INCOMEe NCOMEINFORMATION PROVIDEDATIO N/A AOVIDEDPAYG payment summaries (eg from employers)/ income statementsLump sum payments (eg employment termination payment)Partnership distribution statement, including copy of partnership’s tax returnTrust distribution statement, including copy of trust’s tax returnDocumentation re foreign source income, foreign assets or propertyBank statements stating interest earned, including for term depositsDividend statementsEmployee share scheme statementsManaged fund annual tax statement and capital gains tax statementBuy/sell contract certicates for shares (if any shares were sold)WORK-RELATED DEDUCTIONS INFORMATION PROVIDED N/ADetails of depreciable assets bought during the year (eg laptops)Details and receipts for home oce expensesProfessional journals/trade magazinesProfessional memberships/subscriptionsReceipts for continuing professional development courses and seminarsReceipts for self-education expensesReceipts for other work-related deductions such as protective clothing, uniform expenses, tools and equipment, and travelVehicle logbook for motor vehicle expenses (if using the logbook method)OTHER DEDUCTIONS INFORMATION PROVIDED N/AReceipts for donations of $2 and over to registered charitiesExpenditure incurred in managing tax aairs (eg tax agent’s fees)Expenditure incurred in earning interest, dividend and other investmentincome (eg investment advice fees)Income protection insurance, or sickness and accident premiumsAdditional super contributions including the notice of intent to claimfrom the super fundINDIVIDUAL TAX RETURN CHECKLISTName of taxpayer: Address:Preferred contact no:
RENTAL PROPERTIES INFORMATION PROVIDED N/ADate when property was purchased, including details of co-ownership if applicablePeriod property was rented out during the income yearRecords detailing rental income and expenses (annual statement from property agent, if engaging services of an agent)Loan statements for property showing interest paid for the income yearExpenses incurred such as water charges, land tax and insurance premiumsDetails of depreciable assets bought or disposed of during the yearDetails of any capital works or additions on the propertyIf the property was disposed of during the income year, information including the purchase and sale documents, solicitor fees, settlement sheets, agents commission and advertising, etcOFFSETS/REBATES INFORMATION PROVIDED N/ADetails of any superannuation contributions for spouseSpouse or Defacto partner’s income, date of birth and full nameDetails of dependants, including their age, occupation and incomePrivate health insurance statement OTHER INFORMATION INFORMATION PROVIDED N/ACopies of Instalment Activity Statements lodgedAny other information that you think is relevantIF OPERATING AS A SOLE TRADER INFORMATION PROVIDED N/ACashbook, which includes records of drawings taken before the business takings were bankedCopies of Business Activity Statements lodgedCopies of PAYG summaries/income statements for employeesDetails of any government grants, rebates or payments receivedDetails of superannuation contributions for employeesDetails of any assets purchased, including date of purchase and amountPayments of salaries and superannuation to associatesRecords from accounting software (eg trial balance, prot and loss, and balance sheet)Statements of all liabilities of the businessNotice of superannuation contributions for self-employed persons including notice of intent to claim from the super fund