Message • Get involved with the conversation: #T100GoesWild@t100festivalSATURDAY 25 MAY to SATURDAY 22 JUNE 2024A CELEBRATIONOF GROWING ANDGOING WILDACROSS THURROCKAND BEYONDJoin us for a series of free walks and events along the Thames Estuary which invite you to get outdoors, be creative and explore the natural environment. From seeds sown ten years ago, T100 is flourishing, with a year-round programme of activity and our annual summer festival.Join us, get active, be creative and go wild this summer!GOES WILD
BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT 3FESTIVALPROGRAMMEGOES WILDGARDEN PARTYHigh HouseProduction Park,Purfleet-on-ThamesPAGE 4Sat 25 MayT100 GOES WILD INCANVEYCanvey IslandPAGE 5Weds 29 MayGREEN SPACES OF GRAYSGUIDED TOUR &OPEN GARDENS ThurrockPAGE 6Sun 2 JuneGO WILD IN BELHUSSouth OckendonPAGE 7Weds 5 JuneTHURROCKPRIDE WALKPurfleet to GraysPAGE 8Sat 8 JuneT100 GOES WILD INHACKNEYEast LondonPAGE 9Sun 9 JuneA PEASANTS’PILGRIMAGEFobbing toWat Tyler ParkPAGE 10Sat 15 JuneSUMMER SKETCHTOUR WITH J D SWANNRSPB RainhamMarshesPAGE 11Sun 16 JuneFINALE FLAGPARADEGrays Town CentrePAGES 14 & 15Sat 22 JuneWhat is T100?T100 is an annual walking, talking and making festival that encouragesmultiple stories to surface in Thurrock.It began as a walking celebration of Thurrock – 10 miles, 10 walks, 10 days, hence the name T100.Over the last ten years, we’ve travelledon a journey with a growing team oflocal volunteers, artists and partners.We’re excited to be Going Wild thissummer! From a Garden Party to a celebratory flag parade throughGrays with a whole host of walks and activities in between, there’ssomething for everyone to enjoy.All T100 walks and events arefree and are led by guides andcommunity members with thesupport of experienced Kinetikateam and stewards.Feel free to contact the team any questions.Book yourfree spacesvia ourwebsiteto join us aswe Go Wild!Come andcelebrate our tenthanniversary with usas we parade throughGrays town centreon Saturday 22 June.See page 14 for moredetails and how tosign up to wavea flag.2015MILES2018RECIPES2021DREAMS2016STORIES2019CARNIVAL2022PEOPLE2017TALES2020MANDALAS2023SOUNDS2024GOES WILD
BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT 3FESTIVALPROGRAMMEGOES WILDGARDEN PARTYHigh House Production Park, Purfleet-on-ThamesPAGE 4Sat 25 MayT100 GOES WILD IN CANVEYCanvey IslandPAGE 5Weds 29 MayGREEN SPACES OF GRAYS GUIDED TOUR & OPEN GARDENS ThurrockPAGE 6Sun 2 JuneGO WILD IN BELHUSSouth OckendonPAGE 7Weds 5 JuneTHURROCK PRIDE WALKPurfleet to GraysPAGE 8Sat 8 JuneT100 GOES WILD IN HACKNEYEast LondonPAGE 9Sun 9 JuneA PEASANTS’ PILGRIMAGEFobbing to Wat Tyler ParkPAGE 10Sat 15 JuneSUMMER SKETCH TOUR WITH J D SWANNRSPB Rainham MarshesPAGE 11Sun 16 JuneFINALE FLAG PARADEGrays Town CentrePAGES 14 & 15Sat 22 JuneWhat is T100?T100 is an annual walking, talking and making festival that encourages multiple stories to surface in Thurrock. It began as a walking celebration of Thurrock – 10 miles, 10 walks, 10 days, hence the name T100.Over the last ten years, we’ve travelled on a journey with a growing team of local volunteers, artists and partners. We’re excited to be Going Wild this summer! From a Garden Party to a celebratory flag parade through Grays with a whole host of walks and activities in between, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.All T100 walks and events are free and are led by guides and community members with the support of experienced Kinetika team and stewards.Feel free to contact the team with any questions.Book your free spaces via our website to join us as we Go Wild! Come and celebrate our tenth anniversary with us as we parade through Grays town centre on Saturday 22 June.See page 14 for more details and how to sign up to wave a flag.2015MILES2018RECIPES2021DREAMS2016STORIES2019CARNIVAL2022PEOPLE2017TALES2020MANDALAS2023SOUNDS2024GOES WILD
BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT Party at High House Production Park to launch this year’s T100 Festival and wrap up Arts Outburst’s Get Creative May. A day of family friendly creative workshops, performances, guided tours, wild sketching, local producers and relaxing activities.Artists Lora Aziz and Chantelle from our Young Ambassadors programme will be resident in the T100 Community Dye Garden.“We will be talking about the myths, the legends, the folklore and the medicinal properties behind what you can find in your own back yard. Join a Plant Story Walk, go on a scavenger hunt and learn about the dierent things that plants can do that most people don’t know about!”Lora and Chantelle.Arts Outburst will be presenting THE ALLOTMENT PROJECT, a piece of Documentary Dance Theatre by Casson & Friends, that explores allotments and the communities around them.Come and be inspired by the outdoor spaces right on our doorstep!Wednesday 29 May T100 GOES WILD IN CANVEY Canvey Island, SS8 0PTA whole day of walking and activities in ‘England’s Rainforest’ upriver near Southend. A chance to explore the rich variety of wildlife making their home in this ex-industrial habitat.7am to 9amEarly morning spring birdwatch walk.10am to 12.30pmWalk the Wick wellbeing walk.2pm to 4pmWild Wick – Bugs Matter & May Mandalas – family friendly craft session and walk.Saturday 25 MayGARDEN PARTYHigh House Production Park, RM19 1RJ4 5GOES WILDGOES WILD
BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT Party at High House Production Park to launch this year’s T100 Festival and wrap up Arts Outburst’s Get Creative May. A day of family friendly creative workshops, performances, guided tours, wild sketching, local producers and relaxing activities.Artists Lora Aziz and Chantelle from our Young Ambassadors programme will be resident in the T100 Community Dye Garden.“We will be talking about the myths, the legends, the folklore and the medicinal properties behind what you can find in your own back yard. Join a Plant Story Walk, go on a scavenger hunt and learn about the dierent things that plants can do that most people don’t know about!”Lora and Chantelle.Arts Outburst will be presenting THE ALLOTMENT PROJECT, a piece of Documentary Dance Theatre by Casson & Friends, that explores allotments and the communities around them.Come and be inspired by the outdoor spaces right on our doorstep!Wednesday 29 May T100 GOES WILD IN CANVEY Canvey Island, SS8 0PTA whole day of walking and activities in ‘England’s Rainforest’ upriver near Southend. A chance to explore the rich variety of wildlife making their home in this ex-industrial habitat.7am to 9amEarly morning spring birdwatch walk.10am to 12.30pmWalk the Wick wellbeing walk.2pm to 4pmWild Wick – Bugs Matter & May Mandalas – family friendly craft session and walk.Saturday 25 MayGARDEN PARTYHigh House Production Park, RM19 1RJ4 5GOES WILDGOES WILD
BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT 2 JuneGREEN SPACES OF GRAYS PAST & PRESENT Guided tour Starting point: Grays, RM17 6JP10am to 1pmDid you know that the families who owned Thurrock’s stately homes used to compete to host the most elaborate garden parties? Come and learn about this and much, much more as Thurrock Local History Society take T100 walkers on a tour of former and current green spaces of note in Grays.Wednesday 5 JuneGO WILD IN BELHUS South Ockendon, RM15 4PX Two walks exploring one of Thurrock’s most spectacular country parks and its impressive range of flowers, ancient trees, wildlife and historical landmarks.10am to 11.30amOn this shorter walk, discover the ancient Belhus estate including the Ice House, Long Pond, plantations of oak and ash and the stink pipe.10am to 2pmA longer walk which continues around the lakes, Whitepost Wood and Belhus Park Visitor Centre.OPEN GARDENS THURROCK Across Thurrock12pm to 4pmA chance to be inspired by community gardens across the local area as they open up their gates to visitors for T100 Goes Wild. See the specially designed map on our website to find locations open to visitors on self-guided tours.7GOES WILDThe DellTop: ‘Allotments’ by Francis van der Weegen, 1919. Above: Grays Town Park from the Facebook group ‘Grays Thurrock Memories’.
BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT 2 JuneGREEN SPACES OF GRAYS PAST & PRESENT Guided tour Starting point: Grays, RM17 6JP10am to 1pmDid you know that the families who owned Thurrock’s stately homes used to compete to host the most elaborate garden parties? Come and learn about this and much, much more as Thurrock Local History Society take T100 walkers on a tour of former and current green spaces of note in Grays.Wednesday 5 JuneGO WILD IN BELHUS South Ockendon, RM15 4PX Two walks exploring one of Thurrock’s most spectacular country parks and its impressive range of flowers, ancient trees, wildlife and historical landmarks.10am to 11.30amOn this shorter walk, discover the ancient Belhus estate including the Ice House, Long Pond, plantations of oak and ash and the stink pipe.10am to 2pmA longer walk which continues around the lakes, Whitepost Wood and Belhus Park Visitor Centre.OPEN GARDENS THURROCK Across Thurrock12pm to 4pmA chance to be inspired by community gardens across the local area as they open up their gates to visitors for T100 Goes Wild. See the specially designed map on our website to find locations open to visitors on self-guided tours.7GOES WILDThe DellTop: ‘Allotments’ by Francis van der Weegen, 1919. Above: Grays Town Park from the Facebook group ‘Grays Thurrock Memories’.
Saturday 8 JuneTHURROCK PRIDE WALKPurfleet to GraysStarting point: RM19 1PL9.30am to 1pmA walk from Purfleet Train Station to the Thameside Theatre Grays as we collaborate on Thurrock’s first Pride event, alongside the Thurrock LGBTQ+ Community Network and Arts Outburst.For those who prefer a shorter stroll, walkers are welcome to join us at The Wharf, Grays, from midday.8 9BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT WILD10am to 1pmA guided tour along the Hackney Buzzline, an ecological pollinator corridor being created in East London.Led by community ecologist Gerry Tissier, the walk will go through four parks and three social housing estates playing an important role in East London nature conservation. Walkers will learn about each site from the gardeners themselves and everybody is invited to bring a picnic to enjoy in the garden of Hackney School of Food after the end of the walk.Sunday 9 JuneT100 GOES WILD IN HACKNEY Hackney, London, E5 8NP
Saturday 8 JuneTHURROCK PRIDE WALKPurfleet to GraysStarting point: RM19 1PL9.30am to 1pmA walk from Purfleet Train Station to the Thameside Theatre Grays as we collaborate on Thurrock’s first Pride event, alongside the Thurrock LGBTQ+ Community Network and Arts Outburst.For those who prefer a shorter stroll, walkers are welcome to join us at The Wharf, Grays, from midday.8 9BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT WILD10am to 1pmA guided tour along the Hackney Buzzline, an ecological pollinator corridor being created in East London.Led by community ecologist Gerry Tissier, the walk will go through four parks and three social housing estates playing an important role in East London nature conservation. Walkers will learn about each site from the gardeners themselves and everybody is invited to bring a picnic to enjoy in the garden of Hackney School of Food after the end of the walk.Sunday 9 JuneT100 GOES WILD IN HACKNEY Hackney, London, E5 8NP
BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT 16 JuneSUMMER SKETCH TOUR With J D Swann. Rainham Marshes, RM19 1SZ1pm to 4pmA creative walk-through of RSPB Rainham Marshes with ornithological investigator J D Swann. Come and hone your sketching or photography skills as we map the reserve through drawing and observation.10 11GOES WILDSaturday 15 JuneA PEASANTS’ PILGRIMAGE Fobbing, SS17 9JH and Wat Tyler, SS16 4UHTwo walks that commemorate the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt’s links to Fobbing, organised in partnership with Essex Book Festival.10am to 4.30pmWhat was Essex’s role in the political unrest of 1381? A walk across the marshland guided by Phil East, visiting locations significant in historical accounts of the local uprisings and learning about the dierent key figures who led the charge. Once at Wat Tyler Park we’ll join the wider event to finish the day of historically themed activities.2.45pm to 4.30pmA one-hour guided walk around Wat Tyler Park led by Basildon History Society volunteers.The day will conclude with free medieval street entertainment performed on the park greens by the Thameside Mummers.
BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT 16 JuneSUMMER SKETCH TOUR With J D Swann. Rainham Marshes, RM19 1SZ1pm to 4pmA creative walk-through of RSPB Rainham Marshes with ornithological investigator J D Swann. Come and hone your sketching or photography skills as we map the reserve through drawing and observation.10 11GOES WILDSaturday 15 JuneA PEASANTS’ PILGRIMAGE Fobbing, SS17 9JH and Wat Tyler, SS16 4UHTwo walks that commemorate the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt’s links to Fobbing, organised in partnership with Essex Book Festival.10am to 4.30pmWhat was Essex’s role in the political unrest of 1381? A walk across the marshland guided by Phil East, visiting locations significant in historical accounts of the local uprisings and learning about the dierent key figures who led the charge. Once at Wat Tyler Park we’ll join the wider event to finish the day of historically themed activities.2.45pm to 4.30pmA one-hour guided walk around Wat Tyler Park led by Basildon History Society volunteers.The day will conclude with free medieval street entertainment performed on the park greens by the Thameside Mummers.
YOUNG AMBASSADORSWe are delighted to share that T100 Young Ambassadors, children and young people from across Thurrock, have taken the lead to plan walk events for their community members. From questing scavenger hunts of forest school spaces to deep listening walks, there’s an exciting range of walks which focus on areas that the ambassadors are keen to explore on foot. Although not open to the general public, you can see our website for details on what will happen for these!12 13BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT• Get involved with the conversation: #T100GoesWild@t100festivalSound artist, nature beatboxer, producer, DJ, curator, facilitator and performer Jason Singh cultivates and practices a multi-sensory approach to sound and music and will be working with Young Ambassadors on a sound production project during the festival. Jason said: “I am really excited about the sound walks project and working with the young people of Thurrock.I am really looking forward to introduce new listening technologies like hydrophones, geophones, contact microphones and binaural microphones and recording sounds in new ways too. I really can’t wait for us to explore sound, space, technology, ecology and nature together.”Jason SinghYoung Media Team Training Session
YOUNG AMBASSADORSWe are delighted to share that T100 Young Ambassadors, children and young people from across Thurrock, have taken the lead to plan walk events for their community members. From questing scavenger hunts of forest school spaces to deep listening walks, there’s an exciting range of walks which focus on areas that the ambassadors are keen to explore on foot. Although not open to the general public, you can see our website for details on what will happen for these!12 13BOOK YOUR FREE SPACE AT• Get involved with the conversation: #T100GoesWild@t100festivalSound artist, nature beatboxer, producer, DJ, curator, facilitator and performer Jason Singh cultivates and practices a multi-sensory approach to sound and music and will be working with Young Ambassadors on a sound production project during the festival. Jason said: “I am really excited about the sound walks project and working with the young people of Thurrock.I am really looking forward to introduce new listening technologies like hydrophones, geophones, contact microphones and binaural microphones and recording sounds in new ways too. I really can’t wait for us to explore sound, space, technology, ecology and nature together.”Jason SinghYoung Media Team Training Session
T100 wouldn’t be possible without the collaboration, support and ideas of our volunteers, artists and wider partners, who this year include: Arts OutburstLora AzizBasildONBasildon Heritage CentreBug LifeBoom BikesDaubeney FieldsEast Tilbury PrimaryecoACTIVEEssex Book FestivalEstuary FestivalGateway Learning Community Grays Afro Food FestHackney School Of FoodHigh House Community GroupHigh House Production ParkJ D Swann KinetikaKinetika BlocoRSPBRSPB Rainham MarshesSt Michael’s Church, FobbingJason SinghStart ThurrockThurrock Local History Society SWECETThameside MummersThurrock CVSThurrock LGBTQ+ Community Forum Thurrock Young CarersTotally ThamesU-TurnshipsWat Tyler ParkAnd our growing family of local supporters.Thank you!Saturday 22 JuneStarting from Kilverts Field, heading up GraysHigh Street and finishing at Grays Town ParkT100 is 10!Flag Parade 12.30pm to 2.30pmJoin us in celebrating Thurrock’s vibrant creativity and culture as we parade through the heart of Grays town centre! Brace yourself for a whirlwind of movement, music, and Kinetika’s one-of-a-kind flags, crafted by community members from across the local area. Kinetika Bloco will lead the festivities – come and proudly wave a flag as we showcase the diverse spirit of our community!Claim your spot in the parade by emailing simply come along and enjoy the celebrations.See you there!14Image credits: Nicole Artingstall, Alisa Boanta, Peter Bolton, Joan Bullivant, Kristian Buus, ecoACTIVE, Friends of the Earth, Mike Johnston, Mark Massey, Marc Outten, Ali Pretty,RSPB Rainham Marshes, Shutterstock, Bob Stevenson, Mark Surry / Unique Imaging, J D Swann, Thameside Mummers, Thurrock Museum, Underhill Creatives, U-Turnships, Sue YatesGOES WILDFLAGPARADE
T100 wouldn’t be possible without the collaboration, support and ideas of our volunteers, artists and wider partners, who this year include: Arts OutburstLora AzizBasildONBasildon Heritage CentreBug LifeBoom BikesDaubeney FieldsEast Tilbury PrimaryecoACTIVEEssex Book FestivalEstuary FestivalGateway Learning Community Grays Afro Food FestHackney School Of FoodHigh House Community GroupHigh House Production ParkJ D Swann KinetikaKinetika BlocoRSPBRSPB Rainham MarshesSt Michael’s Church, FobbingJason SinghStart ThurrockThurrock Local History Society SWECETThameside MummersThurrock CVSThurrock LGBTQ+ Community Forum Thurrock Young CarersTotally ThamesU-TurnshipsWat Tyler ParkAnd our growing family of local supporters.Thank you!Saturday 22 JuneStarting from Kilverts Field, heading up GraysHigh Street and finishing at Grays Town ParkT100 is 10!Flag Parade 12.30pm to 2.30pmJoin us in celebrating Thurrock’s vibrant creativity and culture as we parade through the heart of Grays town centre! Brace yourself for a whirlwind of movement, music, and Kinetika’s one-of-a-kind flags, crafted by community members from across the local area. Kinetika Bloco will lead the festivities – come and proudly wave a flag as we showcase the diverse spirit of our community!Claim your spot in the parade by emailing simply come along and enjoy the celebrations.See you there!14Image credits: Nicole Artingstall, Alisa Boanta, Peter Bolton, Joan Bullivant, Kristian Buus, ecoACTIVE, Friends of the Earth, Mike Johnston, Mark Massey, Marc Outten, Ali Pretty,RSPB Rainham Marshes, Shutterstock, Bob Stevenson, Mark Surry / Unique Imaging, J D Swann, Thameside Mummers, Thurrock Museum, Underhill Creatives, U-Turnships, Sue YatesGOES WILDFLAGPARADE
KINETIKADESIGN THAT MOVESHow to get involvedwith T100Wave a flag in the 10 years of T100 celebration Flag Parade on 22 June Volunteer with us:Events and projects volunteersWalk leadersGarden volunteersYoung ambassador buddiesMarketing volunteersContact find out moreGOES WILD