Thank you for your interest and for taking the time tolearn more about TAG. I would like to take thisopportunity to introduce you to our business, what Ibelieve makes TAG so unique, and why I’m proud to bepart of this special organisation. We understand that when it comes to travelling forbusiness, vast experience, delivering value, andexceptional service are everything. From the initialengagement right the way through to arriving homeand beyond, you want to know and trust that everysingle detail has been taken care of. At TAG, we thriveon delivering outstanding expert service in this evenmore complex world of travel. TAG’s key values are Teamwork, Ambition, and beingGenuine. Values are often a list of soundbites. Theysound good. They look good from the outside. But alltoo often they are just words that are paid lip serviceto. At TAG our values are not simply words. Our valuesare an embodiment of our culture, something we liveand breathe each and every day. Our values werechosen by our people to reflect them, our business,our supplier partners, and of course our valuedcustomers. Alongside our values, we have our brand promise,Experience More, which is supported by the threepillars of Trust, Insight, and Digital Technology. TAG isnot only deliberately different but a shining exampleof how a solid vision and a real set of values can makeyou the best at what you do. We hope to get a chance to demonstrate how we liveand breathe these values which differentiate us inorder to bring you countless benefits, effectivelyacting as not only travel consultants but your in-housetravel consultancy. We look forward to hearing from you.W E L C O M EPAGE | 01Jens PennyChief Executive Officer
“We thought our previous service was good until we tried TAG.It’s on another level, from the day-to-day service to the seniorlevel support. ”Matthew Gilbert,Assistant to CEOPAGE | 02ELEVEN GLOBAL OFFICESLONDON • NEW YORK • LOS ANGELES • M I A M I • H O N G K O N G • S I N G A P O R ENASHVILLE • ATLANTA • MANCHESTER • MELBOUR N E • S Y D N E Y
TAG is an award-winning travel and eventmanagement company, backed by thirtyyears experience.Globally, we have specialist expertiseacross six divisions - Corporate, InvestmentManagement, Production, Touring, PrivateTravel, and Events, providingcomprehensive services tailored to you.Whatever you need, whenever you need us,we are here for you – our dedicatedprofessionals are available 24/7/365, fromoffices in the UK, US, and Asia Pacific.PAGE | 03WELCOME TO TAG
PAGE | 04TEAMWORKAMBITIOUSGENUINEWe know that collaboration is essential tosuccess. Within TAG we work across divisionsand regions to bring you, our client, a seamlessexperience. By sharing knowledge, technology,and insight, we enhance the level of serviceavailable to you. We also strive to become partof your team, working closely with keystakeholders to become an essential part of yourtravel programme. Our founders’ vision was to create an industry-leading travel management company that putservice and experience at its heart. They wantedto set the standard for the industry and by beingdeliberately different, ambitious, and passionate,we have done just that. Our ambition isn’t justconfined to TAG, but to the travel industry as awhole and to our clients, for whom we striveevery day to make the impossible, possible. Creating a long-lasting and successfulpartnership requires openness and honesty. Weare respectful and considerate to everyonewithin our team, never shying from the difficultconversations and approaching every taskgenuinely. With our clients we take the sameapproach, meaning you can be assured that wewill always be acting in your best interests.OURVALUES
Established in 1988, TAG’s founding principles were led by a requirement inthe marketplace for a quality, exclusively high-end, high-touch, service-driven agency to meet the unique travel needs of the music andentertainment sectors.Three decades on and TAG remains ahead of its competitors as a diverse,ethical, and sustainable company, who is not only influential amongst theirpeers, but well respected and trusted by some of the biggest names in theEntertainment business. Our deeply rooted Entertainment principals havealso allowed us to apply these elevated service levels to all our InvestmentManagement clients across the globe, alongside essential travelmanagement services and expertise in the sector. Today, we have dedicated specialist divisions with travel and event expertsacross the globe. LEADING THE WAYPAGE | 05
TAG Academy was launched in 2015 with the mission to educate and offerprofessional training to young individuals aiming to become expert TravelSpecialists. We aim to fast track the careers of entry level candidates lookingfor their first steps towards a long-term career in travel by providing tailor-made work-based training programme – designed to equip members with theadvanced skills and knowledge required to thrive in an increasingly complextravel logistics environment.TAG provides each client with a Strategic Account Manager and access toSenior Leadership Sponsor to ensure goals are met and everything is runningsmoothly. They also look out for improvements to your programme, guide youthrough product and service updates, and ensure that you are getting thebest value for your money. TAG24 is our global award-winning in-house emergency team, dedicated toassisting travellers in emergency situations outside of normal office hours.TAG24 operates on the same technology as your dedicated team whichallows them to have full visibility of all travel reservations, passenger profiles,client travel policy, and client-specific corporate fares and rates.OURPEOPLESTRATEGIC ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT PAGE | 06TAG ACADEMY IN-HOUSE EMERGENCY TEAM
EXPERIENCEMOREPAGE | 07EXPERIENCE MOREThe safety of our partners and employees, accuracy of your bookings, and security of yourinformation is our priority. We’re not just a supplier, we’re a trusted partner. We are experiencedin building long term, transparent, and genuine relationships, placing our clients’ wellbeing andsafety at the centre of all we do. Our origins in servicing high-profile tours for the world’s most demanding artists means we areexperts in managing complex requests and intricate itineraries. No matter the request we willhave a creative solution for you. Our business is our people. We invest heavily in nurturingtalent, providing ongoing learning, and development giving you access to the top InvestmentManagement Specialists and the highest service levels in the industry. We invest in technology which enhances the experience of our clients. In an industry thatincreasingly encourages self-service, we bring you the personal touch. Our partners willexperience a level of service that truly goes above and beyond. Technology supports andelevates our people, allowing them to deliver the best service possible. THESE PILLARS WOULD NOT SUPPORT THE BRAND PROMI S E W I T H O U T ASTRONG FOUNDATION, OUR PEOPLE.IN SIG HTTR USTDI GIT AL
Our staff are not order takers, they are highly skilled Investment ManagementTravel Specialists, able to dissect the most complex of travel itineraries andoffer alternative cost-effective but practical solutions, ensuring all elements ofa trip are covered. They work with you as a team and become an extension ofyour business by taking every measure possible to ensure that they know eachtravellers’ nuances and preferences. A team of champions that will never befaulted for not going above and beyond, but commended on their exceptionalknowledge of booking Investment Management Travel, customer service, andability to make the impossible, possible.Global business travel is complex, fast-paced, and unpredictable. Itineraries andarrangements can change at the last minute, meaning you must be ready foranything. That’s where TAG’s Investment Management professionals come in. From logistics to traveller security and cost control, our InvestmentManagement Travel Specialist have the skills, knowledge, and connections tohandle anything that comes our way. And you know we do not say this lightly.We have a proven track record that no request is too great or obscure, no detailleft to chance, we really have seen it all when it comes to InvestmentManagement Travel.TAG is committed to identifying and adopting global policiesand initiatives to address equality, bias, equity and inclusionefforts for all TAG offices and their communities around theworld. A driving force for inclusion and social justice, we willcontinue to utilize our TAG Academy to educate and offerprofessional training and further development opportunities toyoung individuals from all minority groups. Gabrielle Carr,Chief Operating Officer, WE EXCEEDEXPECTATIONSPAGE | 08
We are focused on delivering outstanding Investment Management Travelservices and support – tailored to you. We have the global buying power andexpertise to manage the needs of multinational companies – whilst also providingpersonalised service to small businesses. It’s all about taking the best care of ourclients and travellers, giving you a seamless experience from start to finish.WE EXCEEDEXPECTATIONSPAGE | 09Designated InvestmentManagement SpecialistsGround Transportation and Ancillary TravelOnline Booking and Expense Management StrategicAccount ManagerInvestment Management Travel ProgrammesEnhancedHotel Benefits
Our team will work above and beyond to support your travellers, providing themthe service they need to be at the top of their game. We will provide you withinnovative solutions, this is who we are and what we do. We will never waiver inbeing open, honest, and genuine with you. Our passion for travel and service willshine through in all that we do.WE MAKE INVESTMENTMANAGEMENT TRAVEL EASYComplete Risk ManagementIn-house 24-hourEmergency DepartmentPAGE | 10PCI CompliantComplex Data CaptureInvestment ManagementBenchmarking Financial Roadshow Specialists
Investment ManagementSpecialists who have a deepunderstanding of the sector whothrive on complexity Work as an extension of yourExecutive Assistant team Award winning in-house 24-hourEmergency Team who have doneand seen it all TAGgo – mobile & desktoptechnology so you can keep ontop of all your travellers anddisruption in one place PAGE | 11EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTBENEFITS FOR STAKEHOLDERSROAD WARRIORInternal technology thatcontinually looks for sold outseats and better value fares VIP upgrade and amenities –flights, hotels, and more… ‘Above & Beyond’ InvestmentManagement Specialists aretrained to seek added value addsincluding waivers and favoursTAGgo – The essential travelcompanion with real-time accessto all your travel information
Experienced Strategic AccountManagers with InvestmentManagement experience TAGanalytics+ online dynamicreporting with detailedinformation of travel spend andtrends, including industrybenchmarking data. Strategic global offices allowingfor a one team approach withconsistent experience Investment Management TravelProgramme TAGsafeguard+ traveller trackingand security alerts PAGE | 12PROCUREMENTTAG strives for perfection andsets the standard for InvestmentManagement Travel. On thoserare occasions when they comeup short, they own up, takeappropriate steps and strive forcontinuous improvement. That isbetter than perfection.VP Finance & Administration Mid-Market Private Equity,New York
We believe technology should make lives simpler. Our suite of tech has beenheavily invested in to bring you increased simplicity, ease, and confidence.Whether it is accessing your itinerary from your mobile or your dedicatedteam being alerted when your favourite aircraft seats come available, we canmake life simpler, and the journey smoother, through TAGdigital.TAGDIGITALPAGE | 13The essential travel companion with real time access to all your travel information Our client-facing technology means you always have access to all your travelinformation, traveler locations, budgets and reports, everything you need atyour fingertips, easily accessible through our suite of tools.Flight Disruption Notifications Personalised Date/Time Zoneand CurrencyVisa RequirementsFlight Details and Mobile Check-in's
The dashboards all use the same consistent headline KPI's (Spend,Ticket/Nights, ATP/ADR, Policy Compliance, and Missed Savings) along thetop, providing a quick and clear overview of the performance for the givenproduct and reporting period.PAGE | 14An all-in-one online dashboard provides single access to the entire TAGdigitalsuite of toolsCompare Air, Hotel, and Car SpendDynamic Data and ReportingCustomisable and Automated ReportingEnsuring traveller safety and duty of care foryour travellers has always been critical and now is even more vital given the currentclimate. Our TAGsafeguard+ tool allows you totrack travellers, monitor and rate developingrisks, and minimize the impact of disruptionwith real-time alerts.
PAGE | 15PRIVATE TRAVELPERSONAL TRAVEL ADVISORSCONCIERGE SERVICESVIP TREATMENTEXCLUSIVE BENEFITSHIGHLY DISCREET TAG’s Private Travel division provides luxury travel holidays and experienceswith full concierge services. We create bespoke escapes for highnet-worth individuals, celebrities, and VIPs – providing a personal serviceevery step of the way.Thirty years' experience gives us the expertise and connections to take careof every last detail, from discovering your ideal destination to booking a tableat a Michelin-star restaurant.
GENERATEEVENTSPAGE | 16We collaborate with you to co-create remarkable events that achieve yourbusiness goals. Our experts are trusted by the world’s biggest brands todeliver curated brand experiences, inspirational incentives, and so muchmore – it’s all about creating a real connection with your audience. Whatever you need, our team has the global reach, local knowledge, andsmart technology to take care of every last detail.THINKACTResearch and analyse to developinsights, strategy, and creative solutions.Plan, design, scope, and budget events thatdeliver return on investment and return onexperience.Engagement, passion, action, performance,loyalty and transformation – and it’s allmeasurable.
PAGE | 17Where we areT O D A YSUSTAINABILITYREPORTINGManaging your company’senvironmental and social impactthrough carbon reporting, analysisand offsettingTravel emissions directlycontribute to climate change Carbon reporting, analytics,footprint reduction, and travel CSRsolutionsOur partner provides an in-depthanalysis of your CO2 emissionsWe can offset these omissionsthrough environmental projects Balancing out your own carbonfootprint Environmental projects such asclean energy technologies,purchasing carbon credit, and treeplanting
Carbon offset quote offered on allbookingsTAG business Carbon Neutraloperation by 2022Recycling facilities in each location Company wide energy saving policy(water/electric) Green credentials support SupplierSelection Equal Opportunities EmployerMental Health & Wellness supportedby Employee Assistance Programme Biannual Engagement Surveys Charitable ‘Entertainment Industry’Support D&I weighted approach to TAGAcademy candidatesLeadership Team Diversity IFRS Accounting Standards PCI Compliance and InformationSecurity (attain ISO 27001)Whistle blower scheme initiatedTAG ESGPAGE | 18ENVIROMENTALSOCIETYGOVERNANCE
“TAG provides us with the highest levels of serviceregarding our Corporate Travel arrangements. Theirattention to detail is second to none, and they are absoluteexperts at getting us out of challenging situations. As ourtravel profile is very demanding, we require the services ofsomeone who is able to cope with the flexibility we requireand can handle our last-minute changes. TAG does thisskillfully and often manages to get us complimentary hotelupgrades in the process. We are very happy with them.”Office Manager,Pamplona Capital ManagementPAGE | 19
PAGE | 20What sets us apart is our ability to make theseemingly impossible, possible. Over 30years of delivering high-touch conciergetravel to some of the world’s mostdemanding travellers has equipped us withthe skills and contacts to make even themost complex of requests achievable. Ourrelationships with airline and hotel suppliersgives us access to exclusive enhanced rates,upgrades and availability, all to the benefitof your travellers. EX PER IE NC E T HE I MP OSS IB LE Traveller experience is at the heart ofeverything we do. Our white-glove serviceensures that every detail is taken care of –from confirming your preferred seat toensuring your favourite wine is stocked inyour hotel room – your travellers will arriveat their destination happy and refreshed andable to focus on the task at hand. We takethe pain out of booking travel.EX PER IE NC E M OR EBusiness travel isn’t just about getting yourtravellers seamlessly from A to B. It’s thewhole end-to-end process. With our award-winning Account Management Team, we’llhelp you strategically manage your travelprogramme, from assisting with travel policyto enhanced management information, costsaving strategies, and benchmarking. For us,travel is a comprehensive range of servicesand we will ensure that every partnerworking with TAG experiences only the best. EX PER IE NC E E VE N MO RE
Experience More Our promise to you is that TAG’s deliberately differentapproach means you experience travel management likenever before. If you would like to learn more about ourInvestment Management travel strategy, please feel freeto contact us to can arrange a consultation. tagtravelgroup tagtravelgroup