THE CAIRNCompassCairn Christian School, Stoney Creek795 Highway #8, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5J3 905.643.2460 stoneycreek@ cairnchristianschool.caCAIRN COMPASS: Published byCairn Christian School‘Walking in Love’ is the school theme this year. When looking at how that intersects with our mission statement as a school (“Inspiring students to love, learn, and lead together in God’s world”), we thought it would be fitting to showcase how “Walking in Love” is modelled by some very special people and programs at Cairn Christian School.In the pages of this Cairn Compass, you will read about how students are supported in a variety of ways, ultimately so that every child will be inspired, every child will love, learn, and lead, and every child will do that together in God’s world.We’re excited to share how God is working to make Cairn Christian School a school of belonging, where everyone discovers that obedience to God means ‘Walking in Love.’By Kevin Huinink, Executive DirectorCairn Christian School, Smithville6470 Townline Rd, Smithville, ON L0R 2A0 905.957.7796 smithville@ cairnchristianschool.caInspiring students to love, learn, and lead together in God’s world.cairnchristianschool.caCelebrating Student SupportEditor:Kevin HuininkConsultant Members:Bonnie Desjardins Joyce KoornneefDoreen Van de BanHow are students supported in their learning?Schools of belonging Fulfilling our missionFall DriveWhat is a paraeducator?In their words…
When you walk the halls of Cairn Christian School, it doesn’t take long to discover that we have a diverse group of students. That diversity stretches across a number of dierent dimensions, including denomination, race, age, size, academic/artistic/athletic abilities, interests, and socio-economic backgrounds. Some of our diversity is visible and some is hidden.Psalm 139:14 declares: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Each student is precious in God’s sight, displaying His image, and also responsible for reflecting who God is. Each student does that in beautiful and dierent ways.Supporting students at Cairn Christian School can look like many dierent things. ● For some, it means that they have the option toattend a drop-in activity during recess to learn newsocial skills, to have a break from spaces that cause anxiety, or to explore a new and interesting game or activity.● Some of our students receive additional assistancein groups in our student support department, withthe help of a teacher or educational assistant. Inmany classrooms the teacher crafts learning for allof their students, knowing that individual studentor small group learning is nurtured by a supportiveand encouraging assistant.● A life skills class helps some students learnessential activities like food preparation orshopping.● Playground leaders or buddies assist studentswho need extra help or attention on the climbers,swings, or open playground.● Navigating big feelings and the ability to regulateemotions can be challenging for some of ourstudents. Extra attention and assistance to learnhow to manage is a way that students and classesare supported to learn.● Learning more about our dierent backgrounds,countries of origin, cultures, and languages helpsall of our students understand that each of us isunique and loved by God. A deeper respect for our dierences is cultivated, and how we live and worship together.● Finally, financial support is made available via ourbursary program so that families can access thehigh quality Christian Education and environmentthey so desire for their children.How are students supported in their learning?The “together in God’s world” aspect of Cairn’s mission statement is especially evident to me when all students are encouraged to participate and are supported in extracurricular sports, clubs and field trips. I have seen first hand peers and sta supporting students of all abilities either by cheering them on, speaking encouraging words and taking time to be a support instead of participating just for themselves. When this happens the community can see collaboration, love, leadership and the building of character. Also each of our students was uniquely created by God to grow intellectually, physically and spiritually. - Amy Rintjema, Stoney Creek paraeducatorThe Cairn Compass Fall 2024 The Cairn Compass Fall 2024
When you walk the halls of Cairn Christian School, it doesn’t take long to discover that we have a diverse group of students. That diversity stretches across a number of dierent dimensions, including denomination, race, age, size, academic/artistic/athletic abilities, interests, and socio-economic backgrounds. Some of our diversity is visible and some is hidden.Psalm 139:14 declares: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Each student is precious in God’s sight, displaying His image, and also responsible for reflecting who God is. Each student does that in beautiful and dierent ways.Supporting students at Cairn Christian School can look like many dierent things. ● For some, it means that they have the option toattend a drop-in activity during recess to learn newsocial skills, to have a break from spaces that cause anxiety, or to explore a new and interesting game or activity.● Some of our students receive additional assistancein groups in our student support department, withthe help of a teacher or educational assistant. Inmany classrooms the teacher crafts learning for allof their students, knowing that individual studentor small group learning is nurtured by a supportiveand encouraging assistant.● A life skills class helps some students learnessential activities like food preparation orshopping.● Playground leaders or buddies assist studentswho need extra help or attention on the climbers,swings, or open playground.● Navigating big feelings and the ability to regulateemotions can be challenging for some of ourstudents. Extra attention and assistance to learnhow to manage is a way that students and classesare supported to learn.● Learning more about our dierent backgrounds,countries of origin, cultures, and languages helpsall of our students understand that each of us isunique and loved by God. A deeper respect for our dierences is cultivated, and how we live and worship together.● Finally, financial support is made available via ourbursary program so that families can access thehigh quality Christian Education and environmentthey so desire for their children.How are students supported in their learning?The “together in God’s world” aspect of Cairn’s mission statement is especially evident to me when all students are encouraged to participate and are supported in extracurricular sports, clubs and field trips. I have seen first hand peers and sta supporting students of all abilities either by cheering them on, speaking encouraging words and taking time to be a support instead of participating just for themselves. When this happens the community can see collaboration, love, leadership and the building of character. Also each of our students was uniquely created by God to grow intellectually, physically and spiritually. - Amy Rintjema, Stoney Creek paraeducatorThe Cairn Compass Fall 2024 The Cairn Compass Fall 2024
There are many reading this edition of the compass for whom the concept of a paraeducator may be new. The prefix ‘para’ is from the Greek, meaning ‘beside’. Visiting our schools, this is literally what you would see from our paraeducator team. They educate alongside our students as opposed to the traditional educator ‘in front’. At Cairn Christian School, there are three types of paraeducators:● PSW - Personal Support Workers attend primarily to the physical needs of students will personal care and safety needs while eating, in mobility, or with hygiene.● EA - Educational Assistants are trained to take planned educational experiences prepared by the teacher and to modify or adapt them according the needs expressed in an Indvidual Education Plan (IEP) for a student. These generally focus on learning needs expressed in a diagnosed or evaluated challenge.● TA - Teaching Assistants help teachers with general classroom management often due to class size for our youngest students who need additional attention and support to get where they need to and to attend to the lessons in class.One beautiful part of being a collaborative workplace that doesn’t have strict restrictions on what employees are able or permitted to do, our paraeducators will frequently extend their work to include others in the classroom and school, even if not specifically identified as needing support. The extra set of eyes and ears in the classroom creates an amazing synergy between the adults in the room in service to the education of all of our students!What is a paraeducator?As the principal of our Stoney Creek campus, I have the unique opportunity of popping into classrooms and other educational spaces to see learning in action. Our teachers are doing an amazing job of faithful teaching, and they are able to meet the needs of their diverse classes of students, in part because of the support from our paraeducator team. Our student support coordinator provides modified plans for our paras to use as they assist students in their learning. Our para team is creative and has many chances to speak into the lives of the students with whom they work. Cairn Christian School is a better place, a loving community of belonging, in large part because of the dedication of our paraeducator team!- Bonnie DesjardinsThis is my eighth year working at Cairn, Stoney Creek as a paraeducator. My role has been as one-on-one support as well as general classroom support. The ‘to learn’ part of the mission statement is what gives me a job at Cairn. It becomes evident pretty quickly at the beginning of a school year that there are many dierent learning styles in a classroom. The most eective way we can help a student to thrive at learning is to meet them where they are at. This will look dierent for each student in the classroom, it also requires continual conversation with the classroom teacher, parents and any services or therapy they are receiving.It may also include us as paraeducators to do some learning ourselves; on new technology, new methods, and familiarizing ourselves with the curriculum being taught. It requires flexibility to allow students to learn in dierent ways, using various dierent tools. One of the rewarding parts of the job is celebrating when students complete a learning target or goal.- Amber Vanderhout - Stoney Creek paraeducatorThe Cairn Compass Fall 2024 The Cairn Compass Fall 2024
There are many reading this edition of the compass for whom the concept of a paraeducator may be new. The prefix ‘para’ is from the Greek, meaning ‘beside’. Visiting our schools, this is literally what you would see from our paraeducator team. They educate alongside our students as opposed to the traditional educator ‘in front’. At Cairn Christian School, there are three types of paraeducators:● PSW - Personal Support Workers attend primarily to the physical needs of students will personal care and safety needs while eating, in mobility, or with hygiene.● EA - Educational Assistants are trained to take planned educational experiences prepared by the teacher and to modify or adapt them according the needs expressed in an Indvidual Education Plan (IEP) for a student. These generally focus on learning needs expressed in a diagnosed or evaluated challenge.● TA - Teaching Assistants help teachers with general classroom management often due to class size for our youngest students who need additional attention and support to get where they need to and to attend to the lessons in class.One beautiful part of being a collaborative workplace that doesn’t have strict restrictions on what employees are able or permitted to do, our paraeducators will frequently extend their work to include others in the classroom and school, even if not specifically identified as needing support. The extra set of eyes and ears in the classroom creates an amazing synergy between the adults in the room in service to the education of all of our students!What is a paraeducator?As the principal of our Stoney Creek campus, I have the unique opportunity of popping into classrooms and other educational spaces to see learning in action. Our teachers are doing an amazing job of faithful teaching, and they are able to meet the needs of their diverse classes of students, in part because of the support from our paraeducator team. Our student support coordinator provides modified plans for our paras to use as they assist students in their learning. Our para team is creative and has many chances to speak into the lives of the students with whom they work. Cairn Christian School is a better place, a loving community of belonging, in large part because of the dedication of our paraeducator team!- Bonnie DesjardinsThis is my eighth year working at Cairn, Stoney Creek as a paraeducator. My role has been as one-on-one support as well as general classroom support. The ‘to learn’ part of the mission statement is what gives me a job at Cairn. It becomes evident pretty quickly at the beginning of a school year that there are many dierent learning styles in a classroom. The most eective way we can help a student to thrive at learning is to meet them where they are at. This will look dierent for each student in the classroom, it also requires continual conversation with the classroom teacher, parents and any services or therapy they are receiving.It may also include us as paraeducators to do some learning ourselves; on new technology, new methods, and familiarizing ourselves with the curriculum being taught. It requires flexibility to allow students to learn in dierent ways, using various dierent tools. One of the rewarding parts of the job is celebrating when students complete a learning target or goal.- Amber Vanderhout - Stoney Creek paraeducatorThe Cairn Compass Fall 2024 The Cairn Compass Fall 2024
But what does it mean for a student to belong? The graphic below may help. Exclusion does not acknowledge those who may be dierent. Segregation and Integration acknowledge that others exist but keeps them separate or at a distance. Inclusion allows all to participate but still falls short of our goal. In a community of Belonging, all students are acknowledged as uniquely gifted with specific needs, with the opportunity and responsibility to contribute. “Inclusion ensures that all are welcome…. Belonging means that we miss you when you are not there.”The mission of Cairn Christian School is to inspire students to love, learn, and lead together in Gods’ world. Supporting students and the work of paraeducators are important ways that we achieve that mission….Inspiring studentsGod has blessed our school with 10 wonderful paraeducators; some who work with individual students, while others work with multiple students. Our pareducators inspire students by getting to know them as the person God has created them to be. When students are with them they feel known and feel like they belong. Our paraeducators help all students to feel confident to try something new or dicult, encourage students to use the wonderful gifts God has given them and help them believe in what they are capable of achieving. Our paraeducators inspire students by leading by example!- Claudia DeHaan, Smithville Student Support CoordinatorTogether in God’s worldI am currently running a Life Skills class at school with four students, and we are learning many ways in which they can be part of God’s world! Whether that is learning road safety, how to tell time, handling money, phone skills and learning about food safety and food preparation. These are all ways that they can be a part of God’s World!!- Jody VanderWier, Smithville paraeducatorTo loveMya (the para- in my class) demonstrates for our JK students how to love. She models our school’s character traits and provides loving support as students become comfortable, capable, and confident in our classroom.- Josie DeGraaf, JK teacher, Stoney CreekTo learnJoining the team this year, I have witnessed the dedication of the paraeducators in developing creative and unique ways to help students understand and grow in their daily learning.- Esther DeHaan, Smithville paraeducatorTo leadThey know our children, who they are, what they can do and dream with them and their families of who they are becoming. They are uniquely made and perfectly placed in each stage of life from hugs in kindergarten, encouraging independence in the junior grades to figuring out who they are and what they believe in the middle school years.- Christine Winter, JK/SK teacher, SmithvilleSchool of belonging, Fulfilling our missionThe Cairn Compass Fall 2024 The Cairn Compass Fall 2024
But what does it mean for a student to belong? The graphic below may help. Exclusion does not acknowledge those who may be dierent. Segregation and Integration acknowledge that others exist but keeps them separate or at a distance. Inclusion allows all to participate but still falls short of our goal. In a community of Belonging, all students are acknowledged as uniquely gifted with specific needs, with the opportunity and responsibility to contribute. “Inclusion ensures that all are welcome…. Belonging means that we miss you when you are not there.”The mission of Cairn Christian School is to inspire students to love, learn, and lead together in Gods’ world. Supporting students and the work of paraeducators are important ways that we achieve that mission….Inspiring studentsGod has blessed our school with 10 wonderful paraeducators; some who work with individual students, while others work with multiple students. Our pareducators inspire students by getting to know them as the person God has created them to be. When students are with them they feel known and feel like they belong. Our paraeducators help all students to feel confident to try something new or dicult, encourage students to use the wonderful gifts God has given them and help them believe in what they are capable of achieving. Our paraeducators inspire students by leading by example!- Claudia DeHaan, Smithville Student Support CoordinatorTogether in God’s worldI am currently running a Life Skills class at school with four students, and we are learning many ways in which they can be part of God’s world! Whether that is learning road safety, how to tell time, handling money, phone skills and learning about food safety and food preparation. These are all ways that they can be a part of God’s World!!- Jody VanderWier, Smithville paraeducatorTo loveMya (the para- in my class) demonstrates for our JK students how to love. She models our school’s character traits and provides loving support as students become comfortable, capable, and confident in our classroom.- Josie DeGraaf, JK teacher, Stoney CreekTo learnJoining the team this year, I have witnessed the dedication of the paraeducators in developing creative and unique ways to help students understand and grow in their daily learning.- Esther DeHaan, Smithville paraeducatorTo leadThey know our children, who they are, what they can do and dream with them and their families of who they are becoming. They are uniquely made and perfectly placed in each stage of life from hugs in kindergarten, encouraging independence in the junior grades to figuring out who they are and what they believe in the middle school years.- Christine Winter, JK/SK teacher, SmithvilleSchool of belonging, Fulfilling our missionThe Cairn Compass Fall 2024 The Cairn Compass Fall 2024
Students: How does your EA help you?DeondreWhen I need help, she explains what I need to know. When the teacher goes too fast, she helps me catch up. I have been reflecting on how I experience my work with students through the lens of “love” in our school. I feel like my experience at Cairn so far (as I am brand new this year!) has been full of love. I have felt love from the teachers, my fellow paraeducators, and the admin sta - in the way of encouragement, patience as I learn, and seeing me and speaking into my strengths. I have been able to love the students I am supporting by seeing them for exactly who they are, supporting their needs with attainable goals in mind, and patience as we journey through each day together. I am able to show love to the students in our classroom by understanding how they learn, what they need, and that they are all unique! - Jen McAllister, Stoney Creek paraeducatorOur paraeducators are a CREW that supports each other, their students and the classrooms they work in daily. In my travels from class to class, I have seen firsthand the beautiful ways in which they check in with one another to ensure each has what they need to support student learning and belonging. Our paraeducators are often brainstorming and problem-solving, with each other and with teachers, dierent ways to implement learning goals for the unique learning dierences at our school. They make sure that each CREW member is not alone in their work. - Danyse Nywening, Grade 3 teacher and Instructional Coach, Stoney CreekHow do we show love? The paras all have a heart for helping and love. We all feel a great connection with the students, families and other sta. The fact we can show the little ones how much we love them and encourage them to be the best and that they belong in this school community. Each paraeducator brings their own gift and talent to share with each other as a community. - Christine VandeWier, Smithville paraeducatorIn their words…OliverHelps me focus in classSamantha They encourage me to do the workThey are always so niceShe makes review papers for us (for tests or studying) JuliaShe can help me do things like Bible and creation studiesAydenShe reads me the questions and helps me know what I’m doingMakaylinShe helps me do some tracing cursive for penmanshipShe helps me with Bible questionsII’m thankful that she is nice and really funny RhysI appreciate how they let me be in charge of how I want to learn something. They give me choices of how I want to do the work.The Cairn Compass Fall 2024 The Cairn Compass Fall 2024
Students: How does your EA help you?DeondreWhen I need help, she explains what I need to know. When the teacher goes too fast, she helps me catch up. I have been reflecting on how I experience my work with students through the lens of “love” in our school. I feel like my experience at Cairn so far (as I am brand new this year!) has been full of love. I have felt love from the teachers, my fellow paraeducators, and the admin sta - in the way of encouragement, patience as I learn, and seeing me and speaking into my strengths. I have been able to love the students I am supporting by seeing them for exactly who they are, supporting their needs with attainable goals in mind, and patience as we journey through each day together. I am able to show love to the students in our classroom by understanding how they learn, what they need, and that they are all unique! - Jen McAllister, Stoney Creek paraeducatorOur paraeducators are a CREW that supports each other, their students and the classrooms they work in daily. In my travels from class to class, I have seen firsthand the beautiful ways in which they check in with one another to ensure each has what they need to support student learning and belonging. Our paraeducators are often brainstorming and problem-solving, with each other and with teachers, dierent ways to implement learning goals for the unique learning dierences at our school. They make sure that each CREW member is not alone in their work. - Danyse Nywening, Grade 3 teacher and Instructional Coach, Stoney CreekHow do we show love? The paras all have a heart for helping and love. We all feel a great connection with the students, families and other sta. The fact we can show the little ones how much we love them and encourage them to be the best and that they belong in this school community. Each paraeducator brings their own gift and talent to share with each other as a community. - Christine VandeWier, Smithville paraeducatorIn their words…OliverHelps me focus in classSamantha They encourage me to do the workThey are always so niceShe makes review papers for us (for tests or studying) JuliaShe can help me do things like Bible and creation studiesAydenShe reads me the questions and helps me know what I’m doingMakaylinShe helps me do some tracing cursive for penmanshipShe helps me with Bible questionsII’m thankful that she is nice and really funny RhysI appreciate how they let me be in charge of how I want to learn something. They give me choices of how I want to do the work.The Cairn Compass Fall 2024 The Cairn Compass Fall 2024
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You, our readers and supporters, are instrumental in ensuring that our schools are both accessible and aordable!Carpet Ceramic Luxury Vinyl Laminate Hardwood Cork CountertopsFREE ESTIMATES 905-957-7779www.bertvis.comadmin@bertvis.com214 St. Catharines St,Smithville, ON L0R 2A0The Cairn Compass is a quarterly newsletter distributed to the Cairn Christian School supporting community. Our MissionInspiring students to love, learn, and lead together in God's world. Our VisionTo be the leaders in education by inspiring a diverse and unified student body to love, learn, and lead with God's grace, bringing Christ's love to the world.Serving all of Haldimand, Norfolk, Hamilton & NiagaraRIJUS HOME DESIGNJason Schilstra I 905-701-1110 I www.rijus.comNew Custom Homes/Cottages • Additions • Stock Plans Garages/Pole Barns • HVAC Designs • 3D RenderingsCUSTOM HOUSE PLANSFall DriveEducation that is AccessibleYour support enables Cairn Christian School to live deeply into the vision of being a school of belonging. This means that students who have challenges associated with learning are able to attend our schools.Our schools are better places, and our students are better served when we are able to learn together. We grow together in curiosity, compassion, and integrity, learning together in collaboration and joy!Education that is AordableYour support allows us to keep tuition rates lower than the full cost of education. For many families, the full price of tuition is simply not within reach.With your help, we are able to keep tuition lower for all families as well as come alongside others with bursary support so that their children may attend a school that aligns with their family’s values, inspiring, nurturing and empowering them to love, learn, and lead together in God’s world!Donate now to keep Christian Education Accessible and Aordable for Students and Families who desire an Education that puts Christ at the centre! us reach our budgeted goal of $200,000 this fall!The Cairn Compass Fall 2024 The Cairn Compass Fall 2024 Wesley Schilstra /Wayne Schilstra/David HildebrandSALES REPRESENTATIVE BROKER SALES REPRESENTATIVE *Mutual fund business is done with your advisor through Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Advisors and their corporations conduct insurance business through Sun Life Financial Distributors (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Companyof Canada is the insurer and is a member of the Sun Life group of companies. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2023.Advice from someone you trust.Matt Dam* Hons BA, CLU®Financial Planner, Sun Life Jingwei Raina Sun* CLU®, RRC®, CFP® Financial Planner, Sun Life Matt Dam Financial Services Inc. Tel: 905-892-5993 Grimsby, ON • villageinteriorsgrimsby@gmail.comBLINDSBLINDSSHUTTERSSHUTTERSDRAPESDRAPESWilliam & Christina Bezemer905-945-8008With So Much on the Line, You Can’t AFFORD to Compromisewww.meesterinsurance.comThe Village SquareReg. Rd. 20, P.O. Box 299Smithville, ON L0R 2A0T: 905.957.2333800.465.8256F: 905.957.2599E: info@meesterinsurance.comMeester Insurance Centre - 20245529 King St. West, Beamsville905-563-7702 I jerrysautobody.caServing the community since 196920 23BEST WESTIN THEDIAMOND AWARDComplete Collision Repairs!The Cairn Compass Fall 2024