What a Journey!After quitting Venlaflaxine, a powerful, highly addictive, anti-anxietymedication for good, my life turned upside down. I'm sure you're readingthis and remembering going through something similar or anticipating thetime when you will eventually quit. But, if I had any advice to give to you atthe end of this medicated 6 years, it would be to seek out naturalalternatives. Using a combination of natural plants, medicines and techniques, I cansafely say, my life has TRANSFORMED! I am now freer with my thinking,freer in life, without anxiety, without worry and can flow through the dayeasily. I make plans and stick to them, I have confidence and energy! I havecourage and openess, I no longer have angry outbursts, or mental fog orconfusion. I no longer have this feeling of impending doom...and YOU canfeel like this too! Natural plant medicines that bring balance to the body are not addictive,non-toxic, leave no permanent damage (in fact very much the contrary)and are a real pleasure to forage and grow in our own back gardens! We should be aware that the "illegal" natural substances that fix our brainsand our bodies are "illegal" for a reason...and that is, because anythingnatural that heals us and keeps us well, brings zero PROFIT for thepharmaceutical companies and the governments. That's right! They're theones destroying our precious National Health Service with propaganda,feeding us with false information about nutrition and medicines to make ussick and line their pockets with profits from the sale of their poisonouspills. They're the ones selling us the idea that magic mushrooms are toxicand will make you sick, that collesterol is bad and then feed you withstatins, that salt is bad and yet the glysophate covered bread and all wheatproducts which cause Lymphoma are good and healthy. The truth is, you are misinformed. It's time to reclaim your own health andyour right to make decisions for yourself. But the Pharmaceuticals have monopolised the country,how do we stop them?The only way to stop these monstrous oligarchs from taking anymore lives via the poisonousvaccines that have killed thousands (#diedsuddenly), or toxic medicines that have debilitating sideeffects,(chemotherapy) or profit driven medical advice is byTaking responsibility for our own health!!If we work hard on ourselves, give ourselves that well-needed self care, self love, love eachother, rest, have fun and eat well, the capitalist billionaires will soon run out of businessand we will be a thriving, natural society. Look after yourself and each other!
INTRODUCTION:Holistic therapists are champions ofoverall well-being, addressing the mind,body, and spirit to promote balance andharmony within their clients. While theirexpertise primarily lies in holistic healthpractices, there is an important reasonwhy these practitioners should alsoeducate themselves about the early signsof skin cancer. By learning to spot skincancer, holistic therapists can play acrucial role in saving lives and fostering atruly comprehensive approach towellness.A Holistic Approach to Health:1.Holistic therapy aims to treat theindividual as a whole, considering allaspects of their well-being. Byincorporating skin cancer awareness intotheir practices, holistic therapists canreinforce their commitment to holistichealth. Skin cancer, when detectedearly, can be more effectively treated,and identifying it aligns with theprinciple of prevention—an essentialaspect of holistic care.2. Empowering Clients withKnowledge:Holistic therapists often buildstrong, trusting relationships withtheir clients. Equipping themselveswith knowledge about skin cancerempowers them to educate clientson self-examination techniques andthe importance of regular skinchecks. By doing so, they enableclients to take an active role in theirown health, fostering a sense ofempowerment and well-being.3. Recognizing Visible Signs:During therapeutic sessions, holistictherapists have the opportunity toobserve their clients' skin, which canreveal potential warning signs ofskin cancer. 4. Reducing Stigma SurroundingHealth Discussions:Integrating discussions about skincancer within holistic therapysessions can help destigmatizeconversations about health concerns.By addressing this topic openly andcompassionately, Holistic therapists contribute to apositive cultural shift towardsprioritizing health and regularcheck-ups.5. Referring Clients for PromptMedical Attention:Holistic therapists are notexpected to diagnose skin cancerdefinitively. Instead, their role isto recognize potential warningsigns and guide clients to seekprofessional medical evaluation.This proactive approach canfacilitate early intervention andimprove outcomes for those atrisk Learning to spot changes in moles,discolorations, or other abnormalitiescan prompt timelyrecommendationsfor clients to seek medical attention.Early detection significantly improvesthe prognosis and chances ofsuccessful treatment.6. Complementing TraditionalMedical Care:Holistic therapists working incollaboration with healthcareproviders can contribute to a morecomprehensive approach to clientwell-being. By staying informedabout skin cancer, they can bevaluable partners in earlydetection, facilitating a smoothercontinuum of care betweenholistic practices and medicaltreatment.Contributing to Holistic SkinHealth:Healthy skin is integral to overallwell-being, and as holistictherapists, it's essential to addressskin health holistically. Learning tospot skin cancer allows them toreinforce the significance of sunprotection, self-care practices, andbalanced nutrition—all of whichcontribute to radiant and healthyskin.CONCLUSION:Holistic therapists are agents ofchange, inspiring their clients toembrace a wholesome lifestyle andnurturing their well-being. Byadding skin cancer awareness totheir repertoire, these practitionerscan significantly impact the lives ofthose they serve. With earlydetection, skin cancer can betreated effectively, promotingbetter health outcomes and a trulyholistic approach to wellness.Empowerment, prevention, andcompassion form the pillars ofholistic health, and learning to spotskin cancer perfectly embodiesthese principles—enablingtherapists to be champions ofcomplete well-being for theirclients.What about Skin Cancer?
Here are some of the genuine advantages that Reiki brings to those who embrace its practice:Stress Reduction and Relaxation: One of the most evident benefits of Reiki is its ability to induce a profoundstate of relaxation. Through the gentle touch or hovering of hands over specific energy points, Reikipractitioners channel healing energy, easing tension and calming the nervous system. This relaxationresponse can help reduce stress, anxiety, and even improve sleep patterns.1.Energy Balancing: Reiki is based on the belief that energy flows within and around the body. When thisenergy is imbalanced or blocked, it can lead to physical, emotional, or mental disturbances. Reiki aims torestore this energy flow, promoting harmony and encouraging the body's natural healing mechanisms.2.Emotional Healing: Reiki not only addresses physical ailments but also delves into emotional healing. Byreleasing energetic blockages, it can help individuals process and heal emotional wounds, leading to greateremotional resilience and a sense of inner peace.3.Enhanced Well-Being: Regular Reiki sessions can lead to an increased sense of overall well-being. Clientsoften report feeling more centered, grounded, and aligned with their true selves. This heightened awarenessallows them to navigate life's challenges with greater clarity and grace.4.Immune System Support: As Reiki promotes relaxation and stress reduction, it indirectly supports theimmune system. A balanced and robust immune system is better equipped to defend the body againstillnesses and promote faster healing.5.Pain Management: While Reiki is not a replacement for medical treatment, it can complement conventionaltherapies and pain management techniques. Many individuals find relief from chronic pain and discomfortthrough Reiki, as it helps reduce inflammation and promotes a sense of comfort.6.Spiritual Growth: Reiki is not tied to any specific religion, but its practice can be deeply spiritual for many. Byopening up channels of energy and enhancing the mind-body connection, Reiki can facilitate spiritualgrowth, inner exploration, and a greater sense of purpose.7.Empowerment and Self-Healing: Reiki empowers individuals to take an active role in their healing journey.Through self-Reiki practices, clients can continue the healing process outside of sessions, tapping into theirown innate healing abilities.8.In conclusion, the true benefits of Reiki extend far beyond physical healing. By promoting relaxation, emotionalwell-being, spiritual growth, and a deeper understanding of the self, Reiki offers a holistic approach to healththat fosters balance, harmony, and an enriched quality of life. As more individuals experience the transformativeeffects of Reiki, its true value as a powerful healing modality becomes ever more apparent.Reiki
With open hearts and minds, we embrace this silent conversation, delving into a realm where words are no longer a necessity.As telepathy bridges the gap between species, a new era of understanding and empathy unfolds. Emotions, desires, and sensations areshared effortlessly, unveiling the intricate tapestry of animal consciousness. With telepathic exchanges, we gain invaluable insights intotheir perspectives, needs, and aspirations, fostering a deeper appreciation for the unique beings with whom we share this planet.Yet, with this profound gift comes great responsibility. As we communicate through telepathy, we must respect the sanctity of theirworld, acknowledging their autonomy and preserving their natural instincts. Let us honor this extraordinary gift by cultivatingcompassion, empathy, and love, transforming our relationships with animals into a harmonious symphony of shared understanding.In this era of silent communication, we stand as stewards of the Earth, working hand-in-paw with our animal counterparts to create abrighter, more interconnected world for all living beings. #TelepathicBond #OneWithNature #AnimalsSpeakVolumes"Unlocking the SilentConnection: Embracing thePower of Telepathy toCommunicate with Animals"In this brave new frontier ofinterspecies communication, the bondsbetween humans and animals aretranscending language barriers.Through the extraordinary potential oftelepathy, a profound and intuitiveconnection is forged, allowing us toglimpse into the minds and hearts ofour animal companions. "Discovering Wisdom Across Time: Embracing theTransformative Benefits of Past Life Regression "Unveil the enigmatic tapestry of your soul's journey as you delve into the profound world of past life regression. Journey beyond the bounds of thislifetime, where the echoes of the past whisper their secrets and unlock the hidden reservoirs of knowledge within you.Through past life regression, profound healing awaits. Unresolved emotions and patterns from previous incarnations find solace in the light ofunderstanding, empowering you to release burdens that no longer serve your highest self.Embrace the transformative power of this introspective exploration as you gain fresh perspectives on life's challenges and relationships. Witness thethreads that weave together the fabric of your existence, fostering a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all beings.Tap into the wellspring of wisdom accrued from lifetimes of experiences. Embody the strengths, talents, and lessons from the past to illuminate your pathin the present, instilling newfound purpose and direction in your life's journey.As you embark on this soulful odyssey, remember toapproach it with an open heart and mind, allowing themysteries of the past to gently guide you towardgreater self-awareness and enlightenment.Unearth the treasures of your soul's history,and embark on a voyage of self-discovery thattranscends time itself. #PastLifeRegression #SoulJourney#EmbraceYourWisdom
A Reiki Share is a unique andenriching gathering of Reikipractitioners that fosterscommunity, support, and theexchange of healing energy.During a Reiki Share, practitionerscome together to share theirknowledge, experiences, andhealing abilities in a supportiveand non-competitive environment.These events play a vital role indeepening the practitioners'connection with Reiki and cansignificantly enhance their healingabilities.The essence of a Reiki Share liesin the spirit of collaboration andoneness. Participants areencouraged to leave their egos atthe door and embrace thecollective intention of healing andwell-being. It is common for Reikipractitioners of all levels, fromnovices to masters, to participatein these shares, creating a diverseand inclusive atmosphere.During a typical Reiki Share,practitioners take turns giving andreceiving Reiki treatments. Thisreciprocal practice allowspractitioners to experience theprofound healing benefits of Reikiwhile also fine-tuning theirtechniques. As individuals take turnsbeing in the role of the healer andthe recipient, they cultivateempathy, compassion, and a deeperunderstanding of the universal lifeforce energy.n addition to the hands-on healingsessions, Reiki Shares often includeguided meditations, discussionsabout Reiki experiences, andopportunities to ask questions andseek guidance from moreexperienced practitioners. Thissharing of knowledge and insightscan be invaluable for personalgrowth and professionaldevelopment as a Reiki healer.Reiki Shares also offer a supportiveenvironment for practitioners todiscuss any challenges they mayencounter in their healing journeys.The collective wisdom andencouragement from fellowpractitioners can provide valuableperspectives and solutions, ultimatelyenhancing the practitioner'sconfidence and effectiveness.Participating in Reiki Shares not onlyenriches the individual practitioner'sexperience but also strengthens thebroader Reiki community. It fostersa sense of camaraderie and unityamong practitioners, promoting ashared commitment to healing andmaking a positive impact on theworld.In conclusion, a Reiki Share is aprofoundly nurturing andtransformative experience for Reikipractitioners. Through the exchangeof healing energy, knowledge, andsupport, these gatherings play acrucial role in deepeningpractitioners' connection with Reikiand strengthening the bond withinthe Reiki community. Whether anovice or a seasoned master, allReiki practitioners can benefit fromthe healing power of a Reiki Share.Embrace thetransformative energyof Reiki and embark ona path of self-discoveryand healing. Book yourspot in our Reiki coursenow and experience theprofound benefits ofthis ancient practice.Don't wait, embracethe power of healing inyour hands!
What we do..We work with Local Holistic Therapists to keep the public informed ofnatural, safe and effective ways to stay healthy, heal and maintain a lifewithout illness.It is NOT normal to be sick, or ache, or have pain. Most of the time we are unaware of underlying causes of our pains or illness,which is why it is always advisable to seek out a proffesional therapist. However, our most powerful diagnostic tool is our own mind. When we decide to take the time to go inwards and dedicate ourselves tofinding the ultimate cause and root of our illnesses, the solutions soon beginto present themselves. We become more aware(sensitive) of ourselves andour bodies, and suddenly the information we seek floods through, by way ofmessages, voices, sounds, sychronicities and much more. When we go inward and ask questions like "who am I?" or "what happened tome?" or "How can I heal" solutions soon appear. How do we go "Inward?"It doesn't take much, just a few minutes per day observing your breathing,feeling your body, analysing what thoughts appear throughout the day. Writing a thoughts journal is a powerful and positive way to become moreaware of what you are thinking. For example, if you repeat to yourself "Ireally want to go on holiday, but I can't afford it," then you will find that youwill never be able to go on holiday. Once you become aware of negative selftalk, you can then manage the right steps to correct your thinking, forcreating huge beneficial changes in your life. Changing the negative "I can't"to "I can" will ultimately change the way you feel and conduct yourself, thusin turn, seeing your life improve. Going inward is where the change begins!Want to know more? Find our blogs, directoryand social media sitehere!