Texas Litter Control is pleased to provide a variety of benefit options to you during this open enrollment period. A Benefits Counselor is available to assist you in making the selections that best fit your needs and answer any questions you may have. Before you enroll!Gather any information you may need, such as dependent’s names, dates of birth, ages, Social Security numbers and addresses.BENEFITS ENROLLMENTMonday, August 5th – Friday, August 23rdClick on the computer icon on the left to learn more about your NEW about your Dental & Vision options!Click the icons below to learn more about your available benefits:LifeInsuranceCritical Illness InsuranceMed Bridge Hospital IndemnityAccidentInsuranceIt is time to confirm or update your Dental & Vision benefits for 09/01/2024 effective.For questions or enrollment assistance, please contact Susan Steele at (409) 363-2328.