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Summer 2024yourIMPACTvisit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessingupdates from . . .PreviousAwardeesScholarship RecipientsNational BoardCertificationsChaplainCareActivitiesIN THIS EDITIONmessages from . . .BoardLeadershipScholarship Committeecall to action . . .Increase YourInvolvementBuen VivirCohortIn MemoriamMr. Kenneth P. HendersonIn gratitude to God for this dedicated trustee, leader,veteran, and tireless advocate for our cause. Hiswisdom and compassionate service enrichedcountless lives. We honor Ken’s legacy by continuingthe work he cherished.

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from our leaders’PENWe extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, ourgenerous allies, partners, donors, supporters,family members, and friends. Your unwaveringcommitment and philanthropic investmentshave been instrumental in bringing theFoundation's vision, values, and mission to life.In this newsletter, you will witness the profoundimpact of how a tithe of every dollar you investsows seeds of hope, nurtures opportunities, andcultivates brighter futures. Together, we'restewarding dreams and empoweringcommunities through education. Your impactripples across generations, creatingimmeasurable change.From educational scholarships to life-transforming ChaplainCare initiatives, yoursupport has made all the difference, and we aregrateful for your continued dedication andcollaborative partnership.Our 'Follow Your Passion' page unveils theinspiring journeys we're embarking on, guided byDivine purpose. You'll find opportunities to alignyour values with transformative initiatives thattouch lives and shape destinies here. Empowering futures together,ShirleyAttorney Shirley C. Byers, ChairpersonCC Taylor Foundation - ChaplainCare LLCpage 2 visit us at & | Blessed To Be A BlessingFriends, Supporters, and Donors, your impact hasbeen phenomenal. Since Shirley and I lastupdated you, your support fueled an incredible3,423-mile bicycle ride across America, spanning44 days. This journey wasn't just about distance –it was about connection. You enabled 170 friend-raising encounters.Two USNA Class of '83 graduates championedour causes, raising an astounding $155,517.42 forveteran suicide prevention and innovativeeducation pathways to faithful service.Thanks to you, we didn't just meet our annualfund goal – we shattered it by 75%. You've enabled us to serve 25% moreunderrepresented students and develop crucialChaplainCare apps supporting individual andfamily mental, emotional, and spiritual resilience.Your generosity doesn't just change lives—ittransforms communities nationwide. You're notjust donors; you're investors in humanity. Yourpassion is the key to unlocking someone'sbrighter tomorrow. Thank you for your trust and shared vision. All the best,JoeRetired Navy Vice Admiral Joe Leidig, Jr.CC Taylor Foundation Vice-Chairperson

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$35,000 in STEMScholarshipsyour contributions CHANGE LIVES FOREVERRetired Navy Captain Jerome R. WhiteScholarship Committee ChairpersonOur Doris Miller Educational Endowment aimsto foster and uphold excellence. We honorexceptional educators, outstanding students,and distinguished alumni. The endowmentreflects the values of Ms. Doris Miller, whoserved as the Guidance Counselor at BaptistHill High School in Charleston, SC. Ms. Millerexceeded expectations, aiming for excellencein student progress, school initiatives, andcommunity engagement. She was a pioneer,who inspired generations of leaders toachieve their greatest potential.Service and kindness are investments inhumanity's future, measured by their rippleeffects in inspiring, educating, and nurturingleaders who will shape a better tomorrow.Imagine the possibilities because of your actof service and kindness. Envision this…The ripple effect of $35,000 in STEMscholarships, propelling 21 brilliant mindstoward groundbreaking discoveries. Thetransformative impact of $10,000 invested inNational Board Certification, elevates oureducators to new heights of excellence. $15,540 invested inClinical EducationColleagues, family, and friends, yourcontributions aren't just numbers on a ledger –they're dreams taking flight and lives foreverchanged. They are the catalyst for positivechange in our communities. Donate todayWith boundless gratitude,Jerome R. WhiteScholarship Committee ChairpersonYour $15,540 investment makes a profounddifference for a cohort of six Spanish-speaking chaplains, now equipped toprovide Clinical Pastoral Education care tounderserved communities nationwide.Mr. Rickey Middleton is the inaugural DorisMiller Educational Endowment Scholar. Hischaracter and involvement in activitiesembody the endowment's spirit of faith,leadership and learning. A distinguished2024 graduate of Baptist Hill Middle HighSchool, he is bound for Brevard College,carrying with him a confident prediction:"Rickey will make great things happen forhimself and his community visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing page 3Mrs. Miller’s son, Kristian Miller; scholar, Rickey Middleton; and Jerome R. White

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your generosity extendsBEYOND THE CLASSROOM Focus on studiesWith the financial burden lifted, they wereable to focus on their studies and fullyimmerse themselves in the learningexperience.Your Impact Beyond The ClassroomBy investing in the education of thesestudents, you have planted the seeds for abrighter future, not only for the studentsthemselves but for their families and thecommunities they serve. Your donors’generosity has created a ripple effect ofpositive change that will continue to resonatefor years to come.Our thanks and gratitude to your donors forbelieving in the Buen Vivir CPE program, andthe potential of our students and, for makingtheir education aspirations a reality. Our commitment remains strong in providinga unique online interfaith CPE opportunity fornon-traditional candidates, enabling them topractice and serve under-served populations. Because of you, CPE is accessible to thosehistorically limited by language, geographic,financial, or educational constraints. CCTF-ChaplainCare Donors made theseachievements and Buen Vivir CPE possibleGratefulOn behalf of Buen Vivir CPE Center, anACPE-accredited program, and thestudents from the Spanish-speaking ClinicalPastoral Education (CPE) unit cohort 2023-2024, we would like to express our gratitudefor the generous scholarship support of$15,560 provided by the Reverend Charlie Eand Cinderella S Taylor Sr Foundation -ChaplainCare.Your commitmentYour supporting education and pastoralcare have been truly transformative--notonly for our students but also for the manylives they touch through their CPEexperience and spiritual care service. The students saw this opportunity as achance to pursue their dreams, gainknowledge, and acquire skills needed tomake a positive impact in their Spanish-speaking communities.Reverend Silvia S. Tiznado-Smith, MDiv., BCCACPE Certified Educator, Buen Vivir CPE FounderSilvia Tiznado-Smithpage 4 visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing

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your impactIN THEIR WORDS Joel (Florida) - Roman Catholic, License Minister“This is the first time that I have received ascholarship for higher education such asACPE, and I am very grateful. Whatmotivates me to pursue a career in thePastoral Care Field is that I consider it avocation. Since I was a teenager, I havebeen involved in Church activities, as acatechist, choir director, reader, and visitorto the sick. Applying the knowledge andskills help me do my job as a chaplainbetter in relationship with patients, involvedfamilies, and grief support groups.” Leticia (California) - Pentecostal, Master‘s of Divinity“As a Missionary in three rehabilitationcenters in central Mexico, I am happy tocontinue my Clinical Pastoral Education(CPE), to contribute to helping people, andgrateful to obtain the CC TaylorFoundation-ChaplainCare Scholarship,which allowed me to continue. Without it Iwould not have been able to start thisprogram.”Felipe (California) - Asamblea de Dios, Master In Divinity“I am super grateful for the opportunity thatthe “Living God” gave me, for accepting meinto the CPE Program and giving us thenecessary financial help. Thank You somuch.” Johanna (Florida) - Lutheran, Seminary studies“Currently, I am a single mother who has tocover all her expenses, the cost of rent, carinsurance, electricity, food, the CPEProgram, books, and my daughter’sexpenses since I do not receive any extrahelp from anywhere. Everything is veryexpensive, I have three (3) jobs, one full-time,two part-time to cover my expenses.Because of donors to CCTF-ChaplainCare, Iam beyond blessed to have receive a grantfor this unit of CPE in Spanish. Thank you somuch!” Rebecca (Florida)- Church of The Nazarene, Master InTheology and Pastoral Counseling)“I believe that in these times we live in, wemust prepare ourselves to help othersthrough chaplaincy. Scholarships help us tobe able to help humanity.” Eliecer (Florida) - Christian Churches, Masters of Art inMinistry)“This year I have had a reduced income inmy business that has affected my financialstatus. This scholarship helps me cover theexpenses of the CPE Program Unit. Thegreatest need in my community is to have agreater number of ministers equipped witha heart for people capable of providingexcellent pastoral care.”visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing page 5

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where are they nowSPOTLIGHTIn 2016, Washington, III received anundergraduate STEM scholarship. He aimedto attend Oakwood University and becomea world-renowned surgeon.May 2024“Hello CC Taylor Foundation, I pray all iswell! I am delighted to share that God hasblessed me to be accepted into my topresidency choice, a General SurgeonProgram. Thank you for your continuoussupport and mentorship.”-Dr. Washington, III, M.D.Hello CC Taylor Foundation-ChaplainCare!In May 2024, I became the first recipient ofthe All Veterans Care endowed scholarshipto earn an undergraduate degree. With amajor in biochemistry and a double minor inbiology and mathematics, my goal is tobecome a Pathologist.I plan to further my education by pursuing aMaster’s in Public Health at LSU this summer. I am extremely grateful to retired NavyVice-Admiral Joe Leidig, Jr., the All VeteransCare sponsor, and loyal donors for helpingstudents from underserved communitiesachieve God-given dreams and aspirations.Thank you,Kiara From MorganTo Mrs. Judith McKevitt and the Foundation,“I am forever grateful for the opportunitiesyou provided me which empowered me tograduate from the University of MississippiMedical Center in 2016. Today, I am blessedto serve as the Midsouth/Midwest RegionalOccupational Therapist Consultant.” MEHARRY MEDICAL COLLEGEpage 6 visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing

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your support for all veteran careENABLES THESE SCHOLARSKaliseAs I embark on this new academic chapter, I'm grateful for theopportunity the University of Mississippi's Exercise ScienceProgram offers. Thanks to All Veterans Care’s sponsors anddonors, I can pursue my dream of becoming a physical therapistwithout financial worry. I'm ready to embrace this new chapterwith determination, passion, and profound gratitude.Janae As an individual with a deep-rooted fascination for the oceanand marine life, opting for a major in marine science at theUniversity of Southern Mississippi feels like the right path for me.Yet, following this passion presents obstacles in terms of fundingmy education. Being awarded the All Veterans Care scholarshipholds immense significance for me. Your support inspires me tocontinue striving for academic excellence. I am certain of mycapability to thrive in this field – thank you for investing in me.Latrice I am determined to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in nursingat the University of Southern Mississippi. After graduation, myplan is to work as a traveling registered nurse, further myeducation by obtaining a degree in chiropractic, and openingmy practice. My amazing mother is my rock, always supportingand encouraging me. I'm incredibly grateful to God for her andfor All Veterans Care. JaNiyah Dear All Veterans Care Donors, Thank you for this prestigious award. I have completedadvanced placement courses and dual credit college courses.Education is a top priority for me. I plan to major in physicaltherapy at Northwest Mississippi Community College, intendingto own a state-of-the-art physical therapy facility. I amdedicated, responsible, and hardworking. Thank you for blessingme!visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing page 7

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because you care, theseSCHOLARS ARE FLOURISHINGChristian I am the eldest of five siblings raised by a single mother. Despitethe challenges, my mom has been my pillar of strength. I amdetermined to major in Criminal Justice or Political Science andbuild a career in law enforcement. The John L. “Coach” TaylorAchievement Award is a crucial stepping stone towards myacademic success. I am determined to make the most of thisopportunity at Northwest Community College, and the Universityof Mississippi. Thank you so much. Elise The Katherine Williams and Diane Williams Gray EndowedScholarship profoundly impacts my academic journey in biologyand anatomy by supporting my dream of pursuing an educationin dental hygiene. My goal is to not only excel academically butalso make a positive impact on society. Being chosen for thisscholarship, which honors the legacy of an amazing mother-daughter team, is incredibly humbling and inspiring. Thank you!TrinityDear All Veterans Care Donors, accompanying my grandparentsto support the Susan G. Comen Breast Cancer Foundation andRed Cross left a lasting impression. Their impact, alongside mymother's work as an educator and aunt as a nurse, inspired meto pursue a career as an emergency room nurse. I've alreadycompleted my CAN licensure and look forward to studyingnursing sciences at Arkansas State University. Receiving the AllVeterans Care scholarship ignites my passion for serving. Alana Dear Donors of All Veterans Care, your belief in my potential istruly humbling. With your prayers and financial support, I am onestep closer to realizing my dream of attending Delaware StateUniversity and becoming a business owner and dermatologist.Your belief in my abilities has reignited my determination tosucceed, and I pledge to honor your generosity through hardwork, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to excellence.With sincere 8 visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing

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scholars of JUDITH WOOLLEY MCKEVITTJanaDear Mrs. Judith McKevitt, your support has lifted me out of achallenging situation and reignited my passion for engineering.Your belief in me strengthens my resolve to make a difference.Your generosity inspires me to do more and give back. I promiseto pay it forward by helping others as I progress in my career.Your kindness will always be remembered, and I hope to inspireothers just as you inspire me. LatriceDear Mrs. Judith McKevitt, I'm driven by my passion to make apositive impact on my community, and I aspire to become askilled dental assistant. With a strong academic record and acommitment to community service, I'm ready to pursue thisdream at Delta Technical College. With the scholarship youestablished, I can achieve my dreams and make a meaningfuldifference in the lives of others. Thank you for this opportunity!BreshunaDear Mrs. Judith McKevitt, four years ago, I founded O'riah'sTreats with determination and creativity. What began as amodest endeavor is evolving into a successful business for ahigher purpose. I strive for academic excellence and to make apositive difference. Your scholarship signifies more than justfinancial aid; it acknowledges my dedication and ambitions.With this support, I can further my education and pursue myaspirations. Thank you, and may God continue blessing you tobe a blessing.Areyah Dear Mrs. Judith McKevitt, I am sincerely thankful for theopportunity to have been selected for this scholarship in yourname. As I pursue my dream of becoming an UltrasoundTechnician and contributing to the healthcare field, thisscholarship provides the financial stability I need to excelacademically. With your prayers and support, I am committed tomaking a positive impact in my community and beyond. Yourinvestment means the world to me. God bless.visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing page 9

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scholars of SUNSHINE SHEHEE PAYNEJavonTo the family and friends of Sunshine Shehee Payne, thank youfor this scholarship. Despite facing personal tragedies includingwitnessing the impact of my mother's passing during my firstyear of high school, and my father’s sudden death in 2020, I amdriven to pursue a degree in Mortuary Science at NorthwestCommunity College to help other families in their time of grief.This scholarship serves as a strong incentive to glorify Godthroughout my life.Monic Dear Mrs. McKevitt, I am an aspiring nursing student with apassion for healthcare. Despite financial challenges, mydetermination to succeed is unwavering. Your scholarshipprovides the resources I need to excel in my studies, pursue mycalling in healthcare, and make a lasting impact in thehealthcare field. This scholarship fills my heart with hopebecause together we are creating a better and healthier world. BrandiTo the donors of the Sunshine Shehee Payne EndowedScholarship, your generosity and support are accelerating mydream of becoming a nurse. I witnessed the compassionatecare and emotional support provided to my mother duringher battle with cancer, and it fueled my desire to make ameaningful difference in others' lives. Your scholarship allowsme to pursue my passion and purpose - nursing. DaJuanDear Partners and Donors of the Sunshine Shehee PayneEndowed Scholarship, thank you for lighting the path to myaspirations. A relentless passion for animation fuels me. AtMiddle Tennessee State University, I will continue sculptingmy dreams into reality with every stroke of creativity. I ameager to absorb new knowledge and skills to infuse life intomy artistic visions. I'm bridging the realms of imagination.Your unwavering support kindles my determination. page 10 visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing

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scholars of SUNSHINE SHEHEE PAYNE DeonAs a highly motivated and drivenindividual, I am deeply interested inpursuing a major in business to achievemy career goals. My career goals include becoming asuccessful entrepreneur and businessleader, where I aim to start my ownsocially responsible business, creatingjobs and opportunities forunderrepresented communities. Receiving the Sunshine Shehee PayneEndowed Scholarship provides much-needed financial support, and allowsme to focus on my studies withoutplacing more financial burden on myselfor my hardworking mother. My fatherpassed away due to a severe illness in2020, so this scholarship is a huge helpfor my mother when it comes to payingfor my college education. I amdetermined to make an everlastinglegacy in the business world, creatingvalue for society and inspiring futuregenerations. DekristinDear Donors of the Sunshine Shehee PayneEndowed Scholarship, my childhood homeis where I witnessed the unwaveringstrength and resilience of the women whoraised and influenced me. My grandmother,with her last breaths, imparted to me thevalues of hard work and kindness thatcontinue to guide me every day. Mymother's relentless dedication has been aconstant wellspring of motivation,propelling me toward my dream of ahealthcare career.My battles with asthma have fueled mydetermination to become a respiratorytherapist, a profession through which I hopeto help others facing similar challenges. Throughout my journey, the guidance offigures like Miss Isom and Mrs. Sunshine S.Payne, inspiring educators, have played aninstrumental role in molding my life.As I prepare to embark on this new chapterat Itawamble Community College, I carrywith me the words of Luke 1:45 (NIV),"Blessed is she who has believed that theLord will fulfill His promises to her.”visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing page 11

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donor impact to both CCTF & CHAPLAINCAREA few of the 2024 scholarship recipients The Holly Springs School District will soonannounce the outstanding educators whowill form a National Board Certificationcohort starting this Summer 2024-2025. The grant honors five educators who helpprepare scholars for college: TamaraOnwuemenyi, Tejinder Thind, SamanthaWhite, Ryal Wilson, and Corey T. Young.L-R: HSSD Superintendent Dr. Irene Walton-Turnage accepts a grant from Attorney Byers.More than a decade of research fromacross the country confirms students ofBoard-certified teachers learn more thantheir peers without Board-certifiedTeachers. Studies have also found that thepositive impact of having a Board-certifiedteacher is even greater for BiPOC and low-income students. -nbpts.orgNATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION GRANTSpage 12 visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing

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your support nurtures souls on the go with CHAPLAINCARE’S DFW APPpage 13Thanks to ChaplainCare’s loyal supporters, we develop world-class chaplaincy apps for corporate,educational, governmental, and other non-profit clients like the Dallas Fort-Worth AirportInterfaith Chaplains who serve the second busiest airport in the world by passenger usage.Dan (ChaplainCare CIO),Thank you so much fortaking time to share theChapApp features andusability with me today. The thoughtful design andmodern appeal will makethis a valuable tool for boththe chaplains andtravelers/employees of DFWAirport. I cannot wait to test thelimitless options of all thefacets you covered today. And, I look forward to seeingChapApp become a farreaching part of chaplaincyprotocol all over the world. Best regards,DeNissaDFWAIC Board of Directors,retired from IBM, and a Navy-daughter visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing

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faith, leadership, and learning strengthed byCHAPLAINCARE TRAININGThanks to ChaplainCare loyal supporters, we facilitate customizable professional leadershipdevelopment masterclasses for corporate, educational, governmental, and other non-profitclients.ChaplainCare is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Led organization that provides comprehensiveprevention, intervention, and postvention services-based solutions to Federal Governmentand civilian clientele. Further, as Veteran/retired military chaplains, ChaplainCare fully understands how to providefor the free exercise of religion in a pluralistic environment.ChaplainCare is the wholly-owned nonprofit subsidiary of The CC Taylor Foundation, a 501(c)3public charity.ChaplainCare Donors,Leadership Development Training went very well, ‘the Skipper’(commanding officer/CEO) was very pleased and would loveto implement this team-building program yearly. Thank youfor the opportunity to serve.Respectfully,Dr. Candice LeffingwellChaplainCare Resilience Instructor page 14 visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing

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incredible stamina raises $155,517.42 forCCTF & CHAPLAINCAREpage 15visit us at & | Blessed To Be A BlessingThanks to ChaplainCare loyal supporters, L: Peter “Bear” Stitt - ChaplainCare riderR: Luke McCollum- CC Taylor Foundation riderRiders start each day with 21 pushups inremembrance of veteran death by suicideLuke presents an award to Jack H. forcoordinating First Responder Escorts forthe 3,400 miles in 44-day Bike Ride AcrossAmericaPatriotic Americans cheering us on daily

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CAPT (Retired)Jerome WhiteScholarshipChairVADM (Retired)Luke McCollumProgramCommitteeChairRabbi Irv ElsonVP JCCAssoc. NAVADM (Retired) Joe Leidig, Jr.ViceChairMr. Ken HendersonRetiredCEO/COOCFO Co-FounderAtty. Shirley ByersChairMr. Charlie TaylorEntrepreneur Past Chair Co-FounderMrs. Carol McKnightCEOCMProfessionalServices LLCEntrepreneurCCTF Co-FounderMr. Otha TaylorMrs. Rubye Taylor-PooleBoard of Trusteesyour living legacy is in GOOD HANDSpage 16 visit us at & | Blessed To Be A BlessingAdvisory Committee ReverendEugene GillenLicensedSocialWorkerPresidingElderCMERetiredAcademicDeanCatholicBishopDr. LaPetria RhoeCollegeProfessorReverend Kevin TaylorCEO WLCDCHartfordColonel Bob UnderwoodCEO Focal PointDr. Dale WhiteUnitedMethodistChurchMrs. Rothenia Walton InternalRevenueServiceBishopJoseph CoffeyDr.Clementine MaysDr.Paul Lampley

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page 15Empower Future Innovators. Shape thefuture of spiritual and scientific leadership.Establish an educational endowment forSTEM scholars, seminary students, oraspiring chaplains. Your lasting gift opensdoors to education, fostering innovation inscience and compassionate care inministry. Create a legacy of faith,leadership, lifelong learning, and selflessservice today.Save Veterans' Lives. Support ourcomprehensive suicide prevention program.Your sponsorship supplies veteranchaplains with evidence-based trainingthat empowers individuals, families,organizations, and communities to worktogether to help keep people safe fromsuicide. Your generosity makes accessiblecrucial resources in rural and mental healthdeserts and provides 24/7 resilience supportto those who've served our country.Educate Spiritual Leaders. Empower thenext generation of spiritual leaders. Sponsorministerial stipends to provide accreditedtheological education, clinical training, andevidence-based internationally recognizedcertification for aspiring chaplains. Yoursupport through the ChaplainCare LearningAcademy bridges the gap betweeneducation and impactful service andensures high-quality, compassionatespiritual support for future generations.Nurture Young Minds. Transform young livesthrough professional school chaplaincy.Fund our initiative to train and placeprofessional, interfaith, and clinically-trained chaplains in K-12 schools. Yoursponsorship helps create a supportiveenvironment for millions of studentspreparing for college, careers, and militaryservice.Inspire Your Employees. Connect, support,and inspire employees with ChaplainCare’scustomizable Inspire App. By sponsoring thedevelopment of this revolutionary tool youcan boost workplace spirituality and well-being. Your contribution help cultivaterespectful, inclusive, thriving workcommunities. increase your impact, find a causeFOLLOW YOUR PASSIONScan This QRCodeTo use this QRcode, open yourcamera app,point it at thecode, and tapthe notificationthat appears toaccess the link.visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing page 17

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DONATE don’t wait, make A DIFFERENCEpage 17A c t n o w , b e t h e c a t a l y s t f o r t r a n s f o r m a t i o n . D o n a t et o d a y a n d h e l p u s t u r n a s p i r a t i o n i n t o a c h i e v e m e n t .page 18 visit us at & | Blessed To Be A Blessing