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Kepler's Summer Reads Catalog 2023

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SummerReads1010 EL CAMINO REAL #100, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 • 650-324-4321 • KEPLERS.COM

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FictionTHE POSTCARDANNE BEREST(EUROPA EDITIONS, $28)A fictionalized family saga,inspired by an anonymouspostcard with no message otherthan the names of four relativeskilled at Auschwitz. A quest tofind the sender unfolds in acaptivating mix of mystery andmulti-generational memoir.THE MAKING OF ANOTHER MAJORMOTION PICTURE MASTERPIECETOM HANKS (KNOPF, $32.50)The Academy Award winnerand best-selling author servesup a wild, stirring adventure inthis epic tale of the making ofa big-budget superhero actionfilm, from its humble originsas a scrappy little comic bookto its final cinematic glory.THE WIND KNOWS MY NAMEISABEL ALLENDE(BALLANTINE BOOKS, $28)An incredibly moving tale of twochildren– one in Europe in 1938,the other in current times at theAmerican border– who haverisked everything to escapeconflict and discord in theirhome countries. So beautiful.THE CELEBRANTSSTEVEN ROWLEY(G.P. PUTNAM’S SONS, $28)Five friends have an unusual,decades-deep pact: theyreunite in Big Sur regularly tohold “living funerals” for eachother, as an unconventionalway of celebrating their bond.This year, however, will testtheir devotion like neverbefore.GOOD NIGHT, IRENELUIS ALBERTO URREA(LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY, $29)Dazzlingly-written, heartfelthistorical fiction about unsungheroes during World War II:the women volunteers workingbehind the front lines for theRed Cross, offering comfortand care for American soldiers.A personal, enduring tribute.THE LITTLE ITALIAN HOTELPHAEDRA PATRICK(PARK ROW, $18.99)A charming, life-affirming novelabout newfound friendshipsand second chances, kissed bythe warm Italian sun. When arelationship expert’s marriagefalls apart, she invites fourdevoted listeners to join her onvacation to make a fresh start.THE COVENANT OF WATERABRAHAM VERGHESE(GROVE PRESS, $32)Destined to become anotherclassic from local author andphysician Verghese, this multi-generational novel based on hismother’s memories is anunforgettable examination offamily, medicine, and love.
YELLOWFACER.F. KUANG(WILLIAM MORROW & COMPANY, $30)Whip-smart, biting satiretackling issues surroundinggreed, identity, and culturalappropriation. A strugglingwriter lands a bestseller afterstealing someone else’s work,but keeping the secret provesto be fraught with challenges.1

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FictionFARRELL COVINGTON AND THELIMITS OF STYLEPAUL RUDNICK (ATRIA BOOKS, $28.99)A five-decade romancebetween a writer and the sonof one of America’s wealthiest,most conservative families istold in this rollicking charmerof a novel. Thanks to zippydialogue and astutecharacterizations, it’s witty,wise, and wonderful.FOURTH WINGREBECCA YARROS (ENTANGLED:RED TOWER BOOKS, $29.99)An electrifying new entry to ourlatest favorite portmanteaugenre, romantasy– this spicytale of forbidden love,brooding heroes, and fiercewomen warriors at a college fordragon riders is equal partsromance and fantasy, and100% fun.CHAIN-GANG ALL STARSNANA KWAME ADJEI-BRENYAH(PANTHEON BOOKS, $27)Dystopian fiction in top form–two champion womengladiators fight for theirfreedom in this smart, ferocioustakedown of our prison-industrial complex. Think TheHunger Games meets the MadMax films, rendered in bitingsocial commentary.HAPPY PLACEEMILY HENRY(BERKLEY BOOKS, $27)Once again, Emily Henrysteps up as the Queen ofRomance– a couple whobroke up months ago reunitefor their annual week-longvacation with friends, andmust pretend that all is well.Sweet, savvy, and full ofheart!INK BLOOD SISTER SCRIBEEMMA TÖRZS(WILLIAM MORROW & COMPANY, $30)A suspenseful, dark fantasyextolling the magic of books–two estranged half-sistersmust join forces to guard theenchanted contents of thefamily library while trackingdown clues to their father’smysterious sudden death.
THE LOCK-UPJOHN BANVILLE(HANOVER SQUARE PRESS, $30)Banville’s most ambitious crimenovel yet is a globetrottinginvestigation into the strangedeath of a young history scholarin Dublin. A pair of detectiveswith a complicated workingrelationship must once againput aside their considerabledifferences to crack the case.DROWNINGT.J. NEWMAN(AVID READER PRESS, $28)Don’t forget to breathe! Thiswhite-knuckled adrenaline-fuelled thriller doesn’t let up–an airliner is downed in theocean, and the flight crew andpassengers fight for survival inthe open water as rescue crewsstruggle to reach them.THE WISHING GAMEMEG SHAFFER(BALLANTINE BOOKS, $28)The magical powers ofstorytelling are on full display inthis playful, inventive tale of anenigmatic best-selling authorreturning from a long hiatus witha new book and a uniquecompetition. The grand prize ispromised to be life-changing.2

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Non-FictionTHE WAGER: A TALE OF SHIPWRECK,MUTINY AND MURDER DAVID GRANN (DOUBLEDAY BOOKS, $30)Narrative nonfiction at itsfinest– Grann’s chilling nail-biter of a naval-history thrilleris an epic tale of desperationand survival as well as acritique of the coldindifference of imperialism.This really must be read to bebelieved!THE QUESTIONS THAT MATTER MOST:READING, WRITING, AND THEEXERCISE OF FREEDOM JANE SMILEY (HEYDAY BOOKS, $28)In her first work of nonfictionin nearly twenty years, themuch-feted novelist hascrafted a series of essays onauthors as varied as FranzKafka, Mark Twain, and WillaCather to illustrate howliterature has inspired andinformed her work.DIARY OF A TUSCAN BOOKSHOP: A MEMOIR ALBA DONATI (SCRIBNER BOOK COMPANY, $17.99)Prepare to be smitten! Italianpoet Donati chronicles themany charms and comforts ofowning a cozy little bookstore ina village in the hills of Tuscany;the shop truly is a labor of love,as is this uplifting memoir.GOODBYE, OAKLAND ANDY DOLICH AND DAVE NEWHOUSE(TRIUMPH BOOKS, $28)Oakland has held ten nationaltitles over the years, yet it alsohas the dubious distinction ofbeing the only American city tobe abandoned by the sameteam twice. Here, the authorsexamine the city’s tricky sportshistory.HIS MAJESTY'S AIRSHIP: THE LIFE ANDTRAGIC DEATH OF THE WORLD'SLARGEST FLYING MACHINE S.C. GWYNNE (SCRIBNER BOOK COMPANY, $32)While not as famous as theHindenburg disaster, the very-similar crash of the Britishairship R101 was even moredeadly. Gwynne’s account ofhow incompetence and hubrisled to lethal decision-making issnappy, deeply absorbingstorytelling. GRIZZLY GIANT YOSEMITE CONSERVANCY (PUBLISHER'S GROUP WEST, $12.99)Oh, you mighty, majesticbeauty! The massive, nearly3000-year-old giant sequoiaknown as Grizzly Giant is oneof Yosemite’s greatest marvels,and this handsome volumeoffers a wonderful overview ofthe legendary tree and itssurrounding Mariposa Grove.3

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Non-FictionEDISON'S GHOSTS: THE UNTOLDWEIRDNESS OF HISTORY'S GREATEST GENIUSES KATIE SPALDING (LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY, $29) We tend to exalt geniuses fortheir biggest achievements,but would this change if welearned some of their foiblesand follies? Find out foryourself in this highly-entertaining rundown of someof the more bizarre beliefsheld by history’s greatestthinkers.THE BOOK OF CHARLIE: WISDOM FROMTHE REMARKABLE AMERICAN LIFE OFA 109-YEAR-OLD MAN DAVID VON DREHLE (SIMON & SCHUSTER, $26)How do we live a long,fulfilling life? Ask CharlieWhite, the centenarianneighbor of veteran journalistVon Drehle; his resilience,adaptability, and sense ofadventure have powered himthrough the many decades ofhis life. Engrossing and soinspirational. WHEN THE HEAVENS WENT ON SALE:THE MISFITS AND GENIUSES RACINGTO PUT SPACE WITHIN REACH ASHLEE VANCE (ECCO PRESS, $35)The latest phase of the spacerace is in full swing, and this timethe epicenter isn’t NASA; it’sSilicon Valley start-ups who arepowering the new technologicaladvances. Vance’s reporting issharp and fast-paced; this is awild ride.EL CAPITAN YOSEMITE CONSERVANCY(PUBLISHER'S GROUP WEST, $12.99)Loved by rock-climbers,peregrine falcons, and anyoneelse who has ever been toYosemite National Park, thegorgeous iconic granitemonolith known as El Capitanis celebrated in word andimage in this alluring littleguide.BRAVE THE WILD RIVER: THE UNTOLDSTORY OF TWO WOMEN WHO MAPPEDTHE BOTANY OF THE GRAND CANYON MELISSA L. SEVIGNY (W.W. NORTON & COMPANY, $30)A glowing testimonial to twopioneering women in science,Sevigny’s thrilling account of apair of female botanistsnavigating the Colorado Riverto document the GrandCanyon’s plant life is halfadventure story, half naturalhistory lesson. QUIETLY HOSTILE: ESSAYS SAMANTHA IRBY(VINTAGE, $17)A brand-new series of essaysfrom the beloved, incomparableIrby, touching upon everythingfrom becoming addicted to QVCshopping to being denied entryto a restaurant because of herugly clothes. Her work ishilarious, direct, and veryrelatable. 4

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Kids & Young AdultTAP! TAP! TAP!: DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! HERVÉ TULLET (CHRONICLE BOOKS, $19.99)DAKOTA CRUMB & THE SECRETBOOKSHOP: A TINY TREASURE HUNT JAMIE MICHALAK, KELLY MURPHY(CANDLEWICK PRESS, $17.99)A delightful energy-burst inbook form, this interactivepicture book is a treat for smallchildren and their parents.Tullet’s vivid and livelyillustrations are an undeniableinvitation to dance, so flipthese pages and let loose!Follow along with brainy littlemouse Dakota Crumb as shehunts for treasure in a Parisbookshop; the seek-and-findchallenge at the end isinteractive fun that will keepyoung sleuths very, very busy.SIMON AND THE BETTER BONE COREY R. TABOR (BALZER & BRAY, $19.99)In a smart and cute reinventionof Aesop’s fable, “The Dog andHis Reflection”, Simon meetsanother dog just like him; hehas a bone just like his, but it’smuch better. Will he be able totrick him into switching?I AM A TORNADO DREW BECKMEYER (ATHENEUM BOOKS FOR YOUNGREADERS, $18.99)Oh, how we love this picturebook– it’s sweet, sensitiveand silly, with an insightfulmessage. A tornado rolls in,causing chaos, and scoopsup an empathetic cow whomanages to de-escalate thesituation with calming words.THE SEA OF TERROR STUART GIBBS, STACY CURTIS (SIMON & SCHUSTER, $12.99)Junior knights Tim, Belinda,and Ferkle are on a new quest–this time, a dangerous journeyacross the sea to hunt fortreasure. To do so, though.they must vanquish manymonsters along the way.Hilarious and so clever!WILD CHILD: NATUREADVENTURES FOR YOUNGEXPLORERS--WITH AMAZINGTHINGS TO MAKE, FIND, AND DO DARA MCANULTY, BARRY FALLS (THE EXPERIMENT, $22.95)McAnulty, a prize-winningteenage naturalist, is back withan inspiring guide to help kidsconnect with nature. Teemingwith creative activities and flushwith gorgeous illustrations byBarry Falls, these pages are atestament to the wonder of thenatural world.AARON SLATER AND THE SNEAKY SNAKE ANDREA BEATY, DAVID ROBERTS(AMULET BOOKS, $12.99)Aaron Slater, Illustrator, and hisQuestioneers have returned! Amischievous little snake namedVern gets loose in the zoo andcauses some trouble, and it’sup to Aaron and his pals tohelp out Zookeeper Fred beforepanic ensues.5

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WARRIOR GIRL UNEARTHED ANGELINE BOULLEY (HENRY HOLT & COMPANY, $19.99)This companion novel toBoulley’s riveting Firekeeper’sDaughter is a tense,suspenseful page-turner,exploring themes of identity,family, and injustice in anindigenous community. Youwill be rooting for twin sistersPerry and Pauline in thisempowering read.SOLITAIRE ALICE OSEMAN (SCHOLASTIC PRESS, $19.99) If you devoured Oseman’sHeartstopper series, you’lldefinitely want this much-anticipated reissue of herdebut novel in which severalcharacters from the graphicnovels (including Charlie,Nick, and Tori) areintroduced. We’re so chuffedthis is finally back in print! MILES MORALES SUSPENDEDJASON REYNOLDS, ZEKE PEÑA (ATHENEUM BOOKS, $19.99)Our favorite awkward teenagesuperhero, Miles Morales (betterknown to us as Spider-Man), isback! This time, his nemesis is atermite with an insidious plan towipe out world history; will goodwin out over evil? THE SUN AND THE STAR RICK RIORDAN, MARK OSHIRO (DISNEY HYPERION, $19.99)Percy Jackson fans will adore thenewest thrilling adventure fromthat world, about a pair ofdemigods whose unbreakablebond faces new tests andthreats in their quest to rescuean old friend from the depths ofTartarus.The Newbery Medal-winningauthor is back with a tale ofRuby, the adorable babyelephant from The One andOnly Ivan. It’s a poignant,humorous look at theconnections shared betweenanimals and humans.THE ONE AND ONLY RUBYKATHERINE APPLEGATE(HARPERCOLLINS, $19.99)TEGAN AND SARA: JUNIOR HIGH TEGAN & SARA QUIN, TILLIE WALDEN(FARRAR, STRAUS & GIROUX, $14.99)Indie-pop twin-sister duo Teganand Sara share an earnestcoming-of-age story in thisbeautifully-illustrated graphicnovel based on their middle-school experiences of comingout and finding themselvesthrough music. Get a signedcopy while supplies last!THE PRINCESS AND THE GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH DEYA MUNIZ (LITTLE, BROWN INK, $17.99)An absolute gouda-time ofa graphic novel, addressingthemes of identity and self-acceptance with a rom-comspirit– a nobleman with asecret and a princess on amission unexpectedly findlove, and yes, much cheeseis consumed.6Kids & Young Adult

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We have had some incredibleevents this year! From BernieSanders’ passionate advocacyfor social justice, tomythological adventures withRick Riordan and Mark Oshiro,to the enchanting presence ofJoan Baez, our Spring 2023lineup celebrated joy,knowledge, and meaningfulconnections. These events weremore than justgatherings; they wereexperiences that leftus spellbound, filledwith laughter,inspiration, and a deepsense of community. These in-person events havebrought us together in a waythat virtual experiencescannot match, and we arethrilled to be gathering again.As we continue this journey,we can't wait to create moreunforgettable moments andshare in the excitement offuture events with you.SPRING 2023EVENTSPhoto credit: Jamie sSoja1010 EL CAMINO REAL #100, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 • 650-324-4321 • KEPLERS.COM