B r i tta Jo ne s Chair Pa u l Shanks D i a n e Dymo n H e i d i N e e dham Pete r R ichards A n d re a McLay D i ete r B r uckschwaiger Board Rep Adam Baranowski Pro J on N usink GM COO 2017 TENNIS COMMITTEE
table of contents Introduction 03 04 M e e t O u r Te a m W h a t s N e w I n 2 0 1 7 0 5 Get Involved Leagues 08 Lessons and Fees 11 Programs 12 Join the Fun Events 14 Resources Dress Code 17 Rating System Guest Policy 18 21 Hours of Operation 01 22 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
introduction Another season is upon us and with it comes exciting changes to the tennis section One of the many changes is the acquisition of our new Associate Tennis Professional Robbie Macfarlane Robbie is from the Niagara region and brings with him more than eight years of coaching experience For the past four summer seasons he has worked as the Assistant Tennis Professional at the Niagara Falls Country Club in Lewiston NY where he coached all ages and levels of players We look forward to having him join our team and help us grow the sport of tennis here at the Club Additionally over the course of the winter the Property Committee has been hard at work evaluating the Club and its various structures As a result the Board of Directors approved some impressive upgrades to the Chalet Phase one will be started in April and will include new Hardie Board siding in a dark gray tone with new white trim windows and new stained wooden doors Plans are under way for phase 2 which is the interior modernization and renovation possibly as early as 2018 I m stoked Early plans include new larger locker rooms with new facilities new furniture new bar area and a small kitchen which would make huge improvements in the food and beverage capabilities We will be sharing some preliminary plans for the internal renovations and we look forward to getting your feedback Our tennis programs events leagues and court bookings will also be going through some changes for the better which are outlined in this special edition of Tennis Times The Tennis Committee and I are excited about all the new things happening at the Chalet this season as well as building on the successes of previous years See you on the courts ADAM BARANOWSKI DIRECTOR OF TENNIS 03 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
meet our team Adam Baranowski Director of Tennis abaranowski londonhuntclub com 519 471 2 5 2 3 ex t 2 5 1 Adam moved to Canada from Wa rs aw Poland in 1986 He ca ptured a National title by age eighteen Prior to studying graphic design at Texa s Tech Un i vers i t y h e wa s s el ected from N i ck Bo l l ett i e ri s Tennis Academy to train with Boris Becker Adam achieved a world ranking wh i l e p l ay i n g on tou r i n 1 9 9 7 He wa s ra n ked to p 1 0 p l aye r in the world over 35 in 2011 and he finished 5th at ITF over 35 World Championships in San Diego California in 2012 Prior to com i n g to L on d on Hu nt C l u b i n 2 0 1 2 h e wa s t h e H e a d Tennis Profes s i on a l at Kew G a rd en s Ten n i s C l u b a n d t h e H e a d o f Junior Development at Donalda Club in Toronto Adam has over 17 years of coaching experience He has level 4 coach with National Coaching Institute Club Pro 2 level 3 coach with Ten n i s C a n a d a a n d t h e h i g h est rat i n g a s a Professi o n a l w i t h PTR U S A 04 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
Robbie Macfarlane Associate Tennis Professional r m a c far lane lo ndonhuntclub com 5 1 9 471 0 530 Rob b ie Macfar lane has m ore than eight yea rs o f te nnis co aching experienc e For th e p a st fou r summe r se a s ons he has worked a s t h e A s si stant Te nnis Profes s ional at the Ni a ga ra Falls Country Club in Lewiston New York D u r i ng the w inter s eas ons he has wor ked at th e Unive rsity Tennis Centre on the Wester n U n i versity campus as an As s istant Profess i on a l H e i s also the Assistant coac h for the Wom en s Va rs i ty te nnis team at UWO where in 2 0 1 6 th e te am wo n gold at the Ontario Univers i t y Athletics Championships 05 D a n i el D a l a As s i sta nt Ten n i s Professi o n a l d d a l a l on d on h u ntcl u b com 519 471 0530 D a n i el h a s b een p l ay i n g ten n i s for t hi rte e n ye a rs now where he competed in various tournaments i n OTA O nta r i o Ten n i s A s s oci at i o n a n d IT F I nter n at i on a l Ten n i s Fed erat i on i n co u nt ri e s s u ch a s G u atem a l a a n d Hon d u ra s w h i c h i s D a n i e l s co u nt r y o f o r i g i n C u r re nt l y h e atte n d s t h e Un i vers i t y of Wester n O nta r i o w h e re h e p l ays for t h e M en s Va rs i t y Ten n i s Te a m a n d wh ere h e i s wor k i n g towa rd s co m p l et i n g a b u s i n es s d eg ree He b ega n h i s coa ch i n g ca reer 4 ye a rs a go at G re e n h i l l s C o u nt r y C l u b L ate r h e o p e n e d a s u cces sfu l ten n i s p rog ra m i n S t T h o m a s w h e re h e coa ch ed p a r t t i m e d u r i n g t h e su m m e rs Tod ay D a n i el i s t h e fu l l t i m e As s i sta nt Te n n i s P ro fe s s i o n a l at t h e L o n d o n H u nt a n d C o u nt r y Club TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
what s new in 2017 The Tennis Committee has been hard at work this off season looking for ways to improve the tennis se c ti o n and increas e the enj oym ent of t h e s p or t for M em b ers The following are some changes that we have implemented for the 2017 season N E W SI GN UP DOUB LES L EAGUE Me mbe rs w ill have two days prior to si g n u p e g S u n d ay for Tu es d ay n i g ht Th e d ay p ri o r to l e a g u e play e g Monday m orning for Tu es d ay n i g ht a g rou p em a i l wi l l b e s ent to a l l p l aye rs w h o are signed up This will include a wait list of playe rs if we do not have an even 4 to fill a court Any cancellations should be communicated to the Tennis Chalet immediately following receipt of the conf i rmatio n e mail Entry Fee for the lea g u es wi l l b e 3 0 wh i ch wi l l i n cl u d e b a l l s ever y we e k p l u s p r i ze s at the e nd of the s eas on WO M E N S SI N GLES LEAGUE A Wo me n s Sing les League has been add ed I t wi l l b e i m p l em ented on a t r i a l b a s i s t h i s se a so n o n S atu rdays fro m 8 00 a m to 9 30 a m CA NCE LLAT I O N AND NO SHOW FEES A 3 0 fe e w ill be applied to Mem ber s accou nt s for ei t h er a n o s h ow or ca n cel l at i on l es s t h a n 2 4 h rs i n a d vance CO U RT BOOK I N GS Fo r l og istical purpos es as well as heav y t raffi c d u r i n g S at u rd ay a n d S u n d ay m or n i n g p l ay co u rt b o ok ing s w ill have two tim e s lots 1 5 hrs from 8 0 0 a m to 9 3 0 a m a n d 9 3 0 a m to 1 1 0 0 a m a n d o ne time slot 2 hrs f rom 11 00 a m to 1 0 0 p m OPENING AND CLOSING EVENTS Based on feedback and sur vey results the Opening Tennis Reception May 12 will be a cocktail p a r t y and Clo sing Tennis Party October 1 7 t h wi l l b e a s i t d own d i n n er s o b e s u re to m a rk t h e se d ate s o n yo ur ca lendars I t was decided t h at t h i s yea r we wi l l N OT h ave a ny O p en i n g a n d C l o si n g Men s and Women s League Events due to lack of inte re st We are howeve r planning on having a 06 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
women s social tennis event on Thursday evening June 15 EVENTS D u r i ng the Grand Slam f inals this s eas on we wi l l h ave s p eci fi c food t h em es i n cl u d i n g F re n c h Op e n J u n e 4 Wimbledon J uly 9 and US Ope n S ep tem b er 1 0 T h es e a re g reat op p or t u n i t i e s to co m e out to the Chalet and enjoy the courts televised competition and great food pairings with fellow Me mbe rs and te n nis fans D etails will be com m u n i cated at t h e b eg i n n i n g of t h e s ea s on CLU B CHA MPI ONSHIPS It was decided with the Tennis Committee that this year s Club Championships will begin at the start of the season as opposed to at the end like previous years We believe this change will contr ibute to more pos itive turn out in p a r t i ci p at i on At t h e be g inning of May J une players w i l l s ch ed u l e t h ei r own m atch es t h en s em i fi n a l s a n d f i n a l s w i l l b e p l aye d i n J u l y We a l s o a d d e d a n O p e n categor y w h e re m e n a n d wo m e n co m p ete i n t h e sa me draw Fo r further details regarding d ates ca n b e fou n d on p a ge 1 4 of t h i s b ook fe e s w i l l b e communicate d at a later date CO M P E T I TI VE CE NTURY DOUB LES C HAL LE NG E TO U R NA M E NT M ay 2 8 C l u b Te ams w ill cons ist of 6 players 3 m e n a n d 3 wom en Pl ay wi l l con s i st of on e m en s d o u b l e s o n e wo m e n s d o u b l e s a n d o n e m i xe d d o u b l e s T h e co m b i n e d a ge s o f t h e t wo p l ayers i n e a c h cate go r y must equal or exceed 100 years Minimum age is 35 The match format will be determined by the number of clubs entering the event we are limiting the event to six clubs Each team is guaranteed at l e ast 2 matches E nt r y fe e T BA N E W 2 TE N N I S T h i s clinic is de signed to introduc e f undam enta l g rou n d st rokes vol l eys s er ves a n d ret u rn s T h ro u gh d r i l l s co o pe rative exercis es and point s i t u at i on s you wi l l h ave a b etter u n d ersta n d i n g h o w to p l ay singles and doubles It is geared towards playe rs that are just starting the game 1 0 2 0 level D eta i ls can be fo und on page 12 of this book 07 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
get involved MEN S MONDAY NIGHT DOUBLES LEAGUE Level 2 0 and above April 24 September 25 Mondays from 6 00 to 8 00 p m WOMEN S TUESDAY NIGHT DOUBLES LEAGUE Level 2 5 and above April 25 September 26 Tuesdays from 6 30 to 8 30 p m Sign up for league play will be 2 days prior e g Saturday for Monday night The day prior to league play a group e mail will be sent to all players who are scheduled This will include a waiting list of players if we do not have an even 4 to fill a court Any cancellations should be communicated to the Tennis Chalet immediately following receipt of the confirmation email Sign up for league play will be 2 days prior e g Sunday for Tuesday night The day prior to league play a group e mail will be sent to all players who are scheduled This will include a waiting list of players if we do not have an even 4 to fill a court Any cancellations should be communicated to the Tennis Chalet immediately following receipt of the confirmation email Cancellation Policy A 30 fee will apply to Members account for either a no show or cancelling less than 24hrs in advance Cancellation Policy A 30 fee will apply to Members account for either a no show or cancelling less than 24hrs in advance No par tne r required all abilities wel com e m aximum 4 0 players Players will be divided into groups of four of the same level Players will move up and down each week d e pe nding o n their s cores L eag ue re sult s standings will be s ent ou t every week League will run every week throughout the season with the exception of special events A 30 fe e w i ll be c harged for the M en s Le ag ue w hich is us ed for balls and pr i zes N o p a r t n er req u i red a l l a b i l i t i e s we l co m e m ax i m u m 3 6 p l ayers Playe rs will be divided into groups of four of the same level Playe rs will move up and down each week d ep en d i n g on t h ei r s cores L ea g u e res u l t s sta n d i n g s wi l l b e se nt o u t every week League will run every week throughout the season with the exception of special events A 3 0 fee wi l l b e ch a rged for t h e Wo m e n s L ea g u e wh i ch i s u s ed for b a l l s an d p ri ze s LEAGUES 08 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
WOMEN S THURSDAY MORNING DOUBLES LEAGUE Level 2 0 and above April 27 September 28 Tuesdays from 9 15 to 11 15 a m WOMEN S SATURDAY MORNING SINGLES LEAGUE Level 2 5 and above April 29 September 30 Saturdays from 8 00 to 9 30 a m Sign up for league play will be 2 days prior e g Tuesday for Thursday morning The day prior to league play a group e mail will be sent to all players who are scheduled This will include a waiting list of players if we do not have an even 4 to fill a court Any cancellations should be communicated to the Tennis Chalet immediately following receipt of the confirmation email Sign up for league play will be 2 days prior e g Thursday for Saturday morning The day prior to league play a group e mail will be sent to all players who are scheduled This will include a waiting list of players if we do not have an even 2 to fill a court Any cancellations should be communicated to the Tennis Chalet immediately following receipt of the confirmation email Cancellation Policy A 30 fee will apply to Members account for either a no show or cancelling less than 24hrs in advance Cancellation Policy A 30 fee will apply to Members account for either a no show or cancelling less than 24hrs in advance No par tne r required all abilities wel com e m aximum 3 6 players Players will be divided into groups of four of the same level Players will move up and down each week d e pe nding o n their s cores L eag ue re sult s standings will be s ent ou t every week League will run every week throughout the season with the exception of special events A 30 fe e w ill be charged for the Wom en s Le ag ue w hich is us ed for balls and pr i zes Playe rs will move up and down each week d ep en d i n g on t h ei r s cores L ea g u e res u l t s sta n d i n g s wi l l b e se nt o u t every week League will run every week throughout the season with the exception of special events A 3 0 fee wi l l b e ch a rged for t h e Wo m e n s L ea g u e wh i ch i s u s ed for b a l l s an d p ri ze s LEAGUES 09 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
get involved FRIDAY NIGHT DOUBLES MIXER Level 2 0 and above Friday from 5 30 to 7 30 p m May 5 19 and 26 June 2 and 9 July 7 and 21 August 11 and 25 No partner no problem All abilities are welcome Each participant will play a total of three rounds 35 minute rotations and enjoy dinner and prizes each mixer night MEN S SINGLES BOXED LADDER Level 2 5 and above May 8 June 25 A new session will start July 3 Players will be grouped separately into boxes of approximately 5 6 of the same ability and will have until the end of June to complete their matches Note only sign up if you know you are going to play on a regular basis Cancellation Policy A 30 fee will apply to Members account for either a no show or cancelling less than 24hrs in advance C o st 32 P l aye rs are e ncouraged to register o n l i n e we e k in advance A n e mail w ill be s ent out one day pr i or to each event confirming if the Doubles Mixer i s full o r if more players are required LEAGUES 10 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
ADAM BARANOWSKI Director of Tennis ROBBIE MACFARLANE Associate Tennis Professional DANIEL DALA Assistant Tennis Professional Private Lesson 1 hour 80 Private Lesson 1 hour 65 Private Lesson 1 hour 55 Private Lesson 30 minutes 55 Private Lesson 30 minutes 45 Private Lesson 30 minutes 35 Semi Private Lesson 1 hour 45 per person Semi Private Lesson 1 hour 40 per person Semi Private Lesson 1 hour 30 per person OTHER FEES Clinic for 4 People 24 per person Clinic for 3 People 30 per person Dartfish Video Analysis 50 for 30 minutes Ball Machine Seasonal Fee 75 single Ball Machine Seasonal Fee 95 family Guest Fee 20 LESSONS AND FEES 11 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
get involved CARDIO TENNIS All levels April 29 September 30 Wednesdays from 7 00 to 8 00 a m Saturdays from 8 00 to 9 00 a m and 9 00 to 10 00 a m 6 1 player coach ratio 15 per class Cardio Tennis is a high energy fitness activity that combines the best features of the sport of tennis with cardiovascular exercise delivering the ultimate full body calorie burning aerobic workout It is a very social and fun class for players of all ability levels taught by our tennis professionals If you ve never played tennis before it is a great way to be introduced to the game and if you are an experienced player it is one of the better ways to work on your cardio INTERMEDIATE DOUBLES Level 3 0 and above May 8 September 27 Mondays from 4 00 to 5 00 p m Wednesdays from 9 00 to 10 00 a m Sundays from 9 00 to 10 00 a m 4 1 player coach ratio 24 per class This class is designed to refresh and reinforce doubles positioning strategy and tactics Each week we will train through variety of drills and cooperative exercises By the end of the season you will have a stronger base in match play Pleas e s i g n u p on l i n e week to week Note mu st h ave 3 or m ore registrat i on s for a cl i n i c NEW 2 TENNIS Level 1 0 2 0 May 2 September 24 Tuesdays from 9 00 to 10 00 a m Thursdays from 6 30 to 7 30 p m 5 1 player coach ratio 24 per class This class is designed to introduce fundamental groundstrokes volleys serves and returns Through drills cooperative exercises and point situations you will have a better understanding how to play singles and doubles Pl ea s e s i g n u p on l i n e we e k to week N ote m u st h ave 3 o r m o re reg i st rat i on s for a c l i n i c P l ea se sig n up o n line week to we e k N o te must have 3 or m ore reg i stratio ns fo r a c linic PROGRAMS 12 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
SINGLES CLINIC Level 2 5 and above May 5 September 29 Fridays from 7 00 to 8 00 a m 5 1 player coach ratio 17 per class This clinic is designed specifically towards singles game Our focus is on tactics and point play while maintaining the correct form Below are some of the key areas we are going to implement 5 ball controls direction depth height spin and spe ed Being co mfortable moving for ward Net play 3 zo ne s o ffe n ce defens e and neutra l C o ntro lling the center of the court ADVANCED DOUBLES CLINIC Level 4 0 and above May June and September Wednesdays from 4 00 to 5 30 p m July and August Thursday from 1 00 to 2 30 p m 5 1 player coach ratio 35 per class Through game simulation and specific live ball drills our focus will be on the following areas of your game S p eci a l t y s h ot s M i d cou r t b a l l s Tea m u n i t y Pl ay i n g a ga i n st va r i ou s st y l es D ou b l es for m at i on s Patter n s of p l ay P l ea se sig n up o n line week to week Pl ea s e s i g n u p on l i n e week to week N o te must have 3 or m ore registrations for a clinic N ote m u st h ave 3 or m ore reg i st rat i o n s fo r a cl i n i c PROGRAMS 13 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
join the fun There are so many ways to get involved at the Chalet this season including some excellent events that are geared toward a variety of ages and skill levels APRIL EVENTS Men s Doubles League Start April 24 Women s Doubles League Start Evening April 25 Women s Doubles League Start Day April 27 MAY EVENTS Junior Singles Series May 8 Opening Cocktail Party May 12 Junior Fair May 20 Men s Singles Series May 27 Century Doubles May 28 JUNE EVENTS French Open June 4 Junior Singles Series June 11 ITF RBC Seniors June 23 to 25 JULY EVENTS Pro Am July 8 Wimbledon July 9 Open Singles Championship July 15 to 16 Junior Singles Series July 23 Mixed Club Championship July 28 Doubles Club Championship July 29 to 30 AUGUST EVENTS Women s Interclub August 2 Junior Singles Series August 6 Men s Singles Series August 19 Fowler Kennedy August 23 SEPTEMBER EVENTS US Open September 10 14 CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS To enhance the enjoyment and participation level in the Club Championships the Tennis Committee with support from management made the decision to hold this year s Club Championships at the start of the season as opposed to the end of the season when players are injured and or away At the beginning of May June players will schedule their own matches Semifinals and finals will be played in July Important Dates Entry Deadline May 8 Open Singles Match Play May 15 to July 14 Mixed Doubles Match Play May 15 to July 14 Doubles Match Play May 15 to July 14 Open Singles Semifinals July 15 Open Singles Finals July 16 Mixed Doubles Semifinals July 29 Doubles Semifinals July 29 Mixed Doubles Finals July 30 Doubles Finals July 30 EVENTS TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
resources DRESS CODE All Members and Guests are required to adhere to the Club s Dress Code to maintain a level of dress appropriate for a prestigious private club and so that all Members can be assured of a dignified atmosphere when utilizing the Clubhouse and other Club facilities Club Staff are mandated by the Board to enforce and inform Members of this policy at Management s discretion Members must respect the Staff s responsibility to do so a p p rop r i ate ten n i s att i re p rop er ten n i s s h oes on l y ten n i s rel ated i n s i g n i a on c l o t h i n g basic t shirts are not acceptable DRESS CODE 17 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
resources TENNIS RATING SYSTEM The primary goal of the rating system is to help all tennis Members enjoy the game by providing a method of classifying skill levels for more compatible matches group lessons league play tournaments and other programs If you have any questions about the rating system or is unsure at what level your game is please speak with one of our tennis professionals and we will be happy to assist you 1 0 The player is just starting to play tennis 1 5 The player has been introduced to the game However has difficulty playing the game due to a lack of consistency rallying and serving 2 0 Can get the ball in the play but lacks control resulting in inconsistent rallies Often chooses to hit forehands instead of backhands On service return tends to position to protect weakness Inconsistent returns In singles reluctant to come to the net In doubles understands basic positioning comfortable only with the forehand volley avoids backhand volley and overhead Incomplete service motion Toss inconsistent Double faults common 2 5 Can rally consistently 10 balls in row especially on forehand with an arched trajectory of the net when the objective is to hit to a partner at moderate speed In singles consistent when returning towards the middle of the court In doubles difficulty returning cross court to start the point Becoming at ease at the net in practice but uncomfortable in a game situation Attempting a full service motion on the first serve First serve is inconsistent less than 50 Uses an incomplete motion to ensure a steady second serve 3 0 Can rally consistently 10 balls in a row on forehands and backhands Able to maintain the rally when receiving high short or wide balls assuming the ball is received at a moderate pace especially on the forehand Can control the direction of the ball both in singles and doubles when receiving a serve of moderate pace Very consistent on forehand volley with easy balls inconsistent on backhand volley Overall has difficulty with low and wide balls Can smash easy lobs Full motion on both serves Able to achieve more than 50 success on first serve Second serve much slower than first serve 3 5 Can move the opponent around the court or hit harder when receiving easier balls Can execute approach shots with some consistency more than 50 Can return fast serves placed serves with defensive actions On easy second serve can return with pace or directional control can approach the net in doubles Becoming confident at net play can direct forehand volleys controls backhand volleys but with little offense General difficulty in putting volleys away Can handle volleys and overheads that require moderate movement RATING SYSTEM 18 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
4 0 Can develop points with some consistency by using a reliable combination of shots Erratic when attempting a quality shot when receiving fast or wide balls and when attempting passing shots Difficulty in returning spin serves and very fast serves On moderately paced serves can construct the point through hitting a good shot or exploiting an opponent s weakness In doubles can vary returns effectively on moderately paced serves In singles comfortable at following an approach shot to the net In doubles comfortable receiving a variety of balls and converting an offensive position can poach on weak returns of serve Able to put away easy overheads Can vary the speed and direction of the first serve Uses spin 4 5 Has the ability to use a variety of spins Beginning to develop a dominant shot or good steadiness Erratic when attempting a quality shot in two of the following situations receiving fast balls wide balls and in passing shot situations On first serves can defend consistently but very inconsistent less than 30 when attempting an aggressive return In doubles has difficulty less than 50 returning a first serve at the feet of the incoming serve and volleyer When coming to the net after serving consistently able to put the first volley in play but without pace or depth However inconsistent when trying to volley powerful or angled returns Close to the net can finish a point using various options including drop volley angle volley punch volley Aggressive first serve with power and spin On second serve frequently hits with good depth and placement without double faults Can serve and volley off first serves in doubles but experiences some consistency 5 0 Able to maintain a consistent rally 10 balls in a row on faster balls Very steady strokes or has a dominant shot Periodically succeeds 50 when attempting a quality shot when receiving fast or wide balls and in passing shot situations Periodically succeeds 50 at aggressive return off fast first serves using dominant shot fore or back hand In doubles can return at the feet of the volleyer In doubles after the serve has a good deep cross court volley Overhead can be hit from almost any position First serve can win points outright or force a weak return Second serve can prevent the opponent from attacking 5 5 This player has developed a game style which is recognizable as either an all court player an aggressive base liner a serve and volleyer or a retriever Has developed good anticipation either technically can read toss on serve body position or tactically can read opponent s tendencies in specific situations Has no major weaknesses and can counterattack effectively against a hard ball wide ball or in passing shot situations Able to use specific shots in order to exploit opponent s weakness drop shot angle moon ball Capable of competing in Open category provincial level tournaments 6 7 This player typically has had intensive training for national tournament competition at junior collegiate levels and has obtained a provincial or national open ranking The 6 5 player has extensive international open level experience at the entry professional level 7 0 This player is a world class professional tennis player RATING SYSTEM 19 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
resources TENNIS GUEST POLICY Members may introduce guests to play tennis at the Club anytime during the tennis season with exception to weekends before 1 00 p m or during any event or play in which guests are not allowed No more than three guests may be registered at one time and no guest may be introduced or registered more frequently than three times in any one year Furthermore the Club guest policy is three guest appearances in total during the year and not three introductions by each or any Members exclusive of Club sponsored functions All guests must be registered and the applicable guest fee charged to the Members account Members are responsible for their guest s conduct and adherence to Club rules Date Issued October 28 2015 GUEST POLICY 20 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017
TENNIS CHALET HOURS OF OPERATION April 8 00 a m 6 00 p m Daily May to September 8 00 a m 9 00 p m Monday to Friday 8 00 a m 6 00 p m Saturday Sunday Holidays October 8 00 a m 6 00 p m Monday to Friday 8 00 a m 4 00 p m Saturday and Sunday Opening Closing Days The tennis courts will be available for play as soon as weather conditions allow the installation of the nets They will then be open until the removal of the nets in the late fall Evening Play Courts 1 2 and 6 10 are lit for night play The lights are controlled by a timer and will automatically turn off at 11 00 p m The court switch may be operated by the members and is located on court 1 for courts 1 and 2 and at the south end of court 8 for courts 6 10 CHALET HOURS OF OPERATION 21 TENNIS TIMES SPRING 2017