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Substance Use & Abuse PSA

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Together We Can Make A DifferenceSubstance Use& AbuseS U B S T A N C E U S E& A B U S EBy: KImberly HopeGet in touchNational Helpline for Substance Abuse: 1-800-662-HELPHoward University Counseling Services: University Counseling Service: 202-345-6709Local Support Groups: 988Online Resources: 988Thank you for joining us in our commitment tosubstance use and abuse prevention. Together, we cancreate a healthier, safer, and more empoweredcommunity

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W H Y P R E V E N T I O NM A T T E R SO U R P S A P R O J E C TAs part of ourcommitment toprevention, throughvarious creativemediums we exploredtopics related tosubstance use andabuse. Our goal is toeducate and raiseawareness in ourcommunityP R O F E S S I O N A L S K I L L SG R O U P S We are trained in Screeining, BriefIntervention, and Referral toTreatment (SBIRT). These skills equipus to effectively communicate withothers,provide support, and connectindividuals with the help they need.Underage Drinking: Exploring TheDangersThe Opiod Crisis: Seeking Help &SupportMarijuanna Use: UnderstandingThe RisksPrescription Drug Abuse:Knowing The SignsPeer Pressure: MAking HealthyChoicesSubstance Use & AbuseYou've discovered the help you needWe are dedicated to raising awarenessabout substance use and abuseprevention. Here you’ll find valuableinformation, resources, and inspiration toempower yourself and others to makehealthy choicesWelcomeS U B S T A N C E U S E & A B U S ESubstance abuseaffects individuals,families, andcommunities. Byeducating ourselvesand others, we canprevent the harmfulconsequences ofsubstance use.Prevention starts withunderstanding the rirksand making informeddecisions

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W H Y P R E V E N T I O NM A T T E R SO U R P S A P R O J E C TAs part of ourcommitment toprevention, throughvarious creativemediums we exploredtopics related tosubstance use andabuse. Our goal is toeducate and raiseawareness in ourcommunityP R O F E S S I O N A L S K I L L SG R O U P S We are trained in Screeining, BriefIntervention, and Referral toTreatment (SBIRT). These skills equipus to effectively communicate withothers,provide support, and connectindividuals with the help they need.Underage Drinking: Exploring TheDangersThe Opiod Crisis: Seeking Help &SupportMarijuanna Use: UnderstandingThe RisksPrescription Drug Abuse:Knowing The SignsPeer Pressure: MAking HealthyChoicesSubstance Use & AbuseYou've discovered the help you needWe are dedicated to raising awarenessabout substance use and abuseprevention. Here you’ll find valuableinformation, resources, and inspiration toempower yourself and others to makehealthy choicesWelcomeS U B S T A N C E U S E & A B U S ESubstance abuseaffects individuals,families, andcommunities. Byeducating ourselvesand others, we canprevent the harmfulconsequences ofsubstance use.Prevention starts withunderstanding the rirksand making informeddecisions

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W H Y P R E V E N T I O NM A T T E R SO U R P S A P R O J E C TAs part of ourcommitment toprevention, throughvarious creativemediums we exploredtopics related tosubstance use andabuse. Our goal is toeducate and raiseawareness in ourcommunityP R O F E S S I O N A L S K I L L SG R O U P S We are trained in Screeining, BriefIntervention, and Referral toTreatment (SBIRT). These skills equipus to effectively communicate withothers,provide support, and connectindividuals with the help they need.Underage Drinking: Exploring TheDangersThe Opiod Crisis: Seeking Help &SupportMarijuanna Use: UnderstandingThe RisksPrescription Drug Abuse:Knowing The SignsPeer Pressure: MAking HealthyChoicesSubstance Use & AbuseYou've discovered the help you needWe are dedicated to raising awarenessabout substance use and abuseprevention. Here you’ll find valuableinformation, resources, and inspiration toempower yourself and others to makehealthy choicesWelcomeS U B S T A N C E U S E & A B U S ESubstance abuseaffects individuals,families, andcommunities. Byeducating ourselvesand others, we canprevent the harmfulconsequences ofsubstance use.Prevention starts withunderstanding the rirksand making informeddecisions

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Together We Can Make A DifferenceSubstance Use& AbuseS U B S T A N C E U S E& A B U S EBy: KImberly HopeGet in touchNational Helpline for Substance Abuse: 1-800-662-HELPHoward University Counseling Services: University Counseling Service: 202-345-6709Local Support Groups: 988Online Resources: 988Thank you for joining us in our commitment tosubstance use and abuse prevention. Together, we cancreate a healthier, safer, and more empoweredcommunity

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Together We Can Make A DifferenceSubstance Use& AbuseS U B S T A N C E U S E& A B U S EBy: KImberly HopeGet in touchNational Helpline for Substance Abuse: 1-800-662-HELPHoward University Counseling Services: University Counseling Service: 202-345-6709Local Support Groups: 988Online Resources: 988Thank you for joining us in our commitment tosubstance use and abuse prevention. Together, we cancreate a healthier, safer, and more empoweredcommunity