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2024 Annual Report

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Message 2024 Annual ReportDriving Success Together: The Power of Collaboration

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3The most collaborativeglobal law firm

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Message From theGlobal Chair and CEO42024 Successes6Engagement ThroughCollaboration9TerraLex ClientStories12What to Expect in202514Welcome NewMember Firms15TerraLex Fast Facts16The TerraLex Teamand Governance172024 Annual ReportTable of ContentsTable of Contents3

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2024 Annual Report Message From the Global Chair and CEODear Colleagues,The year 2024 was outstanding forTerraLex and its member firms, marked byexceptional achievements and unwaveringcollaboration. TerraLex is an elite globallegal network committed to collaboration.We are a proud organization of leading lawfirms across the world who share anambition and common values. We aredelighted to present the TerraLex 2024Annual Report, celebrating the strength andimpact of our global network.The successes highlighted in this report area direct result of the extraordinary effortsof our member firms, their talented teams,our dedicated TerraLex Board, volunteerleaders, and the TerraLex team. You will seea number of the milestones we haveachieved together, from groundbreaking client success stories to varioustransformative initiatives. Theseachievements are not just markers of ourprogress but also a reflection of the sharedvalues that bind us together. Together, wehave continued to elevate our collectiveimpact, embodying the attributes thatdefine TerraLex as the global leaderamongst legal networks.We have distinctive and powerful brandattributes. Reliability has built trust thatfuels long-lasting relationships with bothour member firms and their clients.Responsiveness has allowed us to act withagility, adapting quickly to meet cross-border client needs in a fast-paced globalenvironment. Our collaborative culture hasensured seamless support and integration Celebrating the strength and impactof our global network.4

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2024 Annual Reportacross jurisdictions, while our global reachhas enabled unparalleled connectivity andinsight into the nuances of local markets.Most importantly, our unwaveringcommitment to quality continues to set thestandard for delivering excellence.As we move forward, our commitmentremains clear: to strengthen our network,foster a culture of collaboration and trust,and consistently deliver world-class legalexpertise with precision and care. Ourambition is not only to be the mostcollaborative legal network in the world butalso to be the go-to choice for cross-bordermandates in every region.We extend our deepest gratitude to all ofyou—our member firms, your people, andthe TerraLex team. Your trust, dedication,and partnership continue to drive oursuccess. Together, we are navigating thecomplexities of today’s global businessenvironment while shaping the future oflegal services.Thank you for being an integral part ofTerraLex’s journey. We look forward toanother year of shared success and newhorizons.With appreciation and best regards,Derek Humphery-SmithGlobal ChairBuilding trust through collaboration andby delivering results across bordersTerri PepperCEOMessage From the Global Chair and CEO5

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2024 Successes2024 Annual ReportThe achievements of 2024 stand as apowerful testament to the collaborativespirit that defines TerraLex and its memberfirms. These successes are the result of ourglobal network’s dedication, synergy, andshared commitment to delivering value,quality, and excellence. This collectiveapproach has enabled us to strengthenTerraLex and support our members innavigating the evolving legal and businesslandscape and serving the needs of cross-border clients.In 2024, TerraLex reached significantmilestones across multiple fronts. Welaunched the inaugural NextGen AdvisoryCommittee with nine dynamic lawyers frommember firms across every continent. TheCollaboration Project we undertook withGardner & Co. advanced to phase two,focusing on the four strategic priorities thatarose from the research findings.The year was marked by unparalleled in-person connectivity with two globalmeetings, three regional meetings, twoManaging Partner Programs, and sixPractice Group or Industry Sector Teammeetings, alongside an impressive roster ofwebinars delivered almost every week. Ourbrand refresh and new marketing strategy,anchored by a defined value propositionand targeted sponsorship activitystrengthened both our identity and theTerraLex brand worldwide.These accomplishments are a testament tothe leading nature and vision of the networkand its members. In the following pages,you will find more details about thesesuccesses and how they reflect thecollective efforts and commitment of theTerraLex community. Together, we continueto build a legacy of excellence in the legalprofession as we become the mostcollaborative network.TerraLex Corporate VideoThe power of partnership is thefoundation of TerraLex’s leadership6

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2024 Successes2024 Annual ReportGlobal Collaboration Project and TaskForcesTo further strengthen our network, weembarked on a Global CollaborationProject with the support of Heidi Gardnerand her team at Gardner & Co. Theresearch was completed in June andshared with member firms. The resultswere consolidated into ten proposedinitiatives to drive TerraLex towardbecoming the world's most collaborativelaw firm network. By analyzing andcomparing their relative feasibility andlikely value creation, the project’s SteeringCommittee selected four initiatives as thehighest priorities. Task forces were createdcomprising of members from around theworld and TerraLex team members. In2025, we will achieve increased synergiesand even higher member firm integration. NextGen Advisory CommitteeTerraLex proudly launched the formation ofits first-ever NextGen Advisory Committee.Comprising nine dynamic lawyers frommember firms representing each continent,the Committee was approved by theTerraLex Board of Directors to ensure thatthe Board considers diverse generationalperspectives in its decision-making.The NextGen Advisory Committee’s missionis to provide fresh, progressive ideas andperspectives to the TerraLex Board,ensuring that the network continues toaddress the evolving needs of its memberswhile empowering its next generation ofleaders. The Committee will collaborateclosely with TerraLex leadership and thebroader membership to shape strategiesthat reflect the future of the legalprofession.Members of the NextGen AdvisoryCommittee come from each region,including the following countries: Chile,Guatemala, Hong Kong, Poland, SouthAfrica, South Korea, Trinidad & Tobago,Turkey, and the US. Establishing theNextGen Advisory Committee underscoresTerraLex’s commitment to engaging allgenerations within its network."Coming together is a beginning. Keepingtogether is progress. Working together issuccess." - Henry Ford7

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PRESS RELEASE MENTIONS8The Global Legal Post“TerraLex teams up with collaborationexpert Heidi Gardner.” International“How Effective are Legal Networks in theAfrican Market?”Latin Lawyer“Bolivia’s PPO joins global legal networkTerraLex”Law360 Pulse“Legal Network TerraLex Announce 9-Person Advisory Group”

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Engagement Through Collaboration2024 Annual ReportEngagement continues to be a cornerstoneof the TerraLex network. Its primary focusis to strengthen relationships, fostercollaboration, and encourage activeparticipation, ensuring a more cohesive anddynamic network for the member firms andthe client community. In 2024, we builtupon our successes, driving engagementand creating new opportunities formeaningful connections that enhance thecollective strength of TerraLex. Keyprograms and initiatives included:Women’s Global ConnectionIn celebration of Women's History Monthand International Women's Day, theTerraLex Women's Global Connection wasproud to sponsor Delee Fromm, author,psychologist, and lawyer, who presented aninsightful program titled: “Advocate forYourself: Learning to Say 'No'.” TerraLexalso celebrated 15 women members fromaround the globe through the Trailblazercampaign. These successful womenmentors were selected via a nominationprocess open to all members. TerraLex member engagement is built bydiverse programs and client resources2024 Leadership ProgramIn 2024, we proudly delivered the fourthedition of the complimentary TerraLexLeadership Program, continuing ourcommitment to developing the nextgeneration of leaders within our memberfirms. It saw 77 participants completeeight sessions led by international expertson topics such as strategic thinking,communications, client experience, andbusiness development. The well-receivedprogram enhanced leadership skills of up-and-coming lawyers across the network,while strengthening relationships, creatingnew opportunities for collaboration, andidentifying client referrals. The LeadershipProgram embodies what TerraLex is allabout. By investing in leadership development, weempower our members to drive successwithin their firms and contribute to buildingtrust amongst the firms around the world. 9

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Virtual Sessions, Client Programs, andNetworking OpportunitiesIn 2024, TerraLex held over 50 memberand client programs, offering importantopportunities for engagement andcollaboration across the network. We alsohad more than 30 networkingopportunities, carefully coordinated tomaximize connections for attendingmembers. Many programs led to valuablereferrals between members, showcasingthe power of the TerraLex network indriving business growth. A standoutachievement this year has been theincreased engagement and the growingvolume of opportunities for members toconnect, share expertise, and collaborateglobally.Cross-Border GuidesThe TerraLex Cross-Border Guides are themost valuable client tools developedthrough the collective expertise of ourmember firms worldwide. These guidesprovide in-depth, jurisdiction-specificinsights on key legal topics, offering clientsa seamless way to navigate complex, multi-jurisdictional matters with confidence. Atthe end of 2024, we expanded our suite ofresources with the launch of four newguides—Food & Beverage, Patent, RealEstate, and the NIS2 Directive—bringingour total offering to 20 comprehensiveguides. These resources are a testament tothe strength of collaboration within theTerraLex network, delivering practical,high-quality guidance that empowersbusinesses to make informed decisionsacross borders.Engaging, learning, sharing, andcollaborating for greater impact10Engagement Through Collaboration2024 Annual Report

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20Active Cross Border Guides thatare frequently updated by themember firms and available in theTerraLex website.3,512Users of the Cross-Border Guidesin 2024. ESG, Doing Business inAsia, and Data Protection led theway.CROSS-BORDER GUIDESTERRALEX PRESENTS: WEBINAR RECORDINGSWhere Has the PendulumLanded: The Third-PartyRelease Before and AfterPurdue PharmaUS and China: TheGeopolitical Battle for LatinAmerica11

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TerraLex Client Stories2024 Annual Report12Global collaboration stories thatgenerate real client impact The collaboration success stories representTerraLex's mission and reason forexistence—to deliver legal solutions toclients worldwide. To read more TerraLexsuccess stories, please click here.Energy Transition - Fast Charging StationNetwork for EVs Expanding Across EuropeKennedy Van der Laan (Netherlands)represents Fastned, an innovative companythat builds a fast charging station networkfor electrical vehicles currently operating in300+ locations across Europe. To legallysupport their strategy of expanding thenetwork outside the Netherlands, they haveintroduced Fastned to TerraLex memberfirms RocaJunyent (Spain), Hjort (Norway),Bech Bruun (Denmark), and FellnerWratzfeld & Partners (Austria), whoadvised on multiple legal issues relevant tothe business, demonstrating a collaborativeeffort to fulfill the client’s needs. Swift Collaboration Between US and IndiaSecures Cross-Border M&A DealA UK company that is a long-standingSmith Gambrell (US-Georgia) client forwhich the TerraLex member firm does M&Awork asked if they could handle a fasttracked deal in India. Smith Gambrellcontacted Singhania & Partners (India-New Delhi), and through the speedyexchange of emails between the firms,conflicts were cleared. Smith Gambrellintroduced their TerraLex colleagues toassist in the transaction. Singhaniabrought corporate, M&A, and tax expertiseto a call with the US firm and the client.Both the client and the senior corporatepartner who sits on the client's Board werevery impressed that Smith Gambrell couldimmediately marshal the resources for thisdeal with a reputable firm in India. It wasalso apparent that the two firms had asocial and professional relationship, whichproved credibility in the recommendationto the General Counsel.

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TerraLex Client Stories2024 Annual ReportTerraLex success stories represent ourbrand attributes in action Major Infrastructure Projects UnderFrance-Peru AgreementRubio Leguía & Normand (Peru) wasengaged by PDGB (France-Paris) on behalfof Setec International to provide legalguidance for its role as a ProjectManagement Office (PMO) in Peru underthe France–Peru Government-to-Government Agreement. This agreementsupports the execution of two major roadprojects—the Daniel Alcides CarriónCentral Highway and the Santa RosaExpressway—designed to enhanceeconomic and social development throughsafer, more efficient infrastructure. Signedby Egis Ville et Transport in consortiumwith Egis International, Setec International,and Setec TPI, the agreement is valued atEUR 80 million. Rubio advised on the legalframework for establishing the PMO inPeru, addressing corporate, regulatory,labor, and tax considerations. The firm alsofacilitated the creation of a SetecInternational Peruvian branch, securedwork visas for foreign personnel, andprovided fiscal support. Rubio Leguía &Normand continues to advise the localbranch, ensuring its smooth operation andcompliance with Peruvian regulations. Lander & Rogers and Sheppard Mullin -Success Through Responsiveness Lander & Rogers (Australia) was engagedby a global vitamin and supplementmanufacturer based in China after theclient received notice of a class action inCalifornia related to a pet supplementproduct. While the client had alreadysecured quotes from major global firms, itsgeneral counsel in Australia turned toLander & Rogers to explore a TerraLexsolution. Acting swiftly, Lander & Rogersconnected with Sheppard Mullin (US-California) late on a Saturday evening, witha Monday 9:00 AM deadline for a detailedresponse, including relevant experienceand a fee quote. Demonstrating remarkableresponsiveness, Sheppard Mullin mobilizedits class action defense team, engagedmultiple partners, and submitted acompelling proposal within record time.The client was highly impressed, andSheppard Mullin was ultimately appointedto represent the company in negotiating anearly resolution. This success highlightsthe agility and seamless collaboration ofTerraLex members, reinforcing thenetwork’s ability to provide high-quality,responsive legal solutions acrossjurisdictions.1213

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What to Expect in 20252024 Annual ReportAs we look ahead to 2025, collaboration,innovation, and strategic growth will bekey to strengthening TerraLex’s impact.With the collective support of our memberfirms, dedicated team, and powerful digitaltools, we are poised to enhance clientawareness, attract more cross-borderopportunities, and drive sustained successIn 2025, TerraLex will expand its clientreach and strengthen cross-borderconnections14FourCollaborationTask Forces PeoplePlacementProgramGlobalPro-BonoProjectNextGenAdvisoryCommitteeEmbraceArtificialIntelligenceIncreaseBrandAwarenessEnhanceNetwork andMemberQualityacross the network. A strong year aheadwill be built on engagement, seamlesscooperation, and our shared commitment todelivering excellence worldwide. Together,we will continue to expand TerraLex’s reachand create new opportunities for ourmembers and their clients. These will be ourmain focus areas as approved by the Board:

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Welcome New Member Firms2024 Annual ReportNew members, new opportunities:Expanded reach to meet client needseverywhereBoliviaBosnia and Herzegovina Hong KongIndonesia15

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TerraLex Fast Facts2024 Annual ReportNorthAmericaCentralAmerica & theCaribbean SouthAmericaAsia Pacific Europe Middle East& Africa35 121020372516Member firms by region140+Member Firms200+Jurisdictions120+CountriesTerraLex Fast Facts

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The TerraLex Team2024 Annual ReportKim Gendron Mark GrantTim ShannonRegional DirectorNorth America,Central America &the tshannon@terralex.orgRegional DirectorEurope, MiddleEast & AfricaRegional DirectorAsia-Pacific &South AmericaNicole Rudner Rebeca GilCanden RodriguezDirector crodriguez@terralex.orgMeetingsManagerAdministrativeAssistant - Meetingsand EventsJavier Martinez Adam RibeiraudCecilia CoronadoDirector ccoronado@terralex.orgMarketing & BDAssistantAdministrativeManagerEmile MonestimeInformationTechnologyManageremonestime@terralex.orgKristy BrennerData &AdministrativeAssistantkbrenner@terralex.orgDerek Humphery-SmithTerri PepperTerraLex tpepper@terralex.orgChief ExecutiveOfficer17A multidisciplinary and diverse team

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TerraLex’s Governance2024 Annual ReportTerraLex Executive Committee:Derek Humphery-Smith, Chair, Lander & RogersJoan Roca, Vice Chair, Roca JunyentStephen Forte, Treasurer, Smith Gambrell & Russell, LLPYing Ying Lee, Secretary, Kelvin Chia PartnershipTina Grovier, Member at Large, Stoel Rives, LLPTerri Pepper, CEO, TerraLexTerraLex Regional Vice Chairs and Board Members:Ying Ying Lee, Asia-Pacific, Kelvin Chia PartnershipRichard Smith, Asia-Pacific, Duncan CotterillStephen Jenkins Melvin, Central American & the Caribbean, Higgs & JohnsonFederico Rucavado, Central America & the Caribbean, Facio & CañasRolf Andersen, Europe, Advokatfirmaet Hjort DABogdan Gecić, Europe, Gecić LawBob Groeneveld, Middle East & Africa, Fairbridges Wertheim BeckerTaka Rashid Gambe, Middle East & Africa, Gambe Law GroupJuliette White, North America, Parsons Behle & LatimerMark Kaduboski, North America, Wiggin and Dana LLPDenise Alvarenga, South America, Motta Fernandes AdvogadosJuan Mailhos Gallo, South America, Olivera AbogadosMark Benedict, PGs & ISTs, Husch Blackwell LLPLotta Pohjanpalo, PGs & ISTs, WaseliusTerraLex Board Members:Dorothee Altenburg, Director at Large, SKW Schwarz RechtsanwälteLior Aviram, Director at Large, Shibolet & Co.Christopher Balch, Director at Large, Holland & Hart LLPBart de Man, Director at Large, Kennedy Van der LaanDoreen Edelman, Director at Large, Lowenstein SandlerGeraldine Elliott, Director at Large, RPCJavier Fernandez Verstegen, Director at Large, Brons & SalasLori Green, Director at Large, Nixon Peabody LLPBenjamin Jacob, Director at Large, PDGB AdvocatsMichael Liu, Director at Large, Hylands Law FirmSonil Singhania, Director at Large, Singhania & Partners LLP2024-2025 Executive Committee, ViceChairs, and Board of Directors Directors’ Emeritus:Victor Ferro, Rubio Leguía Normand | John Husband, Holland & Hart, LLP | Aarón Levet,Santamarina + Steta | Rob Reedy, Porter Hedges, LLP18

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www.terralex.orgTerraLex is the elite global legal network committed tocollaboration. We are represented in more than 200 jurisdictionsby leading, carefully vetted independent law firms.

Page 20© TerraLex, Inc. A Florida not-for-profit organization. Allrights reserved.TerraLex is a strategic partner for multijurisdictional entitiesthat offers innovative and forward-thinking solutions beyondconventional legal assistance. With over 30 years ofexperience, TerraLex boasts a vast community of over23,000 attorneys from highly regarded independent lawfirms worldwide. TerraLex is the legal network committed tocollaboration.Follow TerraLex on LinkedIn: