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The Clean Slate Initiative C3 Board Book 9/27/24

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The Clean Slate InitiativeSeptember 27, 2024 - 12PM ETC3 Board of Directors Updates

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The Clean Slate Initiative● Agenda● Meeting Minutes● Do Good Connections SOW● Finance Memo & Update● Goals Update● CEO Report

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVESeptember 27, 2024Board of Directors C3 Meeting AgendaVirtual 12PM ETCall to Order (Chair, Mr. Daryl Atkinson)● 12P Call to Order● 12:05P Approve 6/14 Meeting Minutes● 12:10P Approve AgendaPresentation● 12:15P Recruitment for Additional Board Member (Ms. Melissa Mazdel)Discussion Items● 12:45P Finance Updates (Ms. Kenya Browning)● 1P CSI Original Survey Findings (Ms. ST Mayer)● 1:15P CEO Report (Ms. Sheena Meade)● Confirm date for December 2024 C3 Meeting (Mr. Daryl Atkinson)Executive Session (if needed)Next Steps/Adjourn (Chair, Mr. Daryl Atkinson)

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The Clean Slate InitiativeMeeting Minutes

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THE CLEAN SLATE INITIATIVEC3 Board of Directors Meeting MinutesJune 14, 2024 2-3:30PM ET Philadelphia, ConveneBoard Members Present:Mr. Daryl Atkinson, Chair Mr. David Safavian, SecretaryMs. Jolene Forman, Treasurer Ms. Mindy TarlowMs. Sheena Meade, CEOBoard Members Absent: None Guests:Ms. Le’Ann Duran, Advisory BoardClean Slate Initiative Staff Present:Ms. Sheena Meade, CEO Ms. ST Mayer, COOMs. Kenya Browning, VP Finance Ms. Kierstyn Bishop, EA# Required to meet Quorum Met: YThe June 14, 2024 C3 Clean Slate Initiative Board of Directors Meeting was called to order by Chair Mr.Atkinson at 1:59PM ET.Agenda:Call to Order (Chair, Mr. Daryl Atkinson) Informational Items Included in Board Book Packet:● Call to Order Annual Goals Dashboard● Approve 3/27 Meeting Minutes Revised Signature Authorities Format● Approve Agenda○ Welcome Ms. Le’Ann Duran, Blue Meridian Justice & Mobility Fund, added to original agendaOrganizational High-Level Updates (Ms. Sheena Meade)● 3rd Annual Convening Reflections● CEO Report OutsAction Items/Vote Required (Chair, Mr. Daryl Atkinson)● Motion & Vote - Orlando Building Purchase (Ms. Kenya Browning)● Resolution - Designating Corporate Officers and Delegating Treasurer Responsibilities (Ms. ST Mayer)Presentation and Discussion Items● Finance Updates (Ms. Kenya Browning)● Development Capabilities (Ms. ST Mayer)● Recruitment for Additional Board Member (Ms. ST Mayer)● Dates for 2024 Quarterly C3 Meetings (Ms. Kierstyn Bishop)Executive Session (if needed)Next Steps/Adjourn (Chair, Mr. Daryl Atkinson)

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Overview:AgendaDiscussionTask/ConclusionResponsibilityApprove 3/27 Meeting MinutesMotion #15 CarriedApprove AgendaMs. Meade requestedaddition to agendaMotion #16 Carried,Welcome to Ms. Le’AnnDuran added to agendaCEO Report-out - ImplementationMore conversationneeded aroundimplementationmandaterecommendationsMs. Meade willmove therecommendationto ELTMotion & Vote - Orlando BuildingPurchaseMotion #17, thresholdrevised to $3M, CarriedResolution - Designating CorporateOfficers and Delegating TreasurerResponsibilitiesMotion #18 CarriedDevelopment CapabilitiesMs. Meade will updatethe Board in 1:1sMs. Bishop toschedule 1:1sRecruitment for Additional BoardMembersFurther discussionneededMs. Meade tosend emailMinutes: Link to Presentation● Motion #15: (Atkinson/Safavian/Forman/Tarlow/Meade)○ Ms. Tarlow moved to approve Minutes from March 27th Board Meeting○ Ms. Forman seconded, 5 in favor - Motion carries● Ms. Meade requested to add to the agenda a formal welcome to Ms. Le’Ann Duran, Blue MeridianPartners, as an Advisory Board Member joining us● Motion #16: (Atkinson/Safavian/Forman/Tarlow/Meade)○ Mr. Atkinson moved to amend the agenda to include a formal welcome to Ms. Le’Ann Duran asan Advisory Board Member○ 5 in favor - Motion carries● Mr. Atkinson welcomed Ms. Le’Ann Duran to the Board○ Ms. Duran shared she was glad to be here as an obser ver of the Board as part of The BlueMeridian Justice & Mobility Fund investing in The Clean Slate Initiative● Mr. Atkinson turned the agenda over to Ms. Meade for 3rd Annual Convening Reflections○ Covening is the “Report-out” - manifestation of work in last 3 years, and where we are going innext 6 years○ Ms. Meade asked for reflections from Board members, as well as suggestions on anything theywould like to see in the future at Convenings

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○ Ms. Meade thanked the Board for their participation at Narrative event, panels, makingthemselves available to partners; the level of Board engagement was noticed○ Ms. Meade reflected and asked for reflections on where the Board started and where we arenow, as well as first convening to the third● Ms. Meade gave high-level CEO Report Outs○ Spun off and slowed down to revisit processes, internal controls:■ Handed over finances to Ms. Browning■ Mr. Cooper clarified funding role/capacities with state coalitions■ Ms. Williams created a nat’l partnership strategy, communicated how we work together■ CSI sent communications on updated grant cycle, hosted training webinar○ PR Firm with Executive positioning, many media placements○ Volunteer Expungement Clinic with staff to give understanding of what we’re fighting for○ Second Chance Month webinars, Roundtable w/Congressman Armstrong and CongresswomanLisa Blunt Rochester that included Directly Impacted people from DE○ Planning for hiring, informed by strategic plan; more skillsets for Campaign Strategists;■ Erik Altieri has been Interim Director of Campaigns position, doing great■ Goal of 30-35 people, currently at 23 with 2 active positions○ Ms. Williams leading implementation strategy; working group w/states who encounteredobstacles in passing (CSI, Ms. Sharon Dietrich, SEARCH, CSL PA, CFA walked CSI through howworking w/agencies); goal to report to all states good practices and learnings■ Ms. Mayer shared learnings - making sure law can be implemented is part of everyaspect of campaign (choosing the right partners, how bill reads, early development ofrelationship w/government to ensure collaboration, tech considerations)● More states in implementation than other stages, some state timelines lengthy● Looking to lift up clerks; need tenacity to unblock problems■ Mr. Safavian shared slow-downs impactful; ex. Of PEW “cementing team” to make surelaw implemented properly/fix issues● Suggested CSI to create cementing team including a CSI staffer, as well as:○ 1. Small contract to maintain relats/problem solve after bill signed■ Include Attorney Generals and AOCs who have equity and want toensure correctly implemented (even if were opposed)■ Code for America■ Someone who lobbied (understands state personalities)○ 2. Survey those who’ve implemented and ask best practices; what werebiggest probs and how were they resolved?■ Discussion took place around idea of requiring legislation to specify an after-workinggroup of stakeholders or written mandate to ensure implementation, hold accountable● Concerns were shared that this could halt or slow a bill (Ex. New Jersey)■ Ms. Mayer shared SEARCH is coming in practice as different actors inside government;closed door space, trusted advisors■ Ms. Meade asked for more conversation on implementation mandates at next Boardmeeting (discuss if CSI or coalition support law-suits and understand risk/opportunities)○ Ms. Forman asked for updates on notification■ Ms. Meade shared Executive team discussing, had been bundling implementation andnotification, determining what is our notification role and cost?■ Ms. Mayer shared CSI sur veyed sample of 800 people who had records cleared in statesthat have passed legislation; as a result of Clean Slate, beyond other notification

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mediums, of the people who knew of their eligibility, news was the trusted source(however not everyone knew); noting research findings are not public yet, morenotification research projects planned● Ms. Meade shared campaigns must think strategically about who are stateagency and implementation champions (outside of sponsors for work of the bill)○ Ms. Meade shared context around how campaigns have been previously run■ CSI core model - resource coalition partners to lead (anchor, create steering committee)■ Problems occurred when partners viewed CSI as leading campaigns (if CSI funded)■ Mr. Cooper reset Campaign Strategists, more strategy, some difficult conversations held■ Mr. Atkinson reflected coalitions see you two ways:● 1. As their client (funder), risk of feeling evaluated, coalition may be lesstransparent, anxiety about financial security● 2. As their movement partner (collaborative)■ Ms. Meade asked for more thought partnership along with Mr. Cooper, CSI is unique● Action Items/Vote Required (Chair, Mr. Daryl Atkinson)○ Motion & Vote - Orlando Building Purchase Memo (Ms. Kenya Browning)■ Ms. Meade shared context and vision around purchasing a building and passed themeeting to Ms. Browning to walk through memo● Ms. Browning did purchase analysis (would spend less money and have a returnon investment); renewing lease for another year● After DI training by Forward Justice at Convening, vision is that we continue totrain advocates, partners, position to pass, defend, and implement Clean Slatepolicies; resource to convene, retreat; money goes back to field when CSI is done● Mr. Safavian shared about discussion with Ms. Browning re: purchase analysisand agrees the right move; gave Mr. Atkinson proxy vote as needed to take a call● Ms. Browning shared for 7,000 sf, need $2.1- 2.2M to purchase Orlando building○ For larger pieces of property, lease cost per sf is higher, to note for theOrlando market:○ 1. There isn't a lot of property for lease now○ 2. Lease to buy is not a viable option○ Recommendation is purchase (vote enables CSI to purchase something ina timely manner, when the right space comes); asking for up to $2.5Mwor th of authorization (7,000 square feet)○ In two years, would pay for building on just interest income great oppty toinvest short term, but also have a long-term strategic impact● Ms. Meade shared further vision for looking at suburbs outside of Orlando, for ex.Eatonville, historically the oldest first black municipal area● Ms. Tarlow asked for clarification on fee-based strategy and creating somethingcommunal, revenue generating? Cost coverage? Differential fees?○ Mr. Atkinson suggested equitable fees could be generated from retreats● Mr. Atkinson requested purchase threshold be higher● Ms. Browning shared reasoning why doesn’t recommend going much higher -longevity of CSI is concern to consider (balance with funding and # of yearsfunding available); comfortable with 2-3 year $2.5M (have financials in place tocover that, does not want to lock-in CSI to pay for something for longer duration)● Mr. Atkinson inquired where is the limit for Ms. Browning?● Ms. Browning shared is being conservative, but understands the vision; no morethan $3M (extra square footage would be approx. another 1,000 sf of space)● Ms. Meade shared an amendment is always an option and agreed would like toadjust amount to $3M; more time to do a capital campaign, possible match

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○ Mr. Atkinson advised we should be flexible with build-out options too● Ms. Tarlow reflected that it's important to be clear that we're voting on athreshold to purchase building without gathering the Board● Ms. Forman asked for further clarification purchase costs vs. renovation costs● Ms. Browning shared amount recommending includes purchase and renovation● Ms. Forman requested to specify this in the notes, the $3 million for purchaseand renovation.● Motion #17: (Atkinson/Safavian (via proxy)/Forman/Tarlow/Meade)○ Mr. Atkinson moved that we approve Ms. ST Mayer, COO, and Ms. Kenya Browning, VP ofFinance, to be authorized to pursue an Orlando building purchase in the amount of $3 million(includes building purchase and renovation costs)○ Ms. Forman seconded, 5 in favor - Motion carries (Mr. Atkinson voted on behalf of Mr. Safavianwho earlier designated Mr. Atkinson as his proxy)● Action Items/Vote Required (Chair, Mr. Daryl Atkinson)○ Resolution - Designating Corporate Officers and Delegating Treasurer Responsibilities (Ms. STMayer)■ Mr. Atkinson gave Ms. Tarlow his proxy for vote as he temporarily stepped out room■ Ms. Mayer shared background - CSI needs to sign papers as an official Officer of theCorporation; vague in our generic bylaws, designation for COO and Vice President ofFinance “currently held by” Ms. Mayer and Ms. Browning consecutively■ Ms. Tarlow reflected that over time there should be a point where CSI won’t need Boardapproval for signatures over $1M● Ms. Mayer shared >$1M signature threshold was requested by Ms. Meade forthis stage● Motion #18: (Atkinson (via proxy)/Forman/Tarlow/Meade)○ Ms. Tarlow moved a resolution to create designated signature authority for COO and CFO, asCorporate Officers, as well as delegating treasurer responsibilities to VP Finance○ Ms. Meade seconded, 4 in favor - Motion carries (Ms. Tarlow voted on behalf of Mr. Atkinsonwho earlier designated Ms. Tarlow as his proxy, Mr. Safavian was not present)● Presentation and Discussion Items○ Finance Updates (Ms. Kenya Browning)■ Packet was given to Board members at start of the meeting, no clarifications needed○ Development Capabilities (Ms. ST Mayer)■ Ms. Meade shared will update Board on development memo in 1:1s○ Recruitment for Additional Board Member (Ms. ST Mayer)■ Ms. Tarlow requested continued conversation about new board numbers, recruitment■ Ms. Meade shared we need to bring a finance person to Board to support Ms. Browning■ Ms. Melissa Madzel, Do Good Connections, (placed Ms. Meade on the Board ofPublic Welfare) is now doing board placements■ Ms. Tarlow shared is happy to help in this process● Dates for 2024 Quarterly C3 Meetings (Ms. Kierstyn Bishop)○ Ms. Bishop shared dates held in Sept, already on calendars, please advise if any conflicts● Mr. Atkinson moved that we adjourn meeting at 3:30PM ET

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● eporting/Updates● Goals RThe Clean Slate InitiativeDo Good Connections SOW

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Search Process Creating the Foundation Building the Candidate Pool Candidate Engagement and Assessment Needs Assessment: Research: Inclusive Position Profile: Recruiting: Profile Calibration: Initial Screening: Exposure and Education: Interviews: Interview Guides and Background Materials: References: 

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● Goals RThe Clean Slate InitiativeFinance Memo & Update

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To: Board of Directors, Clean Slate InitiativeFrom: Kenya Browning, VP of FinanceSubject: Financial UpdateDate: September 22, 2024CC: Sheena Meade, Chief Executive OfficerClean Slate Initiative officially spun from fiscal sponsorship on January 1, 2024. As such, we arepleased to provide the following financial update for the new stand-alone organization.Financial statements are reflective through August 31, 2024, and were prepared based ongenerally accepted accounting principles using the accrual accounting method.I. Budget vs ActualsCSI saw expenditures for the period January through August totaling $10.7M with anaverage monthly burn of $1.3M for the period. Expenditures were lower than budgetprojections due to summer slowdown in activities with the expectation that grantexpenditures will once again ramp in the October and November months.1

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II. Financial Statementsa. Statement of Financial PositionThe Statement of Financial Position reflects Total Assets of $69.1M, with UnrestrictedNet Assets totaling $57.5M. Please also consider the following when reviewing theStatement of Financial Position:i. Short-term Cash ManagementIn addition to the existing bank account with JPMC, in April 2024, CSI opened ahigh yield money market account with EverBank (formerly TIAA) with arenegotiated locked-in 12-month annual percentage yield of 4.9%. Since theaccount’s inception, CSI has earned $665,183 in interest and is on track to earn ~$1.4M in interest income by year-end.ii. NVF Cash TransferPrior to the spin, NVF, our former fiscal sponsor, held CSI designated funds tocover the costs of anticipated and incurred CSI expenses during its fiscalsponsorship period. After reconciliation of CSI designated funds againstexpenses, the final cash transfer was received in June and as such, is reflected inthe cash balance below.Statement of Financial Position3

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b. Statement of ActivitiesThe Statement of Activities reflects Total Revenue of $8.9M, with $10.7M beingreleased from restriction. Year to Date expenses totaled $10.7M driven bypersonnel, professional fees, and grantmaking costs during the period. TheChange in Net Assets was ($1.8M) reflecting that expenses exceeded revenuefor the period.Statement of Financial Activities4

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III. Auditor Selection UpdateIn a memo issued to the Board in July, I recommended selection of the audit firm FORVIS asCSIs external audit and tax firm based on a rigorous RFP process, with Baker Tilly being the2ndoption. However, upon working through FORVIS’ engagement due diligence process, itwas determined that they did not align with CSI’s values regarding background checks. Afterexhausting alternative options to leadership background checks, including providingbusiness references, FORVIS declined to contract with CSI.We have since worked through and cleared Baker Tilly’s engagement diligence process andthe audit and tax engagement contract is pending signature. Given the collaborative nature,flexibility and transparency of the Partner, we are confident with moving in this direction. Ifthere are any questions or concerns regarding this change, please let me know.5

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Financial UpdateKenya Browning, VP of Finance

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Background Information◻ Month-end soft close process typically completed by the 15th day of the following month■ Vendor & Grant payments processed 3x per week■ Expense reports processed 2x per month◻ Financial information reflected as of August 31, 2024, unless specified◻ Books managed using accrual accounting method (Revenue recognized when earned, expenses recognized when incurred)◻ Final NVF financial transfer is included in financial statement results

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Financial DashboardExpenses by Month 6 - Month Ending Cash Balance TrendMar Apr May Jun Jul Aug JPMC - CSI 15,301,984 17,872,724 15,301,984 14,556,515 13,018,916 11,333,893 JPMC - CSN 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 94,639 EverBank 25,170,404 25,069,072 25,170,404 45,673,085 45,875,858 46,072,193 Ending Balance 40,572,388 43,041,796 40,572,388 60,329,600 58,994,774 57,500,725Program Expense MixMar- Aug 2024 Cumulative Interest Income= $665,183Total ExpensesGrantsPersonnelProf FeesAll Other ExpTravel Cumulative 510K 1.1M 1.7M 3.5M 6.1M 9.1M 10.0M 10.7M Project ~ $1.4M in earned interest income at Dec. 31, 2024Total Prog Exp = $8.8M | Total Overhead Expense = $1.6M | Total Fundraising = $274K$623K thru Aug 2024 Lobbying Expense Mix

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◻ 87.2% unrestricted net asset mix◻ $46M of cash held in high interest MMA, generating avg of 4.9% in interest income per month ($662K since March)◻ Project $1.4M of interest income through December 2024◻ Indicators show better than industry average for liquidity metrics (the ability to cover liabilities or expenses with short term or unrestricted assets) Statement of Position$ As at 8/31/2024 KEY INDICATORS RESULTINDUSTRY AVGMonths of Spending(months of operating runway with existing cash)64.4 >3Liquid Unrestricted Net Assets Ratio(available ST liquid net assets to cover expenses)64.7 >3Current Ratio(ability to cover ST liabilities with ST assets)23.2 >=1Months Cash on Hand= Cash & Equivalents/(Total Exp/12) | Liquid Unrestricted Net Assets= (UR Net Assets- Fixed Assets)/(Total Exp/12) | Current Ratio= Current Assets/Current LiabilitiesLIQUIDITY

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Statement of Activities◻ Expenditures for period total $10.7M driven by personnel, grantmaking costs and prof fees◻ Funds released from restriction expended first to ensure operational flexibility with unrestricted NA◻ Indicators show need to secure new revenue funding for sustainability (ability to sustain activities as a going concern)$ For the Period Ending 8/31/2024 KEY INDICATORS RESULTINDUSTRY AVGIncremental Savings Indicator(ability to add income to net assets)-16.7% >5%Unrestricted Revenue Contribution(proportion of revenue that is unrestricted)158.3% >50%Revenue to Expense Ratio(ability to cover expense with revenue)0.83 >1Incremental Savings Indicator= NI/Total Expenses | Unrestricted Revenue Contribution= Unrestricted Revenue/Total Revenue | Revenue to Expense Ratio= Revenue/Total ExpensesGOING CONCERN

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Budget vs Actuals◻ Avg monthly burn = $1.3M (thru Aug)◻ 51.4% budget remaining◻ Fall cycle grants spend to ramp up in Oct/Nov timeframe$ As of 8/31/2024Expense % by Category

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Budget vs Actuals by Dept$ As of 8/31/2024◻ 2/3 of the way through the fiscal year with 51.4% burn◻ Fall grant cycle spend (2nd ramp) in Oct/Nov-- --Spend Pace AUG YTD

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Grant Administration Report Out

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FY 24 YTD Grant Funding Coverage Map(FY ‘24 *Obligated & Planned Obligations as of 9/26/2024)State Grants-$3.9MUTMOMADECTResearch Grants- $807KNational Grants- $3.5MILNJMNVAPAOKOHCOKYMDNY*Obligated Funding- Portion of total grants made that are obligated to be paid in FY 2024 1Excludes Landscaping states, TX & NC TBDFall Target States1 - $1M

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Targeted Fall ‘24 Grant Cycle TimelineOCTOBERAgreement Generation (cont'd)Agreement ExecutionGrant PaymentsSEPTEMBERApplication Invitations (cont'd) Application Reviews Financial Due Diligence Agreement GenerationAUGUST Campaign Submissions Campaign Reviews Application InvitationsJULYGrant Process CS TrainingCampaign SubmissionsJUNEGrant Process ReengineeringGrant Process Partner WebinarsNOVEMBERAgreement Execution (cont’d) Grant Payments (cont’d)Grant Cycle Kick-Off MessagingOn TrackFinancial Due Diligence (cont'd)

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Other Finance UpdatesAUDITOR SELECTION◻ In a memo issued to the Board by the VP of Finance in July, we recommended selection of the audit firm FORVIS as CSIs external audit and tax firm based on a rigorous RFP process, with Baker Tilly being the 2nd option. ◻ Upon working through FORVIS’ engagement due diligence process, it was determined that they did not align with CSI’s values regarding background checks. After exhausting alternative options to background checks, including providing references, FORVIS declined to contract with CSI◻ We have since worked through and cleared Baker Tilly’s diligence process and the audit engagement contract is pending CSI’s signature, with the tax contract forthcoming◻ Given the collaborative nature and flexibility of the Engagement Partner, at Baker Tilly, we are confident in this partnership

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The Clean Slate InitiativeGoals Update

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Clean Slate Initiative 2024 Goals Reporting2024 Goals were adopted by the Board in conjunction with the organization’s 2024 budget. Thefollowing provides a quarterly update.Metric2024 GoalQ3 Actual50 states on apath: # of stateswe are working inCSI is working in 31 states (sum ofbelow)● Support 12 states that havepassed Clean Slatelegislation○ 1 state whereimplementation hasbeen completed (MI)○ 3 states where recordclearance has alreadystar ted (PA, UT, CA)○ 4 states that will startclearing records in2024 (CT, CO, DE, NY)○ 4 states preparing toclear records infuture years (MN, VA,OK, NJ)● Engage in 7 states in CleanSlate legislative campaigns● Lay the groundwork in 12states (landscaping &stepping stone states)Working in 20 states (sum of below).Supporting 12 states inimplementationSupported legislative legislativecampaigns in 8 states during 2024legislative sessions (IL, OR, MA, MD,KY, MO, OH, TX)8 states identified for 2024landscaping activity (AZ,NV,TN,MS,RI, WI, HI, NM, )Pass LegislationPass Clean Slate legislation in 2statesPass stepping stone legislation in 2statesWe did not pass legislation in anystates this year.Federal● 50% of influential leaders* inthe Senate and Housepublicly support Clean Slatelaws.● 100% of influential leaders*in the Senate and HouseSenators Casey and Paul haveintroduced the Senate's version of theClean Slate Act - S. 5266.1

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2Metric2024 GoalQ3 Actualhave an accurateunderstanding of Clean Slate● 5 Federal Agenciesgroundwork has been laid toadvance a Federal CleanSlate agenda.CSI’s participation in the CongressionalBlack Caucus’s 2024 Annual Legislativeconference yielded 241 new leads fromour exhibition booth, and 162participants at our reception.CSI hosted 35 directly impactedadvocates from across 14 States for ourfirst Congressional Fly-In. 32 meetingsin total were completed across theHouse and Senate with members on keycommittees of jurisdiction prioritized.The Clean Slate National Coalitionhosted its first meeting. Scenario andtransition planning for HR 2930 will takeplace in Q4.Research andData● Increase the amount ofpublicly available researchthat provides evidence onthe impacts of Clean Slatelaws.● Expand the diversity ofresearch partners,par ticularly BIPOC anddirectly impactedresearchers, and methodsanalyzing the impacts ofClean Slate laws.● Advance knowledge in thefield informing Clean Slatepolicy design andimplementation.CSI-funded research on the impactsof clearing non-conviction recordsamong 18-25 year olds during thepandemic in PA was published, andthe author co-wrote a blog on thefindings with Dr. Chavez.A report on the survey CSIcommissioned through YouGov,along with a policy brief on theimpacts of Clean Slate using thesedata, will be published in October.The Research and Data teamsubmitted a paper to the Ohio StateUniversity Law Journal, whichunderwent peer review during asymposium in April and is now undereditorial review.CSI selected 8 research proposalsfor funding through RFP process, inconsultation with the ResearchAdvisory Committee. 38% of these2

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3Metric2024 GoalQ3 Actualprojects included directly impactedresearchers; 75% centered thevoices of those directly impacted inthe research design; 75% includedresearchers from backgroundsunderrepresented in research; 88%included new team members notpreviously funded by CSI and 63%were teams totally new to CSIfunding.In addition, CSI published a policybrief on evidence-based waitingperiods, and another on pathways toequity and justice for Blackcommunities.Learning andCollaboration● Execute CSI’s 3rd AnnualConvening with 350attendees and 80% of stateswe are engaged inrepresented; and 40% ofattendees are directlyimpacted.● Develop a CSI capacitybuilding strategy for DirectlyImpacted leaders.Convening attendee target wasreduced to 300 people given spacecapacity. Final attendee count: 285.(94% attendance rate)● Exceeded demographicgoals: >65% DirectlyImpacted, 23 statesrepresented.Net promoter score of 9/10Launched first ever pre-conveningdirectly impacted leaders day topositive feedback.Deployed survey (n=53) and hostedfollow up interviews with directlyimpacted leaders to inform pilotideas for 2025 capacity buildingstrategy. Identified preliminary set ofplans, with focus on regionalin-person convenings and testingvirtual offerings on top rated topicsfrom survey.Change theNarrative● Complete landscape andmindset phases of socialscience research workincludingLandscape phase complete.Audience mindset researchunderway. Consultants haveconducted 20 stakeholder and3

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4Metric2024 GoalQ3 Actualassembling/conveningadvisory group, structuralmessaging analysis, newsmedia audit, social listeninganalysis, Interviews, focusgroups, segmentationanalysis, and materialsdevelopment.advisory group interviews, hostedasynchronous focus groups, andnow in the process of hosting livevirtual focus groups.Continued to engage advisory groupwith updates on findings,opportunities to weigh in on testingmaterials. 1:1 calls with the Chief ofStaff to share insights and keep up todate.GSSR consultants nearing end ofaudience mindset phase and refiningaudience profiles, understanding oftriggers and values, and mosteffective testing statements to use(or avoid).Build theOrganization● Close $5 million for use thisyear and establish a pipelineof $10M.● Hire 11 people to do thework to advance ourmission.● Build the C3 and C4 Boardsneeded to steward theorganization● Continue to support ouremployees so they areconnected to our missionand set-up for success intheir jobs● Increase CSI brand visibilityand engagementNo $ closed; pipeline indevelopment.Hired 5 people. 2 open recruitments.Both Boards have been meeting in2024.Professional development rolled out;performance reviews under way;learning trip completed.Contracted content productionagency to produce CSI PSA(narrative change commercial forbroad audiences).Rolled our CSI Brand Messaging andTone of Voice Guide to staff.4

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The Clean Slate InitiativeCEO Report

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September 2024…The last few weeks have been a whirlwind ofadvocacy, partnership-building, and information-sharing about Clean Slate at thefederal level led by our Federal Legislative Director, Reginald Darby.Earlier this month, CSI participated at the Congressional Black CaucusFoundation’s 53rd Annual Legislative Conference in Washington, DC. CSI’shighlights of this policy convening for thought leaders, legislators, influencers, andconcerned citizens was our booth in the exhibit hall, where attendees engaged withmembers of our staff and learned about our impactful work, as well as our privatereception for invited guests who are stakeholders in Clean Slate movement.This year our booth offered a handful of ways for people to engage with CleanSlate. Our Clean Slate Storyteller series was on loop, giving attendees theopportunity to hear firsthand accounts of what it’s like to live with a record inAmerica. We also gave people the opportunity to try out our B.A.R.S. simulator, avirtual opportunity to “step” into the shoes of someone who faces significantbarriers as a result of their record. Our team at the booth encouraged people totake action to support the federal Clean Slate Act by sending a message to theirlawmakers in Congress. These activations pulled people into our work and helpedvisitors foster a deeper connection with CSI’s mission.At the reception over 150 guests celebrated Clean Slate and honoredCongresswoman Nikema Williams as our 2024 Clean Slate Champion. Rep.Williams has fought tirelessly for justice-impacted Georgians, and is also one of theone in three people in America living with a record. We le the CBCF’s 2024Annual Legislative Conference feeling energized, inspired, and more committedthan ever to passing the federal Clean Slate Act.

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Just this week, CSI hosted our first-ever Fly-In. We flew 35 directly impactedorganizers from different corners of the country to D.C. to advocate in Congressfor H.R. 2930, the federal Clean Slate Act.The event allowed justice-impacted leaders to share their powerful stories withlawmakers and advocate for policies that will help them and others move forward.Lawmakers were receptive and the leaders were energized. Get a glimpse of theday here. This event was executed in partnership with our newly onboardedlobbying firm, Kountoupes Denham Carr & Reid.

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It’s official! CSI is celebrating the introduction of S. 5266, sponsored by Sens. RandPaul (R-KY) and Bob Casey (D-PA). The legislation is the Senate companion bill toH.R. 2930, The Clean Slate Act of 2023, and its filing represents a major bipartisanachievement, standing out amidst the heightened partisanship of election season.The House and Senate versions of The Clean Slate Act propose reforms that, ifenacted, would unlock opportunities for individuals with records while enhancingpublic safety and economic prosperity.Pennsylvania, Sen. Casey’s home state, was the first in the country to pass a CleanSlate in 2018. In Sen. Paul’s home state of Kentucky, a broad coalition ofcommunity partners continues to build support for Clean Slate legislation thatcould be considered during next year’s legislative session.By all accounts, the growing support for the federal Clean Slate Act, is a clearindicator that we’re heading in the right direction.

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We just onboarded two new positions: a Compliance Manager and a FinanceManager. We are also currently hiring for, or planning to hire for, 11 positions bythe end of the year. These positions are Implementation Director, Policy Director,Marketing and Communications Director, 2 Campaign Strategists, CapacityBuilding Manager, Development Manager, Events Manager/Producer, ResearchAssociate, Executive Assistant, Administrative Assistant. Once all of these positionsare filled our total head count will be 36 FTE. The plans we developed for theAudacious Proposal included a total headcount of 34 FTE. While we may identify acouple of additional roles needed in 2025, I anticipate our hiring will slow and weare nearing our “steady state” as an organization.In partnership with our external communications, we have been able to secureseveral media placements elevating CSI’s work across the country. Here’s asnapshot of just some of the outlets that have given visibility to CSI and Clean Slatethis quarter.

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I look forward to meeting with you to highlight additional wins, share key updates,and have a robust discussion on the search to fill our open Board of Directors role.In appreciation,Sheena MeadeChief Executive Officer, The Clean Slate Initiative

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The Clean Slate InitiativeThank you!