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The Beacon - Q4 2022 Women in Leadership

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'TIS THE SEASON FOR ETHICSTHEIMPORTANCEOF ETHICALLEADERSHIP The Glass Cliff Phenomenon-perceptions of authors2023 Ethics Events & "15th Anniversary Celebration" Women in LeadershipPATRICIA KEARNS | QLI

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I N T H I S I S S U E0 7Women in Leadership Patricia KearnsQLI1 9The Importance of Ethical Leadership Dr. AnnMarie MarlierVP of Leadership Development1 4The Glass Cliff PhenomenomDr. Regina Taylor, Olivia Moyle and Dr. Sijing Wei2 12022 Community Impact ReportOUR MISSION: To buildleadership, strengthenorganizations and elevateGreater Omaha throughpositive, practical businessethics education. 0 4Trustee Chair MessageLance Fritz, Union Pacific RailroadChairman, President & CEO1 0Alliance Message Michael Robinson Executive Director/CEOFounding Partners

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Meet the Alliance Team Shannon Underwood Administrative Manager AnnMarie Marlier, Ph.DVP of Leadership Development Michael Robinson, M.S.Executive Director/ CEO Governing Board Executive CommitteeDavid Mayer, ChairDvorak Law Group Mark Pohl, Vice ChairOPPD Steve Koesters, TreasurerFusion Medical Staffing Madeline Moyer, SecretarySecurity National Bank Founding PartnersBob Bates, Emeritus Jefferson Pilot Insurance David BrownGreater Omaha Chamber of Commerce(Retired) James HegartyBetter Business Bureau Anthony Hendrickson, PhD.Creighton UniversityLuke ChristiansenBuildertrend Joel FalkUMB Bank Allen FredricksonSignature Performance Dale GubbelsFirstar Fiber Keith StationCity of Omaha Mayor's Office Joe Woster Blue Cross & BlueShield Nebraska Chad MaresGreater OmahaChamber of Commerce Christine NeuharthUnion Pacific Daniel PadillaLending Link Chad RichterJackson Lewis Lance FritzTrustee ChairUnion Pacific Railroad

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Dear Friends,The work of the Business EthicsAlliance is timely, relevant and highlyvaluable. It has never been moreimportant as the organization rides awave of momentum heading into2023. In 2022, the Alliance directlytouched more than 180 organizationsand 1,504 people through variousengagements. We anticipatecontinued robust growth in 2023 withthe launch of web-basedprogramming to deliver ethicseducation at the company level.Adopting principles for ethicaldecision-making enables individualsand organizations to analyze criticaldecisions within a proven framework.The programs offered by the Alliancehelp develop those principles and theability to apply them to contemporaryissues and developments within ourworkplaces. We all play a critical role in theAlliance’s success throughinvestments, namely donations,sponsorships and the use of Allianceproducts and services. Today, I inviteyou to join other community partnersand myself by investing in ourAlliance in 2023.I have been honored to lead theTrustees during my time at theAlliance and know they will continueto build upon the BEA’s strongfoundation. Thank you very much foryour support – past and future.Because of Trustees like you, theethical roots of Omaha will continueto support our community’s growth.L A N C E F R I T ZT R U S T E E C H A I R Lance FritzPresident, Chairman and CEOUnion Pacific Railroad

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Business Ethics Alliance Trusteesshall be Ambassadors, Advocatesand Supporters.TRUSTEECREEDOAs Trustees, we are nominated for our demonstratedexcellence in business ethics leadership. A Trustee’sprimary responsibility is to serve as a beacon forgood business ethics and, through our commitment,we send the message that ethics matter.PAGE 5CEO and Board Chair

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PAGE 7Patricia Kearns President & CEO | QLI Women in Leadership

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What does business ethics mean to you?Business ethics means creating and upholding a culture that prioritizes honesty,transparency, and always doing the right thing. An ethical culture starts at the topwith the leaders of an organization consistently demonstrating integrity, and beingheld accountable to do so. QLI’s mission is to deliver life-changing rehabilitation andcare for individuals who have suffered a catastrophic injury. It is a great privilege tobe part of the journey for individuals who are finding their way to a meaningful pathin life post-injury and our team takes seriously the responsibility of providing thevery best rehab and care. Every decision we make, regardless of challenge oropportunity, requires the highest level of integrity so that we can do our best for ourclients and their families. We work hard every day to maintain a culture of alwaysdoing what’s right, even when it’s not what’s easy.The Business Ethics Alliance will celebrate 15 years of supporting an ethical Omahabusiness community in 2023. The team has put together a terrific line up of eventsand a range of educational resources for the upcoming year – all thoughtfullydesigned to support every trustee organization. I am thrilled to be in a position tosupport Michael, his team, and the Board of Directors in bringing Omaha metrobusinesses together to learn, support each other, and celebrate the impact ofAlliance. We will be particularly focused on re-engaging Trustees who stepped awayat some point during the pandemic and haven’t yet worked Alliance events backinto their routine. It’s a great time for these leaders and their teams to re-engage andrenew their commitment to an ethical Omaha business community. Regardless ofindustry or company size, there’s value to be found in showing up and joining theconversation. Engaged Trustees will assure a strong foundation from which we cancontinue to grow and welcome new leaders and businesses to our alliance. We havean incredible Trustee base and I’m looking forward to a year of learning andmeaningful dialogue around business ethics.WOMEN IN LEADERSHIPWhat are some of your goals as incoming Trustee Chair?

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Ethical decision making is a priority for me and for all of the leaders at QLI. Joiningthe Business Ethics Alliance signaled we were serious about ethical businesspractices. Joining the Alliance also opened the door for learning opportunities andaccess to resources that would support my growth as a leader and our team inethical decision making. As Dr. Erin Bass said during EthicSpace, “we all strive to dowell by doing good; but doing good isn’t always as easy as a simple math equation.”Engaging with the Business Ethics Alliance has made me a better leader andassured I always have support when the right answers or decisions aren’timmediately obvious. Why did you join the Business Ethics Alliance? WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP

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What do you believe compromises theethical workplace? An ethical workplace requires all teammembers have a high level ofaccountability to always do what’s right.The leaders of an organization carry theprimary responsibility to role model and setstandards for ethical decision making andbusiness practices. Lack of accountability atthe top, and even lack of clear expectationscommunicated from the top, will quicklycompromise a workplace. Upholding anethical workplace also requirespsychological safety. Bad things happenwhen good people do nothing. Leadersmust work hard to create and maintain aculture of safety so that good teammembers feel safe speaking up when theyencounter anything that feels ethicallyquestionable. What are some of your most ethicalqualities and why? I have been fortunate to connect to amission and purpose over the past 22 yearsthat’s so much bigger than me. My time atQLI has created a passion for serving othersand, from that passion, the motivation toalways do my best and always do what’sright. Being part of Team QLI reinforcesleading with honesty, transparency,compassion for others, and a commitmentto excellence.WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP

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Dear Friends of the Alliance: 2022 has been a memorable year for theAlliance. However, we still need to reachthose who feel like they are alone indealing with an ethical dilemma. We strive to continue to provide a moralfoundation that allows leaders andorganizations to go back to when thegoing gets tough. It's about striving to bepart of something bigger than ourselvesand making a positive impact in ourcommunities. "Ethics drives what we do bybringing people together throughhonest conversations andcreating psychologically safeenvironments." Greater Omaha is known for having abusiness community that gets engagedbecause that's what makes us special. TheALLIANCE prides itself on providing timeand space for business leaders to cometogether and discuss how WE can lead ourcommunity forward ethically.I would be remiss for not thanking oursmall but mighty TEAM and dedicatedboard members who keep our missiongoing. In addition, we thank all of YOU asevent, program, and/or workshopattendees, as well as all of the supportersof the Alliance's mission to build leaders,strengthen organizations, and elevate ourcommunity through positive, practicalbusiness ethics education. M I C H A E L R O B I N S O N E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R / C E O Michael Robinson, M.S.Business Ethics Alliance

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A N N U A L T R U S T E E M E E T I N G The 2022 Annual Trustee Meetingbrought together trustees, governingboard, volunteers, community leaders andstaff to celebrate the year’s successes andbe inspired by an engaging, well-knownspeaker. The objective is to provide areport on the organization’s activity for theyear and to leave attendees excited aboutthe future of the Alliance. We alsopromote collegiality among the cityleaders and provides an environment forprofessional fellowship.Our keynote speaker Joe Moglia gave anamazing talk about life, business and theimportance of ethical leadership. A specialthanks to our sponsors Seldin Company,Borsheims and Cline Williams WrightJohnson & Oldfather, L.L.P for making theday memorable. Thanks to Our SponsorsA Conversation with Joe Moglia

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The EthicSpace Conference broughtbusinesses together with a focus onimproving cultures through better ethicaldecision making. We had over 350individuals from Nebraska and SouthwestIowa form an alliance to explore theimportance of ethical leadership inside ofbusiness operations.The conference theme was Creating aCulture of Trust, and participants took part indiscussions inside of breakout sessions andan interactive keynote address that exploredways to foster the type of organizationalcultures everyone deserves.The keynote address offered a glimpse of thepast, and a lesson for the future, wasdelivered by Sherron Watkins-knowninternationally as the Enron whistleblower.She spoke with EthicSpace attendees aboutethics and leadership, and the lessonslearned from the collapse of Enron. Her message encouraged leaders at everylevel to embrace the lessons learned andwork to create cultures rich with trust. Thanks to Our SponsorsDr. Angela Kirby, Sherron Watkins and Dr. Erin Bass

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event photos

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THE GLASS CLIFF PHENOMENONPerceptions of the authors Dr. Regina Taylor, Olivia Moyle(Creighton '22), and Dr. Sijing Wei(Forbes, 2021)

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The glass cliff phenomenon suggests women leaders assume leadership positions asan organization is falling apart or facing multifaceted difficulties. The past few yearshave provided evidence of this phenomenon as the number of women ChiefExecutive Officers (CEO) on the Fortune 500 list increased from 37 in 2020, to arecord-breaking 41 in 2021. During this timeframe, the world shifted. The COVID-19pandemic altered normality for individuals, families, and businesses across theglobe. Many firms laid off employees, suffered supply chain disruptions, and feltreductions in consumer demand due to the pandemic. However, women leaderscontinue to rise to the challenge in all areas; women in politics, education, andbusiness have effectively led through some of the worlds darkest times. This posesthe question: Do women leaders fair better during a crisis?Academic research suggests women leaders have a feminine management stylewhich includes behaviors such as soliciting input from others, sharing power andinformation, bolstering subordinates’ sense of self-worth, and managing in a moredemocratic and participatory way. This style may be particularly well suited for crisissuch as the pandemic. COVID-19 poses new challenges for women in theworkplace but offers the opportunity to use perceived disadvantages to increasefirm performance and profitability. Despite owning more than half the percentage ofprofessional positions in management, women have been grossly underrepresentedas leaders within business. As firms realized the setbacks the pandemic could pose,women began replacing men in top executive positions at some of the world’slargest organizations.Citigroup Inc., (C) named Jane Fraser as CEO in February 2021 during a time ofpoor financial performance. Not only did Fraser replace a male predecessor,Michael Corbat, who wasn’t scheduled to retire for another year, she was also thefirst woman to lead a big Wall Street bank. Fraser’s leadership throughout theeconomic downturn surprised the public. Fraser saw her company – her people –dwindling and implemented “Zoom-free Fridays” to recover work-life balance. Whenemployees returned to the office, many came into hybrid roles, somethingpreviously unheard of in the banking realm.

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Fraser led by showcasing concern for the wellbeing of Citigroup’s people. Researchhas shown men and women leaders think and act differently; men make riskierdecisions and accrue more debt than women leaders, and women can act and reactmore emotionally than men. During times of crises, firms continually bring in femaleleaders because their naturally displayed communal leadership style could be anadvantage.Lauren Hobart, the current CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. (DKS), says being afemale leader is an important asset for an organization. Namely, male and femaleleaders bring different ideas to the table. Hobart is the third person to run Dick’sSporting Goods and the first non-family CEO. Because only 41 of the 500companies on the Fortune 500 list have women leaders, women must rely on alliesand supportive cultures to promote women into senior leadership positions.Women leaders may feel as if they must behave in a more masculine way to assumeleadership positions. Hobart felt she wasn’t ready for the role and needed to changeto fit the new title. However, the leadership attributes women naturally possess arenot only assets but can push an organization to realign business to fit its mission andvalues.Karen Lynch was tapped to lead CVS Health Corporation (CVS) in February 2021.When asked her thoughts on taking over in the middle of the pandemic, Lynchrecounted all the challenges she has experienced in her professional life, and statedthat while this was different, it was no different at all. Since her move from ExecutiveVice President to CEO, Lynch has focused on the company’s purpose and used itsvalues to propel business forward.Ethical ImplicationsThe pandemic has been a call to action for business leaders; there is a need for anew kind of CEO, a new type of leader. Women leaders play a meaningful role inbusiness, especially during crisis. A practical implication for well-established firms isto introduce diversity and inclusion training for management and upper-levelexecutives. Global organizations, including Microsoft and Boeing, have begun thiswork by adding D&I professionals and appointing Chief Diversity Officers (CDO).

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Equal representation is not enough. Ideas from both men and women shouldbe voiced and heard in open conversation. Recent research has found olderfirms have core rigidities that can block the value brought by women voices intop management discussions. Redesigning a culture with gender equality willrequire more than equal representation; firms should acknowledge thetraditional systems of how ideas are spoken to existence and consider theimpact female representation has in top management.Women, as individuals, should lean into their strengths, seek organizations thatare supportive of their career aspirations, and develop mentorships andprofessional relationships to help attain their goals. Organizations shouldcreate cultures that allow everyone’s voice to be heard and promote ethicaldiversity. Let us push beyond the glass ceiling, one ladder rung at a time. (l-r) Dr. Regina Taylor, Olivia Moyle (Creighton '22), and Dr. Sijing Wei

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Coming Soon to Linkedin

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Meet Our New VP AnnMarieIn my career I have seen firsthand thedifference that an organization whichemphasizes ethical practices can makefor all stakeholders. Some organizationsI worked for seemed on the surface toemphasize ethical practice yet did notactually practice what they said theydid. A culture of mistrust, closedmindsets, and unacknowledged poorbehavior prevented engagement,collaboration, and innovation. On theother hand, some organizations I workedfor seemed, by industry reputation, tooccasionally engage in unethicalpractices yet were, in fact, operatingfrom a very ethical place. Studentsuccess, persistence, and employeeengagement all resulted from a positiveworkplace culture that put the wholeperson at the center of all we did. Thisopportunity as Vice President ofLeadership Development at the BusinessEthics Alliance allows me to focus onwhat has always been at the center ofmy approach and practices as a leader-developing capacity for leaders to act inways that are inclusive, equitable, andfocus on the whole person and/orcommunity. My background is varied yet thecommon thread throughout my career iseducation. THE IMPORTANCE OFETHICAL LEADERSHIP AnnMarie Marlier, Ph.D, VP of Leadership Development

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Networking also led to meetingamazing leaders across industries, inparticular women, and I becameinvolved in several women’s leadershipnetworking groups in Omaha andacross the state of Nebraska.Networking through one of thesegroups led to an opportunity to serveon the Board of Directors for theNebraska Early ChildhoodCollaborative so now I get to helpmake a positive impact for futuregenerations of Nebraska leaders. That doesn’t mean we are perfect;rather, we own our choices, acceptresponsibility for the behaviors andoutcomes, and learn for the future.When we can honestly say we havefew regrets about our choices, ourintegrity, brand, and reputationrepresent us well whether we arephysically present or not. As a lifelonglearner and educator, I try my best tokeep an open mindset and learn asmuch from those I work with and foras they might from me. Ethicalleadership is at the very heart of mylife choices and always will be. On the administrative side, as anacademic dean at several institutions, Ilead teams ranging from 40 – 120 full-and part-time faculty and staff toprovide quality education for up to 130academic program offerings in face toface, hybrid, and online modalities. Thisexperience includes personallydeveloping and directing severalprograms at both undergraduate andgraduate levels.On the instructional side, I’vedeveloped and taught every level ofclass from undergraduate studentsuccess through doctoral courses. I’vealso developed and led curricula andtrainings for both corporate and not-for-profit organizations across severalroles and positions. Of course, noposition is complete without somecompliance (regulatory andaccreditation) and assessment work tomeasure outcomes and this was true ofevery position I held in my career. Along the way I’ve learned to lean in tousing my strengths rather than worryabout areas that do not come as easilyto me. For example, one of my topClifton Strengths is Connectedness.Whenever I meet a new person or starta new venture, I look for ways toconnect to the people involved so Ican focus on similarities instead ofdifferences. When I first moved toNebraska, this Connectedness strengthled me to apply for the LeadershipNebraska program so that I could getto know my newly adopted “home”state better. Acceptance intoLeadership Nebraska led to my learningmore about the communities,industries, and people that make upNebraska so that I can better servethose I work with in Omaha, Nebraska,and beyond."No person cansuccessfully leadothers without firstsuccessfully leadingthemselves."

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Trustee PartnersA Place At HomeAAA NebraskaAccess BankAIM InstituteAirlite Plastics Co.Alley Poyner Macchietto ArchitectureAmerican National BankAmeriSphereAnant OperationsAon Risk Services Central, Inc.Aradius GroupArbor BankAsh Johnson CompanyAureus GroupAvenue Scholars FoundationAyars & AyarsBailey LauermanBaird Holm, LLPBank of the WestBankers TrustBaxter Auto GroupBellevue UniversityBergman IncentivesBill Doran CompanyBlue Cross Blue Shield of NebraskaBorsheimsBoys & Girls Clubs of the MidlandsBoys Town Human ResourcesBridges Investment Management, Inc.BuildertrendBusiness VenturesC3 BrandsC3 CommunicationsCatholic Charities LocalCentris Federal Credit UnionCertified TransmissionCFO Systems, LLCChartwell Capital, LLCCHI HealthChildrens SquareCLAAS of AmericaClient Resources, Inc. (CRi)Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather, LLPCollege of Saint MaryColliers InternationalCompletely KidsConcierge Marketing Inc.Consortio Group, LLCCordova SolutionsCore BankCox CommunicationsCredit Advisors FoundationCreighton UniversityD.A. Davidson CompaniesD.R.E.A.M.Davis CompaniesDeeb CompaniesDermatology Specialists of OmahaDingman's Collision Center, Inc.Distefano Technology & MFGDistinction Risk Solutions, LLCDiventuresDLR GroupDundee BankDundee Venture CapitalDurham Staffing SolutionsDvorak Law Group

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Egan Supply CompanyElder Law of Omaha, P.C., L.L.O.Election Systems & Software, LLC (ES&S)Elliott Equipment CompanyEmsick ArchitectsEmspace + LovgrenEngineering Change LabErvin & SmithFarmers NationalFarrell GrowthFirespringFirst Light Home CareFirst National BankFirst National Investments and PlanningFirst Responders FoundationFirst Westroads BankFive Nines Technology GroupFlood CommunicationsFlywheelFNTSFrannetFraser Stryker PC, LLOFremont YMCAGallup, Inc.GavilonGeneral Service Bureau, Inc., Early Out Services Inc.Gilg Law OfficeGirls, Inc.Global Connections, Inc.Godfather's Pizza, Inc.Goodwill Industries, Inc.Goodwill OmahaGraphic Technologies, Inc.Greater Omaha ChambersGreenleaf PropertiesGWR Wealth Management, LLCH&H AutomotiveHabitat for Humanity of OmahaHarry A. Koch CompanyHayes and Associates, LLCHDR, Inc.Heartland Family ServiceHeritage ServicesHodges Enterprises/Jimmy JohnsHome Instead Senior CareHusch Blackwell, LLPICANIGo Van & StorageInclusive CommunitiesinCOMMON Community DevelopmentIntegrity Staffing & SolutionsIntegrowJ. Walker & Associates Jackson Lewis P.C.Jerry Ryan Clothing and SportswearJet Linx AviationJewish Federation of OmahaJohn A. Gentleman MortuariesJones Automotive Inc.JP Morgan ChaseKarma KoffeeKeep Omaha BeautifulKETV/HearstKeystone Financial ServicesKiewitKitchen TableKnights of Aksarben FoundationKoenig Dunne PC, LLOKoley JessenKPMG, LLPKPTM Fox 42Kully Financial ServicesKutak Rock, LLPLamp Rynearson & AssociatesLamson, Dugan and Murray, LLPLaRue Coffee and RoasterieLeo A DalyLeonum AdvisorsLeuder ConstructionLighthouse 5Lincoln Financial GroupLindsay CorporationLingoDocs MarketingLutheran Family Services of NebraskaLutz & CompanyMake-a-Wish Foundation of NebraskaMammel FoundationMcAlister ConsultingMcCallie Associates, Inc.McClung Coaching and ConsultingMcGowan Family Foundation, Inc.McGrath NorthMedia MonksMedical SolutionsMethodist Hospital FoundationMetropolitan Community CollegeMetropolitan Entertainment & ConventionAuthority (MECA)Midland UniversityMidlands Business JournalMidwest Eye Care, P.C.MIdwest Laboratories, Inc.Midwest Maintenance, Co. Inc.Millard Lumber Inc.MindSet, LLCMissouri River TitleMoglia Family FoundationMosaicMSI Systems IntegratorsMutual of OmahaNational Indemnity CompanyNebraska Cancer Specialists Legacy LocationNebraska Chamber of CommerceNebraska Enterprise FundNebraska Health Information Initiative (NEHII)Nebraska Humane SocietyNebraska MedicineNebraska Methodist Health SystemNEI Global RelocationNMC GroupNonprofit Association of the MidlandsNorth End TeleservicesNorthStar FoundationNP Dodge CompanyOBI CreativeOccasion DesignedOlssonOmaha Community BroadcastingOmaha Community FoundationOmaha Fashion WeekOmaha MagazineOmaha Performing Arts

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Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)Omaha Steaks InternationalOmaha World HeraldOmaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & AquariumOMNE PartnersPansing, Hogan, Ernst & Bachman, LLPPaypalPeak Pathways, LLCPhysicians Mutual Insurance CompanyPinnacle Bancorp, Inc.PlanitOmahaPlant Pros of OmahaPlay It Again SportsPottawattamie County Community FoundationPremier BankQLIR & R Real Estate AdvisorsRBC Wealth ManagementRD Industries, Inc.REAMSRebel InteractiveResults Business AdvisorsRevela GroupRoloff Construction/EngineeringRouter VenturesRSM US LLPSAP AribaScottish RiteScripps RadioSecurities AmericaSecurity National BankSeim Johnson Sestak & Quist, LLPSeldin CompanySeven Citadels ConsultingShamrock Development, Inc.Signature PerformanceSilverStone GroupSlowiaczek, Albers, and Astley, P.C., L.L.OSolve TalentSouthside Redevelopment Corp.SquishtalksState Farm Insurance-DeLeon Agency Streck Inc.Sun Valley LandscapingTeam MatesTenaska, Inc.Teresa Paulsen CommunicationThe Burlington Capital Group, LLCThe Business BuilderThe DesignersThe Grey PlumeThe Optimas Group, LLCThe Peregrine Hotel OmahaThe ReaderThe Scoular CompanyThe Wells Resource, LLCThermal ServicesThrasher, Inc.Total Health Care AssociatesUMB BankUnion Bank and TrustUnion Pacific RailroadUnited SeedsUnited Way of the MidlandsUniversal Information Services, Inc.UNMCUS Bank Omaha MarketVerde Martin Sales AccelerationVerdis GroupVidaNyxVision2VoiceWeitz Family FoundationWeitz Investment ManagementWells Fargo BankWerner EnterprisesWestroads Mall/General Growth PropertiesWestwood Holdings GroupWhispering RootsWho You Are ConsultingWomen's Center for AdvancementWomen's Fund of OmahaWood Stieper Capital GroupWoodmen LifeWoodmen Life YN Global, Inc.Zaiss & Co. Patricia Kearns2023 Trustee Chair President & CEOQLI Samantha Mosser2023 Trustee Vice-ChairPresident & CEO Banker's Trust Lance Fritz (2020-2022)Union Pacific Railroad Karen Goracke (2019-2020)Borsheims Jane Miller (2018-2019)Gallup George Little (2016-2017)HDR Bruce Grewcock (2014-2015)Kiewit Mike McCarthy (2012-2013)McCarthy Capital Group Robert Bates (2008-2011)Jefferson-Pilot Insurance Alliance Trustee Chairs

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Jack & StephanieKoraleskiJon & AdrianMinksThanks to our 2022 Mission Drivers Moglia Family Foundation