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The Climb Information Book

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The Climb Inc42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | |

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Welcome to the Climb!Our nonprofit was founded in 2022 from a personal need. I was"climbing" in my career and did not have the guidance of a woman ofcolor to help me navigate my organization's nuances and politicallandscape. When I became a senior leader, I realized that myexperience was not unique; many women of color who looked like mewere trying to understand how to navigate and climb the "careerladder." From that known need, I founded The Climb to fill the gap insupporting women of color aspiring to become managers orexecutives. Women make up almost half of the workforce in America, but few arein leadership roles within their companies. This is especially true forwomen of color. The rate of women of color in leadership is drasticallylow compared to white female counterparts.Our goal is to demystify the career climb, providing a culturallyinclusive and welcoming space for women of color seekingmentoring, connection, and coaching to become career leaders. Wewant these women to recognize their assets and use them in buildingan intentional career journey.The Climb has established a number of programs dedicated tosupporting and empowering women of color. Our program enablesus to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive programming. Sincerely,Felicia SmithFounder and ChairpersonThe Climb 42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | |

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The Climb helps women of color incorporate, government, and nonprofitindustries navigate everydayworkplace challenges and gain thetools needed to attain managerialand executive leadership positions.Our goal is to provide a culturallyinclusive and welcoming space forwomen of color seeking connection,mentoring, and coaching to becomeleaders in their careers.The Climb is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to the professionaland economic advancement of women of color through the fostering ofcommunity, mentorship programming, and professional developmenttraining aimed at enhancing their careers and facilitating their climb tomanagerial and leadership positions.What We Do Our WhyWomen make up almost half of theworkforce in America, but few are inleadership roles within theircompanies. This is especially true forwomen of color. The rate of womenof color in leadership is drasticallylow compared to White femalecounterparts due to several factors,such as long-disproven stereotypes,smaller networks, unconscious bias,and workplace microaggressionsthat appear in the form of subtle orintentional discrimination.42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | |Why Join Unique Experiences: The Climb brings a wealth of knowledge,experience, passion, and cultural sensitivity, providing a robustplatform and a safe space that actively supports the professionaldevelopment of women of color.Community: A vibrant community and safe space for women ofcolor to flourish and thrive - join us for enriching discussions,engaging chats, and collective growthNetworking: Connect with inspiring women of color who shareyour aspirations and mindset - build a powerful network of like-minded women ready to support and empower each other.

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The Climb fulfills its commitment to empowering women of color by deliveringtailor-made personal and professional development initiatives, nurturing athriving online and offline community, and providing invaluable mentorship.These concerted efforts ensure that women of color receive the essential supportrequired to realize their career aspirations.The Climb is unique in its dedication to addressing the diverse personal andprofessional development of women of color across a wide array of industriesand sector.Services 42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | | Is dedicated to tailoring its training toaddress the unique challenges andpain points faced by women of color inthe professional world.A monthly newsletter with awealth of valuable insights, stories,and resources tailored to womenof color navigating the workplace. Where we talk about all the tabootopics and unspoken rules womenof color need to know to ascend toleadership.Only network designed to matchwomen of color with professionalwomen of color coaches who canrelate to their unique challenges. THE WOMEN OF COLORCOACHING NETWORK THE BOARDROOM THE RUNG MENDED NEWSLETTER THE CLIMB PODCASTan online community on a digitalplatform that brings togetherengaging discussions and chatsamong The Climb members.ONLINE COMMUNITYSTANDING ON HER SHOULDERSLEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMPartner The Climb members withexecutives to provide them withleadership development from theperspective of current women of colorleaders.

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Membership Goal: Achieve a nationwide membership base across all industries byincreasing outreach efforts, enhancing member benefits, and fostering a diverse andinclusive community.Objective 1: Increase membership by 10% per quarter across targetedgeographical locations and industries through strategic outreach, enhancedmember benefits, and focused marketing campaigns.Objective 2: Increase programmatic engagement by 25% year over year throughenhanced programming, targeted outreach, and improved member experience.Objective 3: Reach a combined total of 2,000 followers on Instagram, LinkedIn,and Facebook by implementing targeted social media strategies and creatingengaging content.Finance Goal: Ensure The Climb's financial stability while minimizing costs tomembers by optimizing revenue streams and efficiently managing expenses.Objective 4: Increase sponsorships and donations by 20% year over year throughtargeted fundraising campaigns, strategic partnerships, and enhanced donorengagement efforts.Objective 5: Maintain annual operating expenses at or below 40% of total revenueto ensure financial stability and maximize resource allocation for programdevelopment and organizational growth.Organizational Goal: Provide effective and innovative pathways leading to an increasein Climb members seeking out and obtaining leadership positions. Objective 6: Host two iterations of the Standing on Her Shoulders LeadershipDevelopment Program, equipping women of color with essential leadership skills,mentorship, and networking opportunities to enhance their readiness forleadership roles. Objective 7: Develop and implement monthly programming that address thespecific challenges women of color face in their career advancement, aiming toincrease their professional development, networking opportunities, and careerprogression.THE CLIMB 2024-2029 STRATEGIC PLAN42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | |

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The Climb is actively seeking partnerships with businesses and corporations thatshare our passionate commitment to increasing the representation of women of colorin leadership and executive roles. Collaborating with us offers numerous ways forcorporations to support our mission:Types of Corporate Partnerships:Traditional Corporate Sponsorships: By becoming a corporate sponsor, you can provideinvaluable financial support or in-kind donations to The Climb, in exchange for prominentrecognition and branding opportunities. Your organization's generosity will be spotlighted atour events and in promotional materials.Cause Marketing: Join forces with The Climb on a compelling campaign or initiative andcontribute a percentage of your sales or revenues to advance our cause. This meaningfulpartnership not only promotes your products or services but also champions theempowerment of women of color in leadership.Fee-for-Service Contracts: Our partnership extends to service projects and educationalprograms, where we can collaborate to make a significant impact. Corporations partneringwith The Climb can be instrumental in creating positive change in the professionaldevelopment of women of color.Product Donations: Consider contributing goods or products to The Climb, which will beinstrumental in supporting our organization's efforts. These donations play a pivotal role inempowering women of color to ascend to managerial and executive positions.Shared Marketing Initiatives: Imagine The Climb teaming up with your corporation to launcha dynamic marketing campaign that resonates with a shared commitment to women of color'sprofessional advancement. This collaboration could include co-branded products, events, orpublic awareness campaigns that leave a lasting impression on your audience and elevate ourmission.Together, we can drive significant change and create an inclusive and equitable future forwomen of color in leadership. Your partnership with The Climb can make a substantialdifference in achieving this vision.42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | |

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The Climb enthusiastically welcomes collaborations with fellow nonprofits, unitedin our mission to empower women of color in their pursuit of managerial andexecutive roles. Together, we can achieve remarkable outcomes, including sharedresources, cost-efficiency, and a more extensive sphere of influence.Types of Non-Profit Partnerships:Joint Programs and Services: Our ambition to empower women of color extends to buildingsymbiotic relationships with other nonprofits. By partnering with us, you can benefit from ourspecialized professional development services at The Climb Board Room. In return, we areeager to explore alliances that offer training or consulting services to enhance our collectiveimpact.Knowledge and Expertise Sharing: At the Climb, we recognize the value of knowledgeexchange. We are keen to foster partnerships with other nonprofits willing to share theirexpertise, research, and best practices. Such collaboration promises advancements in programdesign, more effective evaluation methods, and an overall enhancement of our shared mission.Coalition Building: To address the systemic challenges women of color face in leadership roles,we are eager to build coalitions and networks that bring together the strengths of multiplenonprofits. Together, we can create a powerful alliance, sharing vital information andleveraging collective resources to champion our cause.Strategic Fundraising Collaborations: In addition to the aforementioned partnership types,The Climb is also open to strategic fundraising collaborations. This type of partnership involvesworking collectively with other nonprofits to launch joint fundraising campaigns, secure grants,and expand our donor base. By combining our efforts, we can access additional fundingresources to drive our mission forward and make a greater impact. We invite like-minded nonprofits to join us in this vital journey towards equity and inclusivity inleadership roles. By working together, we can make a meaningful impact and create a brighterfuture for women of color in executive and managerial positions.42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | |

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42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | |Ready to Join the Climb???Volunteer Sign UpMembership Sign UpWomen of Color Coaching NetworkSign UpExecutive Champion Sign Up