| 678.279.43002160 Cooper Lake Road SE Smyrna, GA 30080 Preschool 2s - Rising 8th Grade2022
We are excited to welcome another summer of great camp offerings. Below please find helpfulinformation about our program. Camp Hours9:00am - 1:00pm for Preschool 2s 9:00am - 1:00pm for Preschool/Kindergarten 9:00am - 3:00pm for 1st – 8th grades 9:00am-1:00pm for Academic Camps unless otherwise noted Camper drop-off9:00am Preschool 2s 8:45am - 9:00am Preschool 3's - 8th grade Extended morning care (additional cost):8:00am - 9:00am Preschool 2s7:00am - 9:00am Sunrise Stingers Preschool/K - 8th grade Camper pick-up 1:00pm - 1:15pm for preschool 2s - Rising K 3:00pm-3:15pm for 1st - 8th grade Extended afternoon care (additional cost)1:00pm - 4:30pm Preschool 2sEnd of camps – 6:00pm Preschool/K – 8th grade (Stingers' Smart Play) Emergency Care and Late Pick-upIf a Preschool 2’s – 8th grade child is not picked up at his/her expected carpool time, parents willbe billed $12.00 per hour until 4:30pm for preschool 2s or 6:00pm for Preschool/K – 8thgrade. After 4:30pm for Preschool 2s or 6:00pm for Preschool/K – 8th grade, parents will bebilled $1.00 per minute.St. B's Summer Camp Fast Facts
Camp ProgramsTo review our program overview, please click on our Summer Camp At-A-Glance Calendar toview our weeks of programs. While reviewing our camp offerings, if there is a camp that sparksyour child’s interest, please note the specific name of the camp and the week that the camp isoffered. This small step will help simplify your registration process beyond this point.RegistrationParents (and/or guardians) must complete camp registration online through CampBrain. Registration will close 10 days prior to the start of each weeks’ camp. In order to receive EarlyBird Pricing and avoid an additional $25 add-on charge, please register before the camp closingdate. See details below concerning changes or cancellations. Registration is first come-firstserved. Parents must complete registration forms for each camper.Qualifications for Preschool 2s ProgramChildren enrolling in camp must be at least 2 years old by September 1, 2021. We are not able totake students younger than this age requirement.Qualifications for Preschool 3s ProgramChildren enrolling in camp must be at least 3 years old by September 1, 2021 and Potty Trained. Ifyour child has not reached this qualification, then may sign up for the 2 year old camp. Nap timemay be provided at 1:00pm if indicated and the demand is enough to warrant a nap room(enrollment in after camp care is required). Children will be allowed to rest on a mat in aclassroom with the lights off.COVID-19 ProtocolsPlease note that we continue to monitor and follow COVID best practices to ensure we providea safe and healthy environment for the campers. Before summer camp begins, we will assessand proceed with the recommended procedures based on the current state of COVID. Theseprocedures could be distancing and masking and any other possible recommendations. Asalways we will continue our frequent cleaning and disinfection and promoting good hygieneduring the day. We will continue to update policies as needed with guidance from the federal,state and local authorities.Changes, Refunds, Cancelations:Following are our terms around changes, refunds and cancelations. Should you have a requestaround any of these matters, please email the appropriate people for the correct age level ofcamp.All requests for changes or refunds must be sent to:Preschool 2s: summer@stbs.orgPreschool/K - 8th grades: summer@stbs.orgSt. B's Summer Camp Fast Facts
ChangesChanges in camp enrollment will be permitted up to 10 days prior to camp start. If the cost of thenew program is higher than the original, the difference will be charged to your account.Refunds100% Refunds will be issued until April 30, 2022. Beginning May 1, 2022 refunds will be issued at50% up to registration close. Once registration closes there are no refunds. You may changeprograms per the change policy.Cancellations St. Benedict’s will review all camp enrollment two weeks prior to the start of the camp. Any campthat has not met the minimum number required will be canceled and registered campers will benotified in order to select a new camp choice. If you are unable to make a new selection, arefund will be issued. St. Benedict’s reserves the right to cancel any portion of a camp due to anyunforeseen circumstances. In the event of a camp’s cancellation, refunds will be issued.SunscreenParents must administer sunscreen prior to the start of the camp day.MedicationThe St. Benedicts staff is not allowed to administer medications. If you have a need formedication, please contact the school nurse in advance of your camp week. Nurse CherylTochterman will be happy to help you.Lunch*Parents are responsible for providing a morning snack, a nutritious lunch, and a waterbottle/sippy cup for their child each day, as well as an afternoon snack if their child is staying forthe extended day program. All personal belongings must be labeled with the camper’s name toensure complete identification of all items. The camp is not responsible for lost items. Parents willalso have the option to purchase sacked lunches for ages 3 years old and up through Chef’sAdvantage.*We are a nut and shellfish free school.St. B's Summer Camp Fast Facts
CAMPS BY WEEKPreschool/KElementary Middle SchoolPequeños Artistas (2yr)Creation CampBook PartySoccer Camp EliteWeek 1:May 31 - June 3Creation CampTree House AdventuresGirl Power Fitness CampComic Book CampSoccer Camp Elite Week 2:June 6 - 10Tails & Tales (2yr)Jungle CampTennisSew Sweet SummerJitterbugJungle CampCocineros: Postres y PastelesThe Artsy Crafty WOW CAMPWizard CampMeditation For Fidgety CampersZucars SugartopiaWeek 3:June 13 - 17Explore Your Senses (2yr)Camp H2OYummy ArtHappy Little CampersCamp H2OGrammar & Phonics BootcampJitterbugStingers Summer ArtistsFantastic FontsWizard CampWeek 4:June 20 - 24The Magic Experience CampMagnificent MathematiciansChess ClubGirls Rule, Books are CoolBeyond the Book (2yr)The Magic Experience CampKids on the RunwayCocineritos: SuperherosFantastic FontsMythical Menagerie (2yr)STEAM Genius CampAll BallJitterbugWeek 5:June 27 - July 1All BallYummy ArtMinecraft EngineeringCheer CampGirl Power Fitness Camp (3rd-5th)Jump to the RhythmWeek 7:July 11 - 15Super Science Adventures (2yr)Camp H2OArtsy Crafty WOW CampCocineritos: PlayaJr. ScientistsCamp H2OJump to the RhythmReturn of the Jedi MasterEngineering Meditation For Fidgety CampersZucar's Sugartopia (7th & 8th)Week 8:July 18 - 22Junior Campers (2yr)STEAM Genius CampImaginariumSew Sweet SummerImaginariumJitterbugMaster Artists CampTennisCocineritos: “Gourmet” TravelingAround the WorldTONCHU Ninja CampChess Club WeekRockin' into Preschool (2yr)Preschool BootcampScientist CampWeek 9:July 25 - 29Ready to Rock 1st GradeThriving In Third GradeGrammar and Phonics BootcampPiñata Spanish Camp Sensational STEAM CampFull STEAM Ahead CampMiddle School 101ACADEMIC CAMPWEEKNo Camps Week 6 No Camps Week 6 No Camps Week 6 No Camps Week 6
BOOK CAMP PARTYMARTA LASHPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $165From the whimsical and always wonderful world of Dr. Seuss books comes the Cat in the Hat, Red Fish, Blue Fish, and the mischievous things - Thing Marta andThing YOU too! We will have a Seuss-themed characterparade, crafts, dress up, interactive story time andSeussical snacks! This camp truly brings your child'sfavorite books to life! Week 1: Tuesday, May 31 - Friday, June 3PEQUEÑOS ARTISTASST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFFPreschool 2s $180.00This week we will learn about famous artists like FridaKahlo and Pablo Picasso. Then we’ll explore our ownartistic talents through creative activities using differenttechniques and a variety of art materialsCREATION CAMPST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFFPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $1401st - 4th $160Come and let your imagination run wild during creationcamp! We will explore the joys of artistic expression withabstract canvas painting, sand art, and clay molding.This week will be filled with fun and imagination! Comejoin us!Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic PrepSOCCER CAMP ELITELUCAS MORENOPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $1651st - 4th $185Coach Moreno's Soccer camp is the ultimate soccerexperience for the young player! This fun campenvironment will include skill development, games andcompetitions for boys and girls of all ages and abilities.In addition to teaching new skills and buildingconfidence our enthusiastic coaches are committed toproviding a fun, memorable, and positive experience forour campers! Campers will also have a chance tointeract with and learn from current and former collegeand professional players that will be in attendance.TREE HOUSE ADVENTURESKERRI PAINTER1st - 3rd $185Calling all students who seek adventure and knowledge.Join Ms. Painter in the library as we use our imaginationsand join Jack and Annie on adventures through time.Each day we will read a different Magic Tree Housebook, make crafts, perform experiments, have fun, andmake new friends.GIRL POWER! FITNESS CAMP FOR GIRLS HANNAH KISSACK1st & 2nd $185Girls are STRONG! Let's prove it during a week of fitnesscamp for girls! We will focus on building confidencewhile learning how to best take care of our bodies. Theweek will be filled with fun fitness and health-inspiredgames, as we exercise our muscles and our minds. It willbe the most active and awesome week of the summer!COMIC BOOK CAMPCHAS WALLACE1st & 2nd $185Are you a Dog Man fan? Do you want to meet otherDog Man fans? Well, you've come to the right club! ZAP!Boom! POW! Dog Man on the Prowl is an action-packedclub where students will complete crime fightingactivities, arts and crafts, and read different Dog Manbooks all while having SUPA fun! For five days, Dogmanfans will play, create, read, and solve. Each day brings anew subject. Monday writing Mad Libs style, Tuesdaygames with trivia, word searches, and BINGO,Wednesday arts & crafts, Thursday math board games,and Fun Friday! Students are encouraged to bring theirfavorite Dog man book(s), toys, or any Dog Man item toclass that they would love to share!
Week 2: Monday, June 6 - Friday, June 10SEW SWEET SUMMERFASHION WORKSHOPPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $195Campers will learn hand sewing techniques whilecreating Sweet Treat designs. Campers will make a boxof donuts, popsicle & ice cream stuffies, slice of cake,and animal cookie. All designs will be made of fabricand polyfill. This is a sweet way to introduce Campers tosewing and creative design.TENNIS CAMPCOACH PAULAPreschool 3s- Kindergarten $245Come and learn all the basics of tennis based on the 10and Under Net Generation Program of the USTA.Students will use equipment such as, mini nets and lowcompression balls perfect for their age group. Studentswill have a blast learning tennis with fun games,popsicles, and prizes.TAILS & TALESPreschool 2s $225Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! This week we willexplore many different animals through books andactivities that highlight animals in their natural habitats.COCINEROS: POSTRES Y PASTELESMARTA LASH1st - 4th $235This famous Spanish cooking camp, Junior Chefs: Cakesand desserts, is calling young kids for a week ofdelicious cooking, baking and learning recipes of yourfavorite foods! This hands-on camp will allow your childto discover that cooking can be quite creative and awhole lot of fun! Children will learn how to preparehomemade ice cream, delicious desserts and cakesusing healthy alternative ingredients. They will also learnhealthy nutrition, how to set the table, how to read arecipe, to be safe in the kitchen, basic knife skills, socialetiquette, teamwork, meal planning, and SPANISHvocabulary for kitchen utensils, ingredients, tablesettings and cooking commands. "Vamos a cocinar!"Apron and chef hat will be provided. (let's cook!) JITTERBUGMS. GABIPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $195Students will grow in confidence through music, danceand art, while putting together a show to be performedat the end of the semester! They will work together withMiss Gabi to learn choreography and music for threesongs and will also create props and a backdrop toshowcase during their performance. Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic Prep
WIZARD CAMPKIRSTEN MULLER AND RAQUEL MENDEZ2nd - 4th $225Calling all witches & wizards! Pack your wand and robesand walk-through Platform 9 ¾ to Wizard Camp. Spenda magical week getting sorted into your house orrejoining the house you have already been sorted into ina previous year. Your house will compete in theSorcerer’s Stone Challenge, the Quidditch World Cup,and the Horcrux Hunt. You will learn spells, create yourPatronus, visit Herbology and Transfiguration class, earnhouse points and more. Each morning you will train withyour quidditch team so you’re ready for the QuidditchWorld Cup! At the end of the week, we’ll be able to say,“Mischief Managed.”Week 2: Monday, June 6 - Friday, June 10JUNGLE CAMPST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFFPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $1701st - 4th $200Join us to discover and learn about animals all over theplanet! You will never know what animals you may comeacross during the week! Your child will spend the weeklearning about animals, exploring the outdoors, andenjoy a jungle of arts and crafts!THE ARTSY CRAFTY WOW CAMPABRAKADOODLE1st - 4th $225Let’s get crafty! Join us for this DIY (Do It Yourself) CraftCamp where students explore cool, interesting craftsfrom around the world, develop new craft skills and getcreative juices flowing! Each day is jam-packed withFUN activities like bowl making, weaving, and nature-inspired crafts. This make-it and take-it camp is a big“WOW” in the world of crafts.MEDITATION FOR FIDGETY CAMPERSWENDY PORTER CADE3rd & 4th $225Campers will spend their time learning how to pray andmeditate through their senses. Chaplin Porter Cade willteach meditation and prayer as campers create theirown prayer bracelets, , Anglican (Christian) rosaries,meditative coloring with mandalas, and creating prayerflags in the tradition of Tibetan spirituality. There will beplenty of movement through intentional play and yoga.ZUCARS SUGARTOPIARICKY SAUCEDO5th & 6th $235Does your camper love baking, but sometimes theircakes turn out messy instead of TV worthy?? Maybetheir pies are soggy and runny or they would like to learnhow to make the fancy french MACARON!! If yes, thenjoin Mr. Ricky, owner of Zúcar Desserts, for a week ofcake baking, decorating, flavor/technique exercises,dessert tastings, cake stacking, macaron making andanything DESSERTS! Camper will learn how to turnfavorite desserts into beautiful creations bursting withflavor! The Camp Bakers will get to show off and impresswith their dessert Showpieces at the end of the week inZúcar's Tasting Extravagánza!! Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic Prep
Week 3: Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17CAMP H20ST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFFPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $1951st - 4th $225Cool off this summer at Camp H20. Campers will enjoy avariety of exciting water themed activities. There will bewater balloons, obstacle courses, relay races, and agiant water slide! Campers are sure to make a splashthis summer. Grab a towel and register today!HAPPY LITTLE CAMPERSMARTA LASHPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $195This camp introduces different ways of camping: in thewilderness, at a site, on a lake or even indoors! Have youbeen camping? What do you do when you gocamping? What things do you need? What games doyou play? Where do you sleep? How do you cook food?This “pretend to go” camping adventure will teach yourchild all about camping, from campfire songs to settingup a tent, "going fishing” and more! Children will learn toidentify nature sounds, experience flashlight reading,and talk about camp safety. Ready, set, camp!EXPLORE YOUR SENSESPreschool 2s $225Children explore the world by using all of their senses.We will have a week full of sensory activities, so theyunderstand how they see, hear, taste, smell and feel theworld. It will be sensational.YUMMY ARTABRAKADOODLEPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $195Art That’s Good Enough To Eat! Get your spoon,paintbrush and chocolate syrup ready – we’re going tocreate Art! From cupcake design to mosaics with foodto chocolate syrup painting – it’s all about thewonderful and wacky world of food art! We’ll buildspaghetti sculptures, learn about food artists such asVic Muniz, and play “foodie” games. We’ll even make ourown incredible edibles!!STINGERS SUMMER ARTISTS: ART & LITERATURECAMPHAYLEY TYLER1st & 2nd $225CALLING ALL ARTISTS! Join Mrs. Tyler, the lower schoolart teacher, for a week of art and literature. We willcreate masterpieces all week based on some of ourfavorite books. Campers will draw, paint, sew, andsculpt while creating and learning new skills that theycan use beyond the art studio. Join us for some creativefun this summer! Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic Prep
FANTASTIC FONTSHANNAH KISSACK3rd & 4th $225Do you love to doodle and write beautifully? Come toFantastic Fonts Camp, where we will learn a new type oflettering each day to create gorgeous signs, cards andmore— you will even get to create a stunning pieceeach day to bring home! From cursive to brush script tocrazy curlicue letters, we will beautify every word andhave fun while doing it! It is a doodler’s dream campand we can't wait to create with you!WIZARD CAMPKIRSTEN MULLER AND RAQUEL MENDEZ5th - 8th $225Calling all witches & wizards! Pack your wand and robesand walk-through Platform 9 ¾ to Wizard Camp. Spenda magical week getting sorted into your house orrejoining the house you have already been sorted into ina previous year. Your house will compete in theSorceror’s Stone Challenge, the Quidditch World Cup,and the Horcrux Hunt. You will learn spells, create yourPatronus, visit Herbology and Transfiguration class, earnhouse points and more. Each morning you will train withyour quidditch team so you’re ready for the QuidditchWorld Cup! At the end of the week, we’ll be able to say“Mischief Managed.”Week 3: Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17GRAMMAR & PHONICS BOOTCAMPELIZABETH CLOSS & TELISA SIMS2nd & 3rd $300Avoid the summer slide and get ahead of the crowd.Join our bootcamp and your child will be introduced tothe skills to become a grammar guru, and a reading andspelling sensation!! St. Benedict’s teachers will utilizeevidence-based instruction in Shurley English andOrton-Gillingham to help your child’s confidence soar inlanguage arts!JITTERBUGMS.GABI1st - 4th $225Students will grow in confidence through music, dance,and art, while putting together a show to be performedat the end of the week! Children will work together withMiss Gabi to learn choreography and music while alsocreating fun props! Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic Prep
KIDS ON THE RUNWAY CAMPABRAKADOODLEPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $195KIDS ON THE RUNWAY CAMP! Attention boys and girls:Join us for Abrakadoodle’s ultimate style camp. Kids onthe Runway: From Leonardo da Vinci to Louis Vuitton thisis the place to create your own unique style inspired bythe illustrators, designers and artists who focus on theworld of high fashion and design! Create dresses orshirts that scream WOW! Design cool accessories. Tryout your creative ideas on sneakers or high heels! Get inthe spotlight – and ready for the Ultimate Kids RunwayShow featuring unique portfolio designs created byYOU!Week 4: Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24THE MAGIC EXPERIENCE ST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFFPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $1701st - 4th $200Join us for a week of fun as we transport our campersinto the world of magic. Your child will enjoy the historyof magic, learn and perform magic tricks of their own,and create props as they prepare for a magic show atthe end of the week for family and friends. Learningmagic can help increase creativity, concentration, andconfidence while working with a team. As a bonus, ourcampers will experience a fun filled 45-minute magicshow! This energizing show is sure to get your camperexcited about the magic they can make. So bringyourself, your curiosity and your enthusiasm for MAGIC!BEYOND THE BOOKPreschool 2s $225This week we will explore some of our favorite authors,beyond the book! We will read our favorite authors, andthen children will explore these authors and storiesthrough hands-on activities.COCINERITOS SUPER HEROESMARTA LASHPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $205Ms. Marta’s famous cooking camp is calling boys andgirls for a week of cooking delicious and FANTASTICrecipes! Let’s dress-up and become a superhero,cowboy/cowgirl, pirate, princess, or knight while wecook, learn, and have a whole lot of fun! During thishands-on camp, children will learn basic knife skills, foodexploration, teamwork, meal planning, kitchen utensils,ingredients, table settings, and cooking commands, allin SPANISH! “Vamos a cocinar!” (let’s cook!) Apron andchef hat will be provided.Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic Prep
MAGNIFICENT MATHEMATICIANSELIZABETH CLOSS/TELISA SIMS2nd - 4th $225Avoid the summer slide and get ahead of the crowdwith Magnificent Mathematicians Camp! We will reviewand preview important math skills through hands-onlearning. Join our camp for some mathematical fun andkeep those math skills strong!Week 4: Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24CHESS CAMPCHESS2CHILDREN1st - 4th $200Join Chess2Children for another fun, engaging andentertaining week of summer chess!Scholars at all levelswill learn the game, improve their game and/or mastertheir game. Our AMAZING coaches are able to mix upthe days with instruction, tactics, games, video's,movies, and much more! Chess continues to be in theconversation! Movies, TV shows, Business Exec's andmore are talking about learning and playing the gamefor life. There is no better way to learn strategy, cause &effect than immersing your scholar into chess andseeing how their mind evolves.GIRLS RULE, BOOKS ARE COOLKERRI PAINTER1st - 4th $225Calling all girls who like to read and have fun. Join Ms.Painter in the library as we share favorite books, makecrafts, learn secret codes, play games, dance, makefriends, and have a tea party. FANTASTIC FONTSHANNAH KISSACK5th - 8th $225Do you love to doodle and write beautifully? Come toFantastic Fonts Camp, where we will learn a new type oflettering each day to create gorgeous signs, cards andmore— you will even get to create a stunning pieceeach day to bring home! From cursive to brush script tocrazy curlicue letters, we will beautify every word andhave fun while doing it! It is a doodler’s dream campand we can't wait to create with you!Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic Prep
Week 5: Monday, June 27 - Friday, July 1MYTHICAL MENAGERIEPreschool 2s $225This week we will explore mythical creatures through fun,hands-on activities. Children will enjoy learning aboutdragons, unicorns, gryphons, fairies, and mermaids.JUMP TO THE RHYTHMACE STUDIOS5th - 8th $225David and Dejah are professional dancers with a heartfor teaching for the youth. Our goal is that our studentswill always strive to take what they are taught to newlevels, endlessly exploring the world of creativity. Thisprogram will be focusing on dance education, basictechnique, body awareness, fitness, and creativity.Thiswill be accomplished through stretching, basic warm-upexercises, drills, choreography, and freestyling. Asidefrom dance, students will learn positive words of the daywhich Promotes self-esteem, confidence, and positivethinking. We will have an end of the program Showcase.JITTERBUGMS. GABIPreschool 3s - Kindergarten - $195Students will grow in confidence through music, dance,and art, while putting together a show to be performedat the end of the week! Children will work together withMiss Gabi to learn choreography and music while alsocreating fun props! PEACH PIT CHEER CAMP1st - 4th $200This class focuses on providing cheerleaders, dancers,The Peach Pit blows it away with our camp programs forchildren ages 5-12. Our camp schedule works inrotations through tumbling, jumps, dance, motions, andstunting skills. We keep your kids up and moving throughengaging cheers, mini routines, and all the pep you canimagine! We work to train each athlete's strength,agility, focus, and balance in a fun and creative way!Join us for a *peachy* good time!ST. B’S ALL BALLST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFFPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $1701st - 4th $200Come and let your child enjoy a full week of ALL thesports they can imagine! Campers will play all theclassic sports they know and love, like basketball,ultimate frisbee, and soccer. They will also beintroduced to an array of new sports that we are surethey will enjoy! All Ball Sports Camp is an excellent wayfor students to stay fit and active throughout thesummer, while having an unforgettable experience!MINECRAFT ENGINEERING USING LEGO® MATERIALSPLAY-WELL TEKNOLOGIES1st & 2nd $225Gear up for a full-day LEGO® camp packed withhands-on and minds-on STEM fun! In this challenge-based program, start by building engineer-designedprojects and putting your creativity and problem solvinginto action. Then, step into a Minecraft world poweredby LEGO® resources as we will build shelters to keep outCreepers, craft mystical items that only true masterscan wield, and perfect our crossbow skills to stop theWither from taking over!YUMMY ARTABRAKADOODLE1st & 2nd $225Art That’s Good Enough To Eat! Get your spoon,paintbrush and chocolate syrup ready – we’re going tocreate Art! From cupcake design to mosaics with foodto chocolate syrup painting – it’s all about thewonderful and wacky world of food art! We’ll buildspaghetti sculptures, learn about food artists such asVic Muniz, and play “foodie” games. We’ll even make ourown incredible edibles!!GIRL POWER! FITNESS CAMP FOR GIRLS HANNAH KISSACK3rd - 5th $225Girls are STRONG! Let's prove it during a week of fitnesscamp for girls! We will focus on building confidencewhile learning how to best take care of our bodies. Theweek will be filled with fun fitness and health-inspiredgames, as we exercise our muscles and our minds. It willbe the most active and awesome week of the summer!Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic PrepSTEAM GENIUS CAMPRYAN FIERRO & CATHERINE SHAMANSKIPreschool 3s - Kindergarten - $170Preschoolers and Kindergarteners are natural scientists,engineers, and artists! They love to learn about, touchand investigate their world. Whether it's sensory play,tinkering with robots, or building bridges across apretend lava river, your young scholar will flex theirSTEAM muscles and shine even brighter when theyattend our innovative camp!
Week 6: Monday, July 4 - Friday, July 8No Camps This WeekSmart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic Prep
JR. SCIENTISTSIDEA LABPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $180In this hands-on science camp, our Jr. Scientists willhave fun experimenting with all types of science fun.We'll get messy with foam paintings and eruptions, learnall about bubbles and gases, plus other fun projectsthroughout the week.Week 7: Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15SUPER SCIENCE ADVENTURESPreschool 2s $225We’ll bring science into our classroom in a fun andunique way. A very hands-on STEM camp designed forlittle minds with big ideas!COCINERITOS: PLAYA (BEACH)MARTA LASHPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $205This famous Ms. Marta's Spanish cooking camp is callingboys and girls for a week of cooking delicious BEACHHawaiian recipes, while learning, doing art, dress-upand a whole lot of fun! During this hands-on camp,children will learn basic knife skills, food exploration,teamwork, meal planning, kitchen utensils, ingredients,table settings, and cooking commands, all in SPANISH!"Vamos a cocinar!" (let's cook!) CAMP H20ST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFFPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $1951st - 4th $225Cool off this summer at Camp H20. Campers will enjoy avariety of exciting water themed activities. There will bewater balloons, obstacle courses, relay races, and agiant water slide! Campers are sure to make a splashthis summer. Grab a towel and register today!THE ARTSY CRAFTY WOW CAMPABRAKADOODLEPreschool 3s - Kindergrten $195Let’s get crafty! Join us for this DIY (Do It Yourself) CraftCamp where students explore cool, interesting craftsfrom around the world, develop new craft skills and getcreative juices flowing! Each day is jam-packed withFUN activities like bowl making, weaving, and nature-inspired crafts. This make-it and take-it camp is a big“WOW” in the world of crafts.MEDITATION CAMP FOR FIDGETY CAMPERSWENDY PORTER CADE5th - 8th $210Campers will spend their time learning how to pray andmeditate through their senses. Chaplain Porter Cade willteach meditation and prayer as campers create theirown prayer bracelets, Anglican (Christian) rosaries,meditative coloring with mandalas, and creating prayerflags in the tradition of Tibetan spirituality. There will beplenty of movement through intentional play and yoga.JUMP TO THE RHYTHMACE STUDIOS1st & 2nd $225David and Dejah are professional dancers with a heartfor teaching for the youth. Our goal is that our studentswill always strive to take what they are taught to newlevels, endlessly exploring the world of creativity. Thisprogram will be focusing on dance education, basictechnique, body awareness, fitness, and creativity. Thiswill be accomplished through stretching, basic warm-upexercises, drills, choreography, and freestyling. Asidefrom dance, students will learn positive words of the daywhich Promotes self-esteem, confidence, and positivethinking. We will have an end of the program Showcase.RETURN OF THE JEDI MASTER ENGINEERING USINGLEGO LEGO® MATERIALSPLAY-WELL TEKNOLOGIES3rd & 4th $225Master The Way of the Jedi in this Star Wars inspired,full-day LEGO® Engineering experience. Venturethrough the galaxy in your custom Razor Crest to rescueBaby Yoda, exploring from the deserts of Tatooine tothe frozen caves of Hoth. Allow our Play-Well instructorto help you complete your Jedi training journey!Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic PrepZUCARS SUGARTOPIARICKY SAUCEDO7th & 8th $235Does your camper love baking, but sometimes theircakes turn out messy instead of TV worthy?? Maybetheir pies are soggy and runny or they would like to learnhow to make the fancy french MACARON!! If yes, thenjoin Mr. Ricky, owner of Zúcar Desserts, for a week ofcake baking, decorating, flavor/technique exercises,dessert tastings, cake stacking, macaron making andanything DESSERTS! Camper will learn how to turnfavorite desserts into beautiful creations bursting withflavor! The Camp Bakers will get to show off and impresswith their dessert Showpieces at the end of the week inZúcar's Tasting Extravagánza!!
Week 8: Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22JUNIOR CAMPERSPreschool 2s $225Attention mini-Yogi Bears, come learn to camp with us.We are going to explore the awesomeness of staying inthe outdoors and of course, learn to make s'mores.TENNIS CAMPCOACH PAULA1st - 4th $295Come and learn all the basics of tennis based on the 10and Under Net Generation Program of the USTA.Students will use equipment such as, mini nets and lowcompression balls perfect for their age group. Studentswill have a blast learning tennis with fun games,popsicles, and prizes.IMAGINARIUMST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFFPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $1701st - 4th $200Come one, come all for a camp on a world ofexploration! St. B’s Imaginarium will offer your child aworld of creativity, growth, and adventure through dailycrafts and activities geared around their own ideas. Thisis a fun and innovative camp to inspire your child’simagination as they use basic household and outdooritems to create a wide range of cool and fun projects.Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic PrepSEW SWEET SUMMERFASHION WORKSHOPPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $195Campers will learn hand sewing techniques whilecreating Sweet Treat designs. Campers will make a boxof donuts, popsicle & ice cream stuffies, slice of cake,and animal cookie. All designs will be made of fabricand polyfill. This is a sweet way to introduce Campers tosewing and creative design.MASTER ARTISTS CAMPABRAKADOODLE1st & 2nd $225Come join the fun with Abrakadoodle and create art likethe masters. Explore artwork of great artists likeCézanne, Picasso, Matisse, Johns, Korky Paul, O’Keeffeand more. We will travel virtually to museums around theworld where we’ll learn new techniques, interesting artwords and facts to create our own masterpieces!STEAM GENIUS CAMPRYAN FIERRO & CATHERINE SHAMANSKIPreschool 3s - Kindergarten - $170Preschoolers and Kindergarteners are natural scientists,engineers, and artists! They love to learn about, touchand investigate their world. Whether it's sensory play,tinkering with robots, or building bridges across apretend lava river, your young scholar will flex theirSTEAM muscles and shine even brighter when theyattend our innovative camp!
Week 8: Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22COCINERITOS: “GOURMET” TRAVELING AROUND THEWORLDMARTA LASH1st - 4th $235This famous cooking camp is calling boys and girls for aweek of delicious cooking/baking recipes while wetravel around the world and learn about countries! Thishands-on week of cooking will be creative and a wholelot of fun! Children will learn basic knife skills, foodexploration, teamwork, meal planning, Spanishvocabulary for kitchen utensils, ingredients, tablesettings and cooking commands. vamos a cocinar!"(let's cook!). TONCHU NINJA CAMPJAMIL MUHAMMAD1st - 4th $225This camp is for all grades rising 1st-4th. Campers willlearn the fundamentals of martial arts, characterdevelopment and NUNCHUKU training! We will also belearning self-defense techniques and self-awarenesstraining.CHESS CLUBCHESS2CHILDREN5th - 8th $200Join Chess2Children for another fun, engaging andentertaining week of summer chess!Scholars at all levelswill learn the game, improve their game and/or mastertheir game. Our AMAZING coaches are able to mix upthe days with instruction, tactics, games, video's,movies, and much more! Chess continues to be in theconversation! Movies, TV shows, Business Exec's andmore are talking about learning and playing the gamefor life. There is no better way to learn strategy, cause &effect than immersing your scholar into chess andseeing how their mind evolves.Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic PrepJITTERBUGMS. GABI1st - 4th $225Students will grow in confidence through music, danceand art, while putting together a show to be performedat the end of the semester! They will work together withMiss Gabi to learn choreography and music for threesongs and will also create props and a backdrop toshowcase during their performance.
Academic Camp Week 9: Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29ROCKIN’ INTO PRESCHOOLPreschool 2s $2259:00am–1:00pm Everybody’s favorite, groovy feline Pete the Cat will helpus say goodbye to summer and hello to school! Thisweek we’ll bring to life some of Pete’s most memorablestories while working on skills that we will need whenschool begins.PRESCHOOL BOOTCAMPBIBI DAVIERising Preschool 3s & 4s $3009:00am–1:00pm Let’s get ready for Preschool and Pre-K! Preschoolbootcamp is for children entering preschool 3s and Pre-K 4sin the fall. This camp will mimic what the first 2 weeks ofPreschool and Pre-K will look like. This camp is more of asocial and skills-based program to help preschoolers havea better transition.Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic PrepREADY TO ROCK 1ST GRADESUSANNAH KINDRICKRising 1st $3009:00am–1:00pm Ready to rock first grade?! Get a head start on the newschool year by attending this fun camp to review crucialkindergarten skills in reading, writing, and math whilegaining exposure to new academic skills for first grade!SCIENTIST CAMP ST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFFPreschool 3s - Kindergarten $1709:00am-1:00pmIs your child ready to learn all about science!? They’ll belearning everything from weather to plants to codingand more.They’ll enjoy science experiments daily andlots of interactive activities. This camp is highlyengaging, and your child is sure to come home full ofknowledge and visuals to tell you all about their day.GRAMMAR AND PHONICS BOOTCAMPTELISA SIMS & ELIZABETH CLOSSRising 2nd - 3rd $3009:00am–1:00pm Avoid the summer slide and get ahead of the crowd.Join our bootcamp and your child will be introduced tothe skills to become a grammar guru, and a reading andspelling sensation! St. Benedict's teachers will utilizeevidence based instruction in Shurley English (grammar)and Orton-Gillingham to help your child's confidencesoar in language arts!
Academic Camp Week 9: Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29THRIVING IN THIRD GRADE LIZ TAYLORRising 3rd $3009:00am–1:00pm Let's face it, the summer sun can make us forget! Withschool right around the corner, let's brush up on whatyou may have forgotten. Each day, we will review adifferent subject filled with the most important topicsfrom the previous year, so that they are fresh in yourmind on the first day of school. We will get you refreshedand set up for success starting on day one of the newschool year! We can do this together!!!MIDDLE SCHOOL 101KIM MACKRising 6th Grade $3009:00 am – 1:00 pm The Middle School 101 camp is designed specifically forrising 6th grade students and any other middle schoolstudent who will be new to St. Benedict’s. The campteaches middle school students how to study, organize andmanage their time for academic success! Students willpractice using their agenda, determining how to organizetheir time along with which methods work best for dailyorganization of papers and materials. Gmail and Googledocs can be overwhelming for some middle schoolers,therefore we will examine these online platforms, step bystep, showing how to write a proper email, uploaddocuments in the Google Classroom and even how to writea paper in MLA format. Students will not only learn methodsfor studying, but they will preview the various ways studentsannotate text and organize their notes for studying.The transition from elementary to middle school comes withmany expectations and Middle School 101 will help yourstudent not only be aware of these expectations, but knowhow to apply these academic tools to their new and variedclass schedule. Smart Fun | Athletics & Fitness | Brain Engage | Academic PrepSENSATIONAL STEAM CAMPST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFF1st - 4th $2009:00am-3:00pm (6 hours)Is your child ready to learn all about STEAM? This campis all about exploration, experiments, and new learningexperiences. We will design, create, problem solve,build, and have tons of fun! Can you build a vibratingtoothbrush? From fizzy science experiments to amazingart to coding and robotics - this camp is sure to enticeevery learner!FULL STEAM AHEADST. B'S SUMMER CAMP STAFF5th - 8th $2009:00am-3:00pm (6 hours)Calling all scientists, engineers, artists, designers,mathematicians, and tech gurus...we need you in thismiddle school STEAM camp. Bring out the cardboard,glue, wood, tools and more as we design and build. Testyour coding skills with cool new robots. Possibilities areendless as we get creative with a week of STEAM!PIÑATA SPANISH CAMPMARTA LASH1st - 4th $3009:00am–1:00pm Academic Camp IS fun! This week Spanish camp is forstudents to play games and have fun while they reviewtheir Spanish! Games are important for a child’ mentaland social development. When children play, theydevelop skills like decision making, social interaction andcritical thinking. Playing games in Spanish is essential forevery language learning. Games get students moving,learning faster and retaining MORE than with traditionallearning alone. Let's play! – Vamos a jugar!