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TAS Welcome Booklet

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S E R V I C E " T A I L O R E D " T OY O U R N E E D S

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Table of ContentsOur ServicesTips For Working With Our AssistantsCompany GrowthSuccess StoriesMeet the OwnersAdditional ResourcesWelcome to TAS CoverYour Client Portal3-5689-10111217

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These tasks are necessary for the day-to-day running of your business but arenot making you money. Delegate tasksfrom this list and watch your time freeup!ADMINISTRATIVE TASKSAgency commission reportingConfirming bookings withsuppliersMaking paymentsResearchITINERARIESCreation and publicationQuotes and proposalsLibrary buildoutStandardization and streamliningACCOUNTINGCommission reconciliationFollow up on unpaid commissionCommission collectingFORMS/E-SIGNATURESClient profile formsCredit card authorizationsTravel questionnairesOURSERVICESADMINISTRATIVESERVICES

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DATABASES WE WORK WITHVacation CRMTravelJoyClientBase OnlineAsana/TrelloTERNClientEaseFreedomTESS (Travel ESolutions)DubsadoAirtableTRESSlackZOHO OneTPI/SuitcaseSIONTravel ContactITINERARY BUILDINGAxusTravefyUMappedSafari PortalDATABASE ASSISTANCEConsultingInitial buildsAudit existing systemDatabase administratorBeta TestingDATABASE-CRM

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We all work best when we knowwhat's expected of us. Setting up aworkflow call with your new assistantis most helpful. It will take time to getto know each other and sometimes,weekly meetings may be necessaryuntil things run smoothly. Clarityis KeyAll of our assistants work via email.Calls and texts undermine theintegrity of keeping a solid paper trailwhich protects both parties. It's especially important to notateemails that are "Urgent" or "Rush".Again, this clarifies the urgency of thesituation with your assistant.Each assistant sets their own hours ofoperation. Tasks may still be sentoutside of office hours, but thedeadline starts at the beginning ofthe next office hour time. Ourassistants work on a 24-48 hour taskupdate time.TIPS FORWORKINGWITH OURASSISTANTSGet WR IT Eto WorkOfficeHours

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You will receive a welcome email fromTailored Assistant Services (TAS)entitled "Portal Instructions". Thisemail will contain the personalizedlink to your portal as well as yourpassword. PLEASE SAVE THIS EMAIL! CheckYourInboxUpon logging into your portal, you willwant to click on the "Projects" tab—everything relevant to daily activitiesare located there (invoices,contracts, documents, timesheet).LOGGING INTOYOUR CLIENTPORTALLog IntoYour Portal The Client Portal may also beaccessed through our website.

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Team Members Agents2016 2022 2023020406080100120COMPANYGROWTH“Growth means change andchange involves risk, steppingfrom the known to theunknown.”~ George ShinnWhen, what is now TailoredAssistant Services, was founded in2016, it held 3 agents and 1assistant.Tiffany and Tami officially boughtTailored Assistant Services inJanuary of 2022 and the companyhas since seen substantial growth.Since taking the helm, Tiffany andTami have grown the companyfrom 65 agents to now 113 agents, 5host agencies and an ever growingwait list.With the increase in agents,assistant growth has beensubstantial as well, starting lastJanuary with 13 to now 33.“Alone we can do so little;together we can do so much” ~ Helen Keller

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I am constantly impressed with myassistant, Cassie. I can honestly say Iwould not be where I'm at with salesand commissions if it wasn't for her.She is incredibly efficient and nevershies away from any task I give her.She is very capable and just a pleasureto work with.The whole process withTAS is very straight-forward and easyto understand. They are always willingto work with me on any adjustmentsor changes I need to make, dependingon where I'm at. It's definitely helpedme take my business to the next level!HA LEIG H SC OTT OFST RONG TRA VEL SERV ICES :SA RA S CHAF ER O F RO SETR AVEL GRO UP:SUCCESSSTORIESCarrie is like a fairy godmother –she is efficient, incredibly detailed,and anticipatory. She is a self-starter who somehow manages toget an unbelievable amount ofwork done in such a short amountof time. Carrie makes magichappen behind the scenes for myclients and me and I am so gratefulto have her as part of the team!

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SUCCESSSTORIESKAREEM GEO RGE OFCU LTUR E TR AVEL ER:Tailored Assistant Services has affordedme the opportunity to accelerate thegrowth of my business by removing theobstacle of important, time-consuming,recurring administrative tasks. Myassistant is a trusted member of ourteam that carefully manages key day-to-day administrative responsibilities, butalso is proactive in identifying andsuggesting ways to make our businesssystems even more efficient. I now haveincreased freedom (and time!) to attendto our most high value clients,strategically prospect for new clients,and deliver an overall higher level of careto all of our travelers. I have recently further engaged TailoredAssistant Services for marketing support.The team has taken the time to get toknow my business, being very sensitive toour brand and approach. I am lookingforward to more consistent engagementwith our clients (through our newsletter,social media channels, and specialcustomized messaging/offers) in orderto further grow the business. We arealready off to a very good start.

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Co-OwnersTIFFANY WADETAMI CAMPBELLIn Jan. 2022 we purchased the business Taylor Assistant Services where we had been employedat since 2018. The name is now Tailored Assistant Services but our vision and mission is still thesame.We have been best friends since 2009 and our friendship has taken us on many adventures andto many destinations. We both have a love for travel and new experiences. We are beyondcommitted to the growth and development of our assistants and our company.Hilaire Belloc said “I have wandered all my life, and I have traveled; the difference between thetwo being this, that we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.” Working together,traveling together and creating this beautiful business has been one of the most fulfillingevents in our lives.MEET THEOWNERSMEET THE REST OF OUR AMAZING TEAM

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