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Return to Classroom: Guide for Teachers and Staff

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THE GOALIt has been the goal of the Tuscaloosa City Schools to return students to full time, in-person instruction as soon as possible. It remains the belief of the Board of Education that in-person, high-quality instruction delivered by a certified teacher provides students the best opportunity for academic success. 2

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GREEN GROUPREMOTE STUDENTSGRAY GROUPStaggered Learning Followed by Full-Time In Classroom Given improving community health conditions, we are moving forward with plans to transition students back into buildings for face-to-face learning. This plan includes a two-part approach:1. Staggered learning for a period of timeFollowed by2. Full-time, in classroom learningPhase 1: Staggered LearningBy dividing students at each school into two groups and alternating the days that each group is in school with virtual, independent learning from home, there will be fewer students in the building at any given time, allowing for safer face-to-face instruction. Students will be divided into two groups: Green Group and Gray Group.Local schools will notify parents of each student’s designated group.Students in the Green Group will attend face-to-face instruction in school on Monday and Tuesday of each week. Students in the Gray Group will attend face-to-face instruction in school on Wednesday and Thursday of each week. On the days that students are not attending face-to-face instruction in school, they will be provided virtual/asynchronous instruction. Note that this will take the form of assignments and learning opportunities for students to complete on their own as teachers will be engaged at the same time in teaching the students who will be on campus. Households with multiple TCS students will be in the same group (either Green or Gray) to ensure parents/guardians need not worry about the logistics complications of one student assigned the Green Group and another student assigned the Gray Group.3 (synchronous)(asynchronous)

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Phase 2: Full-Time, In Classroom LearningAt the earliest date allowed by local health conditions, all Tuscaloosa City Schools will return to full time, in-classroom operations. All students who have not opted for full-year virtual will return to in-classroom learning. Tuscaloosa City Schools is committed to a continued emphasis on preserving the health and safety of our students and staff. The structures and procedures implemented during our staggered schedules will remain in place. • Social distancing, will be enforced to the greatest degree possible.• Face coverings will be required for all students and all employees throughout the school day.• Frequent hand-washing and other personal hygiene practices will be followed.SAMEDIFFERENT• Schoology is the learningmanagement system• Strong, regular communication• Social distancing, to the extentpossible, masks, hygiene• All students attend school every dayexcept full-year virtual students• Instruction takes place face-to-face• Participation in all classes as "normal"TCS will follow the Alabama Department of Public Health Toolkit as it relates to students and employee travel. In the event self-quarantine is necessary due to travel, students will have the option to attend school virtually.Full-Year Virtual StudentsStudents who signed up for full-year virtual will have a regular school day schedule. However, TCS will follow screen time recommendations to provide live instruction. Your child's teacher will provide a schedule for small group instruction and live instruction.These procedures, expectations, and services will continue for full-year virtual students.• Students must visit campus to take state-required standardized tests, particularly in theSpring during the formal annual student assessment window.• In-person services will be provided as needed, such as small group instruction andremediation.• Students retain access to extra-curricular activities such as after-school clubs, athletics andstudent events.• All student rules and procedures - particularly those related to health and safety - apply anytime a full-time virtual student visits his/her school campus.• Schools and the district are firmly committed to providing on-going communication, bothregarding issues that concern all students and issues unique to full-year virtual students.4

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Preparing for the Staggered Model as a Teacher5Phased Re-Opening ScheduleSubject to local health conditions at the superintendent's discretionSept. 21 – Oct. 9 Staggered schedule for Elementary and Middle School students. Sept. 28 – Oct. 9 Staggered schedule for High School students. High School students will remain in full time virtual until Sept. 28.Oct. 12 Full return to classroom, five days per week for Elementary, Middle and High School students.• Teach students who are in the room, maximizing your time with them (and their time togetheras much as possible. Small group, remediation, intervention services should happen duringthis time as much as possible as well. Two days each week.• Provide assignments to be completed independently to the students who are not in the room.Teachers are not required to provide live teaching (or even contact) with students. Three dayseach week.• Fridays are reserved for you (and your team) to plan for the next week. We are committed toprotecting this time so that you are able to plan effectively.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, How Will We Move Between Models?6We are committed to using our experiences these next few weeks and the actual state of public health in Tuscaloosa to make decisions on an ongoing basis.During the staggered schedule, you are permitted to continue bring-ing your school-aged children to work with you. Check with your principal about the specific plans your school has for managing these logistics. The return to full time being contingent on how the next three weeks go.Your Health and Safety Are Important to Us.If you are sick, it is key to maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment that you do not come to work. Please monitor for the following symptoms:• Wear a face covering while you are in the building.• Prioritize avoiding the 6/15 rule. Whenever possible, do notstay within six feet of anyone for more than 15 minutes. Thisincludes your peers. Handle whatever business is requiredand go your separate ways.• Communicate clearly (students, parents, colleagues).• Teach the students in the room with you; provide high-qualityindependent learning activities for students who are not.Please make sure your principal knows what PPE or other equip-ment supplies you still need - both now and moving forward.  New cough New loss of taste of smell Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fever or chills Muscle or body aches Headache Congestion or running nose Sore throat Nausea or vomitting Diarrhea FatigueNon-Negotiables for Employees

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7We’ve Got You CoveredWhile it is true that the Tuscaloosa City Schools has introduced a lot of new technology over the past few weeks, we remain committed to helping you be successful. Members of the Instructional Technology Team stand ready to offer you tech support or just encouragement.Don't forget that we are continuously updating the "virtual" resources section of our webpage. Our team is using your specific requests and feedback to design and curate this content and the supports they provide. For example, our team of technology specialists have created this Graphic Guide to Schoology to support it provides lots of examples of best prac-tice examples for using Schoology well. Check it out!Let us know how we can support your learning and practice. You and your team have access to the district's literacy and technology specialists (among others).SchoologySchoology is the district's learning management system; we will all continue using it for all courses moving forward. We are learning how to use this resource well, but don't fall into the trap of thinking it's only for virtual learning. Continue grow-ing into using it as a powerful teaching and learning tool in your classroom.

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How Tuscaloosa City Schools is Keeping Students and Staff Safe • Appropriate PPE for all employees; if you need more, ask your principal• New hand sanitizing stations• Frequent cleaning and disinfecting• Requiring all students, staff and visitors wear face coverings• At times, temperatures may be checked as a screening safety• Practicing six-foot social distancing, to the extent possible68

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Rules & Procedures For Staggered and Full-Time, In Classroom:Tuscaloosa City Schools will fully and rigorously implement all Alabama Department of Public Health guidelines for the health and safety of our students, staff, families and community.• Social distancing, to the greatest extent possible, is requiredfor all students. We expect students to avoid physicalcontact and maintain distance from others to the greatestdegree possible.• Face coverings are required for everyone in all schoolbuildings. Non compliance of this requirement by studentsis considered Defiance of Authority.• Everyone should engage in frequent hand-washing and /or hand sanitizing while at school. Teachers should establishroutines for safety and cleanliness in the classroom with students.• Most procedural practices will be adjusted in all schools- transitions within the school, seating charts andarrangements, hall/bathroom passes, etc. Each school willprovide detailed communication of required proceduresand will teach them to students.7Face coverings are required of everyone in all school buildings.9•Follow the process for students with suspected symptoms.

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We remain committed to making decisions based on changing circumstances. Thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility as we continue to make adjustments along the way.