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2021-2022 Sustainability Report UK

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Discover what green can do 2021-2022 Sustainability ReportUnforgettable holidays with a positive impact

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Discover what green can do - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 2 .2021-2022 Sustainability ReportTable of Contents12 43 5Vision and strategyGreen Key Energy and wasteForewordHealthy nature People and naturePage 4 Page 10 Page 22 Page 3 Page 13 Page 33

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2021-2022 Sustainability ReportForewordDiscover what green can do - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 3 .This Sustainability Report for the years 2021 and 2022 shows how Landal GreenParks takes its responsibility when it comes to sustainable and engaged business. We have opted to draw up an accessible and readable report on the steps we have taken in achieving our sustainable ambitions during the reporting period. As Landal GreenParks, we want to provide unforgettable holidays, with a positive impact on nature, the region, people and the climate. All our holiday parks are in the heart of nature. We want our guests to experience tranquillity, space and nature. That is precisely why we want to cherish and protect that nature. Sustainability and engaged business are about more than just preventing negative environmental impact. We also demonstrate our commitment to sustainable relationships in caring for our employees, in our commitment to the region around the parks and our social entrepreneurship.We realise that there is a certain conflict between providing luxury and comfort for our guests and the impact on the (natural) environment and climate. Our ambitious sustainability programme is our compass in our daily operations. Nature and climate conservation measures go hand in hand with our commitment to maximum guest satisfaction and providing an unforgettable holiday experience without making our guests feel ill at ease.The programme focuses on four areas: biodiversity, energy, waste and education. These are the areas where the impact we can make with our operations and the measures to be taken are the greatest or can make the difference in preserving nature and the climate. Our employees are the ones who make Landal GreenParks 'green'. We continue unabated with our programme that takes us step by step closer to our goal of being CO2 neutral by 2030.Back to table of contents

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1. Vision and strategy - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 4 .Vision and strategy2021-2022 Sustainability ReportSustainability is a strategic ambition1Back to table of contents

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Discover what green can do Unforgettable holidays with a positive impact Landal GreenParks is a leading provider in the management, maintenance and rental of holiday parks. It operates more than a hundred parks in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. In total it has almost 15,000 holiday accommodations and 1,000 camping pitches. Every year, we welcome more than 3.2 million guests who spend 15.6 million overnight stays at our parks. As Landal GreenParks, we want to provide unforgettable holidays, with a positive impact on nature, the region, people and the climate. All our holiday parks are in the heart of nature. We want our guests to experience tranquillity, space and nature. During their holidays, they discover what green can do, and we encourage our guests and their children to take home an awareness of nature and the environment. We feel connected to nature and want to preserve it. Green is good for us, therefore we are good for green. We recognise that there is some conflict there. We try to make as little impact as possible on the (natural) environment when providing luxury and comfort for our guests. Sustainability is one of the strategic pillars for fulfilling the ambition of Landal GreenParks, which is to be the most dedicated provider of unforgettable holidays in beautiful surroundings, with committed employees, trusted by homeowners and appreciated by our guests. Sustainability programmeOur operations and measures to preserve nature and the climate go hand in hand with our commitment to maximum guest satisfaction and providing an unforgettable holiday experience. Our guests have fun and enjoy the surrounding area without feeling ill at ease. For us, sustainable and engaged business is not an afterthought but the way to work and therefore firmly embedded in our daily operations. Four focal areas have been identified in the sustainability programme: • Biodiversity• Energy• Waste • EducationThese are the areas where the impact of our operations and actions to be taken are the greatest or where we can make a difference in conserving nature and the climate. In each of these four focal areas, the programme gives our employees objectives and tools to do their tasks. We constantly raise the bar and inspire everyone in our organisation to think and act sustainably. It is our 3,100-plus employees in all departments and locations in all countries who make Landal GreenParks 'green' and bring us step by step closer to our goal of being CO2 neutral by 2030. In developing the programme, we will follow two tracks: 1. save and reduce;2. invest in green initiatives, projects and partnerships where they are possible and effective.Vision and strategy 2030 CO2 neutral CO2 Ambi-tion1. Vision and strategy - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 5 .

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Direct and indirect impactOur park portfolio includes more than 100 parks in nine countries. At some of these parks, Landal GreenParks is responsible for both the rental of the accommodation and full management and operations. At these so-called 'management parks', employees are employed by Landal GreenParks, and we are responsible for investing in renewal and further development. The other parks that carry the Landal GreenParks brand are owned by (often private) investors who, as owners, invest in a holiday home. Landal GreenParks supports these 'privately-owned parks' in the rental of accommodation.Our sustainability programme applies to the entire organisation and all parks. At the management parks, we have direct influence on the implementation of measures from the programme. Our influence is indirect at the privately-owned parks. There, we share our knowledge on sustainability with the owners and we support and encourage them to work sustainably. Conversely, we learn from the initiatives taken at the privately-owned parks. In this report, we primarily highlight the sustainability activities undertaken at our management parks and support offices. 1. Vision and strategy - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 6 .Vision and strategy

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1. Vision and strategy - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 7 .Green KeyWe set high basic standards in terms of sustainability for our parks. Although each park is different, we apply the same sustainability yardstick to almost all of them. We are a member of Green Key, the international sustainable standard for businesses in the tourism and recreation industry. Every year, Green Key conducts independent audits at our parks in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Denmark and the United Kingdom and certifies those that meet the ambitious sustainability, environmental and corporate social responsibility requirements. These requirements also reflect the four focal areas of Biodiversity, Energy, Waste and Education (see page 5). More on Green Key in the next chapter (see page 10). In addition to the Green Key audits, sustainability audits are also conducted as part of the compliance audits, for example on biodiversity.Vision and strategy

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Sustainable procurementFor our procurement department, sustainable ambitions are important criteria when shaping procurement needs and choosing the right supplier. After all, suppliers play a crucial role in maintaining and improving our sustainable ambitions. We want to do business with vendors and suppliers who share our values, follow all applicable legislation and regulations, comply with our principles and have similar principles themselves. Working across a wide range of procurement categories (from software licences to fish and from constructing bowling alleys to renovating entire lodges), each procurement project requires a different approach and different sustainability aspects are important. When selecting suppliers, we assess whether our ambitions can be met and ask potential suppliers to clarify their operations and policies. These ambitions and requirements are then established in the agreement with the selected supplier. Part of the agreement is a signed Landal GreenParks Supplier Code of Conduct. Landal GreenParks Supplier Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct describes the starting points and basic principles of ethically responsible (sustainable) behaviour. We have divided this Code of Conduct into three categories: • Environmental: suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental codes, legislation, rules and regulations in the place where they operate and ensure they obtain and maintain all necessary environmental permits and registrations to conduct their business.• Social: Landal GreenParks supports promoting the 10 universally accepted principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption as well as the 17 sustainable development goals. Moreover, Landal respects the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and expects the same from suppliers. • Governance: doing business in a fair, equitable, cooperative and transparent manner is the cornerstone of long-term business relationships for Landal GreenParks. Our suppliers are expected to act with the highest standard of integrity when doing business for or on behalf of Landal. They must comply with legal requirements relating to fair competition and accurate marketing, and handle competitive and proprietary information confidentially, lawfully and with integrity. During the collaboration, our contract management monitors whether the supplier adheres to the established ambitions and code of conduct. 1. Vision and strategy - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 8 .Vision and strategy

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Sustainable new constructions Sustainability is a key pillar in new park construction projects. In our Set of Requirements (SoR) for both the expansion of existing parks and completely new constructions, there is a chapter containing the requirements that all parks must meet. This is how we ensure sustainability at every park and fulfil our sustainable promise. We distinguish between 'must-haves', requirements that are non-negotiable and must be complied with at all times, and 'nice-to-haves', requirements that are recommendations.Examples of must-haves• Emission-free heating and cooking used in all properties; • The accommodation has a 'green button' at the front door. When this button is pressed, the electrical power supply is disconnected from all electrical appliances (except for the fridge, and other appliances that require a continuous power supply);• In the accommodation and at the park, waste can be separated into four different types; • For every 100 beds, there will be 25 birdhouses, 10 trees, 2 raptor boxes and 2 charging stations installed at the park. Examples of nice-to-haves:• Accommodation does not have an indoor or outdoor fireplace; • When constructing roads/paths, permeable paving is used instead of asphalt;• The park has a natural playground;• Rainwater is not discharged via the sewer, but channelled to areas at the park that are intended for this purpose (so-called ‘wadis’);• The accommodation has heat recovery on shower water.Moreover, we are constantly experimenting with new measures, innovation and technology to make sustainability strides at our parks.Sustainable Action KitOur sustainability programme has been translated specifically for the parks into a practical 'Sustainable Action Kit' that includes a 'Sustainable Menu' and a Biodiversity Measures List. Both offer a wide range of measures that parks will work on. You can read more about this in the chapter Green Key - Sustainability at the parks. With the measures from the Sustainable Menu, the road to becoming CO2 neutral is manageable, tangible and achievable. The menu also acts as a kind of flywheel: all the parks are working on initiatives on all four focus points mentioned above at the same time.This is how we measure our impactThere are several international standards for companies to measure climate impact. We measure according to the 'Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol - Corporate Value Chain Accounting and Reporting Standard'. We measure all direct emissions, plus the emissions from our electricity consumption. That means we measure our energy consumption for things like heating, equipment, lighting and fuel for cars and air travel of our employees, for example. CO2 is not the only impact we as a company have on our environment. We also measure how much raw material we use, how much waste we generate and how much water we consume.Three themesWe have compiled the sustainable initiatives and measures we have taken in the past year and their results in the following themes, each of which we present in one of the following chapters:1. We invest in healthy nature: we strengthen biodiversity in and around our parks and manage water consciously and in a sustainable way.2. We reduce and make our energy consumption more sustainable and pursue an active waste reduction and recycling policy. 3. We contribute to the happiness of people: of guests, of partners in the surrounding area and of our employees.1. Vision and strategy - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 9 .Vision and strategy

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2. Green Key - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 10 Green Key2021-2022 Sustainability ReportSustainability at our parks2Back to table of contents

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Green Key programmeGreen Key is the global sustainability standard for businesses in the hotel, tourism and recreation industry. Guests can recognise companies participating in the Green Key programme by the green key. The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) manages the Green Key programme. The global organisation is responsible for the guidelines, procedures and sustainable requirements on which participating companies are assessed. For each country, there are implementing partners, who adapt the requirements, based on local legislation and regulations, where necessary. In the Netherlands, the implementer is Stichting KMVK (Foundation for Environmental, Safety and Quality) , an alliance of HISWA-RECRON, ANWB, Koninklijke Horeca Nederland and the operatorin the United Kingdom is Keep Britain Tidy. RequirementsThe Green Key requirements cover the following aspects: management, communication, social involvement, water, cleaning, waste, energy, construction and green spaces, mobility, food and drink, sustainable procurement and textiles.The Green Key standard is linked to the 2015-2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). More background information on Green Key and the SDG can be found here. There are mandatory and optional requirements in each category. Mandatory requirements include environmental legislation and regulations, eco-friendly packaging, preventing food waste and energy-saving measures. The optional requirements go a step further. These include, for example, offering sustainability training to employees, charging points for electric cars and bicycles, offering additional Fairtrade products and analysing guest satisfaction. The Netherlands tightened several requirements in 2022, including on saving energy, lighting and water conservation. New requirements have also been added such as reducing small food packaging and collecting, disposing and processing PMD (plastic, metal packaging and drink cartons) waste separately.Audits and certificationA third party with independent inspectors conducts an annual audit on behalf of the national partners. This involves on-site checks at participating businesses on their compliance with the set of sustainability requirements. Before the inspector comes, the park enters the self-inspection into the online Green Key system. Points can be scored for each of the requirements. The number of points achieved determines whether the Green Key certificate is awarded and, furthermore, in the Netherlands, whether the certificate is bronze, silver or gold. The certificate is valid for two years. Landal GreenParks received its first Green Key certificates in 2012. In mid-2022, the position is as follows: Overview of Green Key (Global) certification in mid-2022Landal GreenParks is proud to have achieved Gold certification for all its parks in the Netherlands in 2022 and is committed to maintaining these 'gold keys'. Status in mid-2022, num-ber of parksNL B D A/CH CZ/HU DK UKIn portfolio 59 3 12 8 2 7 9With valid Green Key(Global) certificate 50 3 10 8 1 6 9With Gold Certificate 50 - - - - -With Silver Certificate 0 - - - - -With Bronze Certificate 0 - - - - -In certification process(new parks)9 - 2 - 1 -Not certified 1 (HU) due to change in legislative provisions2. Green Key - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 11Green Key - Sustainability at our parks

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Sustainable practice at the parksEach park has a 'Green Team', consisting of several employees from different departments who work on sustainability and Green Key certification. Their task is to continue to bring sustainability to the attention of other colleagues, for example during staff meetings. The Green Teams usually meet quarterly to discuss initiatives and ideas together. Every other year, each park has a Green Key audit. Prior to the independent inspector's visit, the park does a self-audit. To this end, each park has access to the Green Key website where the checklist of Green Key requirements is completed and supporting documentation is added. During the on-site inspection, the inspector checks all this. Martijn Belt, General Manager at Landal Rabbit Hill: ‘Green Key’ is a reminder for me and all of us at the park to work on sustainability every day. Therefore, not only in the audit year, but also in the interim in daily practice. In the interim year, we do our own audit to see if we meet new or more stringent requirements with our initiatives that will allow us to complete the next audit well and prolong our certificate. At our park this year, for instance, we started an experience garden, involving guests in various ways. For example, with information signs about the animals and plant species present in and around the park, a barefoot path and wildlife habitat piles made by guests themselves. Last year, we also participated in the national NL-Schoon (NL Clean) campaign and the Landal Harvest Weekend where, in collaboration with Meer Bomen Nu (More Trees Now), we harvest young seedlings from trees to give them a better place elsewhere. The key is to inform guests and introduce them to our sustainability initiatives in a casual way. We inform homeowners about our sustainable initiatives during the general members meeting. Sustainability MenuWe have developed an interactive Sustainable Menu to support parks in taking impactful sustainable measures. This 'menu' consists of several suggestions that inspire park boards and park managers to implement sustainable initiatives in the areas of biodiversity, energy conservation, waste management and education, from small initiatives to large/larger interventions. The aim is to streamline sustainability efforts at Landal GreenParks, make the road to CO2 neutral tangible, manageable and achievable for the parks, and thus realise impact with all the parks together. The menu also acts as a kind of flywheel: all the parks are engaged in initiatives on all four focal points simultaneously. Each initiative is accompanied by a brief explanation and icons showing the focal area of the initiative, the costs or investments involved and the payback period. Parks can retrieve more information or contact the suppliers directly via links. Examples include solar outdoor lighting, charging stations, patio furniture made of fully recycled materials, insect hotels, reusable packaging, construction of wildlife habitat piles and mow-free fields, etc. Guest ratingHow do guests rate the sustainable initiatives they have encountered during their stay at our holiday parks, and how does this rating relate to the holiday experience and holiday enjoyment? For each park and for the central organisation, the answers to these questions are an important indicator. Are we on the right track or do we need to make adjustments? At the end of each stay, guests are given the opportunity to rate their stay on many aspects such as hospitality, cleaning, information and sustainability. Sustainable operationsLandal GreenParks' ambition is to operate climate-neutral parks by 2030. The Green Key requirements help us secure sustainability in our operations. Green Key is not an end in itself, but a useful tool and a gauge to monitor progress. 2. Green Key - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 12 Green Key - Sustainability at our parksMEER INFORMATIE?SUSTAINABILITY mail naar: Wil je meer weten over duurzaamheid? Scan dan de QR Code om onze E-Learning te volgen.Duurzaamheid zit in ons DNA. Om onze inspanningen op elkaar af te stemmen en de volgende stap te zetten, hebben we vier impactgebieden geïdentificeerd waar we ons de komende jaren op willen gaan richten. Dit menu helpt je daarbij en dient als one-stop-shop voor de sustainability reis op jouw park. Elk initiatief draagt bij aan minimaal één van de impactgebieden. Eet smakelijk en laat het ons weten als je vragen hebt! Jouw Landal Sustainability team Tuinieren op stro heeft een aantal voordelen: doordat de planten op de strobalen groeien, ben je niet afhankelijk van de bodem en hebben onkruid en bodemziekten weinig kans. Hommels en wilde bijen daarentegen profiteren van het stro, omdat ze een natuurlijke schuilplaats vinden.Materiaal € 300• Verbetert biodiversiteit• Edutainment voor onze gasten• Goed sustainability verhaalENERGieEen van onze grootste impacts, is ons energieverbruik. We moeten minder CO2 uitstoten en onze verantwoordelijk nemen bij het stoppen van klimaatverandering. Door over te schakelen van fossiele naar hernieuwbare energiebronnen, onze energiebehoefte te beperken en zelf energie op te wekken, dragen we bij aan het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs.BIODIVERSITEITDe natuur is erg goed voor ons en daarom doen wij metliefde wat terug. Onze parken liggen midden in de natuur en maken deel uit van wie wij zijn. Door op al onze parken actie te ondernemen en naast onderdak te bieden aan onze gasten, dieren, planten en insecten zich ook thuis te laten voelen, dragen wij bij aan de veerkracht van onze natuurlijke omgeving. Zonder natuur geen Landal GreenParks, daarom werken we samen met moeder aarde!EDUCATIEWe hebben de wereld niet van onze ouders geërfd, we hebben haar geleend van onze kinderen. Door gasten, medewerkers, partners en de kinderen op onze parken te informeren over het belang van duurzaamheid, realiseren we blijvende verandering voor de toekomst. Wij voorzien in informatie en bieden een handelingsperspectief aan alle stakeholders, zodat we Landal GreenParks en de wereld, samen verduurzamen. AFVALWe leven op een eindige wereld met eindige bronnen en dat betekent dat we twee keer na denken voordat we spullen weggooien. Als we spullen weggooien, moeten we ervoor zorgen dat we zoveel mogelijk waarde daarvan behouden. Daarom willen we, samen met onze gasten, onderhoudsafdelingen en F&B outlets, proberen om minder afval te genereren, beter te scheiden en te recyclen.SUSTAINABILITY MENUSTROBALEN TUINHet plaatsen van nestkasten voor uilen en andere vogels vormt jouw natuurlijke ongediertebestrijdingsdienst. Voor zangvogels staan (eiken) rupsen op het menu en uilen maken het leven voor muizen en ratten zuur. Naast kostenbesparingen kun je ook nachtsafari’s aanbieden (uilen) en ontvang je bovendien gratis fluitconcerten. Dat is wat extra biodiversiteit voor je doet!Vanaf € 15 / stuk• Vermindert overlast van muizen en rupsen• Edutainment voor onze gasten• Verbetert biodiversiteitUILENKASTEN EN VOGELHUISJESVoedselverspilling tegengaan en mensen die het minder hebben een fatsoenlijke maaltijd aanbieden, daar dragen we graag ons steentje aan bij. Neem contact op met je plaatselijke voedselbank en verzoek je gasten om producten met een lange houdbaarheid bij het vertrek in te leveren.Verkoop bovendien de producten die tegen THT-datum aanzitten via de simpele App van Too Good To Go. Verpak eenvoudig je onverkochte goederen in ‘Magic Bags’ en verkoop ze (in plaats van weg te gooien). Verdien geld met het tegengaan van verspilling en verbind je met je lokale gemeenschap.• Bestrijdt voedselverspilling• Verbetert de marges• Goed sustainability verhaal• Verhoogt bewustzijn over voedselverspillingNeem contact op via mail voor meer info DE VOEDSELBANK / TOO GOOD TO GO Voedselverspilling tegengaan en mensen die het minder hebben een fatsoenlijke maaltijd aanbieden, daar dragen we graag ons steentje aan bij. DE VOEDSELBANK / TOO GOOD TO GO Het creëren van bewustwording over voedselverspilling is de eerste stap naar gedragsverandering. Via deze workshop breng jij je medewerkers op de hoogte met tips & tricks om voedselverspilling tegen te gaan. • Bespaart geld• Vergroot bewustwording onder werknemersPrijzen op aanvraag Prijzen op aanvraagWORKSHOP VOEDSELVERSPILLING Bollo and Martijn Belt General ManagerLandal Rabbit Hill

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3. Healthy nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 13 .Healthy nature2021-2022 Sustainability ReportHoliday parks rich in biodiversity and smart water management3Back to table of contents

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IntroductionWe invest in healthy natureWe enhance biodiversity in and around our parks and handle water consciously and sustainably.Green is in our hearts. We support the biodiversity of nature and the immediate environment in which our parks are located. For example, by investing in green initiatives, projects and partnerships. Green is good for us, therefore we are good for green. Our parks are in the heart of nature and that contributes to who we are. We consciously contribute to the resilience of our natural environment not only by accommodating guests at all our parks, but also by providing a home for animals, plants and insects.With more than 100 holiday parks of around 20 to 60 hectares of nature each, we have a huge opportunity to make a positive impact. We would like to take advantage of that. Located in nature, our parks experience periods of extreme drought and periods of high rainfall and substantial amounts of water. We handle water consciously by collecting and retaining water in wet periods and by the smart and economical use of water. 3. Healthy nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 14 .Healthy nature

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3. Healthy nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 15 .3.1 BiodiversityA home not only for people but also for animals, birds and insects Because of our connection with nature, biodiversity is one of the themes of Landal GreenParks' sustainability strategy. Our plans related to biodiversity are designed as a practical list of measures, developed by colleagues from the Sustainability and Facilities & Projects departments as well as our landscapers.There are four categories of measures to improve biodiversity at parks: • We give nature space. • We collaborate with nature. • We communicate about nature. • We provide the right climate adaptations. Parks can choose from the list of measures to boost biodiversity in their own way. Some measures are easy to implement, such as mowing the grass less frequently, creating a flower meadow or hanging up birdhouses. Installing a green roof, creating a water channel (rainwater harvesting) or a mini forest are more ambitious. Parks select at least seven measures most applicable to their park. Therefore, each park will have a specific biodiversity plan. Healthy nature

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A welcome home for insects The landscape in the Netherlands appears green, but it is parched, acidified and stressed. The weedy corners and fringes, hedges, ditch banks and rows of trees - where insects live - have largely disappeared. In less than 30 years, 76% of all insects have disappeared.The consequences are dire. Flower and plant debris no longer decomposes, preventing nutrients from entering the soil for plants, for example. This in turn has major implications for insectivores, such as birds and small mammals. Without insects, flowers, crops and trees are no longer pollinated. So, our food supply may be at risk! To do something about this, Landal GreenParks has joined forces with strategic partner Natuurmonumenten (Dutch Society for Nature Conservation) - and their youth programme OERRR - to campaign for biodiversity and insects.Landal GreenParks, strategic partner of Natuurmonumenten and main sponsor of OERRRDuring the 'Home for Insects' campaign, guests in the Netherlands could order a free action pack 'Make your garden a home for insects' from Natuurmonumenten, consisting of a bag of flower seeds, an accompanying letter and a flyer with more information and sowing tips. A short film was made for children and an OERRR action pack 'Help the bee' was developed with an activities newspaper. A number of OERRR activities connect seamlessly with our Fun & Entertainment programme, such as 'OERRR: make an insect hotel and search for bugs!', 'OERRR: Making flower bombs' and in addition 'OERRR: Don't mow’ sign for at home. Previously, in 2019, we joined forces with Natuurmonumenten to draw extra attention to wildflowers in our countryside. Wildflower meadows have been created at holiday parks and the mowing policy has been adjusted. Thanks to these activities, more than 35,000m2 of land has been cleared for wildflowers at Landal parks. Landal GreenParks and Natuurmonumenten jointly won a Gold SponsorRing with this initiative with the entry 'together we create the conservationists of the future'. That draws attention to the importance of healthy biodiversity for nature. Natuurmonumenten and Landal GreenParks also pulled together in a campaign to draw attention to the survival of hedgehogs. Censuses from the Ecological Monitoring Network show that the hedgehog population has declined by 67% since 1994. Urbanisation, disappearance of natural habitat and pressure from predators in nature reserves, among other factors, play a role in this. With the growth of cities and towns, gardens are becoming increasingly important for hedgehogs. To get food, hedgehogs have to go for a walk and often cross busy streets with traffic. That is where things often go wrong. Many hedgehogs do not survive because they roll up in the face of danger instead of fleeing. Not only in our parks but also in gardens, it is important that they are designed and connected in a hedgehog-friendly way. More and more of our parks have beehives. We do this to help the honeybee, which has been having a challenging time in recent years. Bee numbers are declining sharply worldwide, possibly due to agricultural chemicals and too little plant diversity in fields and gardens. Bees need all kinds of blossoms from spring to autumn to survive. We help the bees by installing hives, and by placing plants near the hives that bees like to get nectar from. The parks collaborate with a beekeeper, who looks after the hives and often provides interesting explanations to our guests. Finally, we are part of the network of our partner the National Pollinator Strategy. 3. Healthy nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 16 .Healthy nature

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Park maintenance Landal GreenParks' Dutch and German parks use hot water, among other things, to control weeds. Spraying this on the ground kills weeds. The hot water also reaches the roots, keeping the weeds away for a long time. We also work with mechanical solutions, such as brush machines that remove the weeds. We cut away the rest. And the bees: they are staying! We have changed our attitude to weeds. We no longer expect the parks to be totally weed-free. There’s no harm in the odd blackberry or nettle plant here and there. After all, these plants are part of the local biodiversity as well. Moreover, they are edible, and even extremely healthy! We use fewer chemicals At most of our parks, swimming pool water is disinfected with ultraviolet (UV) light. This is the sunlight that makes our skin tan. We run the water through a system that shines a UV light beam on it, which kills bacteria. This is an environmentally friendly, efficient and even cheaper way of disinfecting water than using chlorine, for example. Swimming pools disinfected in this way therefore contain 75% less chlorine. This makes it nicer for swimming too: no more stinging eyes! Where we disinfect with chlorine, we work with salt electrolysis: we make our own chlorine, from salt and electricity. This has three advantages: • The quality of this chlorine is so good that we need 75% less than ordinary chlorine. The water we drain also contains less chlorine as a result. • We can adapt chlorine production on site to the number of swimmers. As a result, we use less water and energy per swimmer.• Transporting chlorine is risky, and this system eliminates the need for that. 3. Healthy nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 17 .Healthy nature

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3. Healthy nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 18 .Healthy natureActivities in collaboration with partnersMarker Wadden Marker Wadden, the newest piece of the Netherlands developed in the Markermeer by Natuurmonumenten, consists of five islands. An entirely sustainable and self-sufficient settlement has been built on one of the islands, the others are nature reserves and not accessible. The settlement on Haveneiland consists of high-quality architectural buildings for management and monitoring, research by nature researchers, receiving visitors and four island cottages for recreational rental.Electricity is generated on site with solar panels and a windmill as a backup source. Water comes from a local source and is drained and purified on site. The island is not connected to the national grid of electricity, gas, drinking water or sewage, making it the first off-grid island in the Netherlands. The four island cottages are rented out by Landal GreenParks, for short stays for guests looking for a unique experience in the great outdoors. All rental income flows back to Natuurmonumenten for the conservation of Marker Wadden.Landal Forest WeertDuring the 2022 National Tree Day in the municipality of Weert, around 1,000 saplings were planted by more than 40 children from Kindcentrum Altweerterheide and De Firtel primary school from Stramproy. Together with employees from Weert municipality, Natuurmonumenten, Province of Limburg and Landal GreenParks, they started the creation of a new forest for the future on a site totalling more than 20 hectares of new woodland. In 2021, more than 10 hectares of new forest had already been planted near the Laurabossen. With the Tree Day in Weert, the impetus for the sequel was given. Eventually, the forest will cover more than 20 hectares. The former corn fields or grasslands will be replaced by rugged forest, giving more space to nature. A swath of interrupted forest land plays an important role in mitigating the negative consequences of climate change. Consider the capture and retention of water, tempering heat, nitrogen uptake and reducing CO2 emissions. The reforestation project uses mainly indigenous, native tree and shrub species to make the forest as resilient as possible.

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Collaboration with Meer Bomen Nu - 1 million seedlingsMeer Bomen Nu (More Trees Now) is collecting surplus saplings and shrubs at several Landal GreenParks holiday parks to give them a better chance of growing into mature trees elsewhere. Landal GreenParks is opening its parks so that volunteers from Meer Bomen Nu can work together with Landal employees and guests. With this method of ecological green management, the Netherlands can become green faster and cheaper. After a few experiments at our holiday parks in Gelderland and Utrecht, we have now scaled up nationwide. More than a million trees and shrubs in the Netherlands are moving from unfavourable to promising places on farmers’ and citizens’ land as a result. Meer Bomen Nu hopes that other parks, campsites and other sites will follow Landal GreenParks' good example. Natuurpunt in BelgiumIn Belgium, we have been working with Natuurpunt België since 2014 and are doing our bit for nature management in Belgium, particularly on several nature reserves in Flanders. In addition to a financial donation, one tree will be planted for each booking by a Natuurpunt member (728 trees in 2021 and 1,062 trees in 2022) and land will be purchased within the 'Bos voor iedereen' (Forest for All) campaign, which aims to have 700 hectares of new forest in Flanders by the end of 2024. Baumgeben in Germany, Landal gives nature back'Baumgeben' is a programme by Landal GreenParks in Germany for nature protection and conservation. This involves creating new nature by planting trees. Every guest from Germany who books a stay with us can give something back to nature directly with their booking and have a tree planted for free in the surrounding area of Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park. All they have to do is register on the website For this special sustainability project, we entered an official partnership with the National Park, which is located right next to our Landal Hochwald holiday park. The trees are planted from late summer to autumn. There are also regular tree-planting events.Plant et Træ in DenmarkPlant et Træ (Plant a Tree) is a Danish non-profit organisation with HRH Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark as its patron. Since 1988, the organisation has planted more than 1.5 million trees in Denmark: urban trees, field trees, orchards and shade trees at children's institutions, prime plantations, educational forests, general afforestation, veteran trees, avenues, memorial trees and more. Landal GreenParks Denmark entered a five-year partnership with Plant et Træ in 2020, donating a tree for every booking Landal GreenParks receives at one of our Danish holiday parks.In April 2022, the last of a total of 30,000 trees were planted in a new forest at Godthåb in Aalborg. Landal GreenParks donated 20,000 trees for the project, some of which were planted by schoolchildren. The aim is to increase biodiversity and teach children about nature.Involving children is one of the reasons why Landal GreenParks chose to support Plant a Træ. In 2020, with 12,000 new trees in the municipality of Fredericia, we helped create the world's largest butterfly forest.The collaboration with Plant a Træ also led to a 'Nature Hunt' at Landal Rønbjerg holiday park, where children and parents can hunt for knowledge about nature with teaching materials provided by Plant a Træ. In addition, all holiday parks in Denmark have textbooks on nature, also produced by Plant et Træ. MEERBOMENNU3. Healthy nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 19 .Healthy nature

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3. Healthy nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 20 .3.2 WaterHow do we use water (more) consciously? In the countries where Landal GreenParks operates, all you have to do to get drinking water is turn on the tap. This is not the case in many other countries, and drinking water is also becoming less and less a matter of course in the Netherlands too. That's why Landal GreenParks wants to use water consciously and save where it can. We do this with large and small initiatives, all of which contribute to the sustainable and economical consumption of water.And it is necessary. Because due to climate change, the Netherlands is increasingly facing extreme drought. Damage to primal Dutch landscapes and the disappearance of animal and plant species are the direct result. And people's water supply is also affected. In addition to drought, more and more precipitation is falling in heavy rain showers with larger amounts of water. This results in inundations and flooding. To tackle both drought and flooding, we need to learn to use water differently. Instead of draining water as quickly as possible, collection and retention are becoming increasingly important. Climate buffers are being created in nature reserves among other things. These climate buffers are often located within the vicinity of our parks. Sometimes even at our parks! This is how we see nature as an ally.Healthy nature

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Water collection and climate buffersCapturing rainwater, storing it and using it to supply nature with water in times of drought: that's what we do. In the Netherlands, our partner Natuurmonumenten is working on these climate buffers, and you can also see them in the form of water channels (‘wadis’) at our parks, such as at Landal Het Vennenbos and Landal Sluftervallei. Climate buffers and water channels, or what we call ‘wadis’*, not only play a role in capturing and retaining water, but they also prevent flooding and water shortages, temper heat and reduce CO2. Plants and animals can do their own thing. Many birds will breed, and special plants can grow there. There is also plenty for you to enjoy in natural climate buffers for the recreational user: you can walk, cycle and go bird watching. In the Netherlands, the Arabic word ‘wadi’ has become an abbreviation for ‘Water Afvoer Drainage en Infiltratie’ (Water Discharge, Drainage and Infiltration). A wadi or water channel stores rainwater and purifies it, after which the water infiltrates the subsoil. There are many forms of water channels, including in urban areas. There is often infrastructure underneath to store and drain the water, such as infiltration crates, granules and drainpipes.Landal Het Vennenbos has a highly visible water channel and a total of seven connected fens. Those fens are not only nice in drier periods, but also provide a good habitat for many bird species, ducks and geese. When the fens are well filled, you can even use pedal boats on them!In the middle of Texel's dunes, at Landal Sluftervallei, four large water channels, a number of small catchment areas and a duck pond are scattered across the holiday park. The water channels fill with rainwater from the dunes and from the roofs of the bungalows. In drier periods, the water is used to irrigate nature.Saving water (EcoSaver) Being water conscious also means saving water while maintaining a good comfort experience for guests. We encourage this with numerous water-saving measures, including the so-called EcoSaver, an addition to the existing shower in the accommodation. The EcoSaver is placed directly after the thermostat and indicates to guests through coloured light the duration of their shower session. At the start, the EcoSaver displays a green light. This gradually turns red and then flashes red. An explanation/instruction for the guest is hung in the bathroom. After a successful pilot at Landal Landgoed 't Loo with promising results, 90 bungalows have since been equipped with the EcoSaver. Ozone cleaningIs it possible to clean without chemicals? Yes, using ozone water, which is highly disinfectant. A device makes the ozone water, which is tapped into refillable bottles. Result: much reduced soap and water consumption, fewer disposable bottles and no transport costs to bring the bottles to the parks. Landal GreenParks has already purchased so many ozone devices for its management parks that they are now also available for sale for our privately-owned parks.3. Healthy nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 21 .Healthy nature2019 2020 2021 2022850,000800,000750,000700,000650,000600,000Annual water consumption in m3 - Management parks, NetherlandsThe lower consumption in 2020 and 2021 is a result of COVID-19 measures(including temporary closure of parks and/or facilities).

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4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 22 Energy and waste2021-2022 Sustainability ReportFrom sustainable energy to waste reduction and recycling4Back to table of contents

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Introduction Landal GreenParks is working step by step on reducing energy consumption, greening through sustainable energy and reducing and recycling waste.We take responsibility and reduce our CO2 emissions and negative impact on the environment by reducing our energy requirements, generating our own energy and switching from fossil to renewable, sustainable energy sources. We look at how to avoid using new raw materials for everything we need at our parks, from beds to bread packaging. We choose products made of recycled materials and encourage re-use. We think twice before throwing things away. And when we throw something away, we make sure it retains as much value as possible and gets the best possible use. We collect waste separately. Ultimately, we want no residual waste to remain.Raw material consumption is directly related to energy consumption. By focusing on the reduction and reuse of raw materials, less energy is needed, thereby reducing CO2 emissions. And this reduces resource depletion. 4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 23 Energy and waste

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4.1 We opt for less and sustainable energyCharging stationsLandal GreenParks notes an increase in the use of electric transport to holiday destinations. We focus a lot on electric car drivers. In 2022, almost all parks have at least four charging stations for guests. This number will be increased by an average of another four charging stations by 2023. In addition, we are looking at how to encourage guests to unplug the car faster when it is charged so that more guests can use the charging station. On, each park page mentions whether charging stations are available at the park. Landal Aelderholt in Drenthe has recently acquired a 'solar carport', a large carport with solar panels, with connected charging stations for electric cars. Electric transport By 2030, Landal GreenParks aims to have made the transition to 100% electric transport. Numerous service transport vehicles are in use at our management parks. When these are due for replacement, we opt for electric alternatives. We are already at the halfway mark. In the Netherlands, 71 out of 120 vehicles are electric, and in Germany 14 of the 41 vehicles are electric. The fleet of lease cars is also going electric. By using no fossil fuels (petrol, diesel, gas, paraffin), we contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. In addition, we aim to drive fewer miles, not only by our own employees, but also by our suppliers. One of the challenges here was that each of our many suppliers went separately to each park and office by truck. We solved this by collecting all deliveries (excluding those for retail and Food & Beverage) in a logistics centre. So now, every fortnight only one truck travels to each park with everything the park needs. LED lamps, SolarWoodle We had already switched to energy-saving bulbs and are now moving to LED bulbs. Compared to the old incandescent bulbs, energy-saving bulbs use 80% less energy. LED bulbs consume up to 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs. Since 2010, all incandescent bulbs have been replaced with energy-saving bulbs, later by halogen bulbs, and since 2013 everything has been fitted with LED bulbs. Apart from the lower energy consumption, the longer lifespan is particularly interesting. Incandescent bulbs last 1,300 hours, energy-saving bulbs 9,000 hours and LED bulbs 45,000 hours. The SolarWoodle is a great initiative at Landal Strand Resort Ouddorp Duin that contributes to our sustainability ambition. This atmospheric LED park lighting uses the energy it generated itself during the day. The stand-alone SolarWoodle is made of certified wood, is not connected to the electricity grid and no digging is required for installation.4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 24 Energy and waste

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4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 25 Smart thermostat and motion detectorMany lodges are equipped with a smart thermostat that provides insight into energy consumption. The thermostat also provides tips. For example, that it is smart to turn on the washing machine around one o'clock in the afternoon because that is when the solar panels yield the most.The lodges are also equipped with a smart 'ICY' motion detector that automatically switches off the heating when there is no movement in the residence. At our self-sufficient and 'off-grid' park Landal Marker Wadden, a traffic light in the living room indicates whether there is still enough self-generated electricity available so guests can take this into account.No gas heaters, but heated cushions in park restaurantsAt management parks in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, gas heaters were replaced by Stoov electric heated cushions in 2020. These were purchased to accommodate guests on the outdoor patio and provide comfortable seating. In times of energy conservation, this represents a welcome saving on gas consumption.Energy wise Energy bills are rising sharply. Besides sustainability, there is also a business case for reducing energy consumption and making choices. Landal GreenParks chooses to focus on an unforgettable holiday experience for our guests. Therefore, no facilities will be closed, and the welfare of guests and their children will be considered. The energy-saving measures took effect from 1 November 2022. These are measures introduced in central facilities (including reception, offices, swimming pools, restaurants, indoor playgrounds, shop), in accommodation and outdoor areas. The measures mainly involve lowering air and water temperatures in various rooms and protocols for switching equipment off and on, etc. Energy and waste

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4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 26 Energy consumption: Management parks in the Netherlands and GermanyElectricity consumption Management parks2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 20222928272625the NetherlandsElectricity consumption and generation from solar panels (in yellow) Management parks Netherlands20192020x 1,000,000 kWhx 1,000,000 kWh654Gas consumption Management parksEnergy sourcex 1,000,000 m3x 1,000,000 kWh100% European wind power from Vattenfall2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 2022121110982220181614the NetherlandsGermanyx 1,000 kWh2021 2022Landal ColdenhoveRHL*TVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*150125100755025Excl. Landal Dwergter SandGermanyExcl. Landal Dwergter SandAHT*Electricity consumption Management parks2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 20222928272625the NetherlandsElectricity consumption and generation from solar panels (in yellow) Management parks Netherlands20192020x 1,000,000 kWhx 1,000,000 kWh654Gas consumption Management parksEnergy sourcex 1,000,000 m3x 1,000,000 kWh100% European wind power from Vattenfall2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 2022121110982220181614the NetherlandsGermanyx 1,000 kWh2021 2022Landal ColdenhoveRHL*TVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*150125100755025Excl. Landal Dwergter SandGermanyExcl. Landal Dwergter SandAHT*ElektriciteitsverbruikManagementparken2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 20222928272625NederlandElektriciteitsverbruik en herkomst uit zonnepanelen(geel gearceerd) Managementparken Nederland20192020x 1.000.000 kWh x 1.000.000 kWh654GasverbruikManagementparkenHerkomst elektriciteitx 1.000.000 m3x 1.000.000 kWh100% Europesewindenergievan Vattenfall2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 2022121110982220181614NederlandDuitslandx 1.000 kWh2021 2022Landal ColdenhoveRHL*TVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*150125100755025Excl. Landal Dwergter SandDuitslandExcl. Landal Dwergter SandAHT*Electricity consumption Management parks2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 20222928272625the NetherlandsElectricity consumption and generation from solar panels (in yellow) Management parks Netherlands20192020x 1,000,000 kWh x 1,000,000 kWh654Gas consumption Management parksEnergy sourcex 1,000,000 m3x 1,000,000 kWh100% European wind power from Vattenfall2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 2022121110982220181614the NetherlandsGermanyx 1,000 kWh2021 2022Landal ColdenhoveRHL*TVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*150125100755025Excl. Landal Dwergter SandGermanyExcl. Landal Dwergter SandAHT*Electricity consumption Management parks2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 20222928272625the NetherlandsElectricity consumption and generation from solar panels (in yellow) Management parks Netherlands20192020x 1,000,000 kWh x 1,000,000 kWh654Gas consumption Management parksEnergy sourcex 1,000,000 m3x 1,000,000 kWh100% European wind power from Vattenfall2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 2022121110982220181614the NetherlandsGermanyx 1,000 kWh2021 2022Landal ColdenhoveRHL*TVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*150125100755025Excl. Landal Dwergter SandGermanyExcl. Landal Dwergter SandAHT*Electricity consumption Management parks2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 20222928272625the NetherlandsElectricity consumption and generation from solar panels (in yellow) Management parks Netherlands20192020x 1,000,000 kWh x 1,000,000 kWh654Gas consumption Management parksEnergy sourcex 1,000,000 m3x 1,000,000 kWh100% European wind power from Vattenfall2019 2020 2021 20222019 2020 2021 2022121110982220181614the NetherlandsGermanyx 1,000 kWh2021 2022Landal ColdenhoveRHL*TVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*Landal ColdenhoveLandal Rabbit HillTVD*150125100755025Excl. Landal Dwergter SandGermanyExcl. Landal Dwergter SandAHT*In Germany, we use natural gas and propane. This consumption has been converted into kWh due to different calorific values. The lower consumption in 2020 and 2021 is a result of COVID-19 measures (including temporary closure of parks or facilities). * RHL = Landal Rabbit Hill / TVD = Landal Twenhaarsveld AHT = Landal Aelderholt

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4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 27 4.2 Landal GreenParks supports waste reduction and recyclingWaste is raw material We also think and act more and more circularly in new constructions and renovations of holiday homes. We apply more reusable and reused raw materials and materials, in addition to numerous energy-saving measures. We also think and act more and more circularly in new constructions and renovations of holiday homes. We apply more reusable and reused raw materials and materials, in addition to numerous energy-saving measures. Examples include Landal Heideheuvel and Rabbit Hill, where recycled teak and oak were used for furniture when renovating the accommodation. The carpet in the bedrooms is made from discarded fishing nets and fully recyclable, and the floors, also recyclable, are PVC and partly made from recycled materials.At Landal Twenhaarsveld, some holiday homes were given a green makeover, with sustainable furnishings made from recycled or recyclable products. This included painting with a unique paint produced from recovered paint residues, combined with pure sustainable raw materials.The kitchen cabinets consist of a top and bottom layer of BalanceBoard: an FSC chipboard, between which a granulate of annual crops such as grass, flax or residues of corn plants is pressed. The ceiling insulation consists of mats made of recycled old newspapers. At many Landal GreenParks parks, we are implementing circular applications. For example, a modular sofa was developed, which is completely 'degradable'. So, the sofa can be easily dismantled at the end of the service life, or earlier. It is composed of four materials: wood, metal, foam and fabric. Smart assembly allows parts to be easily dismantled for cleaning, maintenance or replacement, and when the lifespan is reached, material flows can be easily separated. At least 80% of the sofa can be reused. Auping developed a fully circular bed for the leisure sector: the Auping Revive, which feels and looks like a luxury box spring and has been produced sustainably. The smart packaging and modular construction make the bed easier to transport, allowing three times as many Auping Revive beds to fit in a truck. That means fewer transport kilos and CO2 emissions. From used and collected (soft drink) PET bottles, fibres are made, which are used in curtains and in duvets, where they have the same insulating and moisture-regulating properties as other synthetic duvets, but with a much lower environmental impact. rPET is a particularly good alternative to traditional synthetic or down fillings. Of particular note is the recycling of coffee grounds from Landal GreenParks' park restaurants. A specialised company turns these coffee grounds into a unique fertile soil for growing oyster mushrooms, which Landal then buys back to incorporate into dishes.Energy and waste

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Less packaging, no mono-packagingWe separate paper, glass, frying fat, food waste from kitchens, construction debris, batteries, electronic waste and light bulbs at all our parks. We are also exploring the possibilities of collecting and processing incontinence products (nappies), organic waste and food waste from the lodges separately. Since the end of 2017, our guests have been throwing their PMD (plastic, metal packaging and drink cartons) waste into the BinBang: a waste bin that makes waste separation a lot easier and more fun. And the waste bin itself is a Dutch product made from 100% recycled plastic.Approx. 20% of our residual waste consists of PMD: plastic, metal packaging and drink cartons. Up to 2023, processing PMD separately was only permitted for household waste. All Landal GreenParks' waste, including that of our guests, fell under industrial waste according to the rules in force until then and could not be mixed with household waste. The rules have changed from 2023, and Landal GreenParks will implement PMD waste separation.The collection of small PET bottles and cans through the deposit scheme introduced in 2022 will help reduce the waste streams. We also collect PMD in the 'Gelbe Sack' at Landal Winterberg, Landal Hochwald and our office in Trier. At the other parks, this is not yet possible due to political obstacles. At Landal Vierwaldstättersee in Switzerland, employees and guests separate 10 types of waste! 4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 28 The five largest segregated waste streams in 20222019 2020 2021 20224,000,0004,500,0003,500,0003,000,0002,500,0002,000,0001,500,0001,000,000500,0004,443,2383,662,020 4,315,914 4,139,709 The five largest segregated waste streams in 20222019 2020 2021 20224,000,0004,500,0003,500,0003,000,0002,500,0002,000,0001,500,0001,000,000500,0004,443,2383,662,020 4,315,914 4,139,709 Total waste in kg 2022 to OctoberManagement parks in NLThe lower number of kgs of waste in 2020 and 2021 is a result of COVID-19 measures (including temporary closure of parks or facilities).1. Glass 322,475kg2. Paper/cardboard 337,715kg 3. PMD (plastic, metal packaging and drink cartons) 96,410kg 4. Swill (food waste) 320,560kg 5. Organic waste 82,020kg 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Digitisation Landal GreenParks is becoming increasingly digital and paper consumption is being reduced. Since 2013, we have only bought responsibly produced paper with the EU Eco label. Our printed matter has at least the FSC or PEFC label. Printing itself is also increasingly becoming energy neutral. It is of course better to use no paper at all. That is why we communicate more and more often and more digitally. During work meetings, employees no longer use paper, but instead use tablet computers with smart software. Internet technology enables us to digitise faster, not only in terms of online booking options for all forms of devices such as desktop, laptop, tablets and smartphones, but also communication with employees and guests is also largely digital. On the free Landal GreenParks App - per park - guests can view all kinds of practical matters about their stay, make a reservation in the restaurant, view opening hours and information about activities at the park and in the surrounding area.During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, online ordering options were also added to the app’s functionalities. Although restaurants were closed, a delivery service was available at many parks, which delivered dishes from a digital menu to the accommodation.We use a software programme to communicate with our own employees. Employees use a corresponding app to retrieve information and data, submit file items, view news and complete tasks and signals. They can also use the app for numerous HR applications, such as seeing payslips, timesheets, requesting leave and submitting claims.Recycling e-waste Kettles, coffee machines, televisions, vacuum cleaners, fridges, ovens, dishwashers: there are a lot of household appliances in the accommodation at our parks. These are often from different brands and suppliers and not always energy efficient and recyclable. Landal GreenParks aims to promote the circularity of household appliances so that they last a long time, use little energy, but most importantly are repairable and that parts and materials are highly recyclable at the end of their lifespan. Our cleaning services periodically run a cleaning and decalcification cycle in the dishwashers and coffee machines to extend their lifespan, and park employees are trained to carry out minor repairs themselves. In addition, guests are made aware of how best to use the devices. Separating waste with the guests’ helpAt Landal GreenParks, we lease towels from a laundry. Except for kitchen towels and luxury bath towels, all towels and bathmats we currently use are made of recycled cotton. Our CleanLease laundry is at the forefront of sustainability and fair production. The towels have the Global Recycled Standard label. The production process at the laundries is designed to use as little water, chemicals and energy as possible.We have switched to more sustainable guest kits, the packages all our guests find when they arrive at the accommodation, which include a washing-up brush, eco-detergent and a cloth. When you realise that one such kit is opened at each of the 750,000-plus stays every year, this presents a fantastic opportunity to reduce our raw material consumption. Together with our regular supplier Wecovi, we have developed more sustainable kits. The packaging has also been made more sustainable.The kitchen kits were in compostable material. That’s good in itself, of course. But as we do not collect this separately, it has had no effect on the environment. This packaging is now made of cardboard. Meanwhile, the bathroom kits guests can order are packaged in a linen bag. As such, with all our purchases, we can do something about our impact on the environment, while continually working on providing unforgettable holidays with a positive impact. Energy and waste4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 29

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4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 30 Recipes, smaller portions, Too Good To Go and Food BanksIn our restaurants, we make a focused effort to serve the right meal portions to prevent food wastage and waste. Partly for this reason, Landal GreenParks supports the Too Good To Go initiative, developed to combat food waste. Products from the ParkShop that are near their expiration date are sold at a discount via the Too Good To Go app. Food surpluses therefore do not end up in the bin, but in a box for park guests and consumers. Almost all Dutch management parks have now joined this initiative. In Belgium, Landal Mooi Zutendaal and Landal Village l'Eau d'Heure have joined the initiative, as have our six management parks in Germany. In Denmark, several management contract parks are participating: Landal Seawest, Landal Ebeltoft, Landal Rønbjerg and Landal Søhøjlandet. By the end of 2022, a total of 23 parks participated, the year before the number was ten.Participating parks saved a total of 9,299 meals in 2022 and prevented the emission of 23,246kg of CO2 (see infographic). Ninety-four per cent of the ordered meals were actually picked up (the TGTG average is 73.5%). Guests respond very positively to this initiative with an average rating of 4.3 on a scale of 5. New customers come to the ParkShop specially for these packages, they generate additional sales and employees are enthusiastic too. (Source: Too Good To Go). In addition, many parks collect perishable and unopened food for the Food Bank. We ask our guests not to throw away any leftover food, but to donate it in our shops or at reception, where crates are kept for the Food Bank. Guests can also buy extra food and donate it in the crates. Too Good To GoEnergy and waste2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022Participating parksMeals savedReduced CO2 emissions in kg.23 9,299 23,246101,7814,453the Netherlands Belgium Germany Denmark25412281,7546,6109714351,28316,5252,4271,0873,2074,385Meals saved and reduction in CO2 emissionsSource: Too Good To Go

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4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 31 NL SchoonAs an ardent supporter of NL Schoon (NL Clean), Landal GreenParks participates in the National Clean-up Day every year. At numerous Landal holiday parks, colleagues, guests and local residents set to work clearing nature of litter. Employees from our offices in The Hague and Zwolle also get to work in their office environments or assist colleagues at the parks. By cleaning up litter around the parks, Landal GreenParks wants to create awareness. If you go out into nature and don't come across any waste bins, take the litter back to the park (or home) and throw it away there. In this way, we want to give guests the opportunity to experience nature and promote greater awareness of our living environments, so they take home a love of nature with them afterwards. Clean-Up Day, GermanyFor our colleagues in Germany, World Clean-Up Day is a traditional day to head out into nature to clean up litter and plastic. Colleagues, friends, family and guests signed up to participate at the following parks: Landal Hochwald, Mont Royal, Sonnenberg, Warsberg, Winterberg and Wirfttal. Armed with large bags and litter pickers, more than 50 Landal colleagues and their families trekked through the forest, vineyards or along the Moselle to clear the litter. A total of about 150kg of empty drinks bottles, chewing gum wrappers, cigarette butts and the like were collected. Millions of people in 180 countries clear forests, rivers, mountains and beaches of carelessly discarded litter on this day. The aim is to make adults and children aware that it is important to use resources appropriately. Putting a bottle back in the cycle means using recyclable materials wisely and not burdening nature with waste. So, this initiative fits nicely into our sustainability strategy to promote biodiversity of nature and reduce waste. Our parks are in the heart of nature and our guests come to us expecting to find a beautiful and clean landscape.Foldable and reusable bags made of recycled PET Five years ago, Landal GreenParks switched from plastic bags to foldable and reusable bags made of recycled PET, which soft drink bottles are also made of. You can crumple the bags into a small parcel that fits in any handbag or jacket pocket. Moreover, the bag is reusable. With the foldable bag, Landal GreenParks aims to achieve three objectives: • Selling fewer bags • Encouraging the reuse of bags • Preventing litter from discarded bags Energy and waste

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4. Energy and waste - 2021-2022 Sustainability report | 32 Bio-digester As the first in Europe, Landal GreenParks commissioned a so-called bio-digester at a holiday park in 2021. The machine transforms food scraps and other organic waste into biogas and high-quality plant fertiliser. This provides significant sustainability benefits. It eliminates the need to collect organic waste, the biogas is used to heat the swimming pool and the high-quality plant fertiliser is used as 'green manure' in the parks' maintenance of the green areas.Landal Landgoed 't Loo had the first and now there is also a bio-digester at Landal Twenhaarsveld.Up to 50kg of food waste and organic waste can be processed daily and converted into 15m3 of biogas and 50 litres of high-quality plant fertiliser. With the bio-digester, we touch on three important themes: energy, waste and biodiversity. The operation of the machine also provides an important educational element. As such, nothing goes to waste, and we close the raw materials cycle. Not only are food scraps from our restaurants processed, but park guests can also come and hand in their food scraps in a special container at the holiday park.On an annual basis, the bio-digester produces 5,500m3 of biogas, comparable to the consumption of four families. It will also generate 18,000 litres of quality plant fertilizer, which is more than the park needs for its own use. Therefore, park guests can also buy bottles of plant fertiliser. At Landal Twenhaarsveld holiday park, there is not only a bio-digester, but the park also has two 'green' holiday homes, which are heated natural gas-free and use sustainable electricity. Even the furnishings are sustainable. In fact, the homes are furnished with recycled and sustainable materials. For each holiday home, 280kg of old newspapers, about 1,800 copies, were used as insulation. This keeps it pleasantly warm or cool for up to four hours longer than with ordinary central heating without insulation. This saves around 40% on heating costs per accommodation. The holiday homes also use solar collectors to heat water in a boiler. There is also a heat pump. It provides 500 litres of hot water, which is 90 minutes of hot shower water.

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5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 33 People and nature 2021-2022 Sustainability ReportWe contribute to the happiness of people: of guests, of partners in the surrounding area and of our employees.5Back to table of contents

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5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 34 IntroductionLandal GreenParks offers its guests a holiday in the heart of nature, with countless activities for a fantastic nature experience. A comprehensive edutainment programme, combining learning, playing and experiencing, guarantees the most fun and educational moments in nature. This is how we bring nature experience and conservation to the attention of our guests. We provide unforgettable holidays for everyone. Also for people for whom holidays are not a given. We offer adapted accommodation for guests with disabilities or care needs, giving them the opportunity to enjoy nature and recharge their batteries during a carefree stay at our parks. Each Landal GreenParks park is located in a unique region. We encourage guests to explore the region and get to know the wealth of beautiful nature in the area, interesting culture and typical regional dishes and products. We collaborate with local entrepreneurs, contributing to the development and preservation of the region's unique character. Firmly rooted in the local community, Landal GreenParks as an employer is committed to the health and happiness of its employees. They feel appreciated for their work and can develop their talents and themselves to their full potential.People and nature

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5.1. GuestsActivities at and around the park to discover natureEducation is a key pillar within our sustainability programme. We enable guests to experience nature and biodiversity in and around the park and encourage awareness of our living environment and a love of nature. After all, with the slogan 'Unforgettable holidays are in our nature', Landal GreenParks stands for a positive impact on nature, region, people and climate.An important part of the activities at the parks, put together by the Fun & Entertainment teams, involve exploring nature. A walk with the local forester is always hugely popular with guests, but they can also go out on their own. The specially developed information signs on the theme 'Tracking for Traces' are an example. They are placed at our parks in the Netherlands and Germany and are designed to inform guests about the animals living in the area around the park and the tracks they leave behind. There are several variants: fox tracks, rabbit tracks, owl tracks and many more. Partnership with Natuurmonumenten (Dutch Society for Nature Conservation) and (its youth programme) OERRRLandal GreenParks and Natuurmonumenten have been partners since 2004. We feel close ties with our immediate surroundings and make a strong commitment to nature and society. In recent years, the collaboration has grown into a close partnership, with both organisations actively involving guests in nature in and around our holiday parks. While Landal GreenParks and Natuurmonumenten work on promotion, for example in joint activities at the parks, Natuurmonumenten is indispensable in the further implementation of our activities in the field of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Both organisations act as 'hosts in green' and share the common ambition of giving people an unforgettable experience in nature. By making a positive impact on nature together, we are creating the conservationists of the future.Moreover, Landal GreenParks is the proud main sponsor of OERRR, Natuurmonumenten's youth programme. At almost all our parks, we offer activities for children up to 12 years old to discover how fun and beautiful nature is to play in and to take good care of it for future generations. 'Landal forest' in WeertLandal GreenParks is an important partner for Natuurmonumenten in the development of De Laurabossen nature reserve, a forest development plan of the municipality of Weert, with support from the Province of Limburg.In this nature reserve, Natuurmonumenten manages more than 1,000 hectares of nature and forests, where former arable plots are being converted into forest in a reforestation project. In 2021, the first trees were planted on the first plot by the Landal sustainability team and Natuurmonumenten. A further 1,000 trees were planted during Tree Planting Day in 2022. More on this initiative on page 18.Marker WaddenA special part of the collaboration is the creation of the Marker Wadden, where Natuurmonumenten developed five islands with new nature in the Markermeer together with the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. There are five sustainably built island cottages on one island, rented out by Landal GreenParks. We give back all the rental income to the further development of the nature of this unique archipelago. 5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 35 People and nature

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Forest Discovery Trail True to the motto 'Those who know nature are more willing to protect it', there are many initiatives at Landal GreenParks that strengthen guests' environmental awareness. For example, the new app 'WaldEntdeckerPfad - On the trail of the forest dwellers' was launched in early September at Landal Hochwald in Germany. The app guides guests on a 1.2-mile walk through the forest, teaching them about the tracks left by native animals, solving riddles, guessing sounds and immersing them in the wilderness. The 'WaldEntdeckerPfad' was developed in collaboration with Landesforsten Rheinland-Pfalz with the aim of getting holidaymakers interested and enthusiastic about the local flora and fauna.Gnome TrailAt more and more parks, a gnome trail for the youngest guests has been laid out in the nearby nature reserve. Equipped with a knapsack and a gnome hat, it is an adventure to discover nature. 5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 36 People and nature

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Landal GreenParks launched its own podcast series ‘Echt Natuur’ ('Real Nature') Every day, Landal GreenParks puts listeners in a holiday mood with its new podcast series 'Echt Natuur' ('Echte Natur' in Germany). The podcasts let you escape to your favourite area as if you were in the heart of nature. In 12 episodes of half an hour each, you experience nature in its purest form.Each podcast episode focuses on a nature reserve in the immediate vicinity of the parks of Landal GreenParks in the Netherlands and Germany, introducing listeners to the sounds of the Wadden, Veluwe, Drenthe, Limburg, the Baltic Sea, the Hunsrück and the dunes.The aim of the podcast series is to further differentiate ourselves as a sustainable holiday provider with a beautiful and diverse range of holidays in the heart of nature. We want to emphasise that nature really is just around the corner, you don't have to travel far for it. With the podcast, we put listeners in the mood to spend a holiday in nature. The podcasts are an important addition to Landal GreenParks' digital campaigns.Personal storiesAnother initiative was the launch in 2022 of a series of employees' personal stories about sustainable initiatives posted through our social media channels. Under the title ‘Echt liefde voor de natuur’ ('True love for nature'), examples of sustainable initiatives are highlighted, such as new gas-free accommodation, the many thousands of solar panels and charging stations at our parks, reducing fossil resource consumption and water consumption, nesting boxes for birds and bats, electric vehicles, etc. The posts can also be found on our website. The latest episodes5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 37 People and natureScreenshot

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The perfect accommodation for everyoneAt Landal GreenParks, we believe everyone should be able to go on holiday. Therefore, we also offer numerous solutions to people for whom going on holiday is not a given. These range from smoke-free accommodation to a special lung villa; from a hearing villa with adaptations for guests who are deaf or hard of hearing to a vision villa for guests who are visually impaired or blind. Or wheelchair-accessible accommodation for those with limited mobility. To properly equip the accommodation, we work together with Ongehinderd, a socially driven company dedicated to making the Netherlands more accessible. In addition, we have accommodation with enclosed gardens, so (assistance) dogs can roam freely. And we offer aids and home care at the holiday address with our partner Comfortzorg.Accessible accommodationA bathroom and bedroom located on the ground floor, where you can roll right in with your wheelchair or walker. With extra-wide doorways, a paved path to the accommodation and a permanent parking space right next to the accommodation. Lung villasThose suffering from respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD can enjoy a carefree stay at the lung villa. Lung villas feature smooth flooring, such as laminate or tiles. When choosing the material for the curtains and furniture in the accommodation, we followed the guidelines of our partner Longfonds. Some parks do not have a fireplace in the accommodation. In addition, it goes without saying that there is no smoking in the accommodation and pets are not allowed. The cleaning service follows special instructions when cleaning the lung villa.Hearing villa at Landal HeihaasThis special bungalow for the hearing-impaired features some clever adaptations, as well as additional functional and fun elements. This includes an induction loop for boosting the volume of radio, DVD and TV. The smoke detector is linked to a wake-up and warning system. This system provides alarms via intense light signals and a vibration signal under the mattress. The alarm clock also works in the same way.Vision villa at Landal Landgoed 't LooClear contrasts in the interior, a sophisticated lighting system and adapted equipment. An accommodation fully adapted for the blind and visually impaired. With lines in and around the centre building and park information in Braille and large print, accessibility for the blind and visually impaired at Landal Landgoed 't Loo has been increased.5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 38 People and nature

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Collaboration with the Princess Máxima Centre Landal GreenParks has a multi-year partnership with the Princess Máxima Centre in Utrecht. We hereby contribute to the PMC's mission: to cure every child with cancer, with optimal quality of life. This mission also aligns well with ours: we believe a holiday in nature is good for you. Every year, 150 children from the PMC and their families can enjoy a free holiday in the most beautiful places close to nature in the area that suits them best, at the coast or in the forest, to experience moments of happiness together. 5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 39 SBI Award for the most sustainable holiday park provider (according to consumers)Landal GreenParks has been voted the most sustainable travel brand in the Netherlands for four consecutive years, in the Travel & Leisure category from 2018 to 2020 and in the Travel & Tourism category in 2021. This was revealed by the results of the Sustainable Brand Index, Europe's largest independent survey on sustainability and consumer brands. The survey shows how consumer brands are perceived in terms of sustainability, environmental and social responsibility. The Sustainable Brand Index measures and analyses how sustainability affects brands and how consumers assess the sustainability work of brands.Landal GreenParks is proud of the guest recognition of the SBI Award. Moreover, we see it as a great endorsement for all employees who have put in tremendous effort and flexibility to continue providing unforgettable holidays. We give guests the opportunity to experience nature and promote greater awareness of our living environments, so they take home a love of nature with them afterwards. That is why we continue to invest in a sustainable society.People and nature

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Natural food and drinksWith the opening of a Brasserie restaurant at Landal Coldenhove in 2016, Landal GreenParks introduced a new restaurant formula, developed from the vision: ‘Natural food and drink to enjoy together at Landal’. It is based on fresh and healthy sustainable ingredients from the region as well as eating together. Guests taste nature on their plate, so to speak, but also in the space where the family stays. Through a step-by-step introduction at the other parks, we were able to draw on lessons learned from previous introductions. Apart from the Brasserie restaurants, we also introduced a formula for larger parks with multiple restaurants: Pizza Limone and a new formula for catering at indoor play areas, following the same core values: fresh, healthy and child friendly. The snack bars were also given an updated formula in terms of appearance, work method, flexibility and responding to the region. A wide range of sustainability initiatives and corporate responsibility activities are undertaken within Landal GreenParks' food and drink venues.Here are a few examples:• We use seasonal fruits and vegetables and about 40% of our menu is vegetarian/vegan. Our wine list includes organic wines.• We also prefer to use products and ingredients with a (certified) label, such as organic Fairtrade coffee, tea from the Rain Forest Alliance, pork with at least a 1-star Better Life label, chicken with 1-star Better Life label and all fish with an MSC/ASC label. • All biscuits served with coffee and tea come from the Koekfabriek. In total, this equates to more than 1 million handmade biscuits, served to guests with their hot drinks. The collaboration is special: The Koekfabriek employs people who need support to enter the workforce. Thanks to the collaboration with Landal GreenParks, around 10 positions can be filled there. • KRNWTR+ has been installed in all our restaurants, which means we no longer transport bottled mineral water.• Participation in public-private partnerships (PPPs) with Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and Greendish in making our menus more sustainable (less animal protein, less food waste).• For example, all the parks are collaborating with Too Good To Go, an initiative that combats food waste by selling products approaching their expiry date via an app. (See also chapter 4.2.)5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 40 People and nature

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5.2 The surrounding areaRegional collaboration:attractions, food and drink venues, tourism, local entrepreneurs Each Landal GreenParks park is located in a unique region. We encourage guests to explore the region and get to know the wealth of beautiful nature in the area, interesting culture and typical regional dishes and products. We collaborate with local entrepreneurs, municipalities and organisations, contributing to development of the region, preserving its unique character and increasing knowledge about the value of nature that our guests and we ourselves love so much. When you bring tourism to a region, it affects the surrounding area. We believe it is important that this influence is positive, so that people in the region, nature and entrepreneurs benefit from us being there. Our parks are located in unique regions, with a wealth of culture and nature. We would like to introduce our guests to that.Get to know the regionAre you staying at one of our parks? We will be happy to tell you the story of the region where our park is located. Because every region has a story! Of course, we don't want our guests to miss that German wine festival. Or that mussel festival in Zeeland. That is why we collaborate with local museums, attractions, craft trades and guides and, in turn, our park managers often collaborate with municipalities and (tourist) organisations in their region. Here are a few examples:• Landal Rabbit Hill's general manager is a member of the Veluwefonds, which balances economic and ecological development.• The general manager of Landal Port Greve in Zeeland is active at RECRON, which promotes recreational businesses on Schouwen-Duiveland. For example, a bus now runs across Schouwen-Duiveland, taking holidaymakers to all the attractions. The organisation is currently working on different ideas for sustainable transport in the region, such as by bicycle or water.• Several parks collaborate with local food banks to reduce food waste and contribute to society. Together we ensure a strong region and preserve its unique character.5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 41 People and nature

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Fairtrade and organicWe are increasingly choosing sustainable when buying food and drink. Like Fairtrade and organic, for example, and our coffee beans from Smit & Dorlas. Coffee farmers get a fair price for their produce. Selling local produce and encouraging trips in the region We love the regions in which our parks are located. And we ask not only what the region has to offer our guests, but also what we can do for the region. This has led to many wonderful collaborations. Here are a few examples: • Special beer brewed with honey from our own bees The gentlemen of the local brewery Hemursbier brew a delicious honey beer especially for Landal Amerongse Berg. The honey comes directly from our own bees that buzz over the moors behind our park. • Fruittuin Verbeek, near Landal Landgoed 't Loo near Zwolle. We sell juice and jam from this fruit garden, and our guests can book a package to go to the fruit grower to pick fruit themselves. A little train also runs there during holiday periods. • Goat's cheese at Landal Strand Resort Ouddorp Duin in Zeeland. We sell cheese from De Mèkkerstee goat farm and guests can also visit the goat farm to see for themselves how the cheese is made. The park also organises outings to seal sanctuary A Seal. • Honey at Landal Dwergter Sand, near Oldenburg. Mr Diekmann harvests honey in the region around this park near Oldenburg in northern Germany. We serve this honey in our restaurants and our guests can also buy a jar for home, or to give as a gift. • Breakfast basket with local produce at Landal Katschberg. Our guests staying high in the Austrian Alps at Landal Katschberg can order a breakfast basket with all local products, such as Alpine dairy products, jam, bread and tea. Each park has a host or hostess who knows exactly what there is to do in the region. We will be happy to tell you more about its history and local culture. After all, each region is different and unique, and each has its own beauty. The connection with the region is evident at our parksAll our parks look different. We do this consciously: we connect our parks to the regions in which they are located. At Landal Sluftervallei, for example, you can see murals of the Texel dunes and the lighthouse. Beach grass grows at the park, which is characteristic of the dunes in the Wadden area. And in the interiors of our parks in the Veluwe, you can see forests, deer and squirrels. We want our guests to feel at home in the region they are visiting.Landal GreenParks commits to 'nest warmth' in GermanyThe German organisation ‘nestwärme’ is committed to families with a chronically ill or disabled child, offering them specific help in training and education, nursing and hospice work through a nationwide network. Landal supports this in many different ways. Affected families get favourable conditions at our holiday parks, allowing them to relax in a safe environment. Apart from the financial support from donations collected by the parks at events, Landal employees are also actively involved in the local community. During changeover days, Landal colleagues can work for ‘nestwärme’. Society's awareness of the challenges faced by these families is being raised using social media, including an inclusion week.5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 42 People and nature

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5.3 EmployeesLandal GreenParks wants to offer its guests an unforgettable holiday and is a company by and for people. Enthusiastic, motivated, committed and vital employees are pivotal to this and essential to the success of Landal GreenParks.Firmly rooted in the local community, Landal GreenParks is committed as an employer to the health, development and happiness of its employees. We employ more than 3,000 employees at our management parks and offices in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Denmark and the United Kingdom. Throughout their careers at Landal GreenParks, we support the sustainable and structural employability of our employees. Investing in employees gives recognition and appreciation and contributes to employee happiness. The initiatives in this area are on the following pages.Recruitment - International Job EventDiscover what green can do for you. With this motto, Landal GreenParks encourages and motivates potential employees to apply for a position in the office or at one of the parks. Working at a Landal park is unique: in the heart of stunning nature or on the coast, at the most beautiful and best locations, at home and abroad. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the labour market. Filling vacancies, especially in the Food & Beverage department, at the parks and cleaning partners required a lot of creativity. We organised an International Job Event at many parks in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Denmark in April 2022, with the aim of filling as many vacancies as possible before the start of the high season. It was an accessible way to introduce people to our company by giving them a tour of the park, across the different departments, and giving us the opportunity to conduct a job interview on the spot and hire new employees. The HR Recruitment Department initiated the event. Preceded by a regional campaign, the parks, often together with their cleaning partners, presented themselves at their best. Recruitment Marketer Caroline Dahmen-Brugge: “Landal GreenParks offers a unique range of employment opportunities for the region where our parks are located. We wanted to present ourselves at the parks for exactly that reason. Thanks to the event, more than 100 employment contracts were signed in a fortnight, during and after the event!”Study assignment by Tourism Management studentsEvery year, Landal GreenParks offers a location and an assignment for students, particularly Bachelor of Tourism Management students in the Netherlands. They are introduced to the practicalities of working at a park over a period of six weeks. After a brief introduction, the students run a holiday park for six weeks using an online game. Within groups, each student has a management role, such as that of Park Manager, Food & Beverage Manager, Front Office Manager, etc. Every day there is a new situation or assignment - just like at a real park - which the group has to tackle. They also work on a study assignment for the park during this period and pitch the result in the form of a management recommendation. This sometimes yields surprising insights. This enables Landal GreenParks to come into direct contact with enthusiastic students who are interested in a job as an assistant or maybe later a managerial position.5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 43 People and nature

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Onboarding'Happy people, happy guests' is a common motto at Landal GreenParks. Working with happy people cannot start early enough. A potential candidate's journey starts by looking into the vacancy via our recruitment site to the first salary payment at the end of the first month. This entire onboarding process was scrutinised and updated in 2021 with the aim of getting new colleagues off to a good start. Resources have been updated, such as the job site and the tools that managers use to select the best talents and offer a successful welcome to their new positions. But also, managers were briefed on the importance of their role at all the 'stops' in the process: the job interview, a smooth onboarding process, the first day at the new workplace and meetings with the accompanying ‘buddy’. This was done through a unique five-part internal Landal podcast series entitled 'Discover what an unforgettable welcome can do'.DevelopmentDeveloping talents and keeping employees' knowledge up to date is a win-win situation: growth for Landal GreenParks as an organisation and personal growth for individual employees.Plenty of opportunities for employees to growThose who develop can go in many directions at Landal GreenParks, for example by getting more responsibility, specialising or taking on a completely new position. It is up to the employee when it comes to their growth. In discussions with managers, development is the most important topic. By completing a Personal Action Plan, employees express how they want to progress and what they need to do to achieve that. There may not be an opportunity to progress straight away. We therefore encourage employees to persevere in their current role and show that they are ready for new opportunities or projects that come along. Often, employees can develop in a temporary role alongside their existing position. Applying internally via the internal job portal always leads to an interview. At Landal GreenParks, there are many examples of colleagues who have progressed, be it from assistant or trainee to permanent employee, from employee to manager and sometimes further to a position in senior management. Or employees who have taken the next career step in an office or park abroad.The manager is the first point of contact when it comes to support, but certainly not the only one. At Landal GreenParks, many employees have been trained in the role of mentor. These colleagues provide advice and assistance and are there for feedback and advice. 5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 44 People and nature

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5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 45 People and natureOnline portal: Learnit! For every development question of every employeeEvery employee has control over their development. At Landal GreenParks, every development question starts with Learnit!, an online portal with a complete range of courses and training sessions for every development need. All employees in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, including those at management parks using HR services, can access this portal. Employees working at privately-owned parks that do not use this 'HR module' can use the learning platform for the recreation sector recreatiehero.nlIt is the joint task of the employee, manager and Learning & Development department to fulfil a development need. Learnit! has a central role in this and is always the starting point.Range of courses and training sessionsThe range of courses and training sessions on Learnit! falls into three categories:• Personal development and skills. An example here is the 'Happy customers stay customers' module.• Vocational training in hospitality. Consider, for example, the 'Wine Knowledge' training course.• Typical Landal. An example here is 'e-spiration sustainability'.Development learning pathways have been introduced over the past year especially for park employees, in which they can follow several learnings specific to the various positions. All training courses can be followed in different ways. The employee chooses the form they prefer, for example as a magazine, as a quiz, via a podcast, via Facetime etc. Currently, the Top 3 most popular learning activities in the Netherlands are: 1. Allergies and diets 2. Hospitality 3. E-spiration Sustainability In the light of this report, it is gratifying to see that the e-spiration Sustainability training session ranks so highly among courses attended. The Resort Hof Van Saksen premium park collaborates with Drenthe College, Werkplein Drentsche Aa in the Hof van Saksen Academy, in which students train to become chefs or hosts/hostesses. These courses are offered at level 1, 2 or 3. Students have one school day and work the other days in one of Hof van Saksen's restaurants. The group of students includes regular entrants from secondary education or senior secondary vocational education and training (MBO), but also status holders, people who need support to enter the workforce, and current employees of Hof van Saksen who want to retrain or upskill. By the end of 2021, as many as 10 students obtained their diplomas, five of whom got jobs at Hof van Saksen and four graduates moved on to the next level of education within the Academy.

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HR information system for employees and managersA year after its introduction in the Netherlands, the HR information system was also made available to employees in Germany and Denmark in 2021. Employees can access their personnel files, regulations & FAQs, employment conditions, the latest HR news and payslips. They can also submit changes themselves or ask HR-related questions.The implementation of the information system meant many HR processes could be automated and, more importantly, accelerated. This puts the employee more 'in control' of HR services. For managers, the system is the source of all HR information and allows them to organise their HR affairs easily and quickly themselves. Contracts for new employees are created in the system and accounts for access to computer systems are arranged. Agreements on development meetings, training courses and development are also managed in the system. 5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 46 People and nature

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Nominations for internship supervisionBecause an internship involves 'teaching on site', internship supervisors must be trained as practical trainers. Landal GreenParks ensures that internship supervisors stay up to date in terms of subject matter. The internship policy resulted in the following nominations during the reporting period:• Foundation for Cooperation on Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven, SBB): Best Work Placement Company and Best Practical Trainer in 2022; • Recreation Elections 2022: in the categories Best Work Placement Company, Best Practical Trainer and Nicest Colleague.SBB nomination for Best Work Placement Company and Best Practical Trainer In March 2022, SBB nominated Hoog Vaals park out of almost 700 submissions for Best Work Placement Company of the Year in the Food, Green and Hospitality sector. At the same time, a Fun & Entertainment employee also received a nomination as practical trainer of the year! It is a nice recognition and confirmation of the path set out to provide interns with proper supervision. For more than 500,000 senior secondary vocational education and training (MBO) students in our country, learning in practice is an indispensable part of their education. To emphasise the importance of this, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has established the Best Work Placement Company election. Best Work Placement Company of the Year at the Recreation Elections for 2022/2023In 2022, Landal Sluftervallei was nominated in the Best Work Placement Company category, an employee of Fun & Entertainment at Landal Hoog Vaals in the Best Practical Trainer category and an employee at Landal Het Vennenbos in the Nicest Colleague category. The award has been set up by the Stichting Sociaal Fonds Recreatie (SFRecreatie), in partnership with social partners HISWA-RECRON, CNV Vakmensen and FNV Recreatie. Ambitious practical trainers, entrepreneurs and leisure employees from across the country showcase their talent and demonstrate that they exemplify good practical training in the industry. Moreover, this gives them the opportunity to stand out to (future) employees.Unique senior secondary vocational education and training (MBO) learning pathway Besides training courses for its own employees, Landal GreenParks also offers plenty of opportunities for students from vocational training to complete a learning pathway at the parks. An example of such a partnership is Landstede's senior secondary vocational education and training (MBO) department, located in Zwolle, Harderwijk, Raalte and Dronten. Here, more than 11,000 young people follow vocational training in 100 different directions. The Travel, Leisure & Hospitality course has around 150 students, of which an average of 20 per cent gain internship experience at Landal GreenParks once or more every year during their studies.This course trains broadly employable Hospitality employees for a future in the Tourism & Recreation sector. This tailor-made course is ideally suited for entrants from the business community. The course material learned at school can be applied directly in working practice. Landal GreenParks supports such a learning pathway by providing good practical training. Practical trainers must first have successfully completed a training programme to provide the training. It is also of great value to train someone coming from a course and that they can progress to a permanent job within the company. 5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 47 Number of internships 2021 2022the Netherlands489 (excl. work experience internships)527 (incl. work experience internships)Belgium 10 4Germany 13 20Austria 19 30Denmark - 1People and nature

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New Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) for leisure sector employees in the Netherlands In April 2022, the new CLA for the Leisure Industry, which runs from January 2022 to December 2023, came into force. The CLA includes a three-step pay rise, an increase in the youth workers salary scales and the possibility of having the Sunday allowance paid directly.The new CLA gives both employers and employees a firm footing and security for a period of two years in a time of rising prices and inflation. Moreover, we were able to give our employees recognition for their tremendous commitment and flexibility during the difficult COVID-19 period.Further changes We also made two positive changes to the commuting expenses scheme, namely the allowance per kilometre was increased and the kilometre limit was raised. An additional salary increase was granted for the group of assistants. Compensation for cleaning staff with improved travel expenses schemeLandal GreenParks was the first holiday park provider to introduce an improved travel expenses scheme for the staff of its cleaning partner CSU in summer 2022. The parks are often in remote locations in the heart of nature, which means driving several kilometres to get to work. The cost of transport has increased significantly. Cleaning is an important part of our success and cleaning staff make the difference. We are therefore glad that we were able to provide the additional compensation. Attention to health During the COVID-19 lockdowns, many office employees worked from home. A Homeworking Policy was set up during this period. It includes guidelines to help employees set up a distraction-free and health and safety-compliant home workplace. Linked to this is a scheme for an allowance for the purchase cost of equipment and furniture and a fixed allowance for days worked from home. Budget coachWith rising prices due to geopolitical developments, we face declining purchasing power. This often leads to financial problems for people, including Landal employees. We encourage employees in this situation to take action. They can ask the manager or HR Business Partner for help. If employees find that too difficult, they can contact a budget coach from FinaFit free of charge.The coach will call them back within one working day to schedule an appointment. The employee decides where this appointment takes place (at the park, at home or at FinaFit's premises) and how this appointment takes place (live or digital). During the appointment, individuals are shown how they can save money, whether they are entitled to certain (financial) schemes, what their income and expenditure pattern is and how they can make sure they have money left over at the end of the month. The meetings with FinaFit are always confidential and the content of these meetings is not shared with Landal GreenParks5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 48 People and nature

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Robots lend a hand After extensive testing in 2022, robots were deployed at management parks in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, which supported Food & Beverage employees in their task. The robots take care of the heavy lifting and walking back and forth to the kitchen, leaving the employees with more time for personal contact with guests. In the kitchen, dishes are placed on the robot, which then takes them to a fixed spot near the table. This allows the employee to take the dishes to the table for groups of between four and around eight people in one go. This way, the guests all receive their meals at the same time. Two robots operate at each park: one robot helps clear the dishes. The other robot assists in carrying dirty dishes and plates to the dishwashing area. Office colleagues help colleagues at the parksIt is exceptionally busy at the parks in the summer peak season. During this period, staffing levels at the parks were increased with seasonal workers. Yet, there were vacancies during this period and all help was welcome. Many office workers enthusiastically helped their colleagues at the parks for a day, with service in the restaurants, in the kitchen, in Fun & Entertainment, in cleaning, and in the ParkShop. The parks greatly appreciated this additional help And the office employees gained valuable experience with park procedures and guest contact. 5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 49 People and nature

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Benefits and sustainable travelLandal GreenParks is a strong supporter of sustainable commuting. Cycling to work is good for your health too. To encourage the use of bicycles among its employees, Landal GreenParks in the Netherlands has a Bicycle Plan as part of its Mobility Policy. Landal provides a budget each calendar year for the Bicycle Plan. Employees who meet the conditions for participation may purchase a bicycle once every three years. The capped purchase price including VAT is deducted from the employee's gross salary, creating a gross-net benefit for the employee. Depending on the salary level, income tax and the level of social contributions, this benefit can amount to almost 50% of the purchase price of the bicycle. The employee repays the bicycle in 12 equal monthly instalments through deductions from their gross salary.Landal GreenParks offers other benefits through discounts on all kinds of insurance. For example, Landal has taken out collective health insurance for its employees. This also applies to privately-owned parks using the 'HR module'. Collective health insurance is also available for partners and resident children. Through the collective, the compensation is more extensive than individual insurance and entitles employees to discounts on the supplementary insurance premium. There’s also an attractive discount on travel and accident insurance. Two insurance policies were introduced for employees in Belgium in 2022: group insurance (supplementary pension insurance) and medical insurance with additional medical cover in case of illness. Employees can also sign up their family members to the medical insurance at their own expense. Landal GreenParks pays the employees’ premium in full. Employees pay a contribution for group insurance. Safe (working) environmentLandal GreenParks pays close attention to a safe environment for its employees, including externally hired employees, and guests. At Landal GreenParks, the appointed prevention officer deals with safety, health and working conditions in the workplace. This officer reviews the Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI&E) at all sites and how the action plan is being followed-up. The park managers at the parks are responsible for implementing the action plan. An increasing number of parks have appointed a park prevention officer. The annual RI&E is part of the 'Total Quality Management System', which tracks the organisation's compliance with legislation and regulations in a dozen different areas. The RI&E compliance audit uses questionnaires to check whether employees are informed or instructed on safety aspects in the workplace (e.g. swimming pool employees). The role, knowledge and responsibility of employees including the escalation model comes up time and again in the compliance audit. This continuous repetition creates awareness and knowledge of safety issues and working conditions.Confidential advisor In any work situation, it is possible that employees unexpectedly encounter undesirable behaviour. This could include fraud, dishonesty, aggression, bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment or insufficient compliance with health and safety rules. Encouraged by the management, all Landal employees make every effort to ensure this does not happen. However, if employees do encounter any of these issues and their job satisfaction suffers, the manager and/or HR Business Partner is the first colleague to speak to. Landal GreenParks also offers its employees the opportunity to have a confidential discussion with an appointed confidential advisor. They can also give advice when such situations arise. 5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 50 People and nature

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AppreciationWe expressed recognition and appreciation to employees at the start of the busy summer period in 2022 with an appropriate summer gift in the form of a beach bag with a hammam towel. This contribution to their summer joy yielded many submitted photos from a wide variety of holiday destinations. There were more gift-giving moments: at Sinterklaas (St Nicholas), Advent and Christmas. Each team also organises an annual team outing. The Netherlands' most guest-friendly holiday park provider in 2022Landal employees are always ready to help, committed and act decisively. They are very welcoming and always go the extra mile. They are driven to exceed the expectations of guests, colleagues, owners and suppliers. The result is an unforgettable holiday for guests. Guests’ appreciation of the efforts of all employees is shown by the results of continual online surveying among Dutch consumers conducted by MarketResponse research agency. Landal GreenParks finished as the most guest-friendly holiday park provider in 2022 - as it did in 2021. That the title could be prolonged at a time when companies are increasingly committed to improving customer friendliness, and guests also expect more and more, makes us immensely proud. Landal competed in the Leisure category and was one of five nominees. In that category, Efteling led the way followed by Apenheul and Van der Valk Hotels. Landal came fourth. Organisations cannot register themselves or get their customers to vote. Every large, national company in the Netherlands automatically participates.5. People and nature - 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | 51 People and natureNumber of employees (excluding trainees) employed by Landal GreenParks Age structure excl. traineesYears of service excl. traineesCountry Headcount FTE2022 2021 2022 2021the Netherlands 2,174 2,110 1,182 1,168Belgium 82 82 45 45Germany 462 438 265 259Denmark 371 307 152 127United Kingdom 18 5 18 5Austria 13 15 9 12Total 3,121 2,956 1,672 1,615<20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70>the NetherlandsBelgiumGermanyDenmark100%10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%the NetherlandsBelgiumGermanyDenmark100%10% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%<5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40>

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ColophonThe Hague, February 2023This sustainability report is a publication of Landal GreenParks BVPO Box 959912509 CZ The HagueIf you want to know more about sustainability at Landal GreenParks, go to Sustainability at Landal