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Tang+Company 2023 OKR Impact Report

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OKR SIGNIFICANCET A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 0 1III. FINANCEIV. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTI. PEOPLEV. RISK MANAGEMENTII. TECHNOLOGYIMPACT REPORTVI. OPERATIONSVII. BUSINESS UNIT SERVICE EXPERTISE2023 PROGRESS BY VERTICALSUMMARYThis OKR Impact Report provides a high-level overview ofprogress from January to December 2023. OKRs are established within each strategic vertical and aremanaged by a designated executive sponsor and project lead,who are accountable for executing tasks and collaborating withteam members as needed. Culture & Talent Development (CTD) reimagined the OKRinitiative from concept to implementation. CTD provides projectmanagement oversight, which includes project tracking in Jira,facilitating regular quarterly reviews, correspondence, andcontinuous improvement of the initiative.FEEDBACK

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T A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 0 2OKRs: FROM VISION TO REALITYFocusA structured framework for ongoing progress and monitoring enables continuousimprovement through systematic reviews and accountability.OKRs help prioritize tasks and initiatives by highlighting the most criticalobjectives. This eliminates confusion and ensures resources are directed towardsthe activities that will drive the most significant impact.OKR FACTS & HOW THEY ENABLEGROWTH & TRANSFORMATIONAlignmentOKRs provide a clear organizational roadmap, ensuring that key stakeholdersunderstand how their efforts contribute to shared goals.CommitmentCommitment ensures that project leads and team members are dedicated toachieving objectives and key results. TrackingPursuing stretch goals requires individuals and teams to develop new skills, adoptinnovative approaches, and expand their capabilities. This promotes learning andpersonal/professional growth.Stretching

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T A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 0 3PEOPLEFoster a culture that attracts and retains top tier talent; Continue journey toEmployer of Choice.2023 OBJECTIVE:OKR Annual ProgressSTRATEGIC VERTICAL:100%OKRs still in progressCompleted OKRsKR1: Develop and roll out client-site patientexperience surveysKR4: Implement pre-employment skill testingKR5: Re-design manager development seriestraining and initiate pilotKR6: Launch DEIB strategic initiativeKR7: Launch strategic Wellbeing initiative KR8: Conduct compensation range assessmentand salary surveyKR9: Revamp candidate experience & New HireOrientationKR10: Launch benefits experience survey70%60%Implement org-wideCulture of Service Training Initiate ADP employee jobtitle leveling frameworkKR2KR3

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T A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 0 4TECHNOLOGYLaunch a digital transformation focusing on cloud migration, smart integration,and infrastructure improvement.2023 OBJECTIVE:OKR Annual ProgressSTRATEGIC VERTICAL:60%80%Finalize staffing planfor PB go-fastInitiate pilot/betatesting of OccDoc andCertiVault with clientsKR2KR370%DevelopCertiValut/CheckHire/CheckPoint/PartnerPanelfor client pilot programKR610%Update to ISO27001:2022KR9100%OKRs still in progressCompleted OKRsKR1: Develop initial status portal phase IKR4: Execute the second phase of SecurityCamera System installation and upgrade theBurglar Security Alarm SystemKR5: Develop QuickTest Module (phase II)KR7: Implement new IT asset managementsystemKR8: Complete IT security policy reviewKR10: Complete Develop ASAP/OSCA APIsfor clients and generic framework for allASAP/OSCA functionalities

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T A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 0 5FINANCEStrengthen the sustainability of our organization through fiscal prudence andinformed decision-making.2023 OBJECTIVE:OKR Annual ProgressSTRATEGIC VERTICAL:80%40%Establish greatercontrol of COSmargins. Increaseannual YTD on-sitemargins by 5% overallIdentify solutions toclose the gaps in the‘registration-to-invoice’ process KR1KR280%Complete first draftof 2024 budgetsKR3100%OKRs still in progressCompleted OKRsKR4: Define business requirements totransition COS-ECC billing from Odoo toAcumaticaKR5: Improve/optimize user experience andimplement training for ERPKR6: Convert annual budget to monthlybudgets across organizationKR7: Complete MVP implementation of ERPKR8: Develop company-issued credit cardprocess via SPOTalign to track completion oftraining and documentation for cardholdersKR9: Complete retrospective analysis forsales & use tax complianceKR10: Analyze registration-to-invoice processKR11: Identify and document specific gapsand risk points with examples within ourcradle-to-grave billing cycle process

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T A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 0 6BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTExpand market-share in Occupational Medicine, pre-employment screening,and work training.2023 OBJECTIVE:OKR Annual ProgressSTRATEGIC VERTICAL:80%60%Propose newservices; COS & ASAPto submit 1 qualifiedproposal per weekIdentify 5 new potentialclients per month inqualified industries forCOS & ASAPKR1 KR2OKRs still in progress60%Establish key businesspartner trackingdatabase to finalize leadgeneration from partnerswho have transitioned tonew companiesKR360%Optimize Salesforcedatabase to trackinbound leads from SEO,conferences, & meetingsKR480%Finalize QuickTestmodule toaccommodate multipletest sample types (urine,oral fluid, & alcohol)KR5

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T A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 0 7RISK MANAGEMENTEstablish formal and documented internal controls to maintain compliance andmanage risk. 2023 OBJECTIVE:OKR Annual ProgressSTRATEGIC VERTICAL:80%10%Ensure backgroundcheck proceduresare best-in-class,compliant w FCRArequirements, andpresent the bestimage to clientsImprove the systemthat tracks pendingcustomer contractsincluding status withinthe contracting cycleKR1 KR270%Complete Top 20Client ClinicProtocols in ECC forTorrance ClinicKR380%Create a PrivacyExposure ResponsePolicy and ProcedureKR5100%OKRs still in progressCompleted OKRsKR4: Deliver a fully developed and risk-ranked plan for short-term power outagesKR6: Minimize information security andphishing risk; obtain 100% trainingcomplianceKR7: Standardize drug & alcohol policy andprocedures throughout the organization;Ensure compliance with ISO - 9001: 2015KR8: Prepare response plan to ensurecompliance with CA Privacy ActKR9: Develop tracking system for pendingcustomer contracts including status withincontracting cycle

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Strengthen the sustainability of our organization through operationalefficiency, quality assurance, and improved fiscal management.T A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 0 8Operations2023 OBJECTIVE:OKR Annual ProgressSTRATEGIC VERTICAL:50%80%Formalize a standardprocess to generate weekly and monthlyQuality ControlReports for ASAPConvert manualstudent routing slips(training schedule) toelectronic formKR1 KR270%Fine-tune staffing modeldata collection points tocreate reliable data forstaffing level projectionsKR460%Review new employeeonboardingrequirements andprocesses to identifygaps and opportunitiesKR5100%OKRs still in progressCompleted OKRsKR3: Develop quality control metrics toapply to KPIs for clinic operationsKR6: Stabilize and extend AccountManagement efforts by expanding teamKR7: Consolidate OSCA Carson & TorranceoperationsKR8: Establish operating guidelines &pricing for Martinez clinicKR9: Enhance Virtual Services compliance &care outcomesKR10: Train COS GMs/COMs on fiscalmanagement of onsite accountsKR11: Conduct review of Virtual Servicesaccounts in Salesforce to identify missedbilling opportunities

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T A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T0 9Business Unit Service ExpertiseBecome an industry leader, providing best-in-class services, and demonstratingvalue proposition to clients. 2023 OBJECTIVE:OKR Annual ProgressSTRATEGIC VERTICAL:100%OKRs still in progressCompleted OKRsKR2: Provide Continuing Education credit for COSMonthly Clinical Meetings KR3: Improve clinical documentation quality,timeliness, and utilization of ECC by onsite clinicalpersonnelKR4: Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)for onsite clinic useKR5: Assist ASAP Ops in developing role-basedpermissions for user accessKR6: Update and review all ASAP forms with new logo KR8: Drive development of ASAP Governing BoardprojectKR9: Develop wellness packets for onsite medicalproviders and assess 5 sites per month to evaluatedelivery and effectivenessKR10: Review content of internal OSCA course listingsKR11: Drive development of WARSO boardKR12: Influence Board to align by adopting/improvingMOU and/or Charter90%90%Assess all accounts forescalation protocols, servicedelivery, satisfaction, andgrowth opportunitiesWork with COS to createa standard auditing planand schedule forcollection site auditsKR1KR7

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The cadence of quarterly check-ins andemail correspondence from the Culture &Talent Dev team for each strategic verticalkept executives and project leadsaccountableThis OKR framework was easy tounderstand - the best framework thatTang+Company has seen!This is the most success Tang+Company hasever achieved with OKRsTracking the OKRs in Jira kept things flowingin an organized mannerThis was a great learning experience tounderstand stretch goalsLiked the idea of OKRs growing in collectiveconsciousness across the organizationT A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 1 0FEEDBACKOur commitment to transparency and continuous improvement isparamount. By acknowledging our achievements and areas forimprovement, we are better equipped to refine our strategies, enhance ourprocesses, and ultimately achieve even greater success in the coming year.Below is feedback garnered from the Q4 reflection and check-in sessions:AREAS OF STRENGTHNumerous matters arise daily, each claimingtop priority, and there's no clear method toassess their relative importance comparedto OKRsEnhance the definition and specificity ofOKRs at the initial stages for increasedclarity among project leads and teamsIncrease incorporation of OKRs into day-to-day operationsLimit number of KRs assigned per personEncapsulate and call out the purpose moreto ensure visibility and understandingacross the organizationOKRs should be planned in consideration ofCorporate CalendarAREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT

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SUMMARYT A N G + C O M P A N Y | 2 0 2 3 O K R I M P A C T R E P O R T 1 1LOOKING AHEADThroughout this reporting period, the concerted efforts of ourexecutive sponsors, project leads, and members have resultedin tangible improvements, underscoring the effectiveness ofthe OKR framework. These successes are not merely numerical;they represent a collective dedication to transformation,innovation, and resilience.The insights derived from this report are instrumental inhelping to shape our strategic direction. We are poised tocontinue stretching toward additional improvement with thesame rigor and determination.We extend gratitude to all leaders andstakeholders who have contributed to thesuccess outlined in this report. ContactIf you have any questions regarding this report, pleasecontact the Culture & Talent Development department

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