TEAQUO is a calming toner focusing skincare brand only use tea as its main ingredient Just like giving a cup of tea to the skin replenish water and refreshment to bare skin with benefits of different tea
Moodboard _ Modern Drink like Clean
Drink like
Logo _ The Idea Clear Space Color Usage Unacceptable Usage
What it means Our brand s name is TEAQUO It is a combination of word tea and aquo which means the tiny molecule of the tea water a speacial tea drink with an easier absorbing form only for skin The design The logomark is formed by letter T and Q to create a tea leaf shape With the aqua blue color it emphasizes the gentle water based product feel The type face of the logotype is Nobel The geometric shape of the front gives a sense of modern and clean feeling with inviting warmth The leaf like shape of the Q matches well with the logomark together enhance the tea element of the brand
Clear Space Except for using the logo as a decorative pattern the clear space is always required during logo application Logomark with logotype To ensure that the logo is clearly visible and look clean in all applications surround it with sufficient clear space The clear space indicated is the minimum It equals to the size of letter Q in the logo Separate usage When using separately the minimum clear space surrounds the logomark equals to the size of the letter Q in the logo that with the same size of the logomark For logotype the minimum clear space is trhe size of the letter Q in it
Color Usage The color usage for TEAQUO is fairly minimal The logo will only be used in primary brand colors aqua blue and charcoal all aqua blue or all white When using on colored background always use the logo in all white color
DON T use the color logo on a colored background
Unacceptable Usage In order to maintain the integrity of the brand don t compromise the overall look of the logo by rotating skewing using color out of the color palette placing on busy background or distorting in anyway that includes adding unnecessary and unattractive text decorations like drop shadows and outlines Here are a few examples of some ways you should NEVER ever consider using the logo
Color Palette _ Primary Colors Secondary Colors
Primary Colors The primary colors are key indicators of our brand design Charcoal is most often used for typography against white background Aqua blue is the symbol color of the brand could act as a supporting color that can be used for design elements
Aqua Blue CMYK 27 0 4 0 RGB 178 234 247 Hex B2EAF7 Charcoal CMYK 69 63 62 58 RGB 51 51 51 Hex 333333 White CMYK 0 0 0 0 RGB 255 255 255 Hex FFFFFF
Secondary Colors The secondary colors are used in combination with or separately from the primary colors These are meant to add extra depth and interest to the designs Additionally the tone of each color can be adjusted to create more depth within design elements and touch points
Tea Green CMYK 17 6 26 0 RGB 213 220 193 Hex D5DCC1 Brew Beige CMYK 3 11 19 0 RGB 246 224 202 Hex F6E0CA Vapor Gray CMYK 14 9 7 0 RGB 216 219 224 Hex D8DBE0
Typography _ Proxima Nova
Proxima Nova We use Proxima Nova font family as our typeface This typeface represents the clean and modern feeling of the brand Use multiple weights to estabilsh a clear hierarchy Heavier ones for the headlines and titles lighter ones for body text
Aa Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 0123456789 Aa Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 0123456789 Thin Regular Light Medium
Application _ Product Shopping Bag Store Facade
Application To best maintain the high quality and natural tea drink feeling of the brand we use glass bottle as our main product packaging Just like the importance of knowing beverage product s expired date our toner will always show claerly the best using period to ensure the freshness of our product Label design continues the clean and modern feeling of the brand lined up by the logotype the TEA side shows the toner s tea ingredient and introduction The AQUO side shows product funtions expired date and capacity
Brand Product Design by Xingyu Zhong www yudesign world