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Survey Results

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QUESTIONSQ1 Are you a current college student?Q2 What is your age?Q3 What is your gender?Q4 Where do you usually get information for events that youattend or consider attending?Q5 How often do you attend school-affiliated events likehomecoming, welcome week, etc?Q6 How much time do you usually spend at these events?Q7 How many hours per week do you spend playing video on yourmobile device or other platforms that host games?Q8 Do you consider yourself an avid or casual gamer?Q9 What platform do you typically play video games on? Q10 How interested would you be in playing retro/old-schoolgames on gaming platforms like xbox, playstation and otherdevices?Q11 In a typical month, which of the following social networkingwebsites do you use most often?Q12 Do you typically engage with advertisements on the platformsyou chose above? If so, which ones?Q13 What old-school retro game resonates with you the most?Q14 Which would you rather participate in?Q15 What prize would you prefer to win at a recreationalcompetitive gaming event?Q16 What do you think of when you seethe word esports?Q17 Why wouldn't you subscribe to a game-streaming service?Q18 How much do you spend on gaming per year?

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SURVEYSUMMARIES Although 62% of the 125 people who took the surveyanswered yes, that they are currently enrolled inhigher education, a large majority of the respondentsanswered that they're between the ages of 18-24. Thesecond age demographic that answered the surveyadmitted to being 25-34 years of age. Generally,respondents are close to our target demographic.Over half (57%) of the respondents were male, 41%female and 2% describe themselves as 'other'. 80%of respondents were between theages of 14-24Majority of the people thatresponded to the survey wrote thatmost of their information isreceived by either social mediaplatforms, word of mouth and/or bysearching the internet. In fact,social media received 113 clicks,word of mouth received 90 andinternet searches received 61 clicks.MEDIA PROSPECTSSurvey reported that best practices for event dissemination are word of mouth,internet searches and social media advertisements. FlyersWord of MouthInternet SearchSocial MediaLocal NewsOther125 100 75 50 25 0 62%of respondents were collegestudents; 48% reported they werenot at university level

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Majority of those that respondedanswered that they sometimes, rarely tonever go to school events. Bothsometimes and rarely received 38 clicksand never received 27.67 of the respondents wrote thatwhen they do go to events, they'llspend up to two hours at the venue.Other responses did not stand out/were stagnant.Answers for this question werepolarized.and varied. Although 37responses concluded that our surveyaudience does not play video games,, 25respondents wrote they play 1-2 hoursa week while 29 respondents wrote theyplay 6+ hours.This audience response ranges. 51people chose "casual' gamer, 31 chose"avid" gamer and 43 wrote that theywere not into gaming. From this we'velearned that our target audience is thecasual gamer.05S C H O O LP A R T I C I P A T I O N060809 07Most people in the survey audiencechose their mobile device as their mainsource of gaming, others includedPlaystation consoles and PC games.

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RESULTSInstagram24.2%Youtube19.7%Twitter17.4%Facebook16.1%Snapchat15.8%LinkedIn5%Pinterest1.8%Out of the 125 respondents, majority stated that they use Instagram, Twitter and Facebook as their main sources ofsocial media, however, 47% of the audience wrote that they do not engage with advertisements on social media.However, 40% of respondents said that when they do engage with advertisements, its typically from instagram andanother 20% said facebook. CONCLUSION: QUESTIONS 1-11For the first half of the survey, we've gathered that outof the 125 respondents to the survey majority stilldescribe themselves as current college students, over3/4ths of survey takers were in the target demographicbetween 18-34. Most consider themselves 'CasualGamers' playing anywhere between 2 hours a week to6+ hours. However, many do not normally participate in school eventsand those that do spend no more than two hours at theseevents. Mobile devices and play station consoles are amongthe most popular modes of gaming in the group andoccasionally they'll play on mac or PC. When asked howinterested they'd be in retro games, majority of therespondents wrote that they'd be somewhat interested to notat all.

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Participantswere asked what type ofgaming they would participate in so thatwe can test the type of terminology we'duse for this type of specific event. Choicesincluded: " Competitive Gaming Event "" A Gaming Tournament"" A Recreational Gaming Event " Majority chose that "RECREATIONAL"was good terminology to use for an eventthat appeals to casual gaming.QUE S TIO N S 1 4 -1 8When asked what prize would bepreferable to win at a recreationalgaming event, 107/125 respondentsagreed that a cash prize would be themost desirable. However, uponfurther research the PR labdiscovered that it is illegal to handout cash prizes in Arizona, thereforelooked to other options. One being anall paid trip or just free tickets to aconvention like Comicon - or a trip toLas Vegas, Nevada. As for ESPORTS, majority of theparticipants agreed that when theythink of the term "E-sports",competitive gaming comes to mind When asked "what are some reasonsyou would not subscribe to a monthlygame-streaming service?" 57 of therespondents answered pricing whileanother 43 said lack of interest inretro games.There were 8 respondents that chose"other". Answers ranged from latencyto lack of personal time and someeven wrote "all of the above"P A G E 2Competitive gamingGaming TournamentA Recreational Game75 50 25 0 Competitive gaming60.8%Sports-related games19.2%Competitive recreational gamers10.4%Other5.6%Online leaderboard games4%

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Lastly, the survey asked how much participantsspend on gaming per year in app stores, xbox,playstation or the like as a total amount. Answersranged from $0 to $2,000. The average of allanswers was $142.69 Those that selected thatthey spend over $200 a year in games consideredthemselves to be avid gamers. Most of the 'avidgamers' demographicwrote that they'veinteracted with ads from YouTube and Instagram.In addition, they also selected that they'd beextremely interested in learning more about theretro-gaming service. Antstream has some obstacles ahead. however, the streaming service has adecent chance in infiltrating the casual gaming community on the universitylevel. First and foremost, younger casual gamers are more intrigued by thestreaming service. Although the demographic is at second best to those in theoriginal targeted audience of people 30-45 years of age, it can gain tractionon campus if its affordable and easy to navigate. Word-of-mouth and agrassroots avenue of advertising may be the best way to go in terms ofcreating awareness for the brand. If the team plans to host an event, it needsto be creative in how it advertises as most students do not attend schoolaffiliated events, while those that do attend go for less than three hours onaverage. Lastly, we learned that cash prizes are illegal to hand out in Arizona -but using a gaming console or a trip is a better alternative. We may need toexplore widening our targeted demographic or creating a student discountand incentivizing our campaign strategy. In that news: let's find our casualgamers!