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The Beacon - Q2 - 2021

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TRUSTEE SPOTLIGHTGet to know your fellow TrusteesGoverning Board Executive CommitteeDavid Mayer, ChairDvorak Law Group Mark Pohl, Vice ChairOPPD Steve Koesters, TreasurerFusion Medical Staffing Founding PartnersBob Bates, Emeritus Jefferson Pilot Insurance David BrownGreater Omaha Chamber of Commerce James HegartyBetter Business Bureau Anthony Hendrickson, PhD.Creighton UniversityLuke ChristiansenBuildertrend Joel FalkUMB Bank Allen FredricksonSignature Performance Dale GubbelsFirstar Fiber Steve JerinaOmaha CommunityFoundation Shelly JochimLindsay CorporationLinda LovgrenEmspace + Lovegren Chad MaresGreater OmahaChamber of Commerce Madeline MoyerSecurity National Bank Christine NeuharthUnion Pacfic Daniel PadillaLending Link Chad RichterJackson LewisMembersKeith StationCity of OmahaMayor's OfficeIN THISISSUEA NOTE FROM THE TRUSTEE CHAIRLance Fritz, Union Pacfic4A LOOK AT TRUSTEE ENGAGEMENT& DEMOGRAPHICSStats and Facts5A NOTE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORMichael Robinson, Business Ethics Alliance6THE ETHICS OF EMPLOYEE SURVEILLANCEEthical "Workplace Surveillance"12KEEPING BUSINESS ETHICS FRONT OF MINDAllen Fredrickson & Signature Performance814ON THE COVERARTICLEAllison Taylor: Ethical Systems13MEET THE NEW TRUSTEESDriving a more ethical Omaha business community10UPCOMING EVENTS112500 California Ave | Heider, Suite 3029Omaha, NE 68178402.280.2235www.businessethicsalliance.orgJoe WosterBlue Cross & BlueShield of Nebraska

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Business Ethics Alliance Trusteesshall be Ambassadors, Visionaries,and CounselsTRUSTEE CREEDOAs Trustees, we are nominated for our demonstratedexcellence in business ethics leadership. A Trustee’sprimary responsibility is to serve as a beacon forgood business ethics and, through our commitment,we send the message that ethics matter.

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L A N C EF R I T ZDear Friends:2021 has been a year of continued change at theBusiness Ethics Alliance, but I am pleased to see theorganization’s efforts transition from an idea into areality.You may have noticed several different employeesat the Alliance reaching out to you via email orphone. This is part of the Alliance’s goal to build newrelationships and strengthen existing ones with allof you – our valued and dedicated Trustees. Mike,Casey, Charli, and Nya may be reaching out fromtime to time with various development, education,and marketing questions or requests, or even just tosay “Hello.”As we move into the second half of 2021, we alsohave something new to look forward to – the gradualreturn of in-person events. Earlier this spring, the Alliance inquired, youresponded, and they listened. Much of the feedbackfocused on the desire to return to in-personactivities. As a result, we are anticipating having ourFall Executive Breakfast and our EthicSpaceConference in-person this fall. This is, of course,pending any spikes in trending COVID-19 cases.Safety precautions will continue to be followed andencouraged at all times.I look forward to continued success for the rest ofthis year and am grateful for each of you.Sincerely,Lance FritzPresident, Chairman, and CEOUnion Pacific Railroad "WE ARE ANTICIPATING HAVING OUR FALLEXECUTIVE BREAKFAST AND OUR ETHICSPACECONFERENCE IN-PERSON THIS FALL."

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6 3 %of Trustees have financiallycontributed to a moreethical Omaha3 5 7Trustees7 9 %of Trustees areopted in for emails9 3 %of Trustees haveprovided a phonenumber2 3 %of Trustees followthe Alliance on FB5 8 %of Trustees have attendedan Alliance eventMale7 5 %Female2 5 %9 5 % Caucasian3 % African-American2 % Hispanic1 3 +Industries RepresentedLargest Represented IndustriesNonprofit and Banking/Financial Services

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We hope you enjoy reading about some of our notablediscoveries and Alliance updates as summarized inthis newsletter. There has never been a better time tobe a Trustee of the Business Ethics Alliance. We are ina good place. With your help, we will continue to worktoward our mission of making Omaha a beacon ofethical excellence. Thank you for your support. Sincerely,Michael RobinsonThe past year has brought much change to the BusinessEthics Alliance, creating new challenges and obstacles formany of us. We are all deeply committed to the mission, andwe work each day with a renewed dedication. We have weathered the storm of challenges that came ourway and are sailing toward a new horizon. Our team has beenbusy, not only with organizational planning, but to make everyevent an educational and empowering experience for you.Despite these obstacles, our small but mighty team hascontinued to rise to the occasion and has taken on everychallenge with tenacity, integrity, and respect – not just foreach other, but for those we serve. I am proud to lead such apassionate and dedicated team of men and women as wework toward creating a more ethical, Greater Omahacommunity.E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R& C E ODuring a recent Governing Board meeting,one of our Board members commented onthe feeling of uncertainty that the past year’schallenges brought. However, he also notedthe “sense of calm” that has now settled overthe Business Ethics Alliance.

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YOUR COMPANY. OUR COMMUNITY. ALL OF OUR RESPONSIBILITY.ANNUAL TRUSTEE MEETING 9:30AM-11AM NOVEMBER 9 11:00AM - 5PMSOCIAL HOUR & NETWORKINGFOLLOWING CONFERENCEBreakout SessionsLead With Trust: Raising Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)Conversations with a CEOEnvironmental, Social, and Governance (ESG): Best Practices for a New Era ProgramInclusion: What Do You Offer?PRESENTED BY2021OUR KEYNOTEVISIT ETHICSPACE.ORG TO REGISTEROR FOR MORE INFORMATIONIN-PERSON

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When I think of my personal philosophy on ethics,these words come to mind: integrity, courage,respect, passion, equality, and service. To me,ethics embodies all of these words and is alignedwith how I approach life each day. When I first heard about the Business EthicsAlliance, their involvement, coupled with theAlliance’s mission and purpose immediatelycompelled me to want to learn more and getinvolved. The Business Ethics Alliance is part ofwhat makes Omaha stand out. It exemplifies thetype of behavior, community, and people by whom Iwant to be surrounded. I am glad to support strongprograms and educational content that inspires theOmaha business community to be its best. I desire to make our community more appealing tothose who are already Omaha residents and forthose who may be interested in living and workinghere. The Business Ethics Alliance is uncommonand is an important part of who we are as abusiness community. KEEPINGBUSINESSETHICS FRONTOF MINDAllen Fredrickson is the Chief Executive Officer andPresident of Signature Performance. He founded thecompany in 2004 in Omaha, Nebraska. Since then,Signature Performance has become one of the nation’sforemost full-service healthcare administrative businessservice processing companies serving providers andpayers in all 50 states.

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I have made a conscious effort to learn continuouslythroughout my business career, and some key lessonsresonated with me. As a leader, I have discovered theimportance of failing and succeeding with grace andclass. A mentality of service, rather than being served,is essential. It is also important to avoid being toomyopic, one-dimensional, or short-term in yourthinking and decision-making. I have learned how tobuild a company that creates a client and associateexperience that people find attractive and appealing.Doing so allows people to realize their full potential andreach new heights, both as individuals and as anorganization. I am consistently inspired by the people who are bothdreamers and doers. These people make the world abetter place by lifting others up and encouraging thosearound them to make a difference.“Our team is passionate about developing an engaging culture in whichAssociates love their jobs, feel genuine satisfaction with the work they aredoing each day, and can be the best version of themselves both personallyand professionally.” - Allen Fredickson"I desire to make our community moreappealing to those who are already Omaharesidents and for those who may beinterested in living and working here. "Signature Performance is a 6 time recipient of theBaird Holm LLP Best Places to Work award.Signature Performance's values are clearlydisplayed in their office.

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M E E T T H E N E WTrusteesMarnie JensenPartnerHusch BlackwellJoan Lukas, M.A.PresidentLukas PartnersBonny BillupsVP of Client ExperienceAradius GroupMachael Durham, CPCPresident/OwnerDurham Staffing Solutions Jeff HuberChief Executive OfficerHome InsteadBrian PetranickPresident/CEORight At HomeGabe RomeroFounderCordova SolutionsJesse RothgebStrategy ConsultantBooz Allen HamiltonArmando SalgadoCEOLingoDocs MarketingJoe Sullivan IIIRegion PresidentU.S. BankSteve WarrenCEO & FounderWarren Academy &Dream FoundationManny PazVP of Finance &AdministrationAradius GroupNo PhotoAvailable

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UPCOMING EVENTSFallExecutiveBreakfastDriving Ethics From the Top DownSeptember 21, 2021 | 7:30am-8:45amA Career in PerspectiveCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYPROFESSIONALS Fall Mind Candy DialogueThe Ethics of Employee SurveillanceDialogues on topics that matterAugust 17 | 7:30 - 8:45 a.m.First In-personSignature Event of the yearHosted ByPanelist Moderator - Haley ArmstrongSenior Communications Specialist - External Affairs, Kiewit For more information or to register visit:

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Surveillance and monitoring in the workplace haveevolved alongside advancing technologies, presentingever-multiplying opportunities, risks, and emergingethical questions. Emerging technologies now enablemind-monitoring wearables, subdermal microchipping,and emotion recognition cameras to inform data-drivenmanagement. Often described as an oppressivePanopticon, modern surveillance offers tremendouspower that could be used for benevolent or nefariousaims. As technological limitations recede, the implementationof surveillance has accelerated, and if organizations gowith the flow or follow their peers, they will likely crossmany ethical thresholds enabled by the justification that“everyone is doing it.” It is unclear if individuals arehealthfully adapting to this more monitored existence orreplacing authenticity with dramaturgy (acting). At theorganization level, the balance of benefits anddrawbacks is difficult to ascertain. Organizations turn to surveillance in pursuit of improvedproductivity, risk management, and social facilitation.However, there is a minefield of unintended negativeconsequences from surveillance, from repelling currentand prospective employees to erosion of trust andautonomy. Prospective candidates may be less likely toaccept a job offer and view the organization as lessethical when a company is described as having highlevels of monitoring. Turnover of existing employeesmay also increase with increased electronic monitoring.Counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) aresometimes higher when monitoring/surveillanceis in place, though possibly only whenimplemented poorly. The very type of badbehavior monitoring it may be used to remedycan actually worsen in response to themonitoring itself – a that may far outweigh theintended benefits. Counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) aresometimes higher when monitoring/surveillanceis in place, though possibly only whenimplemented poorly. The very type of badbehavior monitoring may be used to remedy canactually worsen in response to the monitoringitself – a that may far outweigh the intendedbenefits. THE ETHICSOF EMPLOYEESURVEILLANCEETHICAL SYSTEMS.ORG"ORGANIZATIONS TURN TOSURVEILLANCE IN PURSUIT OFIMPROVED PRODUCTIVITY, RISKMANAGEMENT, AND SOCIALFACILITATION."

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When the employee knows he or she is watched, thevalues and ethics of the managers doing the watchingbecome even more critical. Surveillance expandsmanager powers beyond work outputs and into therealm of employee behavior modification, a powerfuland individualized form of control that threatensworker autonomy. As a result, management decisionsand ethical culture inside an organization will stronglydetermine how surveillance capabilities are leveragedtoward competing goals. When determining the level of surveillance yourcompany will have over its employees, it is firstimportant to examine your values. You must determineif the use of surveillance is consistent with the formaland informal values your organization embraces. If theanswer is yes, it is vital to ensure surveillancedecisions honor the values employees have learned toexpect and resonate with prospective employees youwish to add. If you do move forward with this decision, it is alsoimperative to communicate with your stakeholders inan engaging and meaningful way. The conversationsshould include the type, scope, and purpose ofsurveillance or monitoring, as well as anticipatedbenefits and how they will be measured.-Source: “Workplace Surveillance.”"THERE IS A MINEFIELD OF UNINTENDEDNEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES FROMSURVEILLANCE, FROM REPELLING CURRENTAND PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES TO EROSION OFTRUST AND AUTONOMY."**DID YOU ENJOY THISARTICLE? IF SO, REGISTERFOR THE VIRTUAL FALLMIND CANDY DIALOGUE ONAUGUST 17 AS WE DELVEFURTHER INTO OUR TOPIC:THE ETHICS OF EMPLOYEESURVEILLANCE.

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I strongly believe a strong ethical foundation isessential for success in business and the well-beingof a community. Ethics – doing the right thing by theother person, always – creates trust. Trust is built onrelationships and is essential for progress withinbusiness and the community. Bridges Trustsupports the Business Ethics Alliance because of ourshared perspective on the importance of strongethics in the business community. The Alliance'sgrowth will mean an expansion of solid ethics in ourcommunity, which is essential to the economicgrowth of Omaha. The Alliance stands for theimportance of strong ethics, and the culture of ourbusiness is based on trust and always doing the rightthing by our clients. Over time, the most important lesson that I havelearned is that putting the interests of our clientsfirst – ALWAYS – will lead to positive results for ourclients and our firm. We manage our clients' assets,which requires us to develop a profound level oftrust with our clients because asset management isinherently risky and extremely difficult to do wellover the long run. I am consistently inspired by thepeople at Bridges Trust and our clients. I amfortunate to work with an incredibly talented,creative, and diligent group of professionalinvestment people who consistently generate strongresults for our clients despite challenging economicand capital markets conditions. Our clients arepatient and highly supportive – they inspire our firmto do great things on their behalf.My personal philosophy on ethics is rooted in my Christian faithand unwavering belief in Jesus Christ, and I seek to obedientlylive and lead from a spiritually healthy and ethical perspectivethat honors God and others. Love, integrity, honor, respect,forgiveness, wise stewardship and seeking to understandbefore being understood all anchor who I am and are at theforefront of my mind in my daily interactions. I support theAlliance because its mission is central to the organizationalhealth consulting and coaching work I do. I became involvedwith the Business Ethics Alliance because I love our city and amgrateful to live and work in a community that's home to themost highly-respected ethics organization in the country. TheAlliance is unafraid to tackle many of the most difficultquestions and issues of our time. My active involvement in theAlliance is a commitment to intentionally steward time, talent,and treasure into the ethics conversation that will ultimatelyadvance our city's leadership community and create necessarychange. One difficult lesson I've learned in business is to avoid makingassumptions about how people want to be treated. In oneprevious experience, I attempted to operate from the GoldenRule, doing unto others as I'd want done unto me, making anassumption with good intent, and then taking action on it.Unfortunately, I quickly learned that my assumption wasinaccurate, and that in acting, I'd unknowingly created anoffense. The lesson learned was to use the Platinum Rule as amore honoring relational strategy, doing unto others as theywant done unto them. I also do more clarifying in conversationsnow before acting. I have had the pleasure of working with anumber of wonderful people, but the person who most inspiresme is Patrick Lencioni. He is a wonderful mentor and friendwho encourages me to consistently share the hard, kind truthwith clients. In and of itself, this is often an ethical decision,because choosing to do so puts me at risk of losing thebusiness if I'm speaking into an ethical situation and the clientteam doesn't want to receive or act on that truth.Ted BridgesChief Executive Officer, Bridges TrustAmie GamboianCEO, WHO YOU ARE Leadership Coaching & Consulting

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I believe "ethics" are the foundation blocks thatdictate how one conducts oneself. In business,having good ethics plays a strong role on how oneruns a business and how the products or servicesare being delivered. I believe having strong ethicswill always keep you honest and morally straight. Inreturn, you will have long-lasting, positiverelationships with clients who trust you and whatyou have to offer. I became involved with theBusiness Ethics Alliance because I believe in itsmission. Building stronger organizations throughethics education is very important to have astronger, local, sustainable economy. Simply put,being a part of the Alliance goes hand in hand withwhat I stand for as a business leader, an instructor,and a person. Throughout my years in business, I have learned itis impossible for one person to do everything on hisor her own. Being a good leader means allowingthose who surround you to become moreknowledgeable and educated, which meansallowing them to take ownership. If they believe inyour leadership, they will perform at a higher level.The people who inspire me most are those whowant to start a business from nothing. There aremany in our local area, especially in the Hispaniccommunity, who come from very low-incomebackgrounds and a lack of education. They canmake nothing into something great with hard workand determination. That inspires me and drives meto grow and not be complacent. Armando SalgadoOwner -LingoDocs MarketingContinued2021 Business Excellence TRUSTEEAward WinnersSustained Excellence ACCESSbankFNBOCRCCMethodist Health SystemOmaha Community PlayhouseQLIPhilanthropy >Metropolitan Community CollegeNMC Group, Inc.RTG MedicalScoularInnovation >Leadership >Blue Cross and Blue Shield of CHI HealthLueder ConstructionNorth End Teleservices, LLCSignature PerformanceUNMC Business & Finance Nebraska>

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Moglia FamilyFoundationMcGowan FamilyFoundationJack & StephanieKoraleskiJon & AdrianMinks