Summer Curriculum Collaborative Participant Roles, Responsibilities, and Deliverables The Curriculum & Instruction team is grateful for your participation in the Summer Curriculum Collaborative. Your collaborative work will benefit teaching and learning across the entire district. Please review the following information as it relates to the work that must be completed by each participant to receive the stipend of $2800.00. ALL tasks and commitments must be met to receive the stipend. There will be no partial payments of the stipend due to incomplete work or unfulfilled time commitments. This is an all or nothing agreement. Total Hours: • 80 total hours of work between May 26, 2023 – July 30, 2023. • Must sign and submit the SCCPSS Work Agreement. Face-to-Face Hours: • Must complete 60 hours be face-to-face at Shuman Elementary. • Must schedule these hours with teammates on May 26, 2023. • Must be collaborative work, not in isolation. • Must sign-in upon arrival and sign-out up leaving in Room A8 (the C&I office) Telework Hours: • 20 hours may be teleworked on your own schedule. o You may choose as a team to convert these hours to face-to-face. • Must submit the designated work log each by Friday of each week. • Must have evidence of work completed. Deliverables: The following deliverables have been established for each content area Teacher Specialist. Other tasks may be identified throughout the course of the collaborative work by each team. On May 26, 2023, each team will: • Review the deliverables to prioritize tasks. • Create a work calendar with specific due dates. • Assign teammates to identified tasks. Content Area Deliverables: ELA Math Science Social Studies • Create/add learning targets for each standard. • Create new unit learning plans. • Identify key vocabulary. • Identify high impact Serravallo Strategies for each unit. • All work must be tagged with new standard and housed in one document (linked on YAG) • Fluency Activities per unit / Number Talks • iReady where needed (lessons, small groups, games) • Align Studies Weekly materials to units/YAGs, • Common Assessments from Studies Weekly. • Integrate Nearpod lessons in units, • Integrate Science Fair, Science Olympiad, Inventure Challenge, • Align Studies Weekly materials and weekly activities to unit plans. • Common Assessments from Studies Weekly. • Integrate C3 Framework for inquiry for student learning and tasks. • Review, revise and edit student self-assessments to
• Create Serravallo Anchor Charts for high impact strategies. • Identify Walther lessons and align to appropriate units. • Align additional resources to units/standards. • Revise/Edit/Enhance Suggested grade level booklist. • Identify Studies Weekly Resources for Reading, Writing, and Independent workstations aligned to ELA standards and units. • Identify Mentor Text resources for writing. • Provide suggested writing tasks for each unit/type of writing. • Additional resources (i.e., graphic organizers, etc.) • Prioritizing learning plans (green for “must dos”) • Additional modeling / statistical reasoning tasks (with scoring rubrics) / 3-act tasks • Assessments? (iReady comprehension checks? Keenville? DRC beacon) • Manipulative uses / directions • Teacher clarity questions? • Supports for items in the “Support Guidance for Initial Implementation (2023-2024 SY)” • Student PDFs (unit 1 if draft is removed) planning/projects within units, • Align additional resources to units/standards align with the learning targets. Check for different formats. (Can be done in Chart Paper form for a class activity). • Align additional resources to units/standards, • Check for any cross curricular connections using “Shake Up Shared Reading”! • Include community-based learning experiences. o Georgia Historical Society o Massie Heritage o SCAD o Jepson Museum o BEACH Institute o Owens-Thomas House and Slave Quarters Museum Telfair Academy o Music Explorers o Kelly Tours (Gullah Geechee Tours) o Savannah History Museum o Savannah Children’s Museum o Pinpoint Heritage Museum o Old Fort Jackson o Bull Street Library I, _______________________________________, understand that ALL tasks and commitments must be met if I am to receive the $2800.00 stipend. I understand that there will be no partial payments of the stipend. I understand that if I do not full fill ALL commitments, I will not receive payment. Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Stipends are paid upon the completion of ALL time commitments and deliverables 23 FY 20__ EXTRA WORK AGREEMENT FOR CURRENT EMPLOYEES WHO ARE UNDER CONTRACT USE THIS FORM TO CONFIRM THE AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLEMENTAL DUTIES TO BE PERFORMED BY A CURRENT EMPLOYEE WHO HAS A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYM ENT CLASSROOM TEACHERS AND CERTAIN OTHER CERTIFICATED POSITIONS E M P L O Y E E N AM E SITE EMPLOYEE ID NUMBER MUNIS ACCOUNT LINE 420 2210 2715 4180 8010 200 511600 0000 PROJECT OR ASSIGNMENT Examples Mentor Night School Summer Programs Tutorial Etc Include specific details about the number of days or hours involved if known Summer Curriculum writing work to support learning loss Paid at 30 per hour T 5 and above or 25 per hour T 4 and below S C H E D U L E D B E G I N N I N G D AT E SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS NOTED BELOW May 26 2023 June 30 2023 P L AN N E D H R S D AY H O U R L Y R AT E 8 E S T I M AT E D E N D I N G D AT E SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS NOTED BELOW CONFIRM WITH HR C E R T I F I C AT E L E V E L S T E P I F AP P L I C AB L E L U M P S UM IF PAID ON AN ANNUAL OR PROJECT BASIS 2800 00 N A This Supplemental Work Agreement is intended to document basic information about this assignment and the pay the employee will receive as well as the funding source for this expense This is an at will assignment that is supplemental to the employee s Contract of Employment which means that either the employee or the Savannah Chatham County Public School System may alter or terminate the agreement with or without cause at any time This agreement is subject to annual review and shall not be grievable under Board policy or subject to the provisions of the Fair Dismissal Act Ga Laws 1975 pp 360 367 as Amended Appropriate timekeeping measures must be followed as directed by the Principal Director No payment will be made for time not worked All employees are subject to the policies and procedures of the Board of Education and the work site Typically these supplemental activities are limited in duration and are paid on a one time basis therefore the pay is not considered covered compensation by the Teachers Retirement System E m p l o ye e s S i g n a t u r e O f Ac c e p t a n c e o f T e r m s Date Principal s Director s Ap p r o v a l Date Program Manager s or Program Director s Ap p r o v a l i f r e q u i r e d Date Associate Superintedent s Approval Date May 26 2023 Date F O R H U M AN R E S O U R C E S U S E O N L Y Rate of Pay Confirmed FORM 600 400 0108 Rev 07 22
Summer Curriculum Collaborative Extra Work Agreement Telework Log May 26 2023 June 30 2023 Employee Name _______________________________________________ Dates __________________________ Weekly Total Hours ______hours Date Time Activity Hours Worked Example 8 00 AM 10 00 A M Conducted Staff Meeting with Teachers Students Parents etc 2 hours I verify that the hours reported are accurate and 100 of my job duties were related to activities in compliance with my duties and responsibilities Print Employee Name ______________________________ Employee Signature _________________________ Telework logs are due by Friday of each week Maximum number of compensated telework hours 20 hours between May 26 2023 June 30 2023
Whole Group Literacy Instruction 120 Minutes Purpose Statement Definition This is where teachers and students are learning together at the same time in the same space with each person focused on the same learning goals Teacher led direct instruction Grounded in Georgia s Standards of Excellence Follows District Pacing YAG Gradual Release Model I do We do You do it together You do Writing Supports reading and writing instruction and content area integration Provides explicit direct instruction modeling and guided practice Provides instruction on the writing process 30 Minutes Shared Reading Provides an interactive reading experience for students to join in and share the reading of a book or other piece of text Allows students the opportunity to practice literacy and language to develop their own skills Builds critical background knowledge Develops concepts of print 50 Minutes Interactive Read Aloud Supports reading and writing instruction and content area integration Provides explicit direct instruction modeling and guided practice 40 Minutes Instructional Component and Reading Pillar SCCPSS 4th 5th Grade Instructional Guidance Document District Supported Resources Instructional Practices Select various genres from classroom and school libraries to Build Oral Vocabulary Model Fluent Reading Teach Comprehension Strategies Skills Model Think Aloud Build Background Knowledge about the world Facilitate Discussion Build Anchor Charts Graphic Organizers Select various genres from classroom and school libraries to Build Oral Vocabulary Model Fluent Reading Teach Comprehension Strategies Skills Model Think Aloud Build Background Knowledge about the world Facilitate Discussion Build Anchor Charts Graphic Organizers Mentor Text Grammar Mechanics Revising Editing Writing Process Handwriting Scholastic Book Room The Reading Strategies Book Jennifer Serravallo Shake Up Shared Reading Maria P Walther Studies Weekly Comprehension Clubs iReady Teacher Toolbox Chart Sense Strategies Rozlyn Linder Book Worms Mentor Text Anderson The Reading Strategies Book Jennifer Serravallo Shake Up Shared Reading Maria P Walther Chart Sense Strategies Traits Writing Studies Weekly April 24 2023
Whole Group Math 70 Minutes Purpose Statement Definition This is where teachers and students are learning together at the same time in the same space with each person focused on the same learning goals Teacher led direct instruction Grounded in Georgia s K 12 Mathematics Standards Follows District Pacing Guide YAG Engage Explore Apply Reflect Evidence based strategies and learning tasks Hands on activities Instructional Design District Supported Resources SCCPSS Curriculum Warehouse Georgia s K 12 Mathematics Standards SuitCASE Decomposition of the Standards into Learning Objectives Terminology Fundamentals Strategies And Methods Examples Age Developmentally Appropriate Guardrails GaDoE Interactive Instructional Framework Units Learning Plans Teacher Guidance and Student Reproducible GaDoE Comprehensive Grade Level Overview Background And Research Essential Instructional Guidance Essential Instructional Guidance Embedded throughout all components of instruction Resource Books Daily Routines to Jump Start Problem Solving by John J SanGiovanni Number Talks by Sherry Parrish Math Fact Fluency by Bay Williams Gina Kling Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Teaching Developmentally by John Van de Walle Teaching Student Centered Mathematics by John Van de Walle Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling Grades K 5 by Elizabeth G Arnold Elizabeth A Burroughs et al Mathematical Modeling Framework Statistical Reasoning Framework Mathematical Practices Explore describe real life mathematical situations or problems Gather information make assumptions and define variables related to the problem Create a model and arrive at a solution to explain the problem presented Analyze and revise models Evaluate the model and interpret solutions generated from other models Draw and validate conclusions I Formulate Statistical Investigative Questions II Collect Consider the Data III Analyze the Data IV Interpret the Results Mathematical Practices describe the reasoning behaviors students should develop as they build an understanding of mathematics the habits of mind that help students become mathematical thinkers There are eight standards which apply to all grade levels and conceptual categories Display perseverance and patience in problem solving Demonstrate skills and strategies needed to succeed in mathematics including critical thinking reasoning and effective collaboration and expression Seek help and apply feedback Set and monitor goals SCCPSS 4th 5th Grade Instructional Guidance Document April 24 2023
Differentiated Instructional Groups D I G Purpose Statement Definition This is the time when students are purposefully engaged in Literacy and Mathematical tasks that help them solidify their understanding of key reading writing and math skills and strategies Flexible grouping needs based Extension of the whole group lesson Allows for student centered and differentiated learning Data driven D I G Scheduling Suggestions 50 Minutes 10 20 minute rotations for Guided Teacher Instruction and Independent workstations Divide time between Literacy Math Alternate days one day reading the next day math Standard Days M W reading T R math FFocus Skills Combination of Reading Math for entire block small groups based on student need Literacy Guided Reading Phonics Instruction Reading Comprehension Strategies Skills Vocabulary Development Guided Writing Remediation Enrichment Engage in math discourse Build mathematical and analytical skills o 3 Act Tasks Develop Build Number Sense o Estimation 180 Mathematical Modeling Activities Fluency Practice Games Build Problem Solving Skills o Number Talk Model Math using Hands On or Visual Model Activities Concrete Representational Abstract Dig Deeper with Big Ideas o Pattern Talks o Data Talks Math Literacy Math Independent Workstations Provides opportunities for students to participate in focused activities based on need take control of their own learning Guided Teacher Instruction Provides differentiated instruction to small groups of students based on need Instructional Practices Independent Reading Independent Writing Cross Curricular Reading Writing Project Based Learning Interactive Notebooks Decoding Encoding Activities Build Number Sense o Estimation 180 Fluency Practice Games Refine Problem Solving Skills o Number Talks o Open Middle Math Tasks Develop Numeracy Independent Partner Work o Standards Based games card sorts activities SCCPSS 4th 5th Grade Instructional Guidance Document District Supported Resources Scholastic Book Room The Reading Strategies Book Jennifer Serravallo Shake Up Shared Reading Maria P Walther Florida Center for Reading Research Activities Texas Primary Reading Institute Activities i Ready Wilson Fundations Studies Weekly 3 Act Task File Cabinet Daily Routines to Jump Start Problem Solving by John J Math Fact Fluency by Bay Williams Gina Kling Number Talks by Sherry Parrish Amira i Ready Wilson Fundations Studies Weekly Nearpod Daily Routines to Jump Start Problem Solving by John J Becoming A Teacher of Mathematical Modeling Grades K 5 By Elizabeth G Arnold Elizabeth A Burroughs Et Al Sangiovanni Nearpod Teaching Student Centered Mathematics by John Van De Walle The Georgia Numeracy Project Data Talks i Ready Enrichment Activities i Ready Math Center Activities Florida Center for Reading Research Activities Texas Primary Reading Institute Activities Greek Latin Root Words Sangiovanni Estimation 180 Building Number Sense Math Fact Fluency by Bay Williams Gina Kling Number Talks by Sherry Parrish K 5 Math Teaching Resources Nearpod Open Middle Challenging math problems worth solving Teaching Student Centered Mathematics by John Van De Walle The Georgia Numeracy Project i Ready Personalized Instruction Teacher Assigned Lessons Digital Learning Games April 24 2023
Science Social Studies Purpose Statement Definition This is where teachers and students are learning together at the same time in the same space with each person focused on the same learning goals Teacher led direct instruction Follows District Pacing YAG Inquiry based Provides explicit direct instruction modeling and guided practice Supports reading and writing instruction and content area integration Builds critical background knowledge Scheduling Suggestions 60 Minutes 30 Minutes of Science and 30 Minutes of Social Studies each day Occasional deviations for projects and experiments Social Studies Instructional Design Instructional Practices Science Instructional Design District Resources SCCPSS 4th 5th Grade Instructional Guidance Document Incorporates Map Globe Skills Incorporates Information Processing Skills Build Oral Vocabulary Teach Comprehension Strategies Skills Model Think Aloud Build Background Knowledge about the world Facilitate Discussion Build Anchor Charts Graphic Organizers Writing Process Mentor Text Cross Curricular Reading Writing Project Based Learning Interactive Notebooks GA Studies Weekly Science Studies Weekly Nearpod Flocabulary Scholastic Book Room The Reading Strategies Book Jennifer Serravallo Shake Up Shared Reading Maria P Walther April 24 2023
Whole Group Literacy Instruction 120 Minutes Purpose Statement Definition This is where teachers and students are learning together at the same time in the same space with each person focused on the same learning goals Teacher led direct instruction Grounded in Georgia s Standards of Excellence Follows District Pacing YAG Gradual Release Model I do We do You do it together You do Shared Reading Provides an interactive reading experience for students to join in and share the reading of a book or other piece of text Allows students the opportunity to practice literacy and language to develop their own skills Builds critical background knowledge Develops concepts of print Writing Supports reading and writing instruction and content area integration Provides explicit direct instruction modeling and guided practice Provides instruction on the writing process 30 Minutes Select various genres from classroom and school libraries to Build Oral Vocabulary Model Fluent Reading Teach Comprehension Strategies Skills Model Think Aloud Build Background Knowledge about the world Facilitate Discussion Build Anchor Charts Graphic Organizers 30 Minutes Interactive Read Aloud Supports reading and writing instruction and content area integration Provides explicit direct instruction modeling and guided practice Provide instruction on critical reading components Phonemic Awareness Phonics Reading Practice Spelling High Frequency Word Instruction Oral Language Handwriting 30 Minutes Wilson Fundations Phonics Builds decoding skills Builds oral and academic vocabulary District Supported Resources Instructional Practices 30 Minutes Instructional Component and Reading Pillar Select various genres from classroom and school libraries to Build Oral Vocabulary Model Fluent Reading Teach Comprehension Strategies Skills Model Think Aloud Build Background Knowledge about the world Facilitate Discussion Build Anchor Charts Graphic Organizers Mentor Text Grammar Mechanics Revising Editing Writing Process Handwriting SCCPSS Kindergarten 3rd Grade Instructional Guidance Document Wilson Fundations Wilson Academy Scholastic Book Room The Reading Strategies Book Jennifer Serravallo Shake Up Shared Reading Chart Sense Strategies Maria P Walther Studies Weekly Comprehension Clubs iReady Teacher Toolbox Rozlyn Linder Book Worms Mentor Text Anderson The Reading Strategies Book Jennifer Serravallo Shake Up Shared Reading Maria P Walther Chart Sense Strategies Traits Writing Studies Weekly April 24 2023
Whole Group Math 75 Minutes Purpose Statement Definition This is where teachers and students are learning together at the same time in the same space with each person focused on the same learning goals Teacher led direct instruction Grounded in Georgia s K 12 Mathematics Standards Follows District Pacing Guide YAG Engage Explore Apply Reflect Evidence based strategies and learning tasks Hands on activities Instructional Design District Supported Resources SCCPSS Curriculum Warehouse Georgia s K 12 Mathematics Standards SuitCASE Decomposition of the Standards into Learning Objectives Terminology Fundamentals Strategies And Methods Examples Age Developmentally Appropriate Guardrails GaDoE Interactive Instructional Framework Units Learning Plans Teacher Guidance and Student Reproducible GaDoE Comprehensive Grade Level Overview Background And Research Essential Instructional Guidance Essential Instructional Guidance Embedded throughout all components of instruction Resource Books Daily Routines to Jump Start Problem Solving by John J SanGiovanni Number Talks by Sherry Parrish Math Fact Fluency by Bay Williams Gina Kling Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Teaching Developmentally by John Van de Walle Teaching Student Centered Mathematics by John Van de Walle Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling Grades K 5 by Elizabeth G Arnold Elizabeth A Burroughs et al Mathematical Modeling Framework Statistical Reasoning Framework Mathematical Practices Explore describe real life mathematical situations or problems Gather information make assumptions and define variables related to the problem Create a model and arrive at a solution to explain the problem presented Analyze and revise models Evaluate the model and interpret solutions generated from other models Draw and validate conclusions I Formulate Statistical Investigative Questions II Collect Consider the Data III Analyze the Data IV Interpret the Results Mathematical Practices describe the reasoning behaviors students should develop as they build an understanding of mathematics the habits of mind that help students become mathematical thinkers There are eight standards which apply to all grade levels and conceptual categories Display perseverance and patience in problem solving Demonstrate skills and strategies needed to succeed in mathematics including critical thinking reasoning and effective collaboration and expression Seek help and apply feedback Set and monitor goals SCCPSS Kindergarten 3rd Grade Instructional Guidance Document April 24 2023
Differentiated Instructional Groups D I G Purpose Statement Definition This is the time when students are purposefully engaged in Literacy and Mathematical tasks that help them solidify their understanding of key reading writing and math skills and strategies Flexible grouping needs based Extension of the whole group lesson Allows for student centered and differentiated learning Data driven D I G Scheduling Suggestions 45 Minutes 10 20 minute rotations for Guided Teacher Instruction and Independent workstations Divide time between Literacy Math Alternate days one day reading the next day math Standard Days M W reading T R math FFocus Skills Combination of Reading Math for entire block small groups based on student need Literacy Math Guided Reading Phonics Instruction Reading Comprehension Strategies Skills Vocabulary Development Guided Writing Remediation Enrichment Engage in mathematical discourse Mathematical Modeling Statistical Reasoning Problem Solving o 3 Act Tasks o Mathematical Modeling Activities o Pattern Talks o Data Talks Develop Build Number Sense Computational Fluency o Estimation 180 o Number Talks o Fluency Practice Games Hands On or Visual Model Activities ConcreteRepresentational Abstract Literacy Math Independent Workstations Provides opportunities for students to participate in focused activities based on need take control of their own learning Guided Teacher Instruction Provides differentiated instruction to small groups of students based on need Instructional Practices Independent Reading Independent Writing Cross Curricular Reading Writing Project Based Learning Interactive Notebooks Decoding Encoding Activities Develop Build Number Sense Computational Fluency o Estimation 180 o Fluency Practice Games o Number Talks Refine Problem Solving Skills o Open Middle Math Tasks Independent Partner Work o Standards Based games card sorts activities SCCPSS Kindergarten 3rd Grade Instructional Guidance Document District Supported Resources Scholastic Book Room The Reading Strategies Book Jennifer Serravallo Shake Up Shared Reading Maria P Walther Florida Center for Reading Research Activities Texas Primary Reading Institute Activities i Ready Wilson Fundations Studies Weekly 3 Act Task File Cabinet Daily Routines to Jump Start Problem Solving by John J Math Fact Fluency by Bay Williams Gina Kling Number Talks by Sherry Parrish Amira i Ready Wilson Fundations Studies Weekly Nearpod Daily Routines to Jump Start Problem Solving by John J Becoming A Teacher of Mathematical Modeling Grades K 5 By Elizabeth G Arnold Elizabeth A Burroughs Et Al Sangiovanni Nearpod Teaching Student Centered Mathematics by John Van De Walle The Georgia Numeracy Project Data Talks i Ready Enrichment Activities Math Center Activities Florida Center for Reading Research Activities Texas Primary Reading Institute Activities Greek Latin Root Words Sangiovanni Estimation 180 Building Number Sense Math Fact Fluency by Bay Williams Gina Kling Number Talks by Sherry Parrish K 5 Math Teaching Resources Nearpod Open Middle Challenging math problems worth solving Teaching Student Centered Mathematics by John Van De Walle The Georgia Numeracy Project i Ready Personalized Instruction Teacher Assigned Lessons Digital Learning Games April 24 2023
Science Social Studies Purpose Statement Definition This is where teachers and students are learning together at the same time in the same space with each person focused on the same learning goals Teacher led direct instruction Follows District Pacing YAG Inquiry based Provides explicit direct instruction modeling and guided practice Supports reading and writing instruction and content area integration Builds critical background knowledge Scheduling Suggestions 60 Minutes 30 Minutes of Science and 30 Minutes of Social Studies each day Occasional deviations for projects and experiments Social Studies Instructional Design Instructional Practices Incorporates Map Globe Skills Incorporates Information Processing Skills Build Oral Vocabulary Teach Comprehension Strategies Skills Model Think Aloud Build Background Knowledge about the world Facilitate Discussion Build Anchor Charts Graphic Organizers Writing Process Mentor Text Cross Curricular Reading Writing Project Based Learning Interactive Notebooks Science Instructional Design District Resources SCCPSS Kindergarten 3rd Grade Instructional Guidance Document GA Studies Weekly Science Studies Weekly Nearpod Flocabulary Scholastic Book Room The Reading Strategies Book Jennifer Serravallo Shake Up Shared Reading Maria P Walther April 24 2023