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TekSynap Brand Standards

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BRAND STANDARDS GUIDEIssued February 2023Version 1.1

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TEKSYNAP | BRAND STANDARDS GUIDE 1.0 | BRAND & VISIONThe purpose of the Brand Standards Guide is to establish and ensure our visual identity and the distinguishable mission associated with our brand. TekSynap’s visual continuity and professionalism is how customers, partners and internal teams gauge the services & capabilities that we provide to the federal government. Our mission to provide solutions with agility, H[SHULHQFHDQGV\QHUJ\bLVUHSUHVHQWHGDWWKHIRXQGDWLRQRI7HN6\QDSȤVEUDQGBy maintaining our visual integrity, TekSynap will continue to provide innovative solutions that VXSSRUWWKHQXFOHXVRIRXUPLVVLRQȡWRVHUYHFXVWRPHUVXSSRUWVXFFHVVDQGFRQʳGHQFHTechnology moving at the speed of thoughtpbLVDFRQFHSWZKLFKHPERGLHV7HN6\QDSȤVSKLORVRSK\towards people and technology; our imagery is at the foundation of this philosophy.Every branding standard in this document must be adhered to and not deviated from without explicit approval.

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TEKSYNAP | BRAND STANDARDS GUIDE 2.0 | COLORS / TYPEFACESPT SANSAa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz012345679ARIALAa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz0123456792.1 Primary ColorsColors used within the logo that should be prioritized throughout digital and print collateral.2.2 Secondary ColorsSecondary colors to provide an alternate pallette to add creative depth without distracting from the brand.2.3 Primary TypefaceThe primary typeface should be used when possible for ditial and print marketing collateral.Logo Font Download Link: Secondary TypefacePantone®CMYKHEXCMYKHEX2757 C100, 82, 0, 30#002A7F69, 15, 0, 0#2CABE22767 C100, 78, 0, 54#00206040, 8, 0, 0#92C9ED432 C23, 2, 0, 77#4655600, 0, 0, 33#ABABAB

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TEKSYNAP | BRAND STANDARDS GUIDE 3.0 | LOGO VARIATIONS7KHFRQʳJXUDWLRQVRIORJRDQGZRUGPDUNRQWKLVSDJHGHPRQVWUDWHWKHRSWLRQVWKDWFDQEHXVHGThe orientation of text and/or logo should not be altered in any way otherwise.Logo Download Link: without tagline Logo with tagline

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TEKSYNAP | BRAND STANDARDS GUIDE 4.0 | LOGO SIZES & PADDING4.1 Logo PaddingSpacing around the logo should be at least 1/4 inch or .635 centimeters. This includes edges of documents, text, pictures, and other logos.4.2 Logo Sizes0LQLPXPKHLJKWRIKRUL]RQWDOORJRLVGHʳQHGDWLQFKWDOO0LQLPXPKHLJKWRIVWDFNHGORJRLVGHʳQHGDWLQFKHVWDOO0D[PLXPVL]HLVQRWGHʳQHG.25 in.25 in.25 in .25 in1 in 2 in

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TEKSYNAP | BRAND STANDARDS GUIDE 5.0 | UNACCEPTABLE FORMATSThe following are unacceptable formats for the logo. The logo is not to be manipulated in any way. Do not change the color, extrude, skew, or crop.