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Teacher Preparation at The Colle
The Collegium
About About
In March 2023, Kevin Mahnken published an article in The
74 entitled, “Amid the Pandemic, a Classical Education Boom:
What if the Next Big School Trend Is 2,500 Years Old?” The
article describes a movement in schools to recover classical
education. This movement is occurring in some parochial
schools, but especially in the growing number of independent
While these schools are recognizing the importance
of classical education, many are lacking faculty and
administrators who fully understand just what classical
education is and who have the background and the skills to
teach in this way.
There is a growing need for teachers who are dedicated to
classical education and who are properly trained to teach
classical curricula.
Teacher Preparation
At The Collegium
In March 2023, Kevin Mahnken published an article in The
74 entitled, “Amid the Pandemic, a Classical Education Boom:
What if the Next Big School Trend Is 2,500 Years Old?” The
article describes a movement in schools to recover classical
education. This movement is occurring in some parochial
schools, but especially in the growing number of independent
While these schools are recognizing the importance
of classical education, many are lacking faculty and
administrators who fully understand just what classical
education is and who have the background and the skills to
teach in this way.
There is a growing need for teachers who are dedicated to
classical education and who are properly trained to teach
classical curricula.
Teacher Preparation
At The Collegium
Classical education is more than a conglomeration of
intellectually, spiritually, and morally.
The best classical teachers
are those who have
experienced classical
education and the personal
transformation that it can
achieve. The Collegium,
as a classical institution, is
the perfect environment
for prospective teachers to
Students at The Collegium acquire an intellectual preparation
and a spiritual formation that give them a superb background
to enter the teaching profession through a classical teacher
training program.
With the preparation acquired at The Collegium and an
appropriate teacher training program, Collegium alumni will
compete successfully for positions in classical schools, and
more importantly, they will be able to transform the lives of the
students they teach.
They will be living exponents of the mission of The Collegium:
To educate and form students,
through the traditions of the Church,
to restore all things in Christ
T O
Teacher Preparation
At The Collegium
P  T
ere are a few steps to becoming an eective teacher:
1. First, you will need a solid educational and spiritual
formation yourself, which you will receive at e Collegium.
2. Second, you will need a teaching credential. is can be
attained in several ways:
state-credentialed certication programs;
graduate teacher-education programs that incorporate
state certication;
recently established certication programs that are
specically focused on preparing teachers to teach in
classical schools.
certicates are
required to teach in
public schools. ey
are also imbued with
secular standards
that are typical in the
public school system.
Even some Catholic
schools require teachers to be state-certied.
However, several of the classical certication programs prepare
Teacher Preparation
At The Collegium
C U
e Collegium has established relationships with two excellent
teacher training programs.
The Institute for Catholic Liberal
Education sponsors a Catholic
Educator Formation and
Credential program that is an alternative to state teacher
Foundations course and History Intensive in preparation for
participating in the full program upon graduation.
The Classical Learning Test program
has a CLT Classical Teaching Corps for
which Collegium seniors may apply. The
program places graduates in classical schools and joins them
with a Catholic graduate program in education.
For Collegium students interested in teaching, these are
excellent pathways to attain teaching positions, the necessary
skills to be succesful, and the opportunity to transform the
lives of young students. Contact us for more information.
Edward Schaefer, president 
teachers to teach in classical schools that do not require - even
reject - the various state certication standards.
Teacher Preparation
At The Collegium