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2018 - Tennis Times Alt.indd

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Table of Contents Introduction 03 Draft Plan of Chalet 04 M e e t O u r Te a m 0 6 Get Involved Leagues 08 Lessons and Fees Clinics 09 10 Join the Fun Special Events 12 Resources Rating System 14 Dress Code 16 Hours of Operation 16 Code of Conduct 17 Junior Programs 01 18 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Introduction We are excited to welcome everyone back to another great season of tennis Plans are under way to make 2018 even better A few highlights The Tennis Chalet is undergoing interior renovations which are planned to be completed in the spring All ten courts have been resurfaced with a fresh coat of Har Tru clay Robbie MacFarlane will be coming back for another season and we will welcome Ava Skuse Special Wimbledon weekend planned for July 13 15 including Pro Am Club Championships categories have changed and the finals will be held on the weekend A new Thursday evening partners doubles league will be implemented Be sure to mark these important dates on your calendar Opening Cocktail Party Friday April 13 Open House Friday May 11 subject to completion of renovations Wimbledon Weekend Friday July 13 to Sunday July 15 Singles Club Championship Saturday September 8 to Sunday September 9 Doubles Club Championship Friday September 14 to Sunday September 16 Closing Dinner Friday October 19 See you on the courts ADAM BARANOWSKI DIRECTOR OF TENNIS 03 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Chalet Update Continuing our Tennis Facility upgrades we successfully completed exterior siding soffits fascia and windows of the Chalet last year and now the interior of the Chalet is well underway The Club is excited to work with Melchers Construction again on this project which will be completed by the end of April As you can see from the floor plan although the footprint of the building is not expanded we will have better use of our space Both locker rooms are being expanded with upgraded bathroom fixtures and a toilet added in the women s locker room The main common area is expanded to be less congested and more open concept with a new bar area and seating area on the wall to the step down lounge The Pro Shop will be moved to the back of the building and will be larger and brighter All flooring in the main area and locker rooms will be replaced and the entire Chalet will get a fresh coat of paint The interior will be further complemented by new furniture The exterior deck area will have the stones re set and made even The wood railings will be replaced and eventually a gas fire pit area will be added to enjoy a cold beer under the stars after your game Chalet progress as of January 22 2018 JON NUSINK CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER 05 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Meet Our Team Adam Baranowski Director of Tennis abaranowski londonhuntclub com 519 471 2 5 2 3 ex t 2 5 1 Adam moved to Canada from Wa rs aw Poland in 1986 He ca ptured a National title by age eighteen Prior to studying graphic design at Texa s Tech Un i vers i t y h e wa s s el ected from N i ck Bo l l ett i e ri s Tennis Academy to train with Boris Becker Adam achieved a world ranking wh i l e p l ay i n g on tou r i n 1 9 9 7 He wa s ra n ked to p 1 0 p l aye r in the world over 35 in 2011 and he finished 5th at ITF over 35 World Championships in San Diego California in 2012 Prior to com i n g to L on d on Hu nt C l u b i n 2 0 1 2 h e wa s t h e H e a d Tennis Profes s i on a l at Kew G a rd en s Ten n i s C l u b a n d t h e H e a d o f Junior Development at Donalda Club in Toronto Adam has over 18 years of coaching experience He is a leve l 4 coa ch wit h t he Nat ional Coaching Inst it ute Clu b P ro 2 level 3 coach with Tennis Canada and the highest rating as a Professional with PTR U S A 06 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Robbie Macfarlane Associate Tennis Professional r m a c far lane lo ndonhuntclub com 5 1 9 471 0 530 Ava S ku s e As s i sta nt Ten n i s Profes s i o n a l a s ku s e l on d on h u ntcl u b com 519 471 0530 Rob b ie Macfar lane has m ore than nine yea rs o f te nnis co aching experienc e This will b e h i s se cond se aso n at the Club Prior to his a r r i va l at th e Club in 2016 Robbie s pent four s u m m er se a so ns as the As s istant Tennis Profess i on a l at th e N iagara Fa lls Country Club in Lew i ston New York Ava h a s b een p l ay i n g ten n i s s i n ce sh e wa s si x a n d d o e s n t p l a n o n sto p p i n g a ny t i m e s o o n S h e b eca m e i nvol ved i n com p et i t i ve te n n i s w h e n she was a teenager competing at the provincial level in singles and doubles Additionally Ava recei ved t h e Rob S ch m i d t M em or i a l awa rd fo r ten n i s excel l en ce a n d ent h u s i a s m D u r i ng the w inter s eas ons he has wor ked at th e Unive rsity Tennis Centre on the Wester n U n i versity campus as an As s istant Profess i on a l H e i s also the Assistant coac h for the Wom en s Va rs i ty te nnis team at UWO where in 2 0 1 6 th e te am wo n gold at the Ontario Univers i t y Athletics Championships 07 Ava p l ayed on t h e Un i vers i t y o f Wate rl o o va rs i t y tea m h er fres h m a n yea r i n 2 0 1 7 a n d i s l ook i n g for wa rd to h av i n g a g reat te n n i s f i l l e d s u m m er s h a r i n g h er ten n i s i n s i g ht s w i t h t h e L o n d o n H u nt a n d C o u nt r y C l u b M e m b e rs h i p TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Leagues MEN S MONDAY NIGHT DOUBLES LEAGUE Level 2 0 and above April 30th October 1st Mondays from 6 00 to 8 00 p m WOMEN S TUESDAY NIGHT DOUBLES LEAGUE Level 2 5 and above May 1st October 2nd Tuesdays from 6 00 to 8 00 p m Dinner May 1 June 5 July 18 and August 7th MEN S AND WOMEN S THURSDAY NIGHT PARTNERS DOUBLES Level 2 5 and above May 3rd October 4th Thursdays from 6 30 to 8 00 p m Play with the same partner each week No partner no problem just let the Chalet staff know Four courts designated to both women and men each week WOMEN S THURSDAY MORNING DOUBLES LEAGUE Level 2 0 and above May 3rd October 4th Thursdays from 9 00 to 11 00 a m Sign up for league play will begin 6 days prior The day prior to league play a group e mail will be sent to all players who are scheduled This will include a wait list of players if we do not have an even 4 to fill a court Any cancellations should be communicated to the Tennis Chalet immediately following receipt of the confirmation email A 30 fee will apply to Members accounts for either a no show or cancelling less than 24hrs in advance FRIDAY NIGHT DOUBLES MIXER Level 2 0 and above Friday from 5 30 to 7 30 p m May 18th June 15th July 13th August 17th September 21st 08 Players will be divided into groups of four of the same level Players will move up and down each week d e pe nding o n their s cores Le ag ue re sult s standings will be s ent ou t every week League will run every week throughout the season with the exception of special events A 30 fe e w ill be charged for the leagu es wh i ch w ill be use d for balls and prizes Sign up will begin 6 days prior A n em a i l wi l l b e s ent ou t on e d ay p ri o r to each event confirming if the league is full or i f m ore p l ayers a re req u i red No partner no problem Level 2 0 and above welcome Each participant will play a total of three rounds 35 minute rotations and enjoy dinner and prizes each mixer night A 30 fee will apply to Members account for either a no show or cancelling less than 24hrs in advance C ost 3 2 Sign up will begin 6 days prior A n em a i l wi l l b e s ent ou t on e d ay p ri o r to each event co nfirming if the Doubles Mixer i s fu l l or i f m ore p l ayers a re re q u i re d TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Lessons and Fees ADAM BARANOWSKI Director of Tennis Private Lesson 1 hour 85 Private Lesson 30 minutes 55 Semi Private Lesson 1 hour 45 per person ROBBIE MACFARLANE Associate Tennis Professional Private Lesson 1 hour 65 Private Lesson 30 minutes 45 Semi Private Lesson 1 hour 40 per person OTHER FEES Clinic for 4 People 25 per person Clinic for 3 People 30 per person Dartfish Video Analysis 60 for 30 minutes Ball Machine Seasonal Fee 80 single Ball Machine Seasonal Fee 100 family Ball Machine Single Use Fee 15 Guest Fee 20 AVA SKUSE Assistant Tennis Professional Private Lesson 1 hour 55 Private Lesson 30 minutes 35 Semi Private Lesson 1 hour 30 per person All fees are subject to hst and will be billed to Members accounts 09 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Clinics CARDIO TENNIS All levels May 2nd September 29th Wednesdays from 8 00 to 9 00 a m Saturdays from 8 30 to 9 30 a m 6 1 player coach ratio 16 per class INTERMEDIATE DOUBLES Level 3 0 and above April 30th September 26th Mondays from 4 00 to 5 00 p m Wednesdays from 9 00 to 10 00 a m 4 1 player coach ratio 25 per class Cardio Tennis is a high energy fitness activity that combines the best features of the sport of tennis with cardiovascular exercise delivering the ultimate full body calorie burning aerobic workout It is a very social and fun class for players of all ability levels taught by our tennis professionals If you ve never played tennis before it is a great way to be introduced to the game and if you are an experienced player it is one of the better ways to work on your cardio This class is designed to refresh and reinforce doubles positioning strategy and tactics Each week we will train through a variety of drills and cooperative exercises By the end of the season you will have a stronger base in match play NEW 2 TENNIS PRACTICE AND PLAY Level 1 0 2 0 May 1st September 25th Tuesdays from 7 00 to 8 30 p m 5 1 player coach ratio 25 per class ADVANCED DOUBLES CLINIC Level 4 0 and above May 3rd September 27th Thursdays from 4 30 to 6 00 p m 5 1 player coach ratio 38 per class This class is designed to introduce fundamental groundstrokes volleys serves and returns It consists of one hour of instruction and then half an hour of play Through drills cooperative exercises and point situations you will have a better understanding how to play singles and doubles Through game simulation and specific live ball drills our focus will be on the following areas of your game Specialty shots Mid court balls Team unity Playing against various styles Doubles formations Patterns of play P l ea se sig n up o n line week to week Note m u st h ave 3 or m ore reg i st rat i on s for a cl i n i c 10 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Special Events There are so many ways to get involved at the Chalet this season including some excellent events that are geared toward a variety of ages and skill levels APRIL EVENTS Opening Tennis Cocktail Party April 13th Members are invited to enjoy an evening mingling with fellow Members and their guests over some wine and hors d oeuvres to kick off the start of the season Women s Golf and Tennis Fashion Show April 26th Save the date to view the latest tennis and golf fashion right here at the Club while enjoying food and drink selections MAY EVENTS Junior Tennis Fair May 19th A day filled with games and activities run by our tennis professionals for the kids followed by lunch for the whole family JUNE EVENTS Women s Member Guest June 1st Invite a guest to come out and participate in an evening of tennis followed by a social evening of cocktails and appetizers This is a great opportunity to show friends everything tennis at the Club has to offer Century Doubles June 3rd A team competition consisting of men and women from the Club as well as the London region Each team must have six players where the combined years of each pair must be hundred years or more Categories include men s women s and mixed doubles ITF RBC Seniors June 22nd 23rd and 24th An international seniors event where Members are invited to get involved as players or spectators cheering on some of the Club s amazing talent in this great event This event attracts the best senior players in North America making it an ideal event for any tennis fan JULY EVENTS Pro Am July 14th A charity event where men and women are placed in teams of four in a doubles and mixed doubles format Tennis is followed by dinner and a live band consisting of some of our Members Wimbledon July 15th A men s final event complemented by strawberries and cream in honour of Wimbledon Members are encouraged to wear their whites to really get into the Wimbledon spirit 12 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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AUGUST EVENTS Women s Interclub August 1st A day of competitive doubles in a fun environment Participants from other clubs around London area are welcome to play Breakfast lunch and prizes are included Fowler Kennedy August 22nd Charity event consisting of men s doubles also teams from outside are welcome to participate Lunch dinner and prizes is included SEPTEMBER EVENTS Singles Club Championship September 8th 9th Doubles Mixed Doubles Club Championships September 14th 15th 16th Championship Divisions Changes have been made to the categories to reflect participation over the past few years The new categories are as follows Men s Open Men s 55 and Men s 75 Singles and Doubles Women s Open Singles and Doubles Mixed Doubles Open Junior s U10 and U14 OCTOBER EVENTS Closing Dinner October 19th RSVP to attend a sit down dinner at the main Clubhouse with fellow Members and reflect back on the tennis season 13 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Resources TENNIS RATING SYSTEM The primary goal of the rating system is to help all tennis Members enjoy the game by providing a method of classifying skill levels for more compatible matches group lessons league play tournaments and other programs If you have any questions about the rating system or is unsure at what level your game is please speak with one of our tennis professionals and we will be happy to assist you 1 0 The player is just starting to play tennis 1 5 The player has been introduced to the game However has difficulty playing the game due to a lack of consistency rallying and serving 2 0 Can get the ball in the play but lacks control resulting in inconsistent rallies Often chooses to hit forehands instead of backhands On service return tends to position to protect weakness Inconsistent returns In singles reluctant to come to the net In doubles understands basic positioning comfortable only with the forehand volley avoids backhand volley and overhead Incomplete service motion Toss inconsistent Double faults common 2 5 Can rally consistently 10 balls in row especially on forehand with an arched trajectory of the net when the objective is to hit to a partner at moderate speed In singles consistent when returning towards the middle of the court In doubles difficulty returning cross court to start the point Becoming at ease at the net in practice but uncomfortable in a game situation Attempting a full service motion on the first serve First serve is inconsistent less than 50 Uses an incomplete motion to ensure a steady second serve 3 0 Can rally consistently 10 balls in a row on forehands and backhands Able to maintain the rally when receiving high short or wide balls assuming the ball is received at a moderate pace especially on the forehand Can control the direction of the ball both in singles and doubles when receiving a serve of moderate pace Very consistent on forehand volley with easy balls inconsistent on backhand volley Overall has difficulty with low and wide balls Can smash easy lobs Full motion on both serves Able to achieve more than 50 success on first serve Second serve much slower than first serve 3 5 Can move the opponent around the court or hit harder when receiving easier balls Can execute approach shots with some consistency more than 50 Can return fast serves placed serves with defensive actions On easy second serve can return with pace or directional control can approach the net in doubles Becoming confident at net play can direct forehand volleys controls backhand volleys but with little offense General difficulty in putting volleys away Can handle volleys and overheads that require moderate movement 4 0 Can develop points with some consistency by using a reliable combination of shots Erratic when attempting a quality shot when receiving fast or wide balls and when attempting passing shots Difficulty in returning spin serves and very fast serves On moderately paced serves can construct the point through hitting a good shot or exploiting an opponent s weakness In doubles can vary returns effectively on moderately paced serves In singles comfortable at following an approach shot to the net In doubles comfortable receiving a variety of balls and converting an offensive position can poach on weak returns of serve Able to put away easy overheads Can vary the speed and direction of the first serve Uses spin 14 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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4 5 Has the ability to use a variety of spins Beginning to develop a dominant shot or good steadiness Erratic when attempting a quality shot in two of the following situations receiving fast balls wide balls and in passing shot situations On first serves can defend consistently but very inconsistent less than 30 when attempting an aggressive return In doubles has difficulty less than 50 returning a first serve at the feet of the incoming serve and volleyer When coming to the net after serving consistently able to put the first volley in play but without pace or depth However inconsistent when trying to volley powerful or angled returns Close to the net can finish a point using various options including drop volley angle volley punch volley Aggressive first serve with power and spin On second serve frequently hits with good depth and placement without double faults Can serve and volley off first serves in doubles but experiences some consistency 5 0 Able to maintain a consistent rally 10 balls in a row on faster balls Very steady strokes or has a dominant shot Periodically succeeds 50 when attempting a quality shot when receiving fast or wide balls and in passing shot situations Periodically succeeds 50 at aggressive return off fast first serves using dominant shot fore or back hand In doubles can return at the feet of the volleyer In doubles after the serve has a good deep cross court volley Overhead can be hit from almost any position First serve can win points outright or force a weak return Second serve can prevent the opponent from attacking 5 5 This player has developed a game style which is recognizable as either an all court player an aggressive base liner a serve and volleyer or a retriever Has developed good anticipation either technically can read toss on serve body position or tactically can read opponent s tendencies in specific situations Has no major weaknesses and can counterattack effectively against a hard ball wide ball or in passing shot situations Able to use specific shots in order to exploit opponent s weakness drop shot angle moon ball Capable of competing in Open category provincial level tournaments 6 7 This player typically has had intensive training for national tournament competition at junior collegiate levels and has obtained a provincial or national open ranking The 6 5 player has extensive international open level experience at the entry professional level 7 0 This player is a world class professional tennis player 15 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Resources DRESS CODE All Members and Guests are required to adhere to the Club s Dress Code to maintain a level of dress appropriate for a prestigious private club and so that all Members can be assured of a dignified atmosphere when utilizing the Clubhouse and other Club facilities Club Staff are mandated by the Board to enforce and inform Members of this policy at Management s discretion Members must respect the Staff s responsibility to do so appropriate tennis attire proper tennis shoes only tennis related insignia on clothing basic t shirts are not acceptable TENNIS CHALET HOURS OF OPERATION April 8 00 a m 4 00 p m daily May to September 8 00 a m 9 00 p m Monday to Friday 8 00 a m 6 00 p m Saturday Sunday Holidays October 8 00 a m 4 00 p m daily weather dependent Opening Closing Days The tennis courts will be available for play as soon as weather conditions allow the installation of the nets They will then be open until the removal of the nets in the late fall Evening Play Courts 1 2 and 6 10 are lit for night play The lights are controlled by a timer and will automatically turn off at 11 00 p m The court switch may be operated by the Members and is located on court 1 for courts 1 and 2 and at the south end of court 8 for courts 6 10 16 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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CODE OF CONDUCT 1 SPORTSMANSHIP All players have a duty to encourage and maintain the highest standards of sportsmanship courtesy and fair play and are under an obligation to avoid all conduct acts or practices which are perceived to be detrimental to the integrity of the Game and the Club 2 DRESS CODE Follow the Hunt Club Dress Code and dress appropriately Only proper tennis shoes are permitted 3 WALK WITH CARE Do not cross courts to return to the Chalet unless they are empty use the paths Do not walk behind another court during a point across someone else s court while they re in the middle of a game or interrupt a point on another court to retrieve a ball 4 BOOKING Book your court on line and include all player names Upon arrival register with Chalet staff before going to your court 5 FINISH ON TIME Complete play promptly at the end of your designated time if the court is booked 6 WAIT YOUR TURN Wait off the court by the gate until your time 7 JUNIORS Junior Members under the age of 12 are not permitted on the courts without their parents or guardians 8 GUESTS A Member or Associate Member may introduce up to three guests at once furthermore the guest is allowed three appearances in total during the year and not three introductions by each or any Members exclusive of Club sponsored functions Members may introduce guests to play tennis at the Club anytime during the tennis season with exception to weekends before 1 00 p m or during any event or play in which guests are not allowed All guests must be registered and the applicable guest fee 20 hst charged to the Members account Members are responsible for their guest s conduct and adherence to Club rules 17 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Junior Programs PROGRESSIVE TENNIS Progressive Tennis introduces the sport of tennis in a fun and interactive way and ensures immediate success for young players aged 5 10 Using modified tennis balls racquets nets and courts young players are properly equipped to enjoy rallies and learn the fundamentals of the game early on Skills are developed much quicker allowing for an easy transition to full court Tennis Canada fully endorses Progressive Tennis and is developing programs and competitive structures across the country to give more players the opportunity to experience it s positive benefits New this season while your child is on court with a tennis professional you can be on the court playing too This is a great way to introduce the whole family to tennis If you are interested in playing with other parents guardians at the same time on the next court please sign up as well 1 2 Court Tennis Red Ball 5 yrs At this stage while using an oversized low compression ball on a 1 2 size court we introduce the essential skills of tennis Young players using 17 to 21 size racquets learn basic rally serve and net play skills along with activities that build tennis specific coordination Ratio is 8 1 player coach Thursdays 4 30 to 5 30 p m 3 4 Court Tennis Orange Ball 7 yrs At this stage while using a 50 slower ball on a 3 4 size court we reinforce FUNdamentals grip setup impact point hitting zone and recovery Young players using 23 to 25 size racquets will train how to serve rally score and play at the net Ratio is 6 1 player coach Thursdays 5 30 to 6 30 p m Full Court Tennis Green Ball 10 yrs At this stage while using 25 slower ball on a regular size court players will learn to rally with finer direction and height control Players using 25 to 27 size racquets learn to serve with better control return serves and approach and play net in singles and doubles Ratio is 5 1 player coach Thursdays 5 30 to 6 30 p m Progressive Tennis is complimentary however children must sign up online week to week for each available session Programs will run every week throughout the season with the exception of special events or holidays 18 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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PARENT AND TOT TENNIS Age 3 5 May 6th August 26th Sundays 9 15 to 10 00 a m 4 1 player coach ratio Complimentary INTERMEDIATE COMPETITIVE Age 10 May 2nd September 26th Wednesdays 4 30 to 6 00 p m 4 1 player coach ratio Complimentary This program is designed to promote and instill the love for the game of tennis As a parent you will have a chance to learn the FUNdamentals with your toddler Through fun and exciting environment we will introduce you to the following areas Players at this stage are training on a full court with regular size ball The main focus will be on sound biomechanics efficient and effective technique We will emphasize the importance of 5 ball controls direction height depth spin and speed during rally when being offensive defensive serve and return as well as when approaching the net Players will train to stay in the point through consistency right decision making as well as implement strategies and tactics for advance competitive play both in singles and doubles Body awareness Catching and throwing a variety of balls using right and left hand Running with stops starts and changing direction Hand eye coordination rolling passing and hitting the ball Please sign up online week to week JUNIOR GOLF AND TENNIS May 15th August 28th Tuesdays 4 30 to 6 00 p m Instruction game development Saturdays 2 00 to 3 30 p m Supervised play 150 Each Tuesday and or Saturday come to the Club for 45 minutes of tennis then golf or vice versa Program will take place on the tennis courts driving range and short game practice facility Cost is 150 which will be reinvested back into our Junior Development Program please note throughout the season golf or tennis may not be offered on one of the schedule days due to an event conflict The Club calendar will have the full list of dates the programs are offered This program is designed for players that have been involved in the game for several years They are encouraged to compete in various leagues high school events local and provincial tournaments Please sign up online week to week 19 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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Membership Membership at the London Hunt and Country Club is open to any family or individual who shares the Club s Vision and Mission Vision To be one of the premier private golf and country clubs in Canada offering an exceptional total Membership experience Mission The London Hunt and Country Club is a family focused Club providing its Members with an internationally recognized golf course complemented by first class dining facilities To enhance the enjoyment of Members the Club includes such programs as hunt tennis trap and skeet fitness and social activities However Membership is more than just golf or tennis it is a community of like minded people who have chosen to come together freely to recreate and socialize at the premier facilities of the Club There are two forms of Membership at the Club Full Resident Shareholder and Tennis Associate Full Membership is for the full family and includes everything the Club has to offer year round It is a lifelong Membership that involves the payment of an initiation fee and payment of an annual due Our Tennis Associate Membership is a seasonal Membership and includes the use of the Tennis Facilities There is an annual due but no initiation fee and Associates can join as singles a couple or family If you or a friend or colleague is interested in Membership at the Club please contact us for more information Jon Nusink General Manager Chief Operating Officer 519 471 6430 ext 211 jnusink londonhuntclub com or Linda Fletcher Membership and Accounts Coordinator 519 471 6430 ext 214 lfletcher londonhuntclub com 2018 TENNIS COMMITTEE P l e a se fe e l fre e to contac t any m em ber of t h e Ten n i s C om m i ttee to m a ke a s u g gest i on o r co m m e nt t h at w ill co ntr ibute to the s uc ces s of ou r ten n i s p rog ra m B r i tta Jo ne s Chair He i d i N e e dham Pete r Richards A n d rea McLay M i ke Myle s C h r i s Clar k Adam Baranowski Pro Jon Nusink GM COO 21 TENNIS TIMES WINTER 2018

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