T ESFA FOUNDAT I O N I S A N O N - P R O F IT O RG A N I Z AT I O N D E E P LY C O M M I T T ED TO B R I N G I N G H O P E TO FA M I L I ES A N D C O M M UN I T I ES I N E TH I O P I A . W E C H A N G E L I V ES T H R O U G H T H E S UP P O RT O F S C H O O L S , L I T E R A C Y D E V E LO P M E N T, A N D O U R V I TA L LU N C H P RO GR A M . t e s f a m e a n s h o p e i n a m h a r i c
O V E R 5 0 % O F C H I L D R E N I N E T H I O P I A D O N ’ T H A V E A C C E S S T O A N E A R LY C H I L D H O O D E D U C AT I O N .With half of the Ethiopian’s population of 109.2 million under the age of 19 years old, that is a lot of children who are not in school. Studies show how children do better in school long term when they are able to the learn thebasics of reading, writing, and mathematics at a young age.Education has the potential to change everything. It can decrease poverty rates and infant mortality. An education can promote equality and better health. It boosts the economy and leads to higher income. Plus, it gives hope for a stronger future.Since 2004, Tesfa Foundation has provided educational opportunities to disadvantaged children and teens in Ethiopia. Where there are no early years or primary education available, we build schools. To date Tesfa Foundation has funded the construction and staffing of ten schools serving several thousand children.T E S F A F O U N D A T I O N
$ 3 5 9 , 2 2 2 . 4 0R A I S E DT H R E E S C H O O L S1050E D U C AT E DTHREE YEAR REPORT 2017 -2020
A D D I S A B A B AE T H I O P I AK E M B A T A -T E M B A R O Z O N EK O L O L O P R I M A R Y S C H O O LF U N D A M E K I N D E R G A R T E N S C H O O LA Z E D E B O K I N D E R G A R T E N S C H O O LW H E R E W E W O R K T O D A YT E S F A F O U N D A T I O N T H R E E Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 1 7 - 2020
KO L O L O P R I M A R Y S C H O O LE S TA B L I S H E D I N 2 0 1 23 5 0 S T U D E N T S A N N U A L L YD I R E C T O R : B AT I S O F O S E1 1 T E A C H E R S A N D S U P P O R T S T A F FF U N D A M E K I N D E R G A R T E N S C H O O LE S TA B L I S H E D I N 2 0 1 32 0 0 S T U D E N T S A N N U A L L YD I R E C T O R : D A W I T D A YA M O1 0 T E A C H E R S A N D S U P P O R T S T A F FA Z E D E B O K I N D E R G A R T E N S C H O O LE S TA B L I S H E D I N 2 0 1 32 0 0 S T U D E N T S A N N U A L L YD I R E C T O R : D E R E B E D E S TA1 0 T E A C H E R S A N D S U P P O R T S T A F FT E S FA F O U N D AT I O N H E A D Q U A R T E R SA D D I S A B A B AC O U N T R Y D I R E C T O R : Y E N E B E B G E TA C H E W4 S U P P O R T S TA F F
T E S FA F O U N D AT I O N W A S R E G I S T E R E D A S A N O F F I C I A L NON- G O V E R N M E N TA L A G E N C Y A N D F O R E I G N C H A R I T Y I N E T H I O P I A O N A U G U S T 9 , 2 0 1 7 .With the new designation, Tesfa Foundation can build upon the years of experience we already have with working in Ethiopia. Since 2004, TesfaFoundation has worked tirelessly to train teachers in government schools, build schools where none were accessible to students, and expand community-wide efforts to improve literacy rates and book accessibility. We have piloted outreach programs to at-risk teens living on the streets of Addis Ababa, worked with athletes, and have partnered with organizations to mentor youth and those living with an autism spectrum disorder or vision impairment.The new NGO registration has placed TesfaFoundation to a higher level of credibility and recognition in Ethiopia. Annually, Tesfa Foundation staff meet with government representatives to make sure all projects are being implemented as planned. Government officials praise the work TesfaFoundation is doing in Kembata-Tembaro in education and community outreach, highlighting our work as reputable and life-changing.T E S F A F O U N D A T I O N
All school supplies, books, uniforms, and backpacks are provided to students without a fee to the families.In 2020, a durable playground for Kololo Primary School students was delivered and enjoyed by all.Parent committees give a sense of ownership and help sustain projects at each school.Between 2017-2020, 536 students graduated from the kindergarten schools and joined Grade 1 at local government schools.Our daily lunch program has led to an improvement in student attendance and student health.Teachers receive regular training to assure students have a high-quality education.P R O G R A M H I G H L I G H T S
T E S F A F O U N D A T I O NAT T H E S TA R T O F T H E 2 0 1 8 -2019 S C H O O L Y E A R , T E S F A F O U N D AT I O N A D D E D A S C H O O L L U N C H P R O G R A M I N A L L T H R E E S C H O O L S . Before the start of this program, most children would come to school without having eaten. Arriving to school hungry, students were unable to function well in class due to malnutrition and underdevelopment, causing some to even faint during the morning sessions. As an organization, we realized students were not able to learn to their fullest capacity because they simply did not have the brain power to learn well. Students started receiving a simple meal of rice mixed with bulgur wheat, as well as a large piece of bread three days a week. After the first year of the program, we saw an increase in daily attendance. Additionally, test scores improved, both due to consistent attendance and improved health. Today students receive lunch five days per week. Students are thriving academically and physically from the program.
I N M A R C H 2 0 2 0 , T H E E T H I O P I A N G O V E R N M E N T C L O S E D A L L S C H O O L S . Y E T, C O V I D - 1 9 D I D N ’ T S T O P T H E C O N N E C T I O N T E S FA F O U N D AT I O N S TA F F H A D W I T H T H E S T U D E N T S A N D T H E I R F A M I L I E S .Older students were given homework assigned by their teachers to keep their minds alive in learning. Tesfa Foundation staff also distributed food packages to the student’s families, including hand sanitizer and soap. We also partnered with the local government in an education campaign about the virus, how it spreads, and the best ways to contain it. Our care and commitment for the people in the schools’ communities never wavered through the pandemic. We know how vital education is for all areas of life, so we were especially joyful to see the students return to their classes in October of 2020, following all Covid-19 protocol to keep everyone as healthy and safe as possible. T E S F A F O U N D A T I O N
T E S F A F O U N D A T I O N T H R E E Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 1 7 - 2020 S T U D E N T P R O F I L ET E S H A L E T E S H O M E• Attends Kololo Primary School• Current Level: Grade 3• Rank: 1stin his class• Father’s Occupation: Farmer• Mother’s Occupation: Housewife• Favorite Subject: Math• His teachers say he studies hard and is quick to answer questions in class. He is a very good student.• He likes to eat injera and his favorite animal is an ox. At school he plays soccer with his friends. On Saturdays and Sundays, he attends church with his family. • When he returns home from school in the afternoon, he collects firewood and fetches water from the nearby well. After his daily chores, he studies.• He wants to be a doctor.
M E D A N I T D E S A L E G N• Attends Azedebo Kindergarten School• Current Level: KG 3• Age: 6• Father’s Occupation: Farmer• Mother’s Occupation: Housewife• Has 3 brothers and 1 sister• Favorite Subject: English• Her teachers say she is a good student who studies hard and is polite to all teachers and students. • She likes to play with her friend at school.• Her parents hope she will be a good citizen when she is older. They thank Tesfa Foundation for the ways they support their daughter’s education. • She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.S T U D E N T P R O F I L E
B I R T U K A N A B AT O• Attended Fundame Kindergarten School (2015-2018)• Current Level: Grade 3 at one of the local government primary schools.• Rank: 1stin her class.• Age: 10• Father’s Occupation: Day Laborer• Mother’s Occupation: Potter and Housewife• She has three brothers and three sisters. She is the 8thchild.• Favorite Subject: English• Favorite Animal: Cow• She aspires to be an English teacher when she is older.F O R M E R S T U D E N T P R O F I L ET E S F A F O U N D A T I O N T H R E E Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 1 7 - 2020
Z E L A L E M T E S S E M A B A N D O R E• Attended Azedebo Kindergarten School (2013-2015)• Current Level: Grade 7 at one of the local government primary schools.• Rank: 1stin his class.• Age: 13• Father’s Occupation: Preacher• Mother’s Occupation: Housewife• Favorite Subject: Physics• Won at different educational competitions representing his school.• He wants to be the first in his village to become a pilot.F O R M E R S T U D E N T P R O F I L ET E S F A F O U N D A T I O N T H R E E Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 1 7 - 2020
D O N A T I O N S *2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 Total individual contributions$ 49,906.29 $ 33,951.36 $ 102,763.69 $ 186,621.34 corporate contributions$ 21,326.77 $ 27,586.08 $ 52,495.27 $ 101,408.12 foundation grants$ 3,000.00 $ 7,010.20 $ 42,000.00 $ 52,010.20 matching grants$ 500.00 $ 500.00 faith-based contributions$ 1,300.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 9,047.90 $ 11,347.90 other grants & contributions $ 396.00 $ 4,739.70 $ 5,135.70 $ 77,732.20 $ 69,943.64 $ 211,546.56 $ 359,222.40 E X P E N S E S *2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 Total kololoprimary school$ 11,878.00 $ 36,400.42$ 26,654.05 $ 64,933.26 fundame kindergarten school$ 9737.44$ 19,005.38 $ 17,070.56 $ 45,813.38 azedebokindergarten school$ 10,418.77$ 20,502.72 $ 18,408.47 $ 49,329.96 lunch program$ 12,647.03 $ 14,039.50 $ 26,686.53 administration and salaries$ 14,039.41$ 23,371.65 $ 20,389.41 $ 56,800.47 $ 45,074.52$101,927.08 $ 96,562.00 $ 243,563.60 *In U.S. fundsT E S F A F O U N D A T I O N T H R E E Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 1 7 - 2020 F I N A N C I A L H I G H L I G H T S
C O F F E E P R O G R A M S P I N C L A S SH O P E P A R T N E RCoffee sourced from Kembata-Tembaro is served at Pizza Ranch restaurants with over $19,000 going back to support Tesfa Foundation schools each year.Hope Partners, through their monthly gifts, keep hope alive throughout the year by helping provide a strong education, nutritional daily meals, and other basic resources needed for a hope-filled future for each of the students attending our three schools.In 2020, Board Member, Julie Corby, and friends raised over $60,000 in one morning’s spin class to support Kololo Primary School.G R A N T S A N D S P E C I A L G I F T SGrants and special gifts were received from the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation, Evelyn E. and Richard Gunst Foundation, Resurrection Catholic Parish in Green Bay, WI, Pizza Ranch, Inc., The Ubuntu Project, as well as individual donors to help purchase new playground equipment, uniforms and backpacks, and lunch program supplies.T E S F A F O U N D A T I O N T H R E E Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 1 7 - 2020 F U N D R A I S I N G E F F O R T S
B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S A N D S T A F FU S B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S *Dana Roskey, Founder and Board ChairJon Moss, Vice-ChairScott Wolf, TreasurerLiz Moss, Secretary and Development DirectorJulie CorbyLacey YantisU S J U N I O R A M B A S S A D O R *Meazi Light-Orr*All US Board Members and Staff are volunteers.E T H I O P I A S T A F FYenebeb Getachew, Ethiopia Country DirectorAzania Girma, Financial OfficerBehailu Bizuneh, School Supervisor/Consultant (Part-Time)Senayit Alemu, Kindergarten Supervisor (Part-Time)Ayele Olbermo, School Program Supervisor (Part-Time)Batiso Fose, Kololo Primary School DirectorDerebe Desta, Azedebo Kindergarten School DirectorDawit Dayamo, Fundame Kindergarten School DirectorTamirat Morebo Hankore, Kololo Primary School TeacherYacob Soreto Selato, Kololo Primary School TeacherKaleb Bekele Gebeyehu, Kololo Primary School TeacherTagesse Wodebo Worako, Kololo Primary School TeacherTesfahun Bassa Halengo, Kololo Primary School TeacherAsegedech Dubale, Kololo Primary School LibrarianTseganesh Bekele, Kololo Primary School BabysitterHandso Sangago, Kololo Primary School GuardDesalech Bergeno, Kololo Primary School CustodianNetsanet Tesema, Kololo Primary School Assistant CookTigist Abera, Azedebo Kindergarten School TeacherAbayanesh Deginet, Azedebo Kindergarten School TeacherAbayanesh Deginet, Azedebo Kindergarten School TeacherZenebech Abuye, Azedebo Kindergarten School TeacherAlemitu Yakob, Azedebo Kindergarten School TeacherBelaynesh Lambebo, Azedebo Kindergarten School LibrarianAberash Yohannes, Azedebo Kindergarten School BabysitterGetenesh Tesseme, Azedebo Kindergarten School CustodianDesalegn Jateno, Azedebo Kindergarten School GuardGenet Elias, Azedebo Kindergarten School CookTigist Petros, Azedebo Kindergarten School Assistant CookMulunesh W/Senbet, Fundame Kindergarten School TeacherAberash Achiso, Fundame Kindergarten School TeacherBirhane Getiso, Fundame Kindergarten School TeacherDesalech Erbeto, Fundame Kindergarten School TeacherAlmaz Tadege, Fundame Kindergarten School BabysitterAberash Hibeso Alero, Fundame Kindergarten School CustodianSolomon Haile, Fundame Kindergarten School GuardWeyenishet Tafese, Fundame Kindergarten School CookAdenech Lelago, Fundame Kindergarten School Assistant CookT E S F A F O U N D A T I O N T H R E E Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 1 7 - 2020
TESFA FOUNDATION IS A TAX-EXEMPT, NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (NGO) REGISTERED AS A 501(C)(3) IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.EIN: 75-3168235P O B O X 5 8 1 3 0 2M I N N E A P O L I S , M N 5 5 4 5 8w w w. t e s f a . o r gi n f o @ t e s f a . o r g