Connecting People to Opportunities for Mutual SuccessConnecting People to Opportunities for Mutual Success
Target Impact delivers the optimalsales talent solution by partnering withyour organisation to create a tailoredend to end search and placementprocess. This process ensures thatyour organisation is best positioned toattract and maintain the candidatewho matches your hiring criteria.In doing this we ensure that your riskin minimised and your brand andcompany values are protected.“70% of candidates are passivejobseekers”LinkedIn(in a role butopen to change)“90% of recruiters say the job marketis candidate driven”MRI Network"89% of bosses believe that employeesleave jobs because they want moremoney, while only 12% actually doleave for more money”Forbes
Understand thebackground to the hiringopportunity to include thevalues, aims, ambition,direction of the company,pain points and potentialreputation concerns andbranding.Agree scope of and developan avatar to includecandidate skills (soft andtechnical), experience,industry knowledge,personality, cultural fit,network and any otherpertinent criteria. Agree appropriate packageparameters, training,development andaccountability of the role. “86% of employers say thatthey have hired the wrongperson for a position”CareerBuilderAssess and compare thedeveloped candidate profileagainst ALL Talent (thoseactively looking and passivecandidates)Target Impact is interested inshortlisting all talent but inparticular;the passivecandidate(off market but ofopen to opportunities)Sources used; large in-housenetwork of national andinternational talent as well as atailored search of theappropriate channels fromwhich to engage a potentialcandidate. “48% of global employers reporttalent shortages as their biggesthiring challenge”TMP Worldwide“Only 36% of candidates activelysearch for a new job “LinkedIn
Agree overall theformat of thescreeningprocessAgree accountability and stages;with stakeholders, sign-off ondeliverables, dates andmilestones of processDevelop co-brandingstrategy;candidate touchpoints focus,when, how often and nature of.Formulate appropriate interviewformat; phone/face to face/videoand *asynchronous videointerview, character/competency based, one on one/one v panel interviewDecide shortlisting,benchmarking criteriaelimination and progressioncriteriaDuring the process itselfthere isfocus on candidate engagement,enthusiasm,benchmarking and aconcerted effort to generatepositive experienceswhileprogressing throughresignation, accepting the roleand onboarding.Managing rejections; To be a relativelypositive experience for the candidateReferences & Feedback;Understandthe relationship with referee, roleverification, previous performance,reason for leaving and any furtherinfoUse of3rd party screening and testingresourcesreviewed and agreedTarget Impact utilises the latesttechnology to interact with its clientsand candidates. The nature ofonboarding an effective face to facesales role is very much reliant on theface to face evaluation Target Impactbelieves that *asynchronous videointerviewing represents a fair andequitable option for screening sa;escandidates in preliminary rounds. Thesystem assists in recognising thosetraits that makeup an effective clientfacing candidate;EmotionalIntelligence, andSoft Skills.Use of video conferencingtechnology is used throughoutscreening process as is considered akey tool to modern sales negotiationsTo concur withsafe socialdistancingtrends*(Target Impact has partneredwithCompetitive Wedge)“26% of employee’s performance canbe predicted by structured interview(only 14% by unstructured interview)“Schmidt and Hunter“60% of job seekers quit in the middleof filling out online job applicationsbecause of their length orcomplexity.”Career BuilderConnecting People to Opportunities for Mutual SuccessConnecting People to Opportunities for Mutual Success
While onboarding arrives at the endof a successful search and placementprocess. The notion of brandprotection is present throughout Theongoing company brandenhancement and values remaincrucial to company reputation soevery onboarding stage it is verymuch evident and critical to a positiveexperience (for those beingonboarded and also those who arescreened from the process) TargetImpact delivers an onboardingprocess to safeguard all parties.Plan Onboarding ProcessMap the onboarding for thecandidate journeyAutomation oftasks/touchpointsPaperwork completion,hardware and softwarerequirements in place1st Day experience, andtraining and mentoringprograms to be put in placeBuddy system formulatedMilestones and feedback Endof Probation, KPI's, targets andtimelines and how feedbackwill be administered“69% of jobseekers would not take ajob in a company with a badreputation, even if they wereunemployed“Glassdoor"96-98% of candidates who had apositive experience would referothers to apply”Bullhorn“A structured effective onboardingprocess increases the hire retentionby 82%”Glassdoor“90% of HR leaders know they needto be more strategic”HumanCapital InstituteConnecting People to OppoConnecting People to Opportunities for Mutual Successrtunities for Mutual Success