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Tesfa Foundation Holiday Giving Catalog

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T E S F A F O U N DAT I O N I S A N O N - P R O F I T O RG A N I Z AT I O N D E E P LY C O M M I T T E D T O B R I N G I N G H O P E TO FA M I L I E S A N D C O M M U N I T I E S I N E T H I O P I A . W E C H A N G E L I V E S T H R O U G H T H E S U P P O R T O F S C H O O L S , L I T E R AC Y D E V E LO P M E N T, A N D O U R V I TA L LU N C H P R O G R A M . “ O n e w h o l e a r n s w i l l e v e n t u a l l y t e a c h . ”E t h i o p i a n P r o v e r b

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W E L C O M E T O T E S FA F O U N D AT I O N ’ S H O L I D AY G I V I N G C ATA L O GWe wanted to allow you to choose how you want to give the gift of hope to Tesfa Foundation students this holiday season. Whether it be a school lunch for one student, a uniform and backpack, or a teacher’s salary, every gift will impact the lives of very special children in Central Ethiopia. Our commitment to Tesfa Foundation students, families, and communities remains strong, and we would be grateful for your help in keeping the schools open for another year. Use the QR codes to make your gift possible.Thank you for giving hope,Tesfa Foundation Board MembersP.S. Be sure to read the impact story at the end of the catalog.

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S C H O O L U N I F O R M & B A C K PA C K $ 1 0 0All Tesfa Foundation students receive a shirt, skirt and/or pants to wear to school each day, giving each student a special sense of pride and belonging. Backpacks make it easier for students to walk to school and carry their exercise books and supplies. Many students walk long distances to get to school and their bright yellow and green shirts and green pants can be spotted from far away as they walk (or run!) to school. Your gift will pay for a uniform and backpack for one student. A qr code with black squaresDescription automatically generated

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S P O R T S E Q U I P M E N T $ 3 0Students at the Kololo Primary School enjoy playing volleyball before school in the morning. Other children laugh as they chase down the slide or fly through the sky on the swings at the Fundame Kindergarten School. Children in rural Ethiopia have limited access to balls or playground equipment. Or, if they have them, the balls are likely homemade out of discarded fabric or old water bottles. Your gift will give students a chance to play. A qr code with black squaresDescription automatically generated

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S C H O O L L U N C H $ 5 5The many people living in Central Ethiopia, where Tesfa Foundation schools are located, live in extreme multidimensional poverty. Most homes are without electricity and water. Parents have a limited education. Resources for adequate healthcare are limited. And, for many students, the lunch they receive is their largest meal. Students receive a simple school lunch with protein and grains. Likely due to the lunch program, attendance is consistently high, and children are ready to learn. Parents love the lunches, as it has positively contributed to their children’s health and well-being. Your gift will pay for the school lunch for one student for the entire school year. A qr code with black squaresDescription automatically generated

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H O P E S T U D E N T S P O N S O R S H I P $ 4 2 0For $35 per month ($420 yearly), you will provide one student with exercise books, pencils, and all other supplies necessary to learn in the classroom, a daily school lunch, a backpack and school uniform, and a sense of security, safety, and hope. Plus, your sponsorship will help support administrative expenses, such as teacher salaries, building repairs, and transportation. With your gift, you will receive a picture and profile of your student, and an opportunity to encourage your student throughout the year. A qr code with a few black squaresDescription automatically generated

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T E A C H E R S A L A R Y & T R A I N I N G $ 1 0 0 0When Tesfa Foundation students enter the gates of the Azedebo Kindergarten School, they are welcomed by caring teachers who excel at what they do in the classroom. Peek into a classroom to see teachers sing songs, read books, and nurture their students. Teachers continue to learn through continuing education opportunities. They are the heartbeat of the schools. Your gift will help cover the salary and training for one of the teachers at Tesfa Foundation’s three schools. A qr code with black squaresDescription automatically generated

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7th & 8th G R A D E $ 3 2 0 0At the end of the 2023-2024 academic year, the students and parents of the 6th grade asked for the Kololo Primary School to add two additional years of school for the students. Without the addition of the grades, students would either be forced to finish their education or would have to travel a much longer distance each day to continue it. This gift will cover the expenses to add staff, and all other classroom supplies to help make this happen for the students. A qr code with black squaresDescription automatically generated

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C L A S S R O O M $ 1 0 , 5 0 0It is valuable for students’ social and emotional growth to learn among their peers. At the Fundame Kindergarten School, classrooms are decorated with bright-colored banners and posters. Size-appropriate desks and chairs fill the room, and chalkboards hang on the wall. Your gift will cover the tuition for an entire classroom of students, the teacher’s salary, and the furniture for the space. A qr code with black squaresDescription automatically generated

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Kassa and Betehelem once lived up in the hills, miles away from any opportunity for their four children to attend school. The parents’ education ended earlier than they would have liked, and they knew they wanted their children to have every chance possible to attend school, so they made the difficult decision to leave their home and small area of land to move to the village of Azedebo. Today all four children attend school including the youngest two at the Azedebo Kindergarten School. Their hope for a strong future for their children is placed in their education. It means everything to them. Your holiday gift will make their hopes a reality by helping the Tesfa Foundation provide a strong education in a safe, secure learning environment. Your gift gives the gift of hope. Your gift means everything to the families of the three Tesfa Foundation Schools. Thank you.

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The Tesfa Foundation is a tax-exempt, non-governmental organization (NGO) registered as a 501(c)(3) in the state of Minnesota.EIN: 75-3168235Tesfa FoundationPO Box 581302Minneapolis, MN