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Symposium 36

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COVID STRESS - THE 2ND PANDEMICFebruary 24, 202212:00-2:00pmP R O B L E M S A N D P O T E N T I A L R E S O U R C E SHealthcare Innovation Symposium XXXVI

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12:00-12:05 pm12:05-12:25 pm12:25-12:35 pm12:35-12:45 pmWELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONSPANELIST PRESENTATIONSCOVID STRESS AND VULNERABLE POPULATIONSDeb Houry, MD, MPHActing Principal Deputy DirectorCenters for Disease Control and PreventionFred Sanfilippo, MD, PhDDirector, Emory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation ProgramProfessor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of MedicineProfessor of Health Policy & Management, Rollins School of Public Health IMPACT ON FACULTY AND STAFF STRESS AND WELL-BEINGTim Cunningham, RN, DRPHCo-Chief Well-Being Officer, Emory University Adjunct Associate Professor, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of NursingProgramKEYNOTE SPEAKERCOVID STRESS AND UNDERSERVED COMMUNITIESKisha B. Holden, PhD, MSCRPouissaint-Satcher Endowed Chair in Mental Health, Satcher Health Leadership InstituteProfessor of Psychiatry and Behavioral SciencesMorehouse School of MedicineSTUDENT IMPACT, RESOURCES, AND COGNITIVE BASEDCOMPASSION TRAINING (CBCT)Charles Lane, BAMedical Student Class of 2023Emory University School of MedicineTRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION(TM) TO REDUCE STRESS AND ANXIETYStuart Rothenberg, MDMedical DirectorCenter for ResilienceThe David Lynch Foundation12:45-12:55 pm12:55-1:05 pm

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1:05-1:15 pm1:35-1:45 pm1:15-1:25 pm1:25-1:35 pmPANELIST PRESENTATIONSProgramQ&A WITH PANELISTSEFFECTS OF NON-INVASIVE VAGAL NERVE STIMULATION (VNS)ON STRESSJ. Douglas Bremner, MDProfessor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and RadiologyEmory University School of MedicineStaff Psychiatrist, Atlanta VAMCCOMMUNITY RESILIENCE MODEL (CRM) TO PROMOTE WELL-BEINGLinda Grabbe, PHD, FNP, PMHNPClinical Assistant ProfessorNell Hodson Woodruff School of NursingEmory UniversityMINDFULNESS BASED STRESS RELIEF (MBSR) FOR HEALTHCARE WORKERSDaniel Monti, MD, MBAProfessor and ChairDepartment of Integrative Medicine & NutritionThomas Jefferson UniversityTHE WOODRUFF HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER OFFICE OF WELL-BEINGChad Ritenour, MDCo-Chief Well-Being Officer, WHSCChief Medical Officer, Emory University HospitalProfessor and Vice Chair, Department of Urology1:45-2:00 pm

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Deb Houry, MD, MPHActing Principal Deputy DirectorCenters for Disease Control and PreventionDebra Houry, MD, MPH, is the ActingPrincipal Deputy Director of CDC. Since2014, Dr. Houry served as director of theNational Center for Injury Prevention andControl at CDC. Dr. Houry previouslyserved as an associate professor at EmoryUniversity and emergency physician atGrady Memorial Hospital. Dr. Houry hasparticipated on numerous public healthboards and committees and authoredmore than 100 peer-reviewedpublications and book chapters. She is amember of the National Academy ofMedicine. Dr. Houry received her MD andMPH degrees from Tulane University andcompleted her residency training inemergency medicine at Denver HealthMedical Center.

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Tim Cunningham, RN, DRPHCo-Chief Well-Being OfficerWoodruff Health Sciences Center, Emory UniversityTim Cunningham, RN, DrPH, FAAN is Co-Chief Well-Being Officer at EmoryHealthcare and the Woodruff HealthSciences Center at Emory University. Heholds a joint appointment as adjunctassociate professor at the Nell HodgsonWoodruff School of Nursing at EmoryHealthcare and serves as Vice Presidentof Practice and Innovation for EmoryHealthcare. He collaborates withinterprofessional teams to supportstructural and systemic well-beingchange for healthcare staff andprofessionals, university staff andfaculty, researchers, learners, andcommunity members. His clinicalbackground is emergency nursing, andhis first professional endeavor in healthcare was as a hospital clown with theBig Apple Circus.

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Kisha B. Holden, PhD, MSCRProfessor of Psychiatry and Behavioral SciencesMorehouse School of MedicineKisha B. Holden, PhD, MSCR, is apsychologist and the Poussaint-SatcherEndowed Chair in Mental Health andassociate director of the Satcher HealthLeadership Institute at MorehouseSchool of Medicine. At Morehouse, sheis a professor and director of researchand scholarship for the Department ofPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, andprofessor in the Department ofCommunity Health and PreventiveMedicine. Holden has dedicated her career toencouraging mental health and well-being among ethnically and culturallydiverse families through research,program initiatives, and thedevelopment of innovative strategies forinforming health policies. She hasplaced a special emphasis onaddressing the needs of underservedand underrepresented populations thatare often overlooked, yet prevail incontributing to the myriad of healthdisparities. Holden aims to promoteexcellence in community-based clinicaland translational mental healthresearch, develop innovative programsthat improve accessibility of individuals tocomprehensive health care, anddevelop culturally centered,gender-specific, resilience-based prevention, andintervention models forindividuals at risk fordepression.

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Charles Lane, BAMedical Student Class of 2023Emory University School of MedicineCharles Lane served as a US Navynuclear submarine officer for six yearsbefore starting medical school at EmoryUniversity in 2018. He is a yoga andmeditation instructor, and in 2020 hecompleted his instructor certification inCognitively-Based Compassion Training– a system of contemplative exercisesdesigned to strengthen and sustaincompassion. He has elected to delaymedical school graduation for a year towork on a project that seeks to create aparadigm shift in the content, context,and culture of medical education tomore deliberately train and support theenaction of compassion for self, inter-professional colleagues, and patients.

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Dr. Stuart Rothenberg is national medicaldirector of the TranscendentalMeditation Health ProfessionalsAssociation and Chief Medical Officer ofthe David Lynch Foundation. A fellow ofthe American Academy of FamilyPhysicians, he was a Pulitzer Scholar atColumbia College in New York andreceived his M.D. degree from New YorkUniversity School of Medicine. Dr.Rothenberg was one of the firstphysicians in the U.S. to be trained as ateacher of the TranscendentalMeditation (TM) technique and, over thepast 40 years, has utilized TM extensivelyin clinical practice. He has served asinvestigator and consultant on clinicalresearch on TM and presented onhealthcare applications of TM at medicalschools and research centers bothnationally and abroad. During the pastyear, Dr. Rothenberg has headed up the“Heal the Healers Now” program, anational initiative which offers training inthe TM-based Healthcare ProviderWellness Program to frontline healthcareworkers battling the Covid-19 pandemic. Stuart Rothenberg, MDMedical DirectorCenter for Resilience, The David Lynch Foundation

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Dr. Monti is the founding director andnow chief executive officer of the MarcusInstitute of Integrative Health- JeffersonHealth. He is Professor and foundingChair of the historic, first-everDepartment of Integrative Medicine andNutritional Sciences, Sidney KimmelMedical College, Thomas JeffersonUniversity. Dr. Monti works closely withhis superb colleagues in the institute anddepartment to continuously expand,refine, and define Integrative Medicine atJefferson, including innovative clinicalprograms of excellence, cutting edgemedical education, and world-classresearch. Dr. Monti has dozens of journalpublications, international presentations,and media appearances. His newestbook, Tapestry of Health, was co-writtenwith Dr. Bazzan and was released inAugust 2020. Daniel Monti, MD, MBAProfessor and ChairDepartment of Integrative Medicine & NutritionThomas Jefferson University

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Dr. Grabbe is a board-certified FamilyNurse Practitioner and Psychiatric/MentalHealth Nurse Practitioner. Her clinicalexpertise is in primary care and mentalhealth care, providing the CommunityResilience Model (CRM) training in groupsettings. Her interests include the biologyof trauma and resilience, and socialjustice. Dr. Grabbe is a healthcareprovider with Community AdvancedPractice Nurses, a small non-profitorganization that operates a network ofclinics in Atlanta homeless shelters forwomen, children, and youth. Dr. Grabbe’s research has been withhealthcare workers and women andyouth at risk for mental illness,homelessness, and substance abuse. Hercurrent work demonstrates the positiveimpact of the Community ResiliencyModel during the pandemic oncommunity members, parents, daycareworkers, teachers, and healthcareworkers. Linda Grabbe, PHD, FNP, PMHNPClinical Assistant ProfessorNell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University

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Doug Bremner is a physician, professor,researcher, writer and filmmaker fromAtlanta, Georgia. He is a professor ofpsychiatry and radiology at the EmoryUniversity School of Medicine, Director of theEmory Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit(ECNRU) and Mental Health Research at theAtlanta VA Medical Center. Dr. Bremner moved to Emory from Yale inNovember of 2000 where he spent the first12 years of his career. Dr. Bremner’s researchhas used neuroimaging and neurobiologymeasures to study the neural correlates andneurobiology of posttraumatic stressdisorder (PTSD) related to combat andchildhood abuse, as well as the related areaof depression. His more recent work isexpanding to look at the relationshipbetween brain, behavior, and physical healthincluding studies of neurobiologicalmechanisms involved in the relationshipsbetween stress and depression andcardiovascular disease, as well as the effectsof different treatments for stress-relatedconditions on the brain. His researchincluded studies of the neurobiology andassessment of PTSD, hippocampus andmemory in PTSD and depression, neuralcorrelates of declarative memory andtraumatic remembrance in PTSD, PETmeasurement of neuroreceptor binding inmood and anxiety disorders, neuralcorrelatesof myocardial ischemia, and the effects ofpsychotropic drugs and behavioralinterventions like meditation on brainfunction and structure. His studies using J. Douglas Bremner, MDEmory Vaccine CenterEmory University School of Medicinemagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) toshow smaller hippocampal volume inPTSD are amongst the most highlycited in the field and he recentlyreceived a Millipub Award fromEmory for having a publication citedover 1,000 times. He also wrote anddeveloped and validated severalbehavioral measures that have beenwidely translated and used, includingthe Early Trauma Inventory (ETI) andthe Clinician Administered StatesScale (CADSS). Bremner has worked continuouslythroughout his career as a physicianscientist, with the support of fundingfrom two successive VA CareerDevelopment Awards and two NIMHK24 Awards, VA Merit Review, NIMH,DOD, and various private sources.

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Dr. Chad W. M. Ritenour is currentlyChief Medical Officer for EmoryUniversity Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia,and also provides executive operationaloversight for Perioperative Services,Cardiac Services, Imaging andPharmacy in the hospital. He was alsorecently named Co-Chief Well-BeingOfficer for the Woodruff HealthSciences Center of Emory University. Dr. Ritenour is the Vice Chair ofEducation and Faculty Affairs andProfessor in the Department of Urologyat Emory University School of Medicine.He is the immediate past national Chairof Accreditation Council for GraduateMedical Education (ACGME) ReviewCommittee for Urology and is thecurrent Secretary of the SoutheasternSection of the American UrologicalAssociation. As Director of the Divisionof Men’s Health/Infertility and GeneralUrology, he has worked to developefficient care processes, including useof video-assisted consents for theurologic patient. He previously servedas Interim Chairman for the EmoryDepartment of Urology in 2010-2013and Residency Program Director from2002-2019. Ritenour attended the University ofVirginia as an Echols Scholar andsubsequently received his medicaldegree from the Medical College ofVirginia before completing hisurological surgery training atEmory University. In 2010, heserved as a Fellow in the AmericanUrological Association - JapaneseUrological Association AcademicExchange Program. He was also aFellow in the Woodruff LeadershipAcademy (2005).Chad Ritenour, MDCo-Chief Well-Being OfficerWoodruff Health Sciences Center, Emory University

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Fred Sanfilippo, MD, PhD directs the Emory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation Program,which has a mission to accelerate innovationin healthcare delivery science research,education, and service. He also serves asProfessor of Pathology and LaboratoryMedicine and Health Policy and Managementat Emory, and former Medical Director of theMarcus Foundation. For over 30 years he has been an academicleader at Duke, Johns Hopkins, Ohio State andEmory; serving as a division chief, departmentchair, program/center director, dean, medicalcenter CEO, university senior/executive VP,health system board chair and academichealth center CEO. During that time he hasled organizational and cultural changesyielding improved academic, clinical, andfinancial performance at each institution. Healso led the creation of the US ScientificRegistry of Transplant Recipients; JohnsHopkins Medical Labs; a personalized healthplan (YP4H) at OSU; and novel departmentsand centers in areas ranging from BiomedicalInformatics to Personalized Health andIntegrative Medicine. Sanfilippo received his BA and MS in physicsfrom the University of Pennsylvania, and hisMD and PhD in immunology from Duke,where he also did his residency training,receiving board certification in Anatomic &Clinical Pathology, and Immunopathology. Fred Sanfilippo, MD, PhDEmory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation ProgramEmory UniversityHe has mentored more than 30 graduate student and fellows, servedon 13 editorial boards, publishedover 250 articles, received threepatents, and been awarded over $30million in sponsored research. He hasbeen board chair of five non-profits,and president of seven academic andprofessional organizations includingthe American Society of InvestigativePathology and the American Societyof Transplantation.

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