very high-profileproject. Rieth-Riley and its tri-venture partners continue to work on the Clear Path 465 project for INDOT. The full scope ofwork for this project includes two contracts to provide added travel lanes, new ramp lanes, 14 new bridges, tworehabilitated bridges, maintenance work, interchange modifications, and utility relocations at the I-465 and I-69interchange on the northeast side of Indianapolis.Recent highlights include a large patching project on I-465 that involved atrial installation of pre-cast concrete panels. Additional progress includesupcoming traffic switches onto the new I-69 southbound to I-465 westboundbridge and I-465 westbound to I-69 northbound, continued work on bridgesat 82nd Street and 71st Street, and installing MSE wall in the I-465northbound/southbound corridor. Public officials break ground at the site of a new Indiana Law Enforcement Academy expansion. (Photo provided by the Office of Gov. Eric Holcomb)During the coming winter months Rieth-Riley will be working onadditional MSE wall, piling, beam, and deck installations on two bridgereplacements. The I-69 southbound on- and off ramps to 82nd Streetwill be closing soon to begin work on additional MSE wall and a newbridge. New ESOP EmployeesThe Indy Area welcomes the following new ESOP employees.Jon Holman - ESOP Foreman – IndianapolisChad Layton – transitioned to ESOP Foreman – Indianapolis

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ESOP Group EventsIndy Area held our ESOP week in June. It was a big success. Monday was a dip-off competition. Cody Fowler wonwith a spicy sausage queso dip.Tuesday was brunch, where the Area Managers served lunch lady style, and the office competed in a Guess WhoBaby picture game.Thursday was pizza lunch and a skee-bag competition where Spencer Clephane had the highest score.Friday, everyone brought finger food to share, and the office competed in a game of 2 truths and a lie.Indianapolis Cont...18Future Generation ESOPWe would like to welcome the future generation of ESOP members:Ethan Brown - Quality Control Lab Manager, Indianapolis, and his daughter, born 8/30/23Cody Fowler - QC Regional Manager, Indianapolis, and his son, born 9/8/23Dan Livingston - Senior Safety Supervisor of Central Indiana and his granddaughter born on 9/26/23The Area hosted 32 ESOP employees and 113 family members for a day at the Indiana State Fair in August. We rented aroom and hosted lunch for everyone in the middle of the day.In September, the Indy Area held our 9th annual golf outing fundraiser. We had Rieth-Riley employees and sponsorcompanies, totaling 120 players, come out for a nice day of golf and networking. Everyone enjoyed a box lunch, 18holes of golf, dinner, and a prize raffle to wrap up the day. All of the proceeds raised at the golf outing go to purchasingthe Thanksgiving baskets that are handed out to the neighborhood surrounding the Indianapolis office.In November, we completed our 9th annual Thanksgiving basket drive. Rieth-Rileyemployees, as well as several of the sponsor companies, came together to assembleand deliver 600 dinner baskets. It would not be possible without everyone’s help anddedication to the cause. The neighbors are grateful every year to receive all the foodingredients needed to cook a Thanksgiving meal.Cody Fowler Spencer Clephane

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Sunrise, on November 9th, 2023, embarked on the final two weeks of paving for the season. As the plantsfired up, crew members wrapped up to finish their final jobs of the season. 2023 was a variety of jobs,including highway, county, and a variety of smaller jobs. The 2024 season will start with a few jobs beingcarried over from the 2023 season. We knew 2023 would be days of working from sunrise to sunset as the books showed a healthy workload.The workload and tonnage increased as the season progressed, proving 2023 to end better thanforecasted. The factor causing 2023 to end above expectations was adding tonnage acquired fromcounties and private work.As paving exceeded expectations, the docks kept up with the increased tonnage and tried to keep the Areasupplied with material to the best of their abilities. As the season ends and the plants shut down ourattention turns to the Manistee dock. As predictions call for more snowfall and colder temperatures thiswinter, we predict the total shipment of salt out of the Manistee dock will increase, too.The crews displayed dedication, perseverance, and a notable work ethic during a challenging 2023. As theworkload and hours increased, the crew’s goals remained the same: to get the job done with quality and toget home safely. We want to thank the crews, the office personnel, and the quality control department for their hard workand dedication this season.We wish you Happy Holidays and a safe winter from the Big Rapids area.BIG RAPIDS, LUDINGTON, AND MANISTEEby Matthew Skiver19White Pine TrailPere Marquette River Community Access

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Greetings from Northern Michigan! We are wrapping up another excellent year for our Area. We want to start with ahuge thank you and congratulations to everyone involved - It truly took the entire team to accomplish all our goals thisseason and overcome adversity. Hats off to everyone in our Area for a great year!Our Area was fortunate to see an uptick in tonnage compared to last season—the I-75 Cheboygan County and US-31Alanson projects drove our schedule this season, which led to a nice, steady/busy summer for everyone. We did a greatjob securing a lot of county and commercial work this summer to fill the gaps in our schedule. The end of our pavingseason will be wrapping up, and we are happy to say we should be able to complete most of the work this year beforeMother Nature says that is enough. Everyone in our Area did a great job this season and produced a lot of good-qualityprojects throughout Northern MI.Our Aggregate Division had a successful 2023 season as well. Kasson Sand and Gravel finished their wash plantupgrades earlier this season and it looks quite different around there compared to a few years ago. Kasson once againhad another great year producing and supplying a variety of aggregates. Our other portable aggregate crushers werealso very busy this season. One crushing operation was downstate producing aggregate for Lansing and Grand Rapids,while another stayed up north producing aggregate for our area. In addition to those operations, with the substantialdemand for aggregate in Northern Michigan, our impact plant was able to sit in the Afton Quarry all summer for the firsttime in a very long time. Congratulations to everyone in the aggregate division on a great job keeping our customerssupplied this season.In October, we did something different for our ESOP month. We had a food truck go to three of our locations, visitingKasson Sand & Gravel, the Petoskey office, and the Afton quarry. The food truck was something different and a big hitwith everyone at each location. In addition to the food truck, each employee received a nice insulated Rieth-Riley safetyjacket, hooded sweatshirt, and Rieth-Riley hat with the American flag.As we close the door on the 2023 paving season, we are fortunate to already have a good workload ahead of us for the2024 season. The second year of the I-75 Cheboygan County project will keep us going for a decent part of the summerwhile we were the low bidder on a nice-sized project on the I-75 business loop in Gaylord in the November letting. Thatwill help fill the schedule and our estimating team will be securing many more opportunities for us for next season as welook forward to another strong year.We want to thank and congratulate all the employees throughout the company on another great year. If we stick to ourbasics, continue to do what has got us to this point, and not become complacent, the future will continue to be brightfor all of us.We wish you all a healthy, safe, and happy holiday season. God Bless..20PETOSKEY / TRAVERSE CITY / AFTON KASSON SAND AND GRAVELby Trevor GreenLake CharlevoixM22/M109 - Glen Arbor ESOP Week

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The offices are buzzing with the hustle and bustle of the end-of-the-year touches and the behind-the-scenes preparations for next year’s season. Nearing the end of our 2023 season, we welcomed two new truckers to our team, Cameron Mable andAllen Vojta-Craggs. We wish our new members much success in their journey with Town & Country. Tocomplete this season’s remaining jobs, we added two temporary crews and our existing paving crewto triple productivity coverage. We want to thank the Laporte crews for helping us wrap up ourschedule for the year. Our region has been blessed with mild weather, and our teams are taking fulladvantage of this opportunity to put ourselves in a good place to begin next year’s season. This season, Town & Country hosted a special benefit for one of our very own crew members, AlanBlake. In support of his fight against Bone cancer, the community and crews came together andraised just over $5,000 to help Alan and his family with any financial hardships they may face. If youwish to donate to Alan’s cancer fundraiser, a link to his GoFundMe page - 21TOWN & COUNTRY By Holly Morgan As we wrap up another year, our season concludes on a high note with an APAI Quality submission forthe Sandy Pines parking lot. We have a good backlog already on the books for the 2024 season. So ourplant will hit the ground running to help secure another productive year. From our work family to yours,we hope you have a joyful and safe holiday season! Sandy Pines Parking Lot

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It’s hard to believe another season is coming to an end. Now, it is time for upgrades! The ITDepartment has been busy preparing Windows 11 computers, iPads, and servers. Windows 10 willbe at the end of its life in October 2024. Computers that are non-compatible with Windows 11 willbe replaced. All plant and scale JWS computers will be replaced with new Windows 11 computersthis winter. Please be patient with our support team while configuring all this new equipment. Weare also rotating out old, unsupported iPads from the field. Please ensure ALL iPads and plant/scaleJWS computers are returned to Goshen for winter maintenance/replacement. The sooner they arereturned to Goshen the sooner they will be returned to you.In a continued effort to protect Rieth-Riley’s data, we will be moving to a 15-character minimumpassword starting January 1, 2024. Please start changing your passwords now for this upcomingchange. As a reminder, do NOT share your password with anyone (except IT).Password rules: contains at least 1 capital letter contains at least 1 number contains at least 1 special character minimum of 15 charactersWe want to welcome two new team members to IT. Odalis Chacon joined us in June as a SeniorSupport Technician, and Jack Edgarton joined us in November as a System Administrator. Pleasewelcome Odalis and Jack to the Rieth-Riley family. Reminder: if you need IT Support, please or call ext. 20506 or 574-875-8949. IT By Jennifer Montel22

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2929292928282828272727272726262626252525252525Lynette SingletonLee YarlingBrett RicheyClarence HollidayKarl FairbanksKimberly BeardPeter CaponChristopher WeinkaufSamantha BraggJoseph DaleyJason OgiegoEric GreenRandall MisenerJacqueline OliverKristine HochstetlerChad WaldoEquipmentIndianapolisSouth BendLaPorteBig RapidsGoshenGoshenLafayetteLaPorteLaPorteGaryBenton HarborBig RapidsBig RapidsGoshenBig Rapids3939363636353434323231313131303030+ Years of Service John BerscheitJason TuddyJohn TuddyRussell JensenChad LoneyDennis Demoss JrJames CzarneckiMarc DiamenteRena FishBrian InnigerPatrick SlevinScott BroeJuan Gonzalez JrDavid BarbourMichael ThompsonLarry BushongRaychelle TroutBryan KeiserPatrick PlunkettCraig HachlicaDonald PoortKirk BreukinkRosann LaurettiGoshenIndianapolisIndianapolisBig RapidsGoshenIndianapolisSouth BendSouth BendGoshenGoshenGoshenGaryGrand RapidsSouth BendGrand RapidsHoughton LakeHoughton LakeLafayetteSouth BendGaryGaryGrand RapidsGrand Rapids25 - 29 Years of Service Keith RoseKevin DemingMichael JanisJames WisemanAmy TecenoJonathon GreathouseRaymond StoneJoseph WekenmanMelinda LorenceJennifer MontelMichael WeberEd MoraRodney DavisEric EnglekingJason RobbinsEric QualizzaKaren StarkeyCory RogersDaniel Cullison JrMatthew SampleNancy YoderDaniel ForemanRicky KonjaShaundel ElowskiNichole PierpointLogan LauzonJohn SniegowskiGoshenSouth BendGaryGaryBig RapidsIndianapolisGaryGrand RapidsGoshenGoshenGoshenSouth BendGaryGoshenSouth BendGaryGaryEquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteGaryGaryLansingLansingHoughton LakeBig Rapids24242424242323232222222222212121212020202020202020202020 - 24 Years of Service 23Years of Service

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Dru BuckDavid VanderweeleDaniel KreagerGregory SchaubStuart WrightGina HoggsAnthony MooreOleg BorodkinHarrigan WilliamsAndrew BaileyAngelo MazzocchiBrian BrownStacy JovanovichPhillip RossDaniel LarsonJimmie RangerDaniel SepeterTerry SequinThomas BeebeMichael BrownCorey CookWilliam DupuisMichael EllwangerJames PembertonBrion SobleskiMary SouthwoodMark WagnerJason DeckerBenjamin DeschermeierKelly HarmonJohn HauslerBradley ShearerClyde JohnsonKarl GrockauMichael JaskelaDawn ArmstrongRory ElinkowskiPatrick KonjaLarry AdamsTimothy FoutsLisa VolkeningTimothy CzerkiesThomas HorkeyAdrienne ReisigTerry LamanJames AndersonJoseph CzarneckiBob MontelSamantha VanaelstMark BentleyJohn DurachtaNancy Grimler-NorrisRobert HenkeLawrence HowardDarren AmorKody ParkChad VandercookScott HowardMelissa HathawayRob KonopinskiMichael JosonThomas DuncanJason WaltersMatthew HostetlerColin KlettRodney MckenzieJames BovenJw Friend JrAlton Rhodes JrDwayne BeanGoshenGoshenEquipmentEquipmentEquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisMilfordMilfordSouth BendSouth BendGaryGaryGaryLansingLansingLansingLansingHoughton LakePetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyIndianapolisSouth BendGaryGaryBenton HarborBenton HarborPetoskeyPetoskey191919191919191919191919191919191919191919191919191919191919191919191818181818181818GoshenBenton HarborBig RapidsGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenIndianapolisIndianapolisGaryGaryGaryBig RapidsBig RapidsPetoskeyPetoskeyGoshenGoshenIndianapolisLafayetteLafayetteSouth BendBenton HarborBig RapidsGrand RapidsGrand RapidsGrand RapidsPetoskey1717171616161616161616161616161615151515151515151515151515 - 19 Years of Service 24

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EquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisSouth BendGaryGaryBenton HarborBig RapidsLansingLansingPetoskeyGoshenGoshenEquipmentEquipmentIndianapolisLafayetteLafayetteLafayetteLafayetteLafayetteSouth BendGrand RapidsGoshenGoshenEquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisSouth BendSouth BendLaPorteLaPorteSherri RiceKatherine KittlausBarbara StevensJustin PyleDiana BuikemaChristopher FoutsNeil GarnerAndrew LockhartThomas BrodbergTenya DziobakTrevor GreenDennis HannaMichael IntlekoferBryan RuppelDuane SchollErika PierceJerald Beaman JrCorey DemossBrian GarrettScott GilbertMichael RomingerAnthony KaserMartin LahaieJacquelyn SchnellRandall StineAlfred CaggianoJohn AlsupEric JordanJeremy MatheneyEric MckinleyDewey RamboKevin WerkingStephen KintzeleJacob KwilaszLucas HollidayJoshua Jessup10 - 14 Years of Service 141414141414141414141413131313131313131313131312121212121212121212121212111111111111111111111111101010101010101010101010GoshenGoshenGoshenEquipmentEquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteLaPorteBenton HarborLansingIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisMilfordSouth BendSouth BendGaryBenton HarborBenton HarborHoughton LakeCody FowlerDaniel LivingstonKarmen RensbergerBrian BlosserSeth GishEric HolmesWesley MarshPaul Ruschmeier JrSamual TolenHaley BrownJacob HollidayRickie Hall JrMichael ComptonJonathan HollandJeffrey MattixChristopher MyersDeborah ShannonJennifer MoraPaul TinsmanKatharine WhitmerMark SpeichertMichael GardnerRenee OrrJoseph Montgomery25

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Roderick AbbottJordan SinesBrian CarlsonMichael FishCaleb FreyLucas ClarkCory DownsTaryn KendallMaxim KuznetsovWendy MontorsiAdam MillerRobert O NealAngela LemkeAndrew ThompsonStephanie FearAndrew PerryEmily BayStacy SmithDanelle SolinaKatelyn ZonkerAmy FerrellMatthew AlexanderSamuel AllisonCheryl BechtelJim EvansJoshua GuerinTravis EllisonJordan HenryConrad WaltersRuben AlvaradoJoshua FreeseHannah GrittonDrew SnodderlyCarlos DelgadoPatrick MullinWilliam SmithPaula ThomasJames BolenJacob HerrenbruckZachary SassmanDanielle SharpThomas WachowskiBrian WhitcombBrady ReynoldsDenny Shelton JrSteven Sitzema JrRyan CravenPatricia TurnerKevin MikowskiJeffrey MillerMark NoonanRobert NoonanRussell NoonanKristopher RoelofsNichole SchopierayJason SzegdaKeegan BrennanEsperanza MartinezEthan BrownSpencer ClephaneTyler Joseph 5 - 9 Years of ServiceGoshenGoshenIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteLafayetteSouth BendSouth BendSouth BendBenton HarborBenton HarborGrand RapidsGrand RapidsLansingPetoskeyGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenEquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteLafayetteLafayetteSouth BendSouth BendSouth BendSouth BendLaPorteLaPorteLaPorteLaPorteGaryGaryGaryGaryGaryGaryBenton HarborBenton HarborBig RapidsGrand RapidsGrand RapidsPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyGoshenGoshenIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolis9999999999999999888888888888888888888888888888888888888877777Chad LaytonSteven RobertsonDaniel BakerTodd BellZackerias FratgilloDaniel McclureJustin KruegerGregory MuthAdrienne BealsEdward LewisNicholas OppermanElisha AveryAaron SeymourTyler ThorntonAndrew BischerDerek CarrollSara ClarkJoshua ComptonKeeton CooperJanet FishAndrew RaynerTrevor RodriguesBrandon WeinkaufJames Green JrJoshua DohnerNicholas NobleNicholas LoganMorgan OtolskiJoshua BolenKelly GaleAdam RobertsRobert PaddockDirkus CallahanMegan HaynesEryce HughesKyle KilgoreTara NobleDerrick NorrisRyan ColwellMichael CorneliusJanet HubbardMatthew LevenhagenJennifer WelchDakota AtkinsKristie BrooksRachael CzarneckiJacob ZielinskiJordon HampelJack TrottierChandler GillTina MaggertAlexandria PetersMatthew SkiverTrent WillardGeorge LopezTrent ThompsonKoort LeyrerSara VasquezStacey PriceTaylor SwansonPaul GlotzhoberKyle StokesIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteLaPorteGaryGaryBenton HarborBenton HarborLansingLansingHoughton LakePetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyGoshenGoshenIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteSouth BendSouth BendLaPorteLaPorteGaryBig RapidsLansingPetoskeyGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteSouth BendSouth BendSouth BendLaPorteLaPorteGaryBenton HarborBig RapidsBig RapidsBig RapidsGrand RapidsGrand RapidsLansingLansingPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskey7777777777777776666666666666666655555555555555555555555555555526

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Jessica FullertonMatthew SheaKelly CaldwellDerrick DeanBrenda FehrenbacherPhilip HardingJazmin RamirezDavid SaloJoseph SchneiderJeremy TuttleDouglas HoltRebecca Wismiller-ReavesJames PlunkettStephen CusonDelta WilsonShalise ColemanShane AnstettLogan BlankDaniel MarlorMatthew ErbischDouglas Langone 4 Years of Service444444444444444444444GoshenEquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteLafayetteSouth BendGaryGaryBenton HarborGrand RapidsGrand RapidsGrand RapidsPetoskeyPetoskey27

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Ethan BeldenAmanda VoreisMelinda CifelliJuan HernandezKale HopperDaniel SmithJoshua StevensMatthew VandootinghMegan TreberFelipe BrisenoDaniel ZaklanBrandon DavisDavid GunterMark SlaughterRodney UrbanoJacob CowsertMatthew RoseTyler DardTyrel ElowskiJacob RangerSamuel CopeJacob WasylewskiJacob JaskiewiczJoseph WesseldykKiel HiltsTraci AdamsDavid BlackwellCarolyn BrennanCourtney KisonMonica MillerJacob OgiegoJenna RiceLindsey SchlemmerJason TuckerTobias WitmerOlivia StevensonJesse GrassMichael PitzBenjamin SchuylerRandy ZimmermanNicole CooperTanja BishAndrew BrownLarry BurckhartRobert DraperLeonard KlineGGoshenGoshenIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteSouth BendGaryGaryDeMotteDeMotteDeMotteDeMotteBenton HarborBenton HarborGrand RapidsLansingLansingPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenEquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteMilfordMilfordMilfordMilfordMilford3333333333333333333333333222222222222222222222Brent LambJames MckinleyRodney PetersonJennifer RassiAndrew SchoutenArmeda ShanefelterTravis ShetlerMyra SteeleRyan WagonerJennifer SeveritDerek SauerGarrett VanparysClarence HollidayJoshua KellamMilos LukicJoshua MillerShawnique O'DellRebecca SassmanAndrea WickCole KistlerJessica KopulosHolly MorganAdam RochefortDyllan WolfeZachary SarsfieldAndrew StrainerTodd HuizengaNathan SmitsStephanie CramerKc FrankovichTrey SmallDarren CzerkiesGian HallMichael StevensBradlee StilesErin Martin PontiacRicky BirtlesRyan EganPatrick GrimmerJeffrey GurneyGary PriceCamryn RobertsMitchel RussellAndrew SparksKyle TrentNathan HornigJordon MorrisLisa BenderGregory BurksWilliam CarterIMilfordMilfordMilfordMilfordMilfordMilfordMilfordMilfordMilfordMilfordSouth BendSouth BendLaPorteGaryGaryGaryGaryGaryGaryDeMotteDeMotteDeMotteBenton HarborBenton HarborBig RapidsBig RapidsGrand RapidsGrand RapidsLansingLansingHoughton LakePetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyBig RapidsPetoskeyGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenGoshenEquipmentEquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolis222222222222222222222222222222222222211111111111110 - 3 Years of Service28

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Aaron EarleyDylan FoxJustin RussellJacob StrangeJacob ProwettSherri WhitemanMatthew RiningerClay ManeringBreann WilsonJared CarlsonThomas Gervase IiMatthew MinielJennifer OlejnikSasa ZdrnjaSarah DykhuizenAustin EdsallJoseph WiestSarah CarrierEthan DolliverJessie ParkMackenzie CregoSummer LyonsRobert RigoniRussell LeachCaleb NantellTravis SweetenJason TroutnerTimothy BirtlesAlyssa ColeOdalis ChaconKiley EllisBrian JohnsonMelissa YoungJared AydelotteJonathan HolmanBrian StroutJessica WebbDakota MckinleySamuel WilsonRiley WagonerMatthew ChilcoteTommie Davis JrJoel DykstraRyan FrostJeremy GernerTarelle KirkWilliam VanblaircomJacob Wheeler JrValerie EbyDale HebnerMax HofweberWilliam BarnhartSamuel HollopeterStanley RocheleauIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteLafayetteMilfordLaPorteLaPorteGaryGaryGaryGaryGaryDeMotteGrand RapidsGrand RapidsHoughton LakeHoughton LakeHoughton LakePetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskeyGoshenGoshenEquipmentEquipmentIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisIndianapolisLafayetteLafayetteMilfordSouth BendGaryGaryGaryGaryGaryGaryGaryGrand RapidsGrand RapidsHoughton LakePetoskeyPetoskeyPetoskey1111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000000000 - 3 Years of Service29