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Sugarbush Be Better Here Report

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2024SugarbushBe Better HereReport

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1CONTENTSAbout SugarbushLettersMission37CommunityMissionBe Better Here FundFundraising EffortsPartnership Highlights13151719-26PlanetMissionSustainability JourneyNSAA Sustainable Slopes ProgramChampioning Our Neighbors2931-404143PeopleMissionPrideCommunity CelebrationsEmpowering Employees495153-5657-60

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Within the ski industry we typicallyrefer to ourselves as resort operators.We manage all things operationsfrom the on-mountain product tolodging to logistics to finance. It’s acomplex machine made up ofnumerous gears all to provide theguest with a great experience whilesimultaneously maintaining oursustainability as a business.But I believe that we’re more thanjust Sugarbush’s operators. We’realso its caretakers. And with thatcomes responsibility. A responsibilityto our community, to the planet, andto all people interested in or alreadyinvolved in this sport we all love. This inaugural edition of the BeBetter Here Report looks toencapsulate the results of that senseof shared stewardship. There is thedollar and cents of it all (close to $2million donated by the Be BetterHere Fund last fiscal year), the tonsof waste we’ve diverted fromVermont’s only landfill, and theongoing commitment to share thelove we have for our sport with thechildren who will be the future of it.What escapes the confines of thesepages and is elusive to writing is thespirit behind the triplet of words (BeBetter Here) we placed next to‘Sugarbush’ nearly two decades ago. More than a simplistic tagline, BeBetter Here is an invitation. It is anenticement to seek out not only thetangible that makes this placedistinctly uncommon but is also a cueto be curious enough to find thatnext level of self—whether throughfriendships born on a chairlift,confidence captured skiing a trailbelieved to be out of your ability, orpossibly the place you discover to beyour home. Welcome.4Letter fromJohn Hammond:President and COO

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Letter fromJohn Bleh:Philanthropy In the 13 years I’ve been part of the Sugarbushteam, one thing has remained remarkably consistent,even among changing weather, economics,ownership, you name it: our desire to contribute tothe betterment of society. Through our Be Better Here Fund, philanthropy is one of themany ways we evince our care for the causes our employees,our guests, and our community are passionate about. We striveto support these groups through partnerships, donations, andfundraisers.It’s what makes the Sugarbush community from the mountain tothe Mad River Valley and beyond, such an incredibly specialplace, and one I’m proud to have been a part of for over a dozenyears. Now with our first ever Be Better Here Report, we have anamazing opportunity to better tell these stories and share all thisgreat work with the world.Philanthropy is deeply rooted in our way of being. Ourmotto of “Be Better Here” encapsulates our desire not justto improve ourselves on an individual level, but all of uscollectively.5

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Letter fromJoel Rhodes:SustainabilityMany of us come to Sugarbush and the Mad River Valley toexperience the best of winter recreation in Vermont. The feelingof waking up to fresh snowfall in anticipation of mountainadventures never tires, and it is a gift worth protecting. Weknow that climate change is impacting our mountains andcommunities.The actions we collectively take today are both aresponsibility and an opportunity to preserve our passionsand livelihoods for future winters to come. I am proud tobe part of a community that is committed to making ourbusiness more sustainable for a better tomorrow.Join us as we continue the journey toprotect our planet, mountain, and valley welove – and have fun while doing it.6

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7What We’re AboutAt Sugarbush, we are always working to embody our motto ofBe Better Here. It’s an aspirational declaration that challengesall of us, from guest to employee to partner, to do good, lookfor new ways to improve ourselves, and enhance ourSugarbush community. While that goal permeates everythingwe do here, we specifically focus on three areas in this regard:Community, People, and Planet.

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We strive to enact positive change tocommunity well-being bothin the local community and the ski industryas a whole.13

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The Be Better Here Fund was put into place as a means ofsupporting the Sugarbush, Mad River Valley, and Vermontcommunities through a variety of philanthropic initiatives. Throughthe Be Better Here Fund, we focus on providing financial andcharitable support to key nonprofit partner organizations, schools,and other fundraising events.As we continue to grow our business as a premiere eastern resortdestination, so too does our philanthropy. Total cash and in-kinddonations have continued to increase year over year since webegan tracking data more closely in 2022. In 2023/24 we saw anincrease of 13% over the year prior in total donation value.Be Better Here Fund2024 Fiscal Year $1.85 millionIn cash and in-kind donationsLearn more about ourCommunity Partners!15

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VermontAdapativeSki & SportsKelly BrushFoundationHigh FivesFoundationGreen MountainClubFlyin’ RyanFoundationMad River ValleyCommunityFundMad RiverRidersMad RiverPathFriends of the Mad RiverVermont CommunityFoundationVermont Women’sFundCatamount TrailAssociationThree PeaksMedical ClinicMad River ValleyArtsMad River ValleyCommunityPantryVermontMountain BikeAssocitionOur Community Partners16

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Upon dismantling the old Heaven’s Gate Triple, Sugarbushauctioned and sold those chairs along with Village Doublechairs to raise over $45,000 for a number of localorganizations including: Mad River Community Fund, VermontAdaptive, Hannah’s House, Three Peaks Medical Clinic, HighFives Foundation, MRV Community Pantry, Kelly BrushFoundation, and Mad River Seniors.$45k raisedfrom chairdonationsIn response to statewide flash flooding in2023, Sugarbush and the Mad River ValleyCommunity joined together to host abenefit concert to raise funds for those stillin need. The Be Better Here Fund raised$12,000 for Vermont CommunityFoundation’s VT Flood Response &Recovery Fund. The event has sincebecome an annual fundraising initiativeeach summer.In partnership with:$12k raisedin theinauguralevent!Heaven’s Gate & Village DoubleChair DonationsFundraising EffortsOUTPOUR17

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Good Sip ProgramCastlerock IPA was created in collaboration withLawson’s Finest Liquids to support variousorganizations around the Mad River Valley.Brewed with choice hops to yield a juicycharacter and crisp finish, during the 2023/24winter season a portion of the beer’s proceedswent to Mad River Valley Ambulance Service,providing 24-hour emergency medical service toresidents and visitors of the Valley.Beneficiaries receive $1 for every 4-pack ofCastlerock IPA with past beneficiaries includingVermont Adaptive Ski & Sports, Three PeaksMedical Clinic, and Protect Our Winters.PartnershipHighlights19

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For 13 years in a row, we’ve hosted the HighFives Foundation at the mountain for theGreen Mountain Shred-a-thon and on the golfcourse for the Green Mountain Open. Eachyear, these events raise significant money fora great foundation with an even greater cause.Throughout the year we work closely withHigh Fives to support the incredible work theydo to get athletes of all abilities out there andparticipating in the sports they love. Foundedby Roy Tuscany, High Fives focuses onpreventing life-changing injuries and providesresources and hope if they happen. They havehelped countless injured athletes andVeterans get back to doing what they love.The Foundation aims to be the leader ofeducation and recovery of life-altering injuriesin outdoor action sports.High Fives FoundationSupporting the Mad River Valley & BeyondMad River Path is an organization thatmaintains a network of paths connectingWarren, Waitsfield, Fayston, and Moretown.It is a community-supported organizationthat maintains and conserves this system ofpublic pathways. Their goal is to fostercommunity through these paths,connecting people, businesses, and nature -showcasing the special wonders of the MadRiver Valley. Sugarbush is a premiumbusiness partner, helping to provide fundsas well as event support.Mad River PathPartnership Highlights21

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The Kelly Brush Foundation was establishedto ensure those who have experienced aspinal cord injury can still live an activelifestyle. Kelly, after being injured herself in2006 at an NCAA alpine ski race, foundedKBF to advocate and provide resources forthose similarly affected. They are dedicatedto giving grants to provide resources andequipment so these athletes can get back outthere. Since its founding, they are focused oncontinuously guaranteeing ski racers aretraining and competing in the safest possiblevenues. Sugarbush remains an active partnerof the organization, sponsoring variousevents and hosting "Ski Days with Kelly" atthe resort from time to time.Kelly Brush FoundationMad River Valley ArtsSugarbush has been a long time partner ofMad River Valley Arts. Supporting our localcommunity and fostering creativity amongall ages is something we are proud of.Contributing to the promotion of not onlylocal artists and their work, but encouragingour guests and community members toexperience artistic spaces is a big part ofour partnership with Mad River Valley Arts.Last winter season, we introduced our veryfirst art exhibition in partnership with MRVAright here at the resort. Three artistsdisplayed their work in the Rumble’s foyer.We are thrilled to provide a space for localpainters, photographers, and more, toshowcase their work to people.22

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One of the causes we take the mostpride in is supporting our localschools. Anytime we can supportthose in our own backyard, there’s nohesitation to see how we can help.Every winter, we work with localschools to get their students outonto snow. To learn, make memories,and just have some fun. Theseprograms get kids from ages 5 to 15out onto the mountain weekly. It’ssuch a large part of our communityto ski and ride, and to support a newgeneration of enthusiasts is sospecial.Volunteers with the program areprovided with comp tickets the daythey are here with our programs. Inaddition to free passes the studentsand staff receive as part of theprogram, we also offer discountedrentals. For any student, staff member,or volunteer without their own gear,they can rent from our shop for just$20 per session. We believe everyoneshould have the opportunity to enjoythe mountain.Supporting Local SchoolsThat’s with atotal of 7 schools 1,793 students!Each school is designed with a programthat works well for their students andstaff. Sugarbush workswith all theschools in the Harwood UnionUnified SchoolDistrict.Green Mountain Valley SchoolHarwood Union School DistrictGreen Mountain Valley School(GMVS) is a college preparatory highschool located right here in the MadRiver Valley. We partner closely withthe school for its alpine race training,with a dedicated race facility locatedat Mt. Ellen and dedicated raceterrain on Inverness and Brambles.Sugarbush is also part of theirsponsorship program, donates raffleitems for fundraising efforts, and hostsThe GMVS Annual Golf Tournament. Partnership Highlights23

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Sugarbush partners with theFlyin Ryan Hawks Foundation,who work closely with schoolsand resorts to inspire studentsand athletes to create theirown core values and extendthe legacy of Ryan Hawks.Flyin’ Ryan Foundation24

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In the Mad River Valley, we believeeveryone deserves to be safe fromharm, and Sugarbush, along with anumber of other local businesses, haspartnered with the Mad River ValleyChamber of Commerce and AnnaNasset of Stand Up Resources tobuild a program designed to offerresources and support for anyonewho doesn’t feel safe in thecommunity. This initiative is the firstof its kind in the United States.Sugarbush also hosts trainings withAnna for community members andstaff.Stand Up For Safety25Partnership Highlights

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Sugarbush is entrusted tosustain the lands in the MadRiver Valley. We believe wehave a shared responsibilityto take climate action andprotect the naturalenvironment.29

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SustainabilityJourney2008Full electrification of snowmakingcompressors 2010Multi-year energyefficient snow gunreplacementsbegin2017EV Chargersat Lincoln Peak2019Golden EagleAwardfor ClimateImpact2019EV Chargers atMt. Ellen2012Governor’s Awardfor EnvironmentalExcellence for RiceBrook waterquality restoration31

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2021Achieved40% wastediversion ratefrom landfill2021Completed finalsegment of Gadd Brook streamrestoration2023Heat pump installations at Lodge at Lincoln Peak, The Day School, and theFarmhouse2024LED lighting retrofitscomplete at BaseLodges and SHaRC2024First electricsnowmobile andtruck32

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Guided by climate science, we are following decarbonization strategies toachieve our climate commitments focused on efficiency, electrification ofinfrastructure, renewable energy, and collaboration. For over ten years, wehave been tracking our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and focusing onscope 1 emissions (vehicles and heating fuels) and scope 2 emissions(electricity) so that we can continue to measurably target and reduce ourclimate impacts.Scope 1 & 2 Emissions FY2014-2024Tons CO2e050010001500200025003000350040004500FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17FY18FY19FY20FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24Fuel ElectricityOur first electric truck & snowmobile were added to our vehicle fleet last year!33By 2030, Sugarbush is committedto reducing our GHG emissions by Greenhouse Gas ReductionsWe collaborated withGreen MountainPower to develop anew incentive forelectric snowmobilesthroughout the utilityservice area.50%from 2019 levels Electric air source heat pumps at theLodge at Lincoln Peak, Farmhouse,and Day School avoided burningSugarbush has alreadyreduced GHG emissions by3,000 gal.of propane last year22%from 2019 levelsSustainability Journey

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Sugarbush is an off-taker of a total of 2.75 megawatts ofsolar energy across eight different solar arrays inVermont including one at Sugarbush in Parking Lot F.These solar systems produce approximately 4.75 millionkWh of electricity or 47% of our total annual electricityusage. In addition to supporting solar development,Green Mountain Power now supplies Sugarbush with100% carbon-free sourced electricity. We completed a comprehensive energy saving lightingupgrade throughout the Sugarbush Health & RecreationCenter, and the Farmhouse and Schoolhouse lodges.Annual energy savings are estimated to be 90,980kWhand $15,895 in operational costs. The new and betterlighting is a visible improvement in all these guest-facingarea, and now the majority of Sugarbush lodges areoutfitted with efficient LED lighting. CleanEnergy Mad BusSugarbush partners with Green MountainTransit who operates the free Mad Busservice around Sugarbush and the MadRiver Valley. The Mad Bus reducespersonal vehicle trips and demand forparking There are four primary routes: ValleyFloor, Mt. Ellen, Access Road, andMountain Condos.47,59045858,499Total riders(highest ridership since the pandemic!)Average daily ridersMiles logged by driversFY’24Operating Days105Bus FaresFree! We celebratedthe 20thanniversary ofthe Mad Bus at SugarbushMap of Mad BusRoutes in the MadRiver ValleyFor the latest schedulesand service updates,visit RideGMT.com34

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Pictured here is the final restoration of the Gadd Brook andits riparian zone. It was culverted under the heli parking lotuntil 2021!35Sugarbush has water treatment facilitiesthat operate right on the mountain. Thesefacilities are entirely separate from oursnowmaking operations and provide cleandrinking water and process wastewater.Sugarbush owns three utilities supportingLincoln Peak water and wastewater needs. These companies are Mountain WaterCompany (MWC), Lincoln PeakWastewater Treatment (LPWWT), andMountain Wastewater Treatment (MWT).Several other utility systems serve Mt.Ellen, the Sugarbush Inn and other resortfacilities.Our Mountain Water Company iscommitted to providing safe, cleandrinking water to Lincoln Peak. Water issourced from the Clay Brook and fourteenbedrock wells, where water is pumpedusing energy-efficient pumpingtechnology. Lincoln Peak and MountainWastewater facilities process and disinfectresort sewer back into clean groundwater.WaterWhile water is abundant in the Mad RiverValley, water conservation remains a priority. Atthe Lodge at Lincoln Peak, we replaced waterfixtures and appliances to save 48,000 gallonsof water per year.Sustainability Journey

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We strive to reduce single-use products anddivert as much waste from the landfill as possible.Our recycling and composting programs now keepapproximately 40% of our total waste out of thelandfill.Sugarbush has been diverting food scraps fromthe landfill since 2010. In turn, this has moved 45%of our waste away from the landfill in FY24 in ourpublic areas, & we are striving for 50% diversionthis year. WasteRecycling and Trash at Public Locations FY24Recycling &Compost45%Trash55%Trash Recycling & CompostResort-wide Diversion rate from Landfill(Recycling & Compost)0.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%30.0%35.0%40.0%45.0%FY19FY20 FY21FY22FY23FY24Pictured is a bear proof receptacle,many of which can be found aroundthe resort!Annually anaverage of 25tons of foodwaste is turnedinto valuablecompost.36

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Forest and HabitatBicknell's Thrush is a vulnerable migratory songbirdwhich breeds in high elevation spruce-fir habitatfound in northern NY and New England. SinceSugarbush is home to this important habitat area, wework with the VT Agency of Natural Resources andUS Forest Service to avoid disturbance duringbreeding season in spring and summer. We arerestoring habitat at the summit of Lincoln Peak aspart of the Heaven’s Gate lift replacement byencouraging revegetation of spruce-fir habitat.Vegetation and Forest Management Plans cover over3,600 acres of land balancing forest and plant health,wildlife diversity and habitat, water and air qualityand ski area operations. Sugarbush encompasses nearly 5,000 acres of land. Alarge portion of the resort is located in GreenMountain National Forest lands and operates under aspecial use permit with the USDA Forest Service. Therest of the resort lands are privately held bySugarbush Mountain Resort. Sustainability Journey37

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Learn more aboutthe Mad RiverValley BearInitiative!In response to increasing bear encountersaround the resort and community, theSugarbush SEW Committee, Fayston,Waitsfield and Warren ConservationCommissions, Moretown RecreationCommittee, Friends of the Mad River, StarkMountain Foundation, and Duxbury Land Trustformed the Mad River Valley Bear Initiative in2021. The purpose of the initiative is to helpour community become better neighbors to theAmerican Black Bears (Ursus americanus)through educational events, news articles, storycontests, and resource kits.38

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Over the last decade we’vemade major upgrades to oursnowmaking system, particularlywith regards to efficiency. Notonly is this great for the planet,but it’s a significant boon foroperations - allowing us to makemore snow, faster, and with lessresources.-Shawn PatenaudeSnowmaking39

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Snowmaking replacements and efficiencyprojects have resulted in an annual reductionof 4 million kWh or about 30% reduction inthe resort's annual electricity consumption.Over 90,000 ft of snowmaking pipe has beenreplaced since 2022 conserving energy andwater.Snowmaking UpgradesSnowmaking improvements at Mt. Ellen resultedin 12 fewer days of snowmaking compared tothe 5-year average in FY24.FY24 was the first year our snowmakingteam tracked our seasonal SEI(Snowmaking Efficiency Index). Mt Ellenwas and the gold standard is . Sugarbush is now a national leader insnowmaking efficiency.18.9<20New aircompressor andenergy efficientguns in FY24 willsave 167,500 kWhannually40

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National Ski Area AssociationSustainable Slopes ProgramSugarbush is an endorser of the National Ski AreasAssociation Sustainable Slopes program and is an activeparticipant in the NSAA Climate Challenge - a voluntaryprogram dedicated to helping ski areas inventory, target andreduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.Learn more aboutthe NSAA ClimateChallenge!Climate Action &AdvocacyTrack, target andreduce climateemissionsEnergyImplement energy efficientmeasures, increase the useof renewable energy, andreduce GHGForest Health & HabitatBe responsible stewards of fishand wildlife habitats andmanaging the forests andvegetation that supportecosystems WaterValue water as a naturalresource by using it asefficiently andeffectively as possibleBadges earned:41

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Championing Our NeighborsFriends of the Mad RiverFriends of the Mad River is a member-supported non-profit organization that works to steward the land andwater of the Mad River to ensure the future of a cleanand healthy environment. They build diverse partnershipsto help restore and enhance the watershed’s valuedresources. Their work is grounded in science, inclusiveeducation, and thoughtful action while still celebratingwhat a special place this is. Sugarbush participates in theRidge to River coalition working toward clean water andflood resilience in the Mad River Valley.Catamount TrailThe Catamount Trail Association is an organizationfocused on expanding access to Vermont’s backcountryby creating North America’s longest backcountry skitrail. Since 1984 they’ve worked to connect people toVermont’s mountain landscape by managing ski terrain,protecting mountain lands, and expanding equitableaccess to skiing. Section 18 of the trail traverses theSugarbush Golf Club in the winter featuring beautifulmountain and valley views.Green Mountain ClubThe Green Mountain Club is a non-profit organizationrooted in the foundation of the Long Trail whilecontinuing to maintain and protect it. The Long Trail isthe oldest long-distance walking trail in the UnitedStates, officially forming GMC in 1910. At Sugarbush, theLong Trail traverses Lincoln Peak, Castlerock, and Mt.Ellen. Last summer we began the coordination ofBicknell’s Thrush habitat restoration and trail wayfindingimprovements at the summit of Lincoln Peak.43

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Sugarbush hostssections of theLong Trail & theCatamount Trail44

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The SEW (Safety, Environment,and Wellness) Committee is anemployee committee made up ofmembers from all departments tomake improvements to the safetyand well-being of our employeesand the resort’s environmentalstewardship. 45

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This past season, the SEWCommittee set a goal of eachemployee committing to their ownpersonal SEW plan stating howthey would work safely, protectthe planet, and be well this winter.Sugarbush staff participatesannually in Green Up Vermont andcollected in 160 bags of litter fromaround the resort and neighboring areas in Warren and Fayston.SEW Day is an annual tradition forall-staff to take a break from theirnormal tasks and learn aboutsafety, environment, and wellness topics as well as buildcamaraderie amongdepartments.SEW CommitteeInitiatives46

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We are committed tosupporting the progressionand development of acommunity in whichindividuals from allbackgrounds can come here to work, explore, andadventure. We are dedicatedto creative an inclusiveenvironment, supported by equitable systems, for guests and employeesalike.49

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InclusiveInitiativesIn 2023 we partnered with Pride Centerof Vermont, Unlikely Riders, andentertainers in the LGBTQIA2S+community to host our inaugural PrideWeekend. Now an annual event, it hascome to include programming like aPride Parade, Dance Party, Live Comedy,and Drag Brunch.We believe in continuing to educateourselves so that employees have theknowledge to create an inclusiveenvironment for staff and guests. In thelast year, we offered an in-persontraining facilitating discussion aroundnormalizing personal pronouns andunderstanding the components of theLGBTQIA2S+ acronym. Alterra MountainCo provides trainings available toemployees including the topics of whydiversity, equity and inclusion matters tosnowsports, inclusion tips, and how to handle microagressions.52

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CommunityCelebrations &ConversationsShare WinterThrough Alterra Mountain Company, wehave partnered with the Share WinterFoundation to help transform the wintersports landscape for the next generation. In this partnership we provide youth fromthe Association of Africans Living inVermont with four complimentaryinstructor lessons, meals, lift tickets, andrentals, fostering diversity and enrichinglives through winter sports.Over 300 totalvisits in 2024!53Thanks to the Share Winter program, weare able to provide our youth with anopportunity they may not have hadaccess to otherwise. Introducing them toskiing and snowboarding provides anopportunity to build community and learnnew skills that connect them withVermont culture and encourage them toget outside and have fun. For many of ouryouth they hit the slopes for the very firsttime with us and it pushed them to newlimits, got them out of their comfort zoneand showed them some of the amazingthings Vermont has to offer! -Samuel DingbaYouth Program CoordinatorAssociation of Africans Living in Vermont

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Bola AceOver the course of the last year, weworked with Vermont artist, HarlanMack, to bring to life a sculpture thatrepresents the resort, our mountain,and our region. This installation is a 10+foot tall moose, lovingly named BolaAce. The moose, a New England icon,is known for their massive size, uniqueantlers, and powerful presence. Theysymbolize strength, wisdom, courage,and resilience. All are qualities we aimto strive for within our community,here at Sugarbush.In the artist’s wordsThis piece honors my two late brotherswhose nicknames give it its title. Thissculpture revisits my introduction tosteel sculpture in making animals,reminding me of a time when creativitywas all about the joy of play. Craftingnarratives is my playground, much likethe adventures one embarks upon withan action figure, a doll, or a toy airplane.“Bola Ace” is a story of beginnings.As someone born and raised inWashington, VT, the natural beauty andwildlife of Vermont have always beenclose to my heart. In conversations withthe Sugarbush team, we exploredthemes of beginnings and theimportance of proximity to wilderness and wildlife.Constructed from resilient Corten steel,“Bola Ace” stands as a testament topersonal and shared histories. It mergesmy artistic journey with the beauty andlore of Sugarbush.-Harlan Mack54Alterra began the initiative of ForwardStand Studio to facilitate connectivity,and meaningful conversations throughart. It aims to celebrate the manyexperiences, diverse communities, andstories we build together in the skiindustry. Across each Alterra MountainCompany destination, every installationwill represent and promote conversationsspecific to the local mountain communityand its values.

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At Sugarbush, we have built strong andlong-lasting partnerships with organizationsdedicated to enhancing accessibility forindividuals of diverse abilities.Through donations, shared facilities, andevent hosting, we’re elevating access andshaping a more inclusive landscape whereall can enjoy the mountains.55All About AdaptiveCommunity Celebrations & Conversations

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Since 1991 we have been partneringwith Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports(VASS), an organization thatempowers people of all abilitiesthrough inclusive sports andrecreational programming.VASS operates a facility out of theMt. Ellen Base Lodge, providingadaptive skiing for its clients, aswell as summer opportunitiesincluding golf and mountain biking.VASS hosted1,270 lessons atSugarbush lastwinter!Vermont AdaptiveSki & Sports56

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NSAA Safety Month in January is just one way we promote safety. Oursafety initiatives includeoutreach to the local communityand a focus on guest education to provide a safe andpositive experience for ourguests.-Amy KretzRisk & Safety Manager57

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Winner of Best Guest Safety ProgramBingo Knows the CodeDOYOU?Stop by the Guest Services deskat Lincoln Peak or Mount Ellen toget your Blizzard BINGO card.Complete 5 activities in ahorizontal, vertical or diagonalline to win BINGO! Bring yourcompleted card back to Guest Blizzard BINGO Services for a and tee a chance to win a $100 Sugarbush Gift Card!NSAA SAFETY MONTH POSTER CONTESTVisit the creation station located across fromthe Guest Services desk at Lincoln Peak orMount Ellen to create your safety-themedposter. Submissions must be complete withcontact information. Winners will be selected b y the Suga rbush Safe ty, Envir onment &Wellnes s Committ ee. Local winners re ceive priz es and ar e submitte d to the Nat ional NSA A Poster C ontest in Colorado.NSAA SAFE TY MONTH JANUARY EVENTS TOBOGGANRIDES WITH SEARCH &RESCUE DO’S UNSEATEDPASSENGER DEMONSTRATIONWITH LIFT OPSSAT, JAN 204:15 PM BASE OF SUPERBRAVO LIFT, LINCOLNPEAKWatch a demonstrationon how our teams worktogether in the event of anunseated passenger.PARKSMART AT GLEN ELLEN SKI PATROLSAT, JAN 63:30 PM MAGIC CARPET,LINCOLN PEAKMeet members of theSugarbush Ski Patrol teamand learn abouton-mountain safetyat Lincoln Peak. & DONT’S 60TH RAIL JAMSAT, JAN 275 – 9 PMMT. ELLENBASE AREA Learn about navigatingthe Terrain Park safely. SAT, JAN 133:30 PM SLEEPER ROOM, GATE HOUSE LODGELearn safety tips forbeing prepared and whatto do in the event of anemergency. DAILY THRU JANUARYBLIZZARD BIN GOIn a comprehensive winter 2023–24guest safety campaign, Sugarbushrolled out a series of engagingevents with a little something forevery guest — from kiddos tocompetitive parents and terrainpark partakers. Judges wereimpressed with the scope of safetyactivities that involved multipledepartments and that thiscampaign did more than educate,but inspired action for better safetyresults. Throughout January,Sugarbush leveraged entertainingoccasions like toboggan rides withpatrol and the Mt. Ellen Rail Jam todeliver education on crucial safetypractices. Blizzard Bingo, the crown jewel ofthis program, featured a card full ofsafety stops and activities forprizes. With about 700 BlizzardBingo cards given out, outreach tolocal schools and safety videosdistributed through social mediagarnering 160,000 views, thiscampaign achieved a solid reach.For its holistic approach withefforts that proved safety issomething we all do together,NSAA named Sugarbush the winnerfor Best Guest Safety Program58Empowering Employees

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While we all know that Vermont is aincredible place to live and work, wealso recognize the costs associatedwith that. We work to provideaffordable housing and childcare forour seasonal and full time workforce. Last year we housed 225 employees in34 facilities spread between facilitieswe owned, we rented, and those in ourTenants For Turns Program.The Sugarbush Day School providesfull-time, year-round childcare servicesages 6 weeks to 4 years for staff, thecommunity, and guests. Employee Housingand Childcare59Tenants for Turns is a community-based program aimed atbenefiting both local homeownersand Sugarbush employees. Weoffer homeowners incentives torent to Sugarbush employees, and34 employees were housedthrough this program in 2024Empowering Employees

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Employee ResourceGroupsThrough Alterra Mountain Company, Sugarbushemployees have access to the ski industry’s broadestnetwork of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs); acompletely voluntary support network formed aroundcertain shared identities and life experiences. Theyhelp build an internal community and culture ofbelonging for certain underrepresented groupsCurrent ERGs: Multicultural Matrix (BIPOC ERG)Resource Alliance for Disabilities (Disability ERG)Alterra Pride Resource & Employee Support(APRES) Group (LGBTQIA2S+ ERG)Women Summit Seekers (Women ERG)60

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63FebruaryAprilJanuaryMayMarchPresidents’ WeekThird Annual Pride WeekendSpring FlingMad River TriathlonMartin Luther King Jr. Weekend Green Up Day13th Annual Green MountainShred-A-Thon2025 Event HighlightsJuly4th of July WeekendSeptemberOUTPOUR ‘25OctoberCommunity WeekendNovemberBig Kicker‘25/’26 Opening Day

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Being WellThis Season64Wellbeing

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See you onthe mountain.

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Learn more aboutthe Be Better HereInitiatives and our SocialResponsibility!1840 Sugarbush Access RoadWarren, VT