LiteraryMagazine2 0 2 0SVDP Tales from Green Street
By Jane Vernon, 7thGradeBy: Cameron MacLeod, 7thGradeMy artistic intention was to show how things will avoid earth as of right now. The purple streak is just going right around Earth. Another intention was social distancing. We can see this in my drawing. The streak is keeping at least six feet of distance between them. Because so many people have the Corona-virus, we should continue to wash our hands and keep six feet of distance from others.
Why we love the gameWe love wall ball Hammering skills in Until they are ingrained in the brainThe repetitive, soft pound against the wallWe love sprints that make the lungs burnWe love the face paint We love Homewood Field and The Syracuse DomeWhere legacy is built And respect is earnedWe love the emotional pregame speechPreparing the players, For battleWe love walking out of the tunnel While the sights and sounds arise from the darkness We love the Notre Dame bagpipesWe love the energyIn the air during warmupsWe love the rivalry gamesArmy vs. NavyMaryland vs. Johns HopkinsDuke vs. North CarolinaWe love the next generation at the gamesAs they watch the games with immense joyWe love the growth of the gameAs the number of players stretches from East to WestWe love the legacy of number 22 at Syracuse And number 1 at MarylandWe love the loud sound of the whistle As its loud sound hammers the words“Run, Run, Run” into your earWe love turning the corner, changing direction, and scoring the goalWe love the chess match and the strategy of the gameEach play carefully thought out days before We love the student athletes who work hardWe love the unspoken communication with teammates And team celebrations We love the coaches who pour their heart and soul into the gameScreaming everychancethey get,Spending hours watching and breaking down game film.We love big hitsdelivered cleanlyWe love the sacrifice players make for their teamsAs they risk injury for victoryWe love shooting the ball to paint the corner of the net,The perfect goalWe love chest bumps, fist bumps, and high fivesWe love the smiles that appear whenever you playWe love the national anthem on Memorial Day We love the show of sportsmanship and shaking handsWe love hoisting the trophy high and proudWe love the game of lacrosseWe LoveTheGameGraham O’Brien, 8thGrade
Sam Moore, 4th GradePersonal Narrative
Sam Moore, 4th GradePersonal Narrative
If life is putting you in astrainIf you feel a deep painCaused by the complex workings of brainPlease,Don'tbeafraid To confess or confide the pain you feel insidePleasedon'thide your pain in stealthTalk to somebody you trust and loveA friendKnow there is light on the other sideKnow the pain will endAnd know when you get there you candivide Your life into twoAnd find the mental wealthAnd find your success and strideAndfinallybe at peace like a dove9 | B O O K I S H M A G A Z I N EJoseph McLaughlin, 8thGrade Sebastian Gonzalez-Moore, 8thGradeBasketballEnergetic,fastShooting,defending,cheeringTeammates,coaches,fan,opponents Shouting, thinking, communicating. Fast,excitingHoopsRecycled Bird HouseBy: BrileyMiller, 2ndGradeUntitled Basketball
Sophia Hagan, 8thGradeWaiting
Sophia Hagan, 8thGradeWaiting
I took this photo while on a walk inthe Presidio. My intention was justto take a nice photo of the purplelupin. My family and I were walkingand we found it very beautiful.There is no editing, but I focusedon the flowers in the front rather that the background. I really enjoythis photo, but think the flowersare prettier in real life.Looking UpSea of PurpleI took this photo across thestreet from my house, in theGreenbelt. My intention forthis photo was to get anotherview of nature. This photo wastaken as the sun was setting,and you can see the differentshadows in the tree. I thinkthat this photo gives you adifferent perspective in life,and shows you to look atthings a little differentlysometimes. Photos ByMaggie Strain, 7th Grade
I call this one "Cotton Candy Sky" formany reasons. The main reason is thatsome of the clouds in the photo look likepink and blue cotton candy. I took thisphoto from the house. I thought the skywas pretty so I took a quick photo. There isno editing or adjustments done. Myintention was just to capture the prettysky. Sunset SilouetteCotton Candy SkyMy Intention for this photo wasoriginally to take a nice picturefor my sister. I took this whentrying to figure out where to takeher photo. I found this photo cooland I thought it had cool layers. Idid not edit this photo. It looksgood in its original state. Photos ByMaggie Strain, 7th Grade
Cloudy SkiesThe Lonely TreeUnder the ArchMy intention for this photograph was tocontrast the clear blue sky, with the beautifulcolors and shapes of the clouds. I also wantedto capture the shadows that the clouds castupon the mountains. I liked how the cloudcolors varied because it made for a very prettyscene. The mountain in the background iscalled MountTamalpais. I think it is interestingthat this mountain is so tall that in the picture itlooks like is touching the clouds. I took thisphoto from my deck.My intention for this photograph was to capture theentire tree. I wanted to get the dark shadow thatdevelops on the ground. The shadow that appearson the ground is of the tree branches. The skybehind the tree is very vibrant and helps to balanceout the photo. When I was taking thispictureI madesure to get a good angle so I could see the sunnyand shady parts of the tree. You can see that theleaves in front of the tree are a lot lighter than theleaves in back. The amount of sun exposure the treeleaves receive depends on the position of the sun. Itook this photo from right across my house.Photos BySierra Murphy , 7th GradeMy artistic intention for this photo was tocapture the different colored leaves. I lovehow some look yellow, but others lookgreen. I sat on the floor while taking thisphoto so I could get the below view. Fromthe angle I was at, the sun was reflecting theleaves. As you can see in the picture, theleaves at the top of the arch are brighter. Itook this photo under an arch in front ofmyneighborshouse.
My artistic intention for this drawing was tomake me feel outside. I’m going a little stircrazyright now, so I wanted to draw somethingoutside. I decided on an empty beach becausewhat is better than a private beach with warmwater. I feel that everyone is going stir crazy, soit might be nice for people to see the “Beach”.I’ve never really been a big fan of the beach, butit’s very calming, so that’s why I did it.Cameron MacLeod, 7thGradeAva Sorenson, 7thGrade
Margo Rodgers, 7th GradeIron Talon
Margo Rodgers, 7th GradeIron Talon
Margo Rodgers, 7th GradeIron Talon
9 | B O O K I S H M A G A Z I N EThis is a picture of my “animated”poem assignment. It is about ayoung flower being burnt in thesun. Like my many peers this wasfor our class project and it was anidea that sparked my mind. It tellsa fun and exciting story withoutmany words. It’s just up to yourimagination.This photo is of a beautiful viewand bird. I chose this photobecause it looks very relaxingand calm. The bird is veryunique and makes me feelhappy. The setting reminds meof summer and doing thethings I love with the people Iam missing right now.This photo was from a walk around myneighborhood with my family. This photomade me feel happy because with all thebad things happening in the world somepeople are out there trying to put smilesonpeoplesfaces. My artist intention was tobring happiness to people faces just likehow I felt when I first saw it. I like how thevibrant color of the smiley face stuck out ofthe gray rocks. The smiley face rock isrepresenting me and the people trying tomake the most of quarantine; and theother rocks are representing all the bad inthe world but how I’m not letting it get tome. I like how the person out there put itunder the tree so that it was in theshadows but little pieces of light could peekthrough the trees leaves. Overall, thispicture made me realize that even thoughthere’s so many things happening right nowwe have to always keep a smile on her faceis because we know it will get better.Caterina Ballerini, 7th Grade Brooke Latch, 7th GradeSophie Daters, 7th GradeLily Eugster, 7th GradeThis photo is from a walk I took with my sister. This made me feel veryjoyful because this is outside, and it was fun to bond with my family.This photo inspires me to go outside even in this hard time. My artisticintention was to show how the grass and my feet looked so healthyeven though the world isn't doing well. I loved the contrast from thegrass to the grey sky and my black leggings. It was cool to see part ofthe photo bright and upbeat and the other half dark. I loved how thebackground was blurred because there was a sense of unknown.
My artistic intention in this photo wasto capture the silhouette of the trees.I wanted the sunset to be in thebackground and to emphasize the talltrees. I like how the trees are onecolor, black, and the sunset is warmpink and yellow. I also wanted tocapture the bright blue sky to framethe trees. I took this photo at OceanBeach, and I wanted to show thefeeling of calmness I get when I am atthe beach through this photo.My artistic intention in this photo wasto make the sky the main focus of thephoto. I really like how pretty and bluethe sky looked. This is at the top of amountain in Tahoe. I also likedthe snow capped mountain tops. Ithink the fence adds some texture anddepth to the photo, so I did not crop itout.My artistic intention in this photo was tomake the single pink rose the main focus ofthe photo, but to still have the other rosesand leaves in the picture. I wanted to makethe single rose the focus of the picturebecause I wanted to emphasize the bright,vibrant colors of the petals. Also, I wanted tocapture the rough texture of the leaves. Iwanted to show the entire park, so I tookthe photo from this angle so that the viewerwould see it.My artistic intention for thisphoto was to capture thecityscape and the setting sun.Then I edited the photo to lookalmost like a painting ordrawing. I wanted to make thesky more vibrant to outline thetops of the buildings. I alsowanted to make the brightyellow sun the main pointfocus, so I made it thebrightest. This is a view fromthe bay bridge.Photos By Talia Venchiarutti, 7th Grade
Emma Kiehn, 7th GradePandora
Emma Kiehn, 7th GradePandora
Emma Kiehn, 7th GradePandora
Connor Branham, 7th GradePuzzles
Connor Branham, 7th GradePuzzles
Avery Robins, 7th GradeWart's Life Lesson
Avery Robins, 7th GradeWart's Life Lesson
Taken at Filoli. Filoli is about a 45minutecar ride away. The purpose ofthis picture is to have the green reallybe brought out against the brick. It isalso meant to represent a path thatsomeone can take in life by passingthrough that door. Overall, this is aphoto that I took for viewers toreflect.This is a photo I took at Trinity. Trinityis in Redding, California. The purposeof this picture was to capture the riverrunning down the mountain atsundown. I thought the trees casted anice shadow of the sunlight. I also likethe colors. For example, dark green,light green, blue, and yellow.This photo was taken on Cape Cod. I wantedto take this photo because at the time, blueis my favorite color. I loved how the sunreflected one million diamonds off theocean surface. The clouds also createsomething in the sky that can be anything,anybody wants them to be. The wavescreate dimension in the photo.This photo was taken on Star Island, NewHampshire. Not only isisgorgeous, it holds a lot offun memories. For example, my friend Kaitlyn wasalmost pooped on by aseagull. The purpose of thisphotograph is to demonstrate pure prettiness. Therigid rocks, against the soft green grass, with thepurple water. Although it does not look like it, thewater that is in the island like this, is actuallypurple.Photos By Kit Vernon, 8th Grade
I took this photo because I liked howthe tree looked. I also liked how thepink trees were in the background. Ithought that it looked interesting. Thecolors were nice because they are sodifferent, but they still blendedtogether. I also liked how the tree wasleaning to one side.I noticed these trees because they aredifferent colors. I thought it lookedinteresting how there were two greentrees and three pink ones. I liked howdifferent the colors were. The spacingof the trees also caught my attention. Itook this picture because it lookedunusual and because I haven’t lookedat trees a lot lately.All of the pictures I took were of nature. Thereason was because we don’t go outside alot during quarantine. I took this picture ofsome flowers because I haven’t seen themfor a while since I was stuck at home. I wentoutside today, so I took this picture so that Icould enjoy the flowers when I was backinside. I liked the way they looked when Isaw them, so I wanted to save this memorywith a picture of the flowers.I took this photo on my way back home from thestore. Just like the previous photo, I liked how thepink and green colors created a lot of contrast. Itook this photo because the pink tree and thegreen bushes kind of layered on top of each other.I thought that the bush in the bottom left cornerwas interesting because there is some distancebetween it and the bushes and they were bothalmost the same color. However, I noticed how theleaves were shaped very differently, and it wasinteresting how things could share the same color,and still be so different.Photos By VictoriaBabitskaya, 7thGrade
I decided to take a picture of my tree outsidemy house. I decided to put the watercolor filteron on the tree because the most often work Isee of watercolors is in nature. I also wantedviewers to see the background. I wanted this tohappen because there is no one there becauseof the shelter in place in San Francisco. I alsowanted to put the tree lights on so the treewould stand out because that was my subject.In this photo a took a picture of myMagnolia tree in my backyard. I put acamcorder filter on the tree. I do thisbecause I wanted viewers also to seethe bamboo. This filter made thebamboo stand out my stretching outthe bamboo. I also took this photo atan angle to make the tree way biggerthan the bamboo.Watercolor TreeCamcorder TreePhotos By Jack Brilliant, 7thGrade
This is called the pathway because there is alight at the end. That light represents goodstuff. It is also showing if you chose the rightpath to follow good things will happen. It alsoshows that God is there with you helping youdo right. This photo was edited a little bychanging the light. I also edited it by changingthe angle.This is called the flowers because theyare flowers. I took a picture of this toshow happiness during this pandemic. Ialso took this photos to show Gods'creations. That God madethem to makeus happy. Also it is showing that Godtry’ing to make us happy by makingthings and we don’t even know it. Thatis the fliers photo and why I took it.The PathwayThe FlowersPhotos By Tyler Hurley, 7thGrade
News stories with words teenager and challengesome dangerous thingEating liquid detergent podsSetting themselves on firenot a smart thing to doThis however is differentAround the worldEncouraging teens to do something constructiveFacebook,Instagram,Reddit,andTwitterReaching every corner of the world#trashtag and #BasuraChallenge“Let’s go humanity!”Our responsibilityKeep our planet clean“#trashtagchallenge”Inspired by the words of “ a new challenge thatencourages teenagers to do something good”SunMassive,warmNourishing,Pleasing,brighteningSpace, Solar System,Orbit, ShineShining CalmingWaningFull, half,crescentMoonSolar systemPoems BySebastian Gonzalez-MooreLlama in the DesertEfuaEssien, 3rdGrade
I cI choose the photo of my light pink flowers becausetheflowers are a very pretty pink color and they are verybeautiful. Also we have had these flowers for as long as Ican remember and they only grow once a year. The flowersjust started to bloom like a week ago, and they are sobeautiful, I just had to capture them. I chose that filterbecause it brightened the green leaves and made the pinkpop more. I choose the photo of the purple flower because purple is myfavorite color and the color of the flower is so beautiful and sobright. The flowers are relatively new we got them beforequarantine and they have bloomed into this magnificent flowerthat is so colorful. I also chose to take a picture of it becausewhen I walked into my backyard the sun had hit the flowerperfectly and brightened the purple. I chose the filter to bringout the brightness of the purple and the darkness of the greenleaves behind.I took this photo in a field in theGolden Gate Park while I waswalking my dog,. I stopped totake this because I love howpretty the yellow is and theshape of the flower. I havenever seen a flower with thisshape on it and I found it to bereally pretty. Also it shows thewhite daises in the backgroundwhich brighten up the yellowflowers. Photos ByMaggieFannon, 8thGrade
Nature likes to hideitselfIs what many of us thinkBut in our starkreality We are hiding nature itselfThroughoutour tall andmagnificentConcrete junglesOn the groundNo dirt can be seenNo nature is to be foundNot a tree insightNor birds chirping soundOr anything greenAll has been roundUp By our big machinesDestroyedSo nature has chosen to hide itself awayUntil ushumans leave forgood And never come another dayBlueOfdeep vastoceansFilled with infinite spans of lifeBlueOf an endless skyWhich contain our breath of lifeBlueOf my mothers eyesWhich are the core of her beautyBlueOf emotional breakdowns and tearsWhich open me up to othersBlueOf the color of myhouse And most importantly its where I call homeBlueLife is like a trailYou can run through itNot stopping to see the beautyOf nature around youOr you canwalk slowlyEmbracing and appreciating the birds and treesAs you move along the trailMany different paths revealthemselvesThese are the choices you makeThat lead you to your finaldestinationAs you take each stepYou move forward as life doesAs you take your laststeps On the trail and in LifeSunflowerStarting from the groundRoots sprouting up to the skySunflowerDeep green leaves burst out Giving the plantlifeCollecting water and sun lightSunflowerYellow flowers burstout Like a sunset falling over the horizonEach pedalrepresenting a pieceOf BeautySunflower Black seeds create a vortexIn the middle of each flowerSpreading untilA new flower is bornSun FlowerUntitled BlueUntitledSunflowerPoems BYJoey McLaughlin, 8th Grade
The crashing waves, the endless sky, the towering palm trees Blue, crystal-like, reflecting the sunStretching for miles and milesThe great ocean filled with creaturesFrom small fish with skin reflecting the ocean’s great colors,to Great White sharks, roaming the ocean.The crashing waves, the endless sky, the towering palm treesThe crashing waves, the endless sky, the towering palm treesThe only color in the sky for miles, a burst of pinkThe occasional cloud adding beauty to the sky-high landscapeThe pink beauty resting behind the dormant volcanoThat once eruptedIn vibrant orange and redThe crashing waves, the endless sky, the towering palm treesThe crashing waves, the endless sky, the towering palm treesGreen, strong trunks, the size of tanks, swayingLook through the leavesThe blue sky behindLow hanging, high hangingSweet coconutsThe crashing waves, the endless sky, the towering palm treesThe crashing waves, the endless sky, the towering palm treesAll threeComponents to a beautiful islandWhere millions of people come to relaxAnd take in the island's beautyThe crashing waves, the endless sky, the towering palm treesArrive, suspense in the airNot knowing what will happenNot knowing what the ocean has in store for usGet on the wetsuitSeeing everyone so far from shorePreparing for what's to comeFear runs inside my bodyLie on the boardPractice the stances“On your stomach, on your knees, slowly rise”We enter the water, not cold not warmJust rightThe sand between our toesThe small poke of shellsWebeginPaddlingpaddlingpaddlingIt goes on foreverArms tired, stomach hurts and the harsh sunKnees, neck, and face,Intensely burning from the heat pushing down on usWhen we reach our destination we turn the boardAdrenaline pumping heart-stopping energy,Coursing through our veinsWe stop and admire the viewA yellow ball, radiating light, shining on all of usThe blue sky, stretching on for milesWe then focus on our goal,Wait for a wave to catch.When the time comes we get readyClosing in on us, the wave splashing and loomingOver our headsWe push off, paddle out and get up“On your stomach, on your knees, slowly rise”When we've completed what we've startedWe head back and do it again.For our clothes, our bodiesFor our crops, our land, our foodFor flourishing the land, with rich soilFor cleaning the produceSitting on the dinner tableA running shower,The hands on the clock moving fastWe don’t notice until our crops are shriveledOur clothes and bodies are dirtyThe soil is dryWater is everythingWater is lifeIf we squander our waterThere won't be any leftThe Beauty of the Island Surfing the Endless Blue WavesThe SunWaterPoems ByHansen Whipps, 8th Grade
Oh, mighty blanketso soft and so light like a bunnywith the tiny holes around my fingerwhich comfort meOh, mighty blanketwith your soft teal yarnwhich makes me happyoh, how I think of joyful memoriesOh, mighty blanketyou look as blue as the oceanwhen I sleep I feel you slithering like a snake on my bunkbeduntil you fall down the latterOh, mighty blanketyou help me sleep betterwhen you are in sightyou bring me great delightNicholas Rosenberg, 5thGradeBlanketMy favorite from thingis from the quarantineIs beige and whiteAnd snuggly all nightHe sits on my feetAnd licks them like meat.He snores and he fartsAs I’m trapped in the darkAllIcan do is smell his poo.I laugh and gagWho would have thought?A French bulldogCould smell so bad.UntitledLewis Fannon, 5thGradeOh, color pink, oh color pink, How I'd love that fine pink ink.It isn't that mink but it's fine pink ink.Oh, color pink, oh color pink, how I'd love that fine pink drink.I mustn't think about that fine pink drink or I might just blink.Oh, color pink, oh color pink,Oh, how I want that fine color pink, I’ll wink or blink at that fine color pink. But let's hope my passion for that fine color pink doesn’t shrink.PinkChloe Cotter, 5th GradeChloe Cotter, 5th Grade
I am from slightly deflated basketballs, from Spalding 28.5 ‘s and Wilson 29.0’sFrom cold red carbon steal sitting in my garage wayit’s shiny rim reflecting against the sun.I am from the green bushes and tall trees blowing in the gusty wind in front of my house and the loud parrots hovering above.From green grapes on New Years Eve and loud laughter,from Abu and PopPop, and sarcasm.I am from the never being late and forgetting things.from “believe to receive” and “always get back up”.I am from the Our Father, and Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God.I am from the salty city by the bay, from the turquoise Atlantic and the warm Mediterranean , from over cooked paella’s, sizzling in the sun , and crispy corn dogs at Great America .From the time my dad popped my shoulder out on the beach, us rushing to the nearest tent to pop it back it and the loving of Abu.I am from the boxes stacked among the shelves holding on to the memoriesover time, some lost some still in my head.Sebastian Gonzalez-Moore, 8th GradeI Am FromThis is a photo of Downtown SanFrancisco. It was taken in theafternoon while it was rainning, butsunny. That is what caused tharainbow. Bay Brandon, 8th Grade
I have eaten your vanilla cake.It was so tempting.When I came homefrom my tournamentmy stomach needed food.When I walked inI just saw that amazing cake.It was like it spoke to me.When I openedthat cover it waslike it was tempting me.I will have to admit,your hiding spotwas horrible.Just on the counteris such an obvious placeand you shouldn’t haveleft it there.I just couldn’t resist the temptation.And which youwere saving thiscake to eat after dinner.First it wasone piece and thenit became two, then three.After that I couldn’tcount the amount of servings I had.Then it hit me,I ate the whole cake.Forgive me, it was so light, fluffy, and deliciousBaseballFun, ExhaustingAlways competitive, Tires you out, Can take up a weekendRunning the bases, Throwing nasty curves, Finding gaps, Scoring consistentlyWatching close games, Visiting different stadiums, Many teamsEntertaining, CompetitiveBaseballNever Resting Weekends A Terrible Hiding SpotWith fun teachers and classmatesThe laughter never stopsMany people make the day betterAnd classes with eighth grade swapsThere is lots you remember foreverSchoolPoems ByAidan KlingelhofferDeirdre Kenny, 7th Grade
My artistic intention for my avocado was tocapture my feeling for it when I first saw it. Thisdrawing is of my giant avocado plush that I gotatBooksinc.One time, I was going to my housewith a friend, and we saw a lot ofplushesin thewindow. Being curious, we walked in, and thiswas oneofthe first pushes that I saw. This wasmy first feeling of “OH MY GOSH! I NEED THIS INMY LIFE RIGHT NOW!”. Ever since then, I’ve keptit near me when I hang out in my room, andwhen I do homework.In this photo, I took a photo of my basketballshoes. I took a photo of them in the comicbook filter. I liked this filter because it madeeverything in the photo vibrant and standout. Iput my shoes on my red and blue carpet. I didthis because my shoes are red and blue andthought the background would look cool. By: Jack Brilliant, 7th GradeCameron MacLeod- 7thgrade
Isabella Moore, 4th GradeOver Mount-Cook on a Horse
Isabella Moore, 4th GradeOver Mount-Cook on a Horse
Isabella Moore, 4th GradeOver Mount-Cook on a Horse
Finn Gilbert,7th GradeJoaquin Vasquez, 7thGradeLaila Muller,7th Grade
This is a sculpture of my dog. I decided not to paint this piece because it would take awayfrom the image. I used sceulpting tools, my hands, toothpicks, and air dry clay. This picture of Gretel is when she is looking up tome. She sees what I am doing, and wants me topay attention to her. When I finally do, she wagsher tail and hits books onto the floor. Hermassive tail is like her massive personality. Italways knocks people off the table. Here, I see her nose. She is putting it up tomy face to say hi. But also to say "Eloise, Iwant you're eating!" She is the most caringdog in the world. She knows when to beaffectionate, and when to hold back. Eloise Stone, 7th Grade
It’s called the stained glass window because it is one. Thispicture was taken in the backyard of my uncles house. Thisstain glass window is there because his uncle made themso he installed one in his backyard. This is part of faithbecause you will see them outside of churches which iswhere you pray. That’s the stained glass window.My intention was to remind others of the purpose ofJesus. Jesus was there to forgive us of our sins. Hesacrificed himself so that we may have a chance to joinGod in his kingdom. We must never take his sacrificefor granted. We must live a good holy life like Jesusand God wanted. We can live a holy life by praying andgoing to mass. If we don’t, all that agony Jesus enduredwas for nothing.EfuaEssien, 3rdGrade Ella Kummer, 4th GradePhotos ByAshley Villing, 7th Grade
This has to do with faith because it has all of God’s rules forus. It also holds facts and versus about our faith. I took thisbecause it is the book of god. I also took this photobecause my action was faith and the Bible is all about faith.That is the photo of the Bible.The risersisa chain of beadsthat each have a prayer. I choseto take a picture of it because this is how our faith talks to god.It is also how our faith prays sometimes. This rosary wascustoms made for me for my first communion. That is why Ichose the rosary beadsIt’s called the stained glasswindow because it is one. Thispicture was taken in thebackyard of my uncles house.This stain glass window is therebecause his uncle made themso he installed one in hisbackyard. This is part of faithbecause you will see themoutside of churches which iswhere you pray. That’s thestained glass window. Photos ByTyler Hurley, 7thGrade