TAMID doesn't just engage emerging leaders; we equipthem with vital tools and empower them throughconnections to Israel. We foster enduring ties betweenyoung professionals and Israel, igniting innovation andimpact on a global scale. As anti-Israel activity oncollege campuses increased, TAMID's role in promotingunderstanding, collaboration, and respect betweenmembers and Israelis, is more critical than ever.TAMID members join with career ambitions and a drivefor excellence. We meet our members where they areand propel them forward, tailoring our approach to theiraspirations. We provide immersive experiences, forgelifelong relationships, and pave the way for unparalleledsuccess while fostering connections with Israel.
Our programs have always beenabout impact. And never hasthat impact been moreimportant than it was over thelast year.With Israel under attack andIsraelis going to war, ourmembers leaned in and steppedup, in unbelievable ways. In thewords of one Israeli CEO: ‘Wenever could have imagined howyour members would carry usthrough the end of 2023. Andwe will need them with us nextyear as well.’There were 175 teams ofstudents working with Israelistartups in the Fall, oftenbackfilling for senior staff whohad been drafted to thereserves. Alumni jumped at thechance to advise companies aswell, leading to severalimpactful collaborations. Andhundreds more partners - ourfunding partners - whounderstood how important ourprograms are, and who steppedup to make sure we would beable to deliver. This is an impact report - onethat focuses not just on ourmission impact, but on thosewho made that impact possible.Those who saw the need andopportunity to strengthen andexpand our reach, and gave ofthemselves so much generosity.In the best of times, TAMIDprograms make it possible forour members to bring the bestof Israel to the world. And inthese difficult times? All of ourmembers, all of our staff, andall of you, have brought yourbest to Israel. And the impactcouldn’t be more clear.With gratitude for all of you,and all of our work over the lastyear - and with resolve for howmuch more we will accomplishin the year ahead, I am, trulyyours.4
Strength ofConnectionto IsraelCohort Beginning Fall 20200 S1 S3 S5 S7On a survey eachsemester, memberscharacterize theirfeeling ofconnection to Israelafter theirparticipation in thatsemester on a scaleof 0 (noconnection) to 4(very strongconnection).This line chartdepicts theconnection to Israelover the course of 7semesters formembers who joinedin Fall 2020.04Number of semesters in TAMID123
colleges campusesaround the worldStudent leaderson campusUndergraduate membersIsraeli company partners
University of ArizonaUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of FloridaUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of MarylandUniversity of MiamiUniversity of MichiganUniversity of North CarolinaUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of TexasUniversity of VirginiaUniversity of WisconsinVanderbilt UniversityWashington UniversityWilliam & MaryWilliams CollegeYale UniversityYeshiva UniversityLehigh UniversityMcGill University, CanadaNew York UniversityNortheastern UniversityNorthwestern UniversityNYU-Shanghai, ChinaOhio State UniversityReichman University, IsraelRutgers UniversitySan Diego State UniversitySouthern Methodist UniversitySP Jain, India and AustraliaStanford UniversityTel Aviv UniversityTufts UniversityTulane UniversityUC - BerkeleyUC- Santa BarbaraUCLAUniversity of Central FloridaArizona State UniversityBabson CollegeBaruch CollegeBentley UniversityBinghamton UniversityBoston UniversityBrandeis UniversityBrown UniversityColgate UniversityColumbia UniversityCornell UniversityDuke UniversityEmory UniversityFLAME University, IndiaFranklin and Marshall CollegeGeorge Washington UniversityGeorgetown UniversityHarvard UniversityIndiana University7
During what was an unprecedented year for TAMID, forIsrael, and for the world, I have never been more proud to bea part of this organization. Serving as the board chair thisyear has been a privilege, with a front-row seat to theextremely capable and dedicated management teamdoubling down on their efforts and staying laser-focused onTAMID’s mission.What I experienced showed me that this impact is needednow more than ever. Days after the events on October 7th, I attended an eventwith students from several nearby campuses who sharedwhat TAMID has meant to each of them. These students showed me how lives are being impacted bythe work that we do, how perceptions about Israel havebeen challenged, and how connections to Israel have grownexponentially. TAMID is uniquely positioned as an apolitical and non-religious club with effective programming and connectionsthat break through pre-conceived notions and rhetoric tochange minds and make real, lasting, connections to Israel. With your continued support, there is no limit to what we canachieve together.8
We would like to extend our deepest and most heartfeltgratitude to those of you who invested in TAMID’s StandingStrong with Israel campaign. Your support allows us to continuebuilding and strengthening TAMID members' connection toIsrael. Every person in our broader community was impacted differentlyand yet, We watched students proudly stand up for Israel oncampus, alumni challenge their employers' silence, and donorsinvest in TAMID’s mission.when we asked for help and support, you all respondedinstantly.9The events that transpired on October 7 sent shockwavesthroughout every part of the TAMID community. Our Israelicompany partners lost family and friends, students foundthemselves defending their connection to Israel on campus, andmany alumni were met with silence by their employers. Two ofour own TAMID staff members were called into reserve duty forwhat would become their months-long absence from work.7th, and ever since October 7th. TAMID has been everything to me... I have feltTAMID’s presence before October 7th, on Octoberwhere I finally feel supported and surrounded byKezia L.Yale Universityvoid that I cannot express the value of enough.TAMID is the place TAMID is filling aallies - both Jews and non-Jews.
STARTCOLLEGEWHILE ON CAMPUS(choose 1)FIRST SEMESTERIN TAMIDAfter a selectiverecruitment process,each member startswith a semester-longeducation programthat introduces themto businessfundamentals andIsraeli businessmentality.Education FundConsultingThis track offersmembers the chance towork hands-on with anIsraeli company on asemester-long consultingproject in teams. Theycan choose betweenManagement, Technicalor Finance projects.This track gives membersthe foundational toolsnecessary to navigatethe finance and investingworld. They conductdue-diligence onTAMID's $60k portfolio.10
GRADUATE!1 SUMMER(optional)POST-COLLEGE &BEYONDFellowshipTAMID members havethe chance to apply forour exclusive 8-week,summer internshipprogram in the heart ofthe Startup Nation - Tel Aviv. In 2023, webrought 195 Fellows toIsrael.AlumniJust because ourmembers graduatefrom college, doesn'tmean that they arefinished at TAMID.Joining the alumnicommunity is only thenext evolution of theirTAMID involvement.
After a selective recruitmentprocess, every TAMID memberembarks on a comprehensivesemester-long education programdesigned to instill fundamental business knowledge and adeep understanding of Israeli business culture. Our approachencompasses a range of essential skills such as businessfundamentals, Israeli entrepreneurial spirit, professionaldevelopment workshops, and networking.Students join TAMID from a wide range of backgrounds - thisincludes students from different religions, mixedunderstandings of Israel, and varying areas of study.1,241new members joinedTAMID this yearEducationConsultingFundFellowship AlumniYugeshwar M.WashU, St. Louis“I knew very little about the Israeli businessenvironment before TAMID. [After education],economically. My experience in TAMID hasbeen very positive. I've been welcomed by themembers and received lots of greatmentorship.”I have a more nuanced understanding of Israelisociety and why Israel is so successful12
Continuing EducationAdditionally, we rolled out advancededucational opportunities to furtherprovide our members with a morerobust understanding of finance andprofessionalism.EducationConsultingFundFellowship Alumni13We believe that a well-rounded education goes beyond theclassroom and incorporates real-world experience. Fund membershad opportunities to practice pitching trades, work on mergers andacquisitions, and take a company private. This year we expanded the Fund program to include moreopportunities for members to practice the skills they need to besuccessful in finance, ultimately setting themselves apart from theirpeers during internships and job interviews.We facilitated opportunities for our members to hear from:Austin Reif,Bob Diener,David Rubenstein,Steve Eisman,Walter Isaacson,Co-Founder of Morning Brew & TAMID AlumniCo-Founder of Hotels.Carlyle GroupAmerican Investorformer CEO of CNNcom Continuing EducationAdditionally, we rolled out advancededucational opportunities to furtherprovide our members with a morerobust understanding of finance andprofessionalism.EducationConsultingFundFellowship Alumni13We believe that a well-rounded education goes beyond theclassroom and incorporates real-world experience. Fund membershad opportunities to practice pitching trades, work on mergers andacquisitions, and take a company private. This year we expanded the Fund program to include moreopportunities for members to practice the skills they need to besuccessful in finance, ultimately setting themselves apart from theirpeers during internships and job interviews.We facilitated opportunities for our members to hear from:Austin Reif,Bob Diener,David Rubenstein,Steve Eisman,Walter Isaacson,Co-Founder of Morning Brew & TAMID AlumniCo-Founder of Hotels.Carlyle GroupAmerican Investorformer CEO of CNNcom Continuing EducationAdditionally, we rolled out advancededucational opportunities to furtherprovide our members with a morerobust understanding of finance andprofessionalism.EducationConsultingFundFellowship Alumni13We believe that a well-rounded education goes beyond theclassroom and incorporates real-world experience. Fund membershad opportunities to practice pitching trades, work on mergers andacquisitions, and take a company private. This year we expanded the Fund program to include moreopportunities for members to practice the skills they need to besuccessful in finance, ultimately setting themselves apart from theirpeers during internships and job interviews.We facilitated opportunities for our members to hear from:Austin Reif,Bob Diener,David Rubenstein,Steve Eisman,Walter Isaacson,Co-Founder of Morning Brew & TAMID AlumniCo-Founder of Hotels.Carlyle GroupAmerican Investorformer CEO of CNNcom
Connecting college students to Israel isthe highlight of our programs at TAMID.We find that connections are built fasterand are longer lasting when membersaren’t just learning about Israel in avacuum, but have the opportunity toengage with the Israelis that trulyembody the values we are trying to instillin our members. EducationConsultingFundFellowship AlumniOver the last year, our members haveworked on 270 consulting projects for261 different Israeli companies. Someprojects over the last year include:App testing and user-experienceimprovement recommendationsBusiness development for an AIpowered music appGo-to market strategies for multipleinternational marketsAnonymous, Duke“To be able to connect with Israelis over our shared passionto change people’s lives and to make that change throughtechnology, intelligence, and business strategy is such an incredible opportunity to have through TAMID.”Companies we workwith in Israel14
“For me and many others, after October 7th I felthelpless in America. The TAMID project I amworking on has been my escape this fall. While I am not fighting on the front lines,boosting the Israeli economy and working withEden Materials is my way of feeling like I amdoing something to help the country I love.”Ziv D., Williams CollegeStudent Project ManagerAfter October 7, TAMID started to have an even biggerimpact on our company partners. What started as anadvantageous partnership opportunity, turned into aresource that could keep companies afloat when so manystaff members in Israel were called to serve in reserve duty atthe beginning of the war.EducationConsultingFundFellowship Alumni15
In the summer of 2023, TAMIDwelcomed 195 TAMID students(Fellows) from around the world toIsrael. The TAMID Summer Fellowship isincredibly impactful because studentsget to experience Israel for themselvesfirst-hand. Through an 8-week internship,professional development opportunitiesand weekend trips, Fellows immersethemselves in Israeli society.Some highlights from the summerinclude: “TAMID teachesus aboutentrepreneurshipon campus, I livedentrepreneurshipon theFellowship.”Daniel F.Babson CollegeEducationConsultingFundFellowship Alumni$74ktotal scholarshipsawarded86%reported finishing theprogram with a strongconnection to Israelreported a significantincrease in theirconnection to Israel66%Women in Business panel with PwCPersonal Branding seminarRetreat in Nazareth experiencingthe different cultures across Israel16
The small interactions between Fellows and Israelis bridge the gapbetween what Fellows read about Israel before they arrive and howthey feel about Israel when they go home. The Fellowship is a win-win that benefits both the students andthe companies they intern with throughout the summer.Companies look forward to the summer when our Fellows are ableto be with them in person. One company partner, Ariel Illouz theOperations Manager at Blanket said, “[TAMID Fellows] provide fuelto keep us moving forward.” She advised other companies lookingto host an intern “Sit with them, invest in them and you will see areturn.”17EducationConsultingFundFellowship Alumni“I was matched with LittleOne.I was able to attend a product launchJordan L. Lehigh Universitycompany.Thisexperience has been invaluable.company in front of a marketing agency. Fellowship. Ami, the Chief Marketing Officer,offered me a role to continue working at theCare for thein Nashville, speak with LittleOne.partners and investors, and represent theCare’s
EducationConsultingFundFellowship AlumniMeredith G.Columbia University, ‘20"I appreciate the alumni community's strongconnection with Israel, especially now,and value the opportunity to engage withcurrent students in furthering that connectionand achieving TAMID's mission.”18After graduation, we engage our 7,000+ alumni and create aspace to continue strengthening and building on their TAMIDnetwork. This year we opened up new opportunities for alumniincluding:Industry focused speaker events about AI in the Workplaceand Israeli entrepreneurship Alumni-led career panel events for members on campusCommunity building events in major citiesWe currently have 33 Alumni involved in the Alumni GivingSocieties to build philanthropic involvement In the wake of October 7, alumni rallied together to putpressure on Fortune 500 companies to support Israel. TAMIDalso created a virtual space for alumni to come together,discuss what was going on at work, and offer support to thosewho felt isolated.
“This tripreinvigorated mydesire and passionto connect withIsrael and bring theinnovation and techmentality tostudents and alumniglobally.”Zach T.Univ. of Michigan, ‘19After a four-year hiatus, we brought nineparticipants to Israel for the highlyanticipated return of the Alumni Mission. Nine alumni, representing four cities andseven TAMID chapters, spent five daysmeeting with 16 Israeli companies acrossvarious industries. This mission provided alumni with anintimate and exclusive opportunity toenhance their knowledge with a behind-the-scenes look at the companies andprofessionals leading the StartUp Nation.In just five days, these participants gainednew insight into the newest tech trends,corporate and startup hiring practices, andan understanding for how the world thinksabout Israeli ingenuity. This trip helped participants feel a greatersense of connectedness to Israel and theIsraeli people, and inspired them tomaintain their connection to TAMID andthe organization’s vast network of like-minded individuals.4/9assumed a leadership role inthe alumni communityfollowing the Mission100%pledged a three-yeargiving commitment toTAMID upon returningfrom the Missionreported a strong feeling ofconnection to Israel as aresult of the Mission100%19
Despite unprecedented levels of antisemitism and anti-Israelsentiment on college campuses, interest in expanding TAMIDsoared. We had a record number of students around the worldapply to bring TAMID to their campus. Prior to becoming a full TAMID chapter, each prospectivechapter goes through a trial period called the Beta Process.This allows TAMID to maintain high standards of excellence forour chapters while supporting prospective (beta) chaptersthrough a year-long process. 42applications forBeta chapters28%accepted toBeta Process“Founding a TAMID chapter was an incredibleprofessional experience. I mastered essential skillssuch as recruiting talent, fundraising, and managinga board. This experience significantly boosted myconfidence as a young college student. Establishing TAMID not only enhances yourleadership abilities but also greatly enriches thecommunity.”Arielle L.Williams College20
Haverford College Technion, IsraelUC - San DiegoUniv. of Amsterdam Univ. of GeorgiaUniv. of Rochester Virginia Tech Wake ForestUniv. of HartfordBrooklyn CollegeBates College Chapman Univ.Know someone interested in starting a chapter?Get in touch with our Member Experience team at campus@tamidgroup.org
Total: $4 millionRevenueAllocationsProgram Partners53%9%30%8%FoundationsOtherIndividual GiftsFinancialsOffice & AdminMember ProgramsFundraising17%16%67%donorsMajor donors($10,000+)first-time donors22
During our annual, student-led campaign TAMID Together, we raisedmaking it a record breaking year fromincredible supporters!$424,077$424,0773,4453,445
Since joining TAMID as a freshman at Michigan fifteenyears ago, I have been amazed by the program’s growingimpact. Many Israel engagement programs make sense in theory;TAMID stands out because its impact stands up on paperand in practice.We have cultivated more meaningful experiences foreach participant while continuously scaling the program.The forward growth opportunity highlighted in this reportoffers so much promise and I cannot think of a moreexciting time to recommit to TAMID as its Board Chair.We offer a win-win-win scenario: to our participants, whogain invaluable professional development experience; toour Israeli company partners, who benefit from the hardwork and insight of the best and brightest students andyoung professionals in our network; and to the broaderIsraeli ecosystem as we forge meaningful and ever-expanding relationships between rising business leadersand Israel.Amidst a challenging environment for Israel on and offcampus, the focus should be on organizations that movethe needle and make our community more robust. 24
25Parents CommitteeRobert AllenDawn BarofskyJulie BaumannStacey CartagenovaBrett CohenSteven CoopermanAbigail DoftMeryl GoldbergPauline HamidRena KopelmanJessica LangAlan LasdonJennifer LefcourtTali LehaviNathan LindenbaumRobin LondonLiat MeislerJeffery MeyerEllen NahavandiGalit and Yoav OelsnerAlison RobbinsBeth RosenthalJodi SchwartzBrian SnersonJudy StrattonTimberly WhitfieldAmbassadorsDavid AdlerBrett CohenScott CohenKim CreemZe'ev FeigValerie FriedmanPaul GershkowitzAnthony GoschalkYadin KaufmannLiat MeislerRon MeislerBrian MermelshteinPaul NewmanAlison RobbinsJodi SchwartzJeff ShapiroBruce SholkZach WainwrightBoard of DirectorsMax HellerJacob Ner-DavidCharles RibakoffEmily SharkoPerry SteinerDiana Tapper
Strategic Donor$25,000+Tapper Gorevic FamilyThe Shapira FoundationJennifer and Ariel LechterAnonymousMajor Donor$10,000+Judy and Steven CoopermanThe Hartman FamilyDavid and Barbara B. Hirschhorn FoundationKoret FoundationWilliam & Anita Heller Jewish Continuity FundAnthony and Julie GoschalkMax HellerSteve and Jen KasoffMatt and Einat OgdenAlison and Mitchell RobbinsJodi SchwartzPerry SteinerAaron WeitmanAnonymousAnonymousAnonymous$50,000+Edward Fein FoundationThe Diamond Family FoundationThe Frieze Family FoundationLeifer Family FundWiener Family PhilanthropySandy and Joe SambergEmily Sharko$500,000+Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family PhilanthropiesAnonymous$100,000+The Jeffrey H. and Shari L. Aronson Family FoundationThe Marcus Foundation$5,000+Michelle and Darren BlackPaul Gompers and Jody DushayMarla and Gregg Felton262024 DonorsApril 2023 - March 2024
“I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for theincredible experience. This journey has not only honedmy teamwork and hard work skills but has also been atremendous learning opportunity. Thank you for thevaluable lessons and the chance to contribute to such adynamic and enriching community.”Stuti J., SP Jain - IndiaStudent MemberJulia BaumannJustin BellJodi and Doug BermanDebbie and David BrandClaire and Daniel CaineLloyd ConstantineMartin CornickDavid and Abigail DoftSuzanne and Jacob DoftAndrea Solomon EllerEtai EvenhaimZeev FeigGeorge FeldenkreisAdam FinermanMark FishmanHornik Family FoundationTalk Israel FoundationJan and Robert GilmanAndrew and Julie GilsonAnessa Karney and Stuart GoldsteinRalph and Marilyn GrunewaldBruce Sholk and Beth KaplanFlorence Family Charitable FoundationValerie and Mark FriedmanBeth and Larry GreenbergDanny GutmanPhilip HarrisonSheri and Alan HellerBen KaminskyErica Olan and Darpan KapadiaCaryn and Gary KaplanOudi Recanati and Staci LightShari and Nathan J LindenbaumJill and Mitchell RobertsTufts UniversityAnonymousAnonymousTrailblazer$1,000+Hedy and David AdlerTimberly Whitfield and Bob AllenJeffrey AltholzEvan Axelrod27
$500+Michelle AhdootEric AroestyTanaz AssilEliana BarbelLucy BarkerMoshe BellowsRobert and Carol BurmanStaci BuseJohn CanzonoBrian CohenDean DijourJudith and Oliver DupontJared EpsteinMira and Robert FeinMichelle and Eric FrankZev and Karen FriedMelissa and Ken GlassmanMelanie GoodmanShirin GreenMeredith GreensteinSasha GribovMoshe HershkopTanner HertzThe Hutchinson FamilySteven and Susan InsoftAndrew WienerLizzy and Sam ZakayAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousTrailblazer$1,000+Jennifer and Michael KaplanCarrie KerpenAdam and Lindsey KornbluhKate and Allan LattsBrandon LebowitzSheri LehaviLauri MeizlerShari and Erwin MevorahUniversity of MiamiDana and Michael MillerLaurence and Anne MillerRobert MillerMichael MorrisJohn OppenheimerAri PapirRich Wagman and Mindy PincusLori PolachekBrandon PressDavid and Mollie RattnerJignasa and Ravish SacharJacqueline SaturnPatricia and David SchulteAkiva ShlomovichSweet Seidner’s Bake ShopAri SparJennifer and Seth StierAndrew SycoffJoseph and Lexie TuchmanJewish United FundBrandeis UniversityLisa and Neil Wallack28
$500+Craig JacobyAviv KatzAdriane KipermanBarbara KnollJessica Lang and Adam LovingerCari LasdonHenri LipmanowiczAndrea and Steven MailJulia MarksDaniel McBrideMila MeierHarriet MerkowitzYael MillerJoy MusrySam PessinLisa and Gary PhilipsonDari PillsburyRon PlafkinMitchell PortnoyBrian Rousso and Caroline RockyEric RosenfeldWendy and Ian SacksMeadow SantorielloZach and Marissa WainwrightLaura WaldbaumArik YershovMichael YoungLeora and Jonathan ZabuskyAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousrachel.p@tamidgroup.orgPlease don't hesitate to reach out to our Chief Development Officer, Rachel Philipson, with any questions.29
Produced by TAMID MarketingMay 2024Mailing Address625 Kenmoor Ave SESte. 350, #45052Grand Rapids, MI 49546-2395tamidgroup.org