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Summer 2024 Counselor Newsletter

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UPDATES FROM BALL STATE UNIVERSITYBALL STATE UNIVERSITYDiscover Ball State! Explore exciting events where you and your students can experience everything our campus oers.

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ENROLLMENT CONFIRMATIONIt’s that time of the year! As seniors nalize their college decisions, we request that students conrm their enrollment through their Cardinal Landing portal. This is where they’ve previously received their decision letters, updates on their application status, and more. Students will need to conrm to register for Orientation.Due to the nationwide delays in nancial aid processing, this year presents unique challenges for students and families as they make their enrollment decisions.To accommodate this, Ball State has extended the deadline for National CollegeDecision Day to June 1. Additionally, we are committed to working with students even after this deadline has passed. NEXT STEPS FORYOUR SENIORS1. Conrm their enrollment in their Cardinal Landing portal.2. Submit their FAFSA if they have not done so (Ball State’s code is 001786)3. Complete their Housing application.4. Select an Orientation date in their Cardinal Landing portal.We’re excited to help seniors transition to life as a Cardinal this fall. To ensure that they are fully prepared, there are critical next steps for students to follow:We’ve created a resource page to equip you with the necessary information you need to support your students as they embark on their path to becoming Ball State Cardinals. Additionally, we oer a dedicatednext steps page specically designed for admitted students, which you can share with them as they prepare to join our community. We also have a page for family members ofadmitted Cardinals.

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ORIENTATION 2024Registration for Orientation is now open! Yourstudents can conrm their enrollment andregister for Orientation in their CardinalLanding portal. Learn more about Orientation at DISCOVERY MEETINGSStarting next school year (2024-2025), a new requirement of Indiana House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1002-2023 requires that all students in grades 11 and 12 have a 30-minute Career Discovery Meeting with an approved postsecondary educational institution,intermediary, employer, or labor organization to discuss future career opportunities and their necessary education levels. Ball State University is an approved institution and we are happy to help with this eort in any way that we can.

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FAFSA UPDATES The 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is still available for all eligible students at Last week, Ball State sent out nancial aid oers to new, incoming students that had led a FAFSA or received a Ball State scholarship. If your student has any nancial aid questions specic to Ball State and the oer they received, they can contact or schedule anappointment with a sta member atnaidappt. Students will also have the opportunity to meet with sta one-on-one while on-campusduring Orientation.Cardinal Central has provided resources,including a presentation and toolkit, to assist you or your sta in presenting FAFSA information to your students andtheir families.

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IN THE NEWSBALL STATE IN THE NEWSOn Monday, April 8, 2024, Ball State students, faculty, and sta experienced a trulyunforgettable once-in-a-lifetime event as the path of a total solar eclipse passed over our campus. In collaboration with NASA, Ball State facilitated an extraordinary viewing of the eclipse through telescopes from our esteemed Charles W. Brown Planetarium.

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50 YEARS OF AWARD-WINNING DISABILITY SERVICESDid you know Ball State has been named the #1 campus for students withphysical disabilities? We also celebrated the 50th anniversary of our Oce ofDisability Services this year! Last year alone, the Oce of Disability Servicessupported nearly 4,000 students in ways that made a meaningful impact. One such way was the development of CARDS (Connecting AccessibilityResources and Disability Services), a Summer Bridge opportunity designed to help students with disabilities acclimate to campus and gain a sense ofbelonging. First-year students are eligible to participate! Please help us spread the word and direct any interested incoming student to Disability Servicesat for more information. #1 CAMPUS#1 CAMPUSFOR STUDENTS WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES-College Magazine

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CONTACT & CONNECT WITH US: Oce of Undergraduate AdmissionsLucina Hall, Ball State University @ballstatebound#ballstatebound2000 W University Ave. Muncie, IN 47306800-482-4278 askus@bsu.eduADMISSIONS CONTACTUse our Sta Directory to connect to the person working with your school and students. HAVE AGREAT SUMMER!HAVE AGREAT SUMMER!