EXPERIENCESUMMARY1THE CHANGEDECISIONFortune 500 Software Firm: Developed the changeapproach to implement new Product Marketing practices.Through Joy at Work Thinking, improved the culture of thecross-enterprise team. Comment, “The Change Decision isthe most valuable vendor we work with on culture.”Mobile Application Development Firm: Coached agrowing application development firm through a CEO andCOO transition which freed the previously stuck firm toexperience 40% revenue growth without addingemployees.Fortune 100 Financial Services Firm: ImplementedWorkday across 10K managers making it a smooth eventduring the otherwise stressful performance managementcycle. 85% top-box satisfaction rate among managers.Top 20 Liberal Arts University: Developed and executedthe implementation approach for a new five-year strategy.The Change Decision is a change and culture companyfocused on growing Joy at Work -- making the workplacebetter through how business change is done.Recent Successes:Our CEO, Roxanne Brown, as President and Chair of theBoard for the Association of Change ManagementProfessionals (ACMP), led the organization through the globalCOVID pandemic and the subsequent economic downturn sothat it emerged not only stronger but with significantinnovations in the service delivery to its 5000+ internationalmembers and 36 chapters across the globe.Our President, Ed Cook, as a board member and now Chair ofthe Board for Circle Center Adult Day Care (nonprofit),conducted a CEO search and guided the nonprofit throughthe COVID pandemic. After closing the doors of theorganization in response to the pandemic risking bankruptcy,the nonprofit is now healthy and growing in participants andfinancial strength.
2Change Management, Change LeadershipDecision-making, Data AnalyticsExecutive CoachingProgram Management, Communications, andTrainingData and Information Risk ManagementTeam EffectivenessProcess Design and ReengineeringSoftware: HR (payroll, compensation, performancemanagement), IT (access management, IT risk, andcontrols), Banking (treasury management, branchbanking), Communication (Communities of Practice,Intranet sites), Financial (T&E, procurement), andPortfolio Management (project management, Agile).Culture: Senior leadership transitions, peoplemanagement practices, team effectiveness practices,and program management practices.Policy: Employee Promotion and PerformanceManagement, Information Security, Data RiskManagement, and Supplier Management.Leadership: Coaching leadership teams to be moreeffective as a group and lead their organization as atrue team that positively reinforces each other'sstrengths.Core Competencies: Implementation Experience:Our Clients:The Change Decisionis a SWaM Certified,Woman-Owned andVeteran-OwnedBusinessRoxanne Brown& Ed CookThe Co-FoundersEXPERIENCESUMMARY+1804-506-0403joy@thechangedecision.com313 East Broad St, Suite 203Richmond, VA 23219