SuccessfullySelling real estate inCalgaryHow to effectivelynavigate the marketMake the right decisionsWork for YouIn the Businessof Calgary Real EstatePatrick2025 | ISSUE NUMBER 10 MAGAZINEKnows Real Estate Magazine
IN THIS ISSUECalgary - The Gateway to the westWhere the prairies meet the mountains51Price for profitHow to gauge the right price to maximize the return10111214Prepare to amazeShow off your homeMaximize exposure to buyersHow to reach the most buyersUnderstanding buyer motivationsWhat does the buyer really wantRenovations?Does updating the property provide a favorable return?16212229Negotiate like a MasterWalking the fine line to offer acceptance Realtor® vs no Realtor®Why work with a professionalCalculating your net proceedsFunds have transferred hands what happens next...
PatrickMagazine2Information gathered within is to be used as a guide to buyers and sellers of Real Estate in the Calgaryand surrounding area. make decisions as to what business models will be of best advantage to themwhen real estate needs arise. The information contained within is not guaranteed and might not beconsidered accurate for individual needs. It is not intended to solicit persons currently under contractwith another industry professional.Licenced in Calgary, April 2002 Written: 2025 Calgary, Alberta, CanadaOUR CONTRIBUTORSCARRIE-ANN JOHNSON ANDREW NAKASKAPATRICK HOSPESExecutive assistant to Patrick Hospes whohelps run the show, maintains paperwork anddaily work-flowGraphic designer who incorporatesphotography and videography for a polishedmarketing experiencelicensed Realtor® armed with 23 years of realestate expertiseCOMPLETE REALTY
Letter from the Realtor®Understanding the extreme pitfalls of the real estate market was my key to the real estate industry. Afterimmigrating to Canada in the early 1980s my father received his Calgary real estate licence, shortly afterthe real estate market in Canada went bust... the brokerage went bankrupt and all of my father'spotential earnings for ½ of the year were lost. For the family it was devastating... How do you now payfor groceries... mortgage... and heat inthe winter!!! Knowing first hand the potential for difficulty as a professional in the real estate industry, I jumped inwith both feet to help others with entry and exit strategies to the real estate industry. Upon my joiningthe Calgary Real Estate Board in 2002 I learned a few fundamental truths. The home is a sacred placewhere we want to be safe, build families and create loving memories that last a lifetime. Because of this,many of the decisions that home buyers and sellers make may be influenced by emotionand it may beone of the most stressful times that an individual endures. Never forgetting the compassion to protect and help shield my clients from many of the difficulties thatarise throughout a marketing, negotiating, or closing process is vital for being able to sleep at night. Myclients expect and demand a fierce, focused and seasoned negotiator. I easily bring this to the table. Ifyou become a client or use the information in this book to help tackle the sale of your home yourself, Ihope you will find this book useful, and that your Real Estate experience is the best possible. hroughout these pages, we will explore the needs and wants of the consumer or client, and the strategiesthat it takes to create a successful sale. By helping hundreds of clients, and being in contact with dozensof people who are asking similar questions which begin with what, where, when or how, I have taken itupon myself to put into perspective the order, frequency and priority of the day to day activitiesPatrick Hospes3
Calgary - TheGateway to thewestCalgary is the third largest civic municipality in Canadaby population at roughly 1,650,000 people in 2025; 20thin North America and growing.Calgary Stampede RodeoPeace Bridge Calgary4
5Growing up in Calgary, I've learned to love this city! I think of myself as an ambassador,representing the city and everything that makes Calgary great. Being well traveled Ialways feel enlightened when I come home, knowing that home is where the heart is!Calgary is mostly made up of a grid system that separates the city into 4 quadrants.Avenues and Streets branch off from the city’s core; creating order in the expandingcity. The natural water ways disrupt the grid and allow natural habitats for wildlife toco-exist, offering green space and a well connected pathway system and many multiuse areas. I consider Calgary commutes relatively easy compared to other world class cities andthere is a solid effort in cultural and art appreciation. I wonder; what's not to love? Iboast that Calgary has some of the finest water in the world. We tum on atap and don'tthink twice about filling a glass and drinking the contents. Even if the world turns awayfrom many of the natural resources it consumes, fresh water will grow to be the largestand possibly the most valuable commodity. I think of this in our daily responsibility asstewards to the Earth. In 2024, Forbes Magazine ranked Calgary as the Worlds Cleanest City by the MercerQuality of Living. Calgarians watch the winter forecasts waiting for the welcome"chinook winds" which melt the ice and add a reprieve from a cold winter night the dayprior. One of the fondest local sayings that always puts a smile on my face is "if youdon't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes". Winter allows for cold weatherappreciation; there is hockey, where the Calgary Flames ignite the spirit of fans acrossthe world, tobogganing, ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, snow shoeing, cross countryskiing, ice fishing, and many more activities. Having close access to world classfacilities make them even more enjoyable. In the summer, there are festivals and family orientated activities, with biking, hiking,swimming, rafting, fishing and more ways to fill the leisure days. With access to themountains only 80 km (50mpg) away, we have the world's largest playground (RockyMountains) at our finger tips. Every year in early July, the Stampede Parade kicks off 10days of 'The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth'. Cowboys line the streets with their hats,pancake breakfasts, 3 rodeos, chuck wagon races, music and a Western spirit unlikeany other seen in the world. Much of the economic activity in Calgary is centered onthe petroleum industry, however, agriculture, tourism, transportation (logistics),services and high-tech industries are contributing to the city's fast economic growth. Icould go on...but these are some of the most compelling reasons why people chooseCalgary to live. If you wish to know more, please don't hesitate to ask.
By Patrick HospesPhotography by Andrew NakaskaPUTTING TOGETHER AQUALITY DEAL REQUIRESEXPERTISE COMBINED WITHDESIRE 6THECALGARYReal EstateEngineIf we were to imagine that a real estatetransaction is similar to a bicycle drive train, itis easy to see that there are gears and achain. Let's say each gear tooth is a personwho has a direct role. Whether it is a mortgage professional,paralegal, surveyor or a clerk at the land titlesoffice, they all have a key role to play. The chain is simply the desire to selling ahome. When handled correctly and right fromthe start, the wheel turns smoothly, and thereis a great experience ready to unfold. Now let's consider that if there is a miss in thegearing... the ride may be rough or the chainmay break. The consequences now are thatthere may not be a transaction after all orthere may be costs to repair.
7Congratulations on taking thisfirst step toward selling ahome. Pride of homeownership is indeed one oflife’s greatest joys andbiggest accomplishments. It isan exciting time and my hopeis that this book will bringclarity and peace of mindduring your home sellingjourney. Let's get started! The biggest factor in determining howquickly your home sells is the price, anddeciding that price is trickier than it seems. Ittakes experience and even 1% more for yourhome can mean thousands to your bottomline.SELLING AHOME in CalgaryPRICING ISA REAL ART
8SELLING A HOME IS AN EMOTIONAL JOURNEY FOR MANY PEOPLE,AND IT CAN TRIGGER A WIDE RANGE OF FEELINGS THROUGHOUT THEPROCESS. HERE'S AN OVERVIEW OF THE COMMON EMOTIONS THATPEOPLE EXPERIENCE WHEN BUYING A HOME:Anxiety2A magazine is a periodical publication,which can either be printed or publishedelectronically. It is issued regularly, usuallyevery week or every month, and it containsa variety of content. This can includearticles, stories, photographs, andadvertisements.1ExcitementThe thought of owning a home can bethrilling. Many buyers feel a sense ofaccomplishment, anticipation, andhappiness when they find a property thatsuits their needs and desires. It's often theculmination of years of saving, planning, anddreaming.3HopefulnessA magazine is a periodical publication,which can either be printed or publishedelectronically. It is issued regularly,usually every week or every month, and itcontains a variety of content. This caninclude articles, stories, photographs,and advertisements.
10Fear often emerges when faced with the enormity of the decision. Homebuyersmay worry about the financial burden, their ability to keep up with mortgagepayments, or whether they’ve made the right choice. There's also fear aboutpotential repairs or problems that might arise after moving in.After months of searching, negotiating, and paperwork, many people feel adeep sense of relief when they finally close on a house. The stress of theprocess is over, and they can look forward to the next chapter.Owning a home can create a sense of pride. It’s a milestone that reflects aperson's hard work, dedication, and financial success. For many, it’s a symbolof independence and achievement.Some buyers experience a strong emotional connection to a home, especially ifit has personal significance, such as a family home or a place tied to childhoodmemories. This can evoke feelings of nostalgia and sentimental value.There can be a sense of overwhelm, especially for first-time buyers. There arenumerous decisions to be made—choosing neighborhoods, selecting features,comparing offers, and dealing with the unknowns of homeownership.The process can take months, and during that time, buyers may feel frustratedor impatient, especially when it feels like things aren’t moving fast enough orthere are delays in closing.Finally, many buyers experience gratitude—thankful for the opportunity to owna home, secure their future, or for having found the perfect space. There’soften a deep appreciation for the support of family and friends, or the ability tofinally make the home their own.EACH OF THESE EMOTIONS CAN VARY IN INTENSITY DEPENDING ON THE SELLER'SCIRCUMSTANCES, EXPERIENCE, AND THE CURRENT REAL ESTATE MARKET. ULTIMATELY,SELLING A HOME IS A SIGNIFICANT EMOTIONAL EVENT FOR MOST PEOPLE, BLENDING JOYWITH A MIXTURE OF OTHER FEELINGS.456784910FearReliefNostalgia or sentimentalityImpatienceOverwhelmGratitudePride9
Step 1PRICE FOR PROFIT10Setting the price for your home is challenging. Too low, and you leave money onthe table. Too high, and you scare buyers away to other properties. To complicate all this, your home is an emotional asset, it's hardto see it objectively. There is no shortage of instances wherehomeowners end up pricing their homes higher than what theyare actually worth, based entirely on emotional reasons. To find the optimal price- one that maximizes the sale price andminimizes the time it takes to sell-requires strategic thinking.Pricing is something agents spend their careers refining andmastering.They combine intimate local and national market knowledge, anexhaustive study of similar homes for sale, and an analysis ofpast sales to come up with the optimal list price. They combinethat with your unique needs to pick a price that fits you. It's noeasy task, but it's a critical one. Pricing your home right the first time results in more exposure,more showings, more offers, and ultimately, the highest pricefor your home. If you want to get as much for your home aspossible within a reasonable time frame, you need to get theprice right. First, it is important to understand that only the market candetermine the ultimate value of your home. That said, choosingthe optimal list price is essential to maximizing your home'svalue. If you price too low, you risk not getting as much as youcan for your property, but price too high and you risk losingpotential buyers who may think your property is out of theirprice range and you help your competition sell faster.
Clean insideand out1Clean. Inside and out. It matters. Alot. De-clutter. Give it away, throwit away or store it away, but get itout ofyour house.11Make minorrepairs2Chipped paint, cracked tiles,squeaky hinges, leaky faucets. Fixeverything you can.STEP 2Prepare toamazeAFTER PRICE, THE CONDITION OF YOUR HOME IS THEBIGGEST FACTOR DETERMINING HOW FAST AND FORHOW MUCH-YOUR HOME SELLS. REALTORS®REPEATEDLY FIND THAT PEOPLE CANNOT VISUALIZETHE POTENTIAL OF A HOME. THEY HAVE TO SEE IT.THAT MEANS THAT HOW YOUR HOME SHOWS NOWIS HOW PEOPLE SEE THEMSELVES IN IT. THEY CAN'TSEE PAST THE CHIPS, LEAKS, CLUTTER AND STAINS.IN FACT; THEY TEND TO FOCUS EVEN MORE ONTHOSE THINGS. LUCKILY, YOU CAN DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE HOW YOUR HOME SELLS WITH FEW QUICK STEPS34ConsiderStagingAccording to the National Association ofREALTORS®, staged homes sell 49% faster,and for 7-11% more moneyClean it againReally. It's that important.Sound overwhelming? Youdon't need to do it overnight.Your agent can point you tosomeone who can help, oryou can break it down intojust one small task a day.Think of it this way...everything you remove fromthe house, clean or repairputs money in your pocket. You're getting paid to do it!
Once you've found a price for your home and put it in showroom condition, there's one morepiece of the puzzle that you need to do before buyers begin flocking in to see yourmasterpiece: getting their attention. Getting the word out about your home matters for two reasons. First, buyers can't beinterested if they don't know your home exists. But more important still, the more buyers youhave interested in your home, the higher the potential sale price, and the faster the sale.Maximize EXPOSURE TO BUYERS12Professional SignageMLS listing - The largest online database of available real estate. Video tour - A high end walk through behind-the-scenes, online look at your homeand your neighborhood. Property website - Your home's very own website with all the info a buyer needs. Online exposure - On nationally ranked real estate websites such Proactive prospecting - Reaching out directly to people who might be interested.Property brochures - High end print marketingGreat professional photosVibrant descriptions in professional take away form. 24-Hour online ads- On major online sites. Print marketing. Print ads, Just listed marketing Social Media exposure- Facebook, Instagram The best and fastest home sales use a combination of many of the following:Marketing your home to the biggest audience possibletakes more than a sign on the front lawn.
32Make yourhome inviting Tum up/ down thetemperature. Leave the lightson. Open the blinds whereappropriate. Leave insidedoors open or slightly ajar.Leave out any additionalinformation that' brochures,floor plans.Leave1You should leave. Buyerswant to be able to lookaround and discuss yourhome candidly. They won'tbe comfortable if you'rethere5Be Flexible Buyers are juggling family,work and life requirementsall while looking at homes.Beas flexible as you can-try to accommodate thebuyer's schedule. As interest by the public in your home rises, so will interest in seeing the real thing. It's time to showoff your masterpiece to prospective buyers. A REALTOR® will take care of almost all of the details, buthere are a few tips to maximize the showing experience.13
When you are in the process of a selling ahome, understanding what may motivate abuyer, may give you some leverage duringthe negotiation process.Knowing a buyers motivation to buy will alsogive some indication on their position. 14Understanding Buyer Motivation... Homebuyer’s motivations can vary greatlybased on personal circumstances, goals, andpreferences. However, some common factorsthat typically motivate a homebuyer include:
Need for Stability and Security: Many people buy homes to establish a sense ofpermanence, stability, and security for themselves and their families. Owning a home canprovide a stable environment, free from the uncertainties of renting.Building Equity: Unlike renting, purchasing a home allows buyers to build equity over time.Many buyers are motivated by the prospect of investing in a property that will likelyappreciate in value, offering a long-term financial benefit.Desire for Personalization: Buyers often seek homes they can personalize and make theirown, whether it’s through renovations, landscaping, or simply choosing a space that reflectstheir personality and preferences.Better Financial Investment: Some buyers view homeownership as a smart financial move.They may believe that buying a home is a better long-term investment than renting,especially in a growing market.Lifestyle and Location: Buyers often seek homes in desirable neighborhoods that align withtheir lifestyle, proximity to work, schools, public services, and recreational amenities.Convenience and quality of life are major motivators.Family Growth: Expanding families often buy homes to accommodate their growing needs,such as more bedrooms, a backyard, or space for children to play. They may also seekbetter school districts and family-friendly communities.Tax Benefits and Deductions: Homeownership offers tax incentives, such as deductions formortgage interest and property taxes, which can motivate buyers seeking to reduce theirtax burden.Pride of Ownership: For many, owning a home is a significant milestone that reflectsfinancial success and personal achievement. The emotional satisfaction and pride ofhomeownership can be a strong motivator.Interest Rates and Market Conditions: Buyers are often motivated by favorable marketconditions, such as low-interest rates or a buyer's market, where they can get better dealson homes.Retirement and Long-Term Planning: Some buyers purchase homes with retirement inmind, either to settle in a home for the long term or as an investment property to generatepassive income during retirement.Each home buyer may prioritize these factors differently, and a combination of thesemotivations typically drives the decision-making process15
= Show it offRenovationsThe right upgrades in a home will always attract the right buyer, often aiding to increasingthe sale price. If you intend to renovate your home prior to selling, ask yourself if the ROI(Return on Investment) will justify the renovations.Before you undertake renovations consider:If you put too much money into a home, you may not be able recover the difference afteryou sell. It may seem that a pool, hot tub or gym is a great idea; potential buyers may notagree. There is a maximum that buyers are willing to pay for a home in a certain area. Kitchensand bathrooms are considered the best bang for buck- Focus on these areas.16
Exterior:Curb appeal is one of the most important factor in helping a buyer determine if a home isfor them. First impressions are created before people step through the door. The exteriorof the home and surrounding area should be in good array. Picking up trash, wateringvegetation and cutting of the lawn needs to be an ongoing process. In the springpressure washing of the home, removes winter dirt. If exterior of the home requiresattention whether it being paint or some repair this should be addressed immediately asa good looking home will make buyers more eager to see the inside.Kitchen:Kitchens remain the most popular room in the house to renovate. It's a big job, both interms of cost and the amount of work that gets done. Before you hire a contractor andstart knocking down walls consider that potential buyers scrutinize the kitchen most ofall and it's usually where you'll get the best bang for your buck return.17
Bathrooms:Bathrooms are an important part of every home and help establish value to the buyer. Adated bathroom showing water damage can be an immediate tum off to some buyers orcould be a potential for sweat equity to the ambitious buyer. If you choose to tackle abathroom renovation remember that while expensive gadgets might seem attractive theymay not transfer to a good return on investment. Applying a coat of paint and a new floorsurface might be enough to provide decent returns.18
Walls and Flooring:If you have walls that are painted with a unique feature colour or are chipped or havemany holes, it makes sense to have them repaired and repainted. The same applies toflooring. If the flooring is damaged, it equates to an expense that many buyers may not beprepared to undertake immediately.Keep it clean:I understand that you live in your home and it may be a chore to keep your home cleanand tidy. However, I recommend ensuring that your home is in showcase condition at alltimes during the marketing process, we never know when the next showing will berequested. As with keeping your home clean, it also needs to smell nice, please don't use strongscented aromas. I recommend a few drops of vanilla on a heated burner to emulate thesmell of baking. We all love the smell of baking!19
Armed with over 23 Years of real estate experience,Patrick Knows the Calgary real estate business5IS HOME STAGINGworth it?20
IF YOU'VE COMPLETED ALL THESE STEPS, THEN YOUWILL BE A SUCCESSFUL HOME SELLER.21Step 5Negotiate likea masterNow this is where things get exciting. You've gotan offer or maybe two or three at once! In most cases, your homes list price won't be theselling price. When it comes to settling on thatfinal magic number, you're going to benegotiating. That's something your REALTOR® isan expert at, but here are some key strategies forowners: It's a conversation. Don't be offended by low offers and conditions.No one is forcing you to accept them. Think of itas a starting point for a conversation. Alwayscounter offer, remember that momentum matters.Just the act of moving a deal forward helps makethe deal happen. Price isn't the only thing. You can negotiate onprice, offer conditions, assets in the home. Don'tget stuck on one thing. Remember, even 1% more for your home canmean thousands to your bottom line and once youagree, the buyer provides a deposit cheque to beheld in trust until the conditions are met. The conditions usually have a set time forremoval, and usually include things like an homeinspection, financing. Once the conditions aremet, the buyer signs a waiver and the deal is firm.
REALTOR® VERSUS NO REALTOR®A real estate professional (if in a client relationship) has a duty to protect the clientsinterests, the real estate professional has the highest level of legal responsibility to you.These responsibilities include: Undivided Loyalty: The agent must act only in your best interests and put them above theirown and those of other people. The agent must avoidconflicts of interest and must protectyour negotiating position at all times. Confidentiality: The agent must keep information confidential, even after your relationshipends. Confidential information includes your personal information, information about yourproperty, and information about the transaction (except information the law says must bedisclosed or information you agree to disclose)22
Full Disclosure: The agent must tell you, in writing, about the services they will provide.They must also tell you everything they know that might affect your relationship orinfluence your decision in a transaction, even if they don't think it's important. Thisincludes any conflict of interest, for example when they act (or are planning to act) onbehalf of any other person in a transaction. The only information they can't give you isconfidential information from another agency relationship. Obedience: The agent must obey all your lawful, reasonable and ordinary instructions. Ifyou insist on something unlawful, the agent must refuse and consider ending yourrelationship and the agreement. Reasonable Care and Skill: The agent must exercise reasonable care and skill in all theirduties, they must meet the standard of a reasonable and competent member of the realestate industry. Full Accounting: The agent must account for all money and property they receive whileacting on your behalf. Everything a client puts in the careof an agent - for example,money, keys or documents - is returned when theagreement endsFinding a REALTOR® can be easy, finding a good one may take sometime and researchIt may seem as though many people join the real estate industry as it maybe an easy wayto have a flexible schedule and make some money. When the real estate market is hot it may seem that every real estate agent is doing a lotof sales, when the market is slow, you see good REALTOR®s doing the majority of thebusiness. -It is important to determine if a real estate agent has your full interests atheart! A licenced REALTOR® in Canada must adhere to an extensive code of ethics asdetermined by the Canadian Real Estate Association. For buyer clients a licensed REALTOR® will: -Explain the current market conditions.-Help establish the best neighbourhoods for your needs. -Narrow down your requirements, so that your needs are focused upon. -Book, organize and accompany you on showings to homes. 23
-Help you navigate through the negotiation process. -Organize professionals so that the due diligence tasks are stream lined. -Assist in the closing process and to be there when the keys are released. For sellers clients a licenced REALTOR® will: -Help establish a best asking price. -Assist in the determination on how to best showcase your home. -Use a number of resources to actively market and promote your home. -Draw from an extensive existing database of potential buyers. -Help you through the negotiation process. -Coordinate, so that the completion of sale goes smoothly.ChecklistPreparing your home24
In preparation for listing your home, you will need to gather up a few things: A copy of your survey also known as your Real Property ReportYour most recent annual property tax assessment The average cost of utilities (electricity, hydro, water) The age of your home Details of recent improvements or renovations A list of items you would like to exclude from the salePictures of seasonal features (i.e. gardens in bloom) A list of any easements or right-of-ways Receipts and warranties for recent homeimprovements "10 Best Features of Your Home" Worksheet Other relevant information (any upgrades, copy of floor plans, builder plans and/or modelname) For condominium owners: Maintenance fees and a list of maintenance /fee inclusions Parking and locker numbers Pass key to the building Status Certificate (if available) A list of by-laws and restrictions25
ACCEPTOFFERSTHATWORKfor YouTHE PATRICK HOSPES HOME SELLERSERVICE PROGRAM26My exclusive Home Seller ServiceProgram will empower you with keymarket information and every possibleadvantage to ensure you become ansuccessful Seller. Educated sellers areable to make informed decisions,allowing a stress free and enjoyablehome selling process.
Preparing to moveTypically, you will have anywhere from 30 to 90 days to get everything ready for your home. Itcould be shorter or longer, depending on what you need and have agreed upon with theseller. The closing date is usually the same as your move-in date, otherwise discussed ascompletion date or possession date. It is a good idea to get things organized well in advance of the closing date to reduce thestress of the move. Lawyers: I will send your lawyer the information about your purchase. You will need toprovide the lawyer with some additional information: insurance, down payment information,fee payments, adjustment payments and possibly other signed documents that they ask youfor. You will meet with the lawyer about a week before the closing to finalize everything. Down payment and closing costs: Make the necessary arrangements to have the fundsavailable for the next stage when the lawyer asks for it. Liquidating some assets can require some additional time. Movers: Whether you are using professional movers, renting a truck or getting a bunch offriends together, plan and organize it early. Insurance: Remember to cancel your existing policy, If there are delays on completion, youmust contact your insurance company immediately to inform them that you need to maintaincoverage during this time. Change of address: It's time to start givingout your new address to everyone. Use mychecklist to make sure you have everyonecovered. Utilities: It is important that you call the localutilities to get their services changed out ofyour name. These include phone, internet,television, gas, electricity, water, and anyrental agreements. Remember to install theservices at your old address.27
A walkthrough in real estate, refers to an inspection that is carried out before closing, thismay occur a few hours before, at completion or a few days prior to completion “ Completionday is the day that the transaction completes and keys get exchanged” to ensure that thepremises is in satisfactory condition at closing the buyers and their representative will havea peek to verify that that your home is in move in condition.Don't forget to check that all of the appliances are in working condition, if they werewarranted to be operational. Once the funds have been transfered between Lawyers the transaction is Complete. Walkthrough and Completion DayThe Patrick Hospes Home Seller Processkeeps you informed every step of the way.28
Step 5Calculating your Net proceedsThe cheque is in! Now how much do you get to keep? There are a number of closing costs to consider. Legal fees: Lawyers fees vary, but often have structured fees for the purchase and sale ofhomes posted on their websites. Sellers pay in the area of $1500.00 + for a lawyer to lookafter the legal details necessary to close their home. Mortgage fees: Check with your mortgage lender to determine if any costs will occur whentransferring or releasing your mortgage; such as a mortgage payout penalty. There is sometimes what is referred to as a discharge fee to remove the mortgage from titlethat can range in the hundreds of dollars. Estoppel Certificates: For condominium owners the representing property managementcompany will issue an estoppel certificate to the lawyers at time of completion.These cancost the sellers $100-300 which declares the subject properties free and clear of financialextras. if a special assesment has been issued to the building for cost deficiencies prior tothe completion date; The seller is responsible for those costs. This is all dealt with at thelegal level of a transaction.Disbursements: These fees cover additional legal expenses such as travel, copies, couriers,registration fees and preparing document transfers. Disbursements can range upwards of$1000, but can sometimes be built in to your legal fees. Adjustments: It's difficult for a home seller to calculate exactly how much money is owed towhich utilities on closing day. Your lawyer will ensure that any overpayments or deficiencieson rents, mortgage interest, property tax and utility charges will be corrected, and the buyerand seller will be credited or charged accordingly. Moving Costs: Moving costs vary based on location and the amount of possessions beingmoved. If you're moving yourself, you should factor gas, rental vehicles and moving supplies.29
1. Develop a master "to do" list so you won't forget anything critical. 2. Purge! Get rid of things you no longer want or need. Have a garage sale,donate to a charity, or recycle. 3. Before throwing something out remember to ask yourself how frequentlyyou use an item and how you would feel if you no longer had it. 4. Pack like items together. Put toys with toys, kitchen utensils with kitchenutensils. 5. Decide what, if anything, you plan to move yourself. Precious items, such asfamily photos, valuable 20 breakables, or must-haves during the move, shouldprobably stay with you. 6. Use the right box for the item. Loose items encourage breakage. 7. Put heavy items in small boxes so they are easier to lift. Keep weight under50 lbs. if possible. 8. Do not over-pack boxes and increase the chances they will break. 9. Wrap every fragile item separately and pad the bottom and sides of boxes. 10. Label every box on all sides. You never know how they will be stacked andyou do not want to have to move other boxes aside to find out what is there. 11. Use color-coded labels to indicate which room each item should go in.Color-code a floor plan for your new house to help movers. 12. Keep your moving documents together, including phone numbers, driversname and moving truck number. Also keep your address book handy. 13. Back up your computer files before moving your computer. 14. Inspect each box and all furniture for damage as soon as it arrives.Remember, most movers won't take plants. Tips for packing like a pro30
1. Overpricing the Home2. Neglecting Curb Appeal3. Failing to Stage or Declutter the Home4. Being Unprepared for Showings5. Not Making Necessary Repairs6. Ignoring Market Conditions7. Not Being Flexible with Showings and Negotiations8. Ignoring Professional Help9. Not Disclosing Known Issues10. Choosing the Wrong Time to Sell11. Not Marketing the Property Effectively12. Not Having a Real Property Report with a stamp ofcompliance by the municipalityDon't make these 11 mistakes31
Subscribeto PatrickEnjoy Market updatesFree home searchesGet your copy before everyone elseSTAY IN THE KNOW+ ADDPATRICK HOSPESTO YOURCONTACTS LISTWWW.PATRICKHOSPES.COM