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Summer Mad Libs

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KidsKidsKidsNewspaper:Newspaper:Newspaper:Issue!Issue!Issue!Issue no.1Issue no.1Issue no.1Scotch Plains-FanwoodScotch Plains-FanwoodScotch Plains-Fanwood

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(weather)(Adj.)(noun)(insert her name)(place)(food)(Adj.)(Adj.)(verb)(shape)(sea creature)(verb ending in -er)(adverb)(color)(emotion)(same emotion)(creature)Mad LibsOnce upon a time, it was a ________ summer day.Ms. ______ ______ is getting married at the ________!But she needs help picking the food, she is stuckbetween ______ and _______. She is wearing a ______(food) with _______ shoes. But, she was running late, so she had to ___________ to get to the wedding. She opened the _________ shaped door and her guests said, “Your dress looks like _________.” She replied,“Thank you!” as she __________ to the altar. As she ______ said her vows, A ________ ________ crashes the party! Her guests looked _______! As they felt ______they ran out of the wedding. Ms. _____________ was left at the alter feeling ______. What a _____ wedding!(emotion) (Adj.)

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Now that the weather is much warmer, people aregoing on vacation! A very popular place to go to is thebeach! The beach is a great place to lay in the sun, play inthe sand, and have a quick swim through the waves. Manypeople enjoy the amazing warmth of the sun beamingdown on them and a refreshing swim in the ocean. Theyeven build beautiful sand castles by the shore. Each year, 180 million Americans make 2 billion visitsto beaches – more than twice as many as to all nationaland state parklands combined! This really shows howpopular visits to the beach are! Do you like going to the beach? Maybe you should goto one soon! Now that the weather is much warmer, people aregoing on vacation! A very popular place to go to is thebeach! The beach is a great place to lay in the sun, play inthe sand, and have a quick swim through the waves. Manypeople enjoy the amazing warmth of the sun beamingdown on them and a refreshing swim in the ocean. Theyeven build beautiful sand castles by the shore. Each year, 180 million Americans make 2 billion visitsto beaches – more than twice as many as to all nationaland state parklands combined! This really shows howpopular visits to the beach are! Do you like going to the beach? Maybe you should goto one soon!Giovanna & Ahana, 5th grade

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Pictures of the creek coated down the street fromNettingham middle school on park road. This creekwon't flow if it hasn’t rained. This is because it needswater to be in it. It is cool because it is fun to play inand jump on the rocks. Below are pictures of thedehydrated creek.Eddie, 5th grade

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GiselleHave you been to Peru? There’s delicious food, mysticalcreatures, and more. It’s like going back to when therewas villages but with technology.Peru is in South America, near the equator. It is also nearEcuador and Bolivia. In fact it rains a lot!Be careful because things get stolen!Worms and parasites can get inside ofyou because animals spread diseasesPhoto source: Douglas Fernandes / Creative Commons / via flickr#1: Location of PeruPeru is the third largest country in South America!FUN FACT#2: Dangers in Peru#3: Spanish LanguageSpanish is our language: Hola =hello , Bien = good , Adios =bye.

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Arroz choufa : (Brownrice with chicken, beef,and vegetablesCeviche: (raw fishmarinated in citrus juice)~ Lomo saltado (stir fried beef) ~ Anti cucho made with cow heart,~ Cuy (guinea pig) The red on both sides represents theblood spilled for independence andnational pride. The white in the middlerepresents peace and purity. The vicuña, a free-roaming camelidclosely related to the llama and alpacais represented in the first quartering. Photo source: Kirk K / Creative Commons / via flickrPhoto source: Héctor de Pereda / Creative Commons / via flickr#4: Peruvian foods#5: Peru’s Flag In addition to representing the riches Peruvian fauna, it stands for Freedom, national pride, and heroism.#6: AnimalsPeruvian Inca orchid Photo source: Jeff Nyveen / Creative Commons / via flickrCougar, Jaguar, Amazon river dolphin, Vicuña LlamaPhoto source: Creative Commons / via PickPikSpectacaled bearPhoto source: Smithsonian's National Zoo / Creative Commons / via flickr

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Hunters are killing the red wolves for skin,andfor their meat. Now they’re only about 100 redwolves in the wild today. People are makingreserves for not only red wolves,And other wolvesas well! We hope that we can save the wolves.There will be more than 100. #1 Did you know wolves could smell 100 timesbetter than humans can?#2 all gray wolves have blue eyes #3 wolves can weigh up to 80 k.g#4 a red wolves home can stretch about 200 miles #5 red wolves are Shy around peopleCheck out the “WolfConservation Center” onlineto help save the wolves bydonating, volunteering, andadopting wolvesRed wolves are being hunted!Fun wolf factsHow can we help the wolves?Quinn, Photo source: techlec / Creative Commons / via pixabayWolves: Keystone Animals In Danger 2nd grade

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TheAirplaneRideTheAirplaneRideLila, 2nd gradeGrandma’sitchysleeping bag Grandma’sitchysleeping bag GalleryGalleryGallery

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Ali, 3rd gradeMaria, 3rd gradeGalleryGalleryGallery

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Eleanore, 2nd gradeGalleryGalleryGallery

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Amelia, 2nd gradeLayla, 3rd gradeGalleryGalleryGallery

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A lot of people are playing sports and practicing. Irecommend sports because it is a lot of fun. I enjoysports because you could be with friends. Yousometimes need to play in the summer to get yourenergy out. A lot of people are running and taking a walk. It ispopular because it is a great exercise. I recommend itbecause we can get our energy out. I enjoy it because itis a good way to stretch your legs out.April- It is too cold for the playground. A Lot of peopleare waiting for the summer to play. I enjoy playing onthe playground because there are a lot of people.Benji, 3rd gradePhotos by: BenjiThe Great Outdoors

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#1: Beaches LBI is famous for its long Beach. Thereare many named beaches throughout theisland though! Here are some: -Harvey Cedars -Surf city -Beach HavenNow you know some of thebeaches in L.B.I.What to Know About Long Beach Island LBI is mostly famous for its beach andentertainment. Have you ever been to thisamazing place? It is so nice! I am going totell you about this amazing place.Molly,Photo source: Kim Carpenter / Creative Commons / via flickr2nd grade

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Jellyfish You have toalso be onthe watch forsea creaturesand strongtides. Yourchild couldget stuck ina strongtide, so beon watch. Andabout the sea #2: Safety Everyone knows that you haveto put on sunscreen on beforeyou go outside on a sunny day.But you have the same problemon the beach right? You alwayshave to reapply in LBI becauseit washes off in the in thewater.Photo source:US Navy / Creative Commons / via Wikimedia CommonsStingraysSharkscreatures, oh the sea creatures, they are as dangerous as strong tides. So ifYou see one, don’t worry but slowly move awayfrom it until its out of your sight!

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You like celebrating holidaysin summer right? If so, come to #3: CelebrationsLBI! For the Fourth of July, Labor Day, summerbirthdays, or anything LBI is the right place. The beach, Boardwalk, or anywhere inLBI is a great placeto celebrate. TheBeach: it’srelaxing!. TheSafety: it’s nice.The Fireworks: theyare amazing.It’s all the summerholiday experienceyou want!Graphic by: Molly Photo source: Creative Commons / via TAPinto

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It was the middle of the night and I was sleeping. Mydad heard noises that were coming from the outside.They sounded like meowing. My Dad got out of bedand looked out the window and saw raccoons. Theywere making a lot of noise! Dad sacrificed his glass ofwater and dumped it on them. It was so scary and hewas so brave for doing that! He scared the raccoonsand then they ran away and went back homeThese raccoons lookso scary, they look likethey are going toattack the camera manThis raccoon is theplumpest raccoonI have ever seen inmy life!This raccoon isvery cute, he isplaying with theplant! Evander, 2nd gradePhoto source: wildflower1555 / Creative Commons / via Wallpaper AbyssPhoto source: Creative Commons / via Wikimedia CommonsPhoto source: Siegfried Matull / Creative Commons / via Mendonoma SightingsA Funny Raccoon TaleA Funny Raccoon TaleA Funny Raccoon Tale

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Where you see a rainbow, makesure to take a picture becauseit's like you're in wonderland!Wow, when you step in the waterit is…so cool!WOAH! Splash! Great cool waterto cool you off in the summer!Ahh- im so cooled off now, thesun can't stop me now. Wow!That waterfall looks…beautiful!Woah! Now we're on acruise ship! Wow, look atthe waterfalls and natureagain!HAHA look at that little cruiseship! The ponchos that peoplewear come in handy dandy. Alsoan umbrella comes in handy, butyou’re on a cruise ship andputting an umbrella indoors isbad luck!Don't worry, when you’re wet, come tothis hotel because then you can dry off!And don't make a commotion about beingwet, because that's gonna be awkward.Maddy, 3rd gradePhotos by: MaddyNo fish, no animals that bite! Try totaste the rainbow and enjoy themoment! Cause this memory willalways live in your heart!

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Our MissionOur MissionOur MissionWith the releaseWith the releaseWith the releaseof this issue, weof this issue, weof this issue, wewanted towanted towanted tospotlight ourspotlight ourspotlight ourmotivation formotivation formotivation forstarting this club!starting this club!starting this club!Journalism ForJournalism ForJournalism ForJuniors is aJuniors is aJuniors is aprogram thatprogram thatprogram thathelps provide anhelps provide anhelps provide anopportunity foropportunity foropportunity foryoung students inyoung students inyoung students inrefugee camps torefugee camps torefugee camps tolearn the basicslearn the basicslearn the basicsof journalismof journalismof journalismwhile also helpingwhile also helpingwhile also helpingthem share theirthem share theirthem share theirlife experienceslife experienceslife experiencesand stories withand stories withand stories withpeople around thepeople around thepeople around Through interactive workshops,Through interactive workshops,Through interactive workshops,Journalism for Juniors combines elementsJournalism for Juniors combines elementsJournalism for Juniors combines elementssuch as storytelling and field productionsuch as storytelling and field productionsuch as storytelling and field productionto educate these students and allowto educate these students and allowto educate these students and allowthem to inspire people, from thosethem to inspire people, from thosethem to inspire people, from thosearound them to a global audience, witharound them to a global audience, witharound them to a global audience, withtheir stories. We recommend you go andtheir stories. We recommend you go andtheir stories. We recommend you go andviewviewview Journalism for Juniors and look at Journalism for Juniors and look at Journalism for Juniors and look atwhat our inspiration was for this club.what our inspiration was for this club.what our inspiration was for this club.~ Your editors~ Your editors~ Your editors

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Vania G.Vania G.Vania G. CreditsCreditsCreditsCongratulations! You helped make ourCongratulations! You helped make ourCongratulations! You helped make ourfirst issue possible. We're so proud offirst issue possible. We're so proud offirst issue possible. We're so proud ofthe work that you all have done! While itthe work that you all have done! While itthe work that you all have done! While itwas difficult to accommodate exactlywas difficult to accommodate exactlywas difficult to accommodate exactlywhat everyone wanted, we arewhat everyone wanted, we arewhat everyone wanted, we aresatisfied with the success of our clubsatisfied with the success of our clubsatisfied with the success of our cluband this product.and this product.and this product. Meet The EditorsMeet The EditorsMeet The EditorsHigh Schoolstudents! Interestedin becoming avolunteer? Emailteens@scotlib.orgBella R.Bella R.Bella R.David R.David R.David R.Digital Media GroupDigital Media GroupDigital Media GroupWeb DesignWeb DesignWeb DesignWriting GroupWriting GroupWriting GroupWeb designWeb designWeb design Art GroupArt GroupArt GroupIs your 2nd grade -6th graderinterested in joiningthe Kids NewspaperClub?