A prepared student is a successful student.
BE KIND. LOVE MORE. DO GOOD.STEP 1: Choose a bagSTEP 2: Fill it with the essentialsSTEP 3: Choose something to wearSTEP 4: Add something fun
Previous Projects
Tech YOUR LOGOSilicone Lanyard Phone HolderAccent Mouse Pad with Antimicrobial AdditiveBamboo USB FlashdriveSwivel Series USB FlashdrivePower Bank + Wireless Charger w 3 in 1 cableWheat Straw Wireless ChargerLaptop Light RingTouch Thru Waterproof Phone Pouch Waterproof Bamboo SpeakerECO-FRIENDLY
Brighton Heathered Cooler BagFoldable Tote:DVKDEOH.UDɄPaper Grocery Preva Guard PouchDrawstring Back-pack with Zipper$Ʉ5HF\FOHGBackpackInsulated Hot/Cold Cooler Tote BagSupply Zippered Pouch Recycled Drawstring BagBags & BackpacksECO-FRIENDLY
Pencil CaseBudget BackpackUltimate BackpackToiletry BagTwin Pocket Supply PouchBasecamp Navigator Laptop BackpackLaptop BackpackHeathered School PouchBrio Backpack
Bamboo Bento Box16oz Double Wall Stainless TumblerWheat Straw Utensil SetBellevue Insulated Lunch ToteShake it up Salad SetWheat Straw Tumbler Cup20oz On the Go 7ULWDQ%RɅOHCollapsible Stainless Steel StrawR]3(7%RɅOHwith InfuserFood EssentialsECO-FRIENDLY
StationaryCrossbody Padfolio1.5” Round Ring Vinyl Binder Apple Paper BookHardcover Notebook & PenWeekly Assignment PlannerWheat Straw Ballpoint PenMini Sticky Notebook Wide Ruled Composition NotebookBamboo Notebook with Recycled PaperECO-FRIENDLY
$Ʉ5HF\FOHGBackpackCorrection Tape PenRecycled HilighterGripper Mechanical Pencil(OOLSVH6RɄ\with StylusRecycled Newspaper PencilsGrip and Flip CalculatorHilighter SetEnviroPenPens, Pencils + More!ECO-FRIENDLY
Honor Roll KitPushstickEraserMini Tri-lighterLiqui Mark Mechanical PencilRainbow Hilighter SetPencil SharpenerMini StaplerRainer Utility Pen with StylusPost-it Flag and Hilighter Set
Apparel&Xȿ%HDQLHLight Up Hawaiian Leis With MedallionRecycled HatFelt Strip Pennant 3/4” Sublimated LanyardRecycled T-shirtFuzzy SocksHoodie JacketWheat Straw SunglassesECO-FRIENDLY
Fun & GamesInspirational Coloring Book & 8 Color Pencils100 Piece Custom Jigsaw PuzzleWooden Tower PuzzleEmoji Stress Reliever Ball6SODW3XɅ\3DOStress ToyWaterproof Picnic Blanket in a pouchSafety Spin-itStay Cool Spray %RɅOHDQG)DQPush Pop Bubble Keychain
PreparednessCar Escape Tool with Dynamo LightRound Tape MeasurePlush Hot/ Cold Therapy Gel PackExecutive First Aid KitDeluxe Sewing/ Nailcare Kit0LFURɀEHUCleaning ClothRedi Travel Aid Kit10ml Hand Sanitizer Pwen6QRZɂDNHMultitool
We bring your concept to life with our custom built boxes! Work with our design team to show you realistic renderings of your SURGXFWEHIRUHȲQDOL]LQJ)LOOHULVFXVWRPWRmatch your school colors or desired look!Custom Crinkle & StationaryWho would’ve thought 2020 was the year for QR codes? Our clients love having their kits FXVWRPL]HGZLWKDSHUVRQDO45FRGHWKDWtypically leads to a video or event related WRWKHER[$SHUIHFWZD\WRJHWDFURVVDdean’s message or to create a virtual event!Customized Box
Doing Good Works takes care of all the KDVVOHRIRUGHULQJDQGIXOȲOOPHQW2XUteam creates custom built web pages IRU\RXURUJDQL]DWLRQWRHDVLO\JDWKHUDQGFROOHFWLQIRUPDWLRQWe take care RIDOOWKHKDVVOHIURPVWDUWWRɀQLVKStreamlined Process'RLQJ*RRG:RUNVRȱHUVNLȷLQJDQGIXOȲOOPHQWVHUYLFHVGRQHWKURXJKRXUWorkforce Development program that hires youth who have experienced foster FDUH:HDUHWDNLQJH[WUDSUHFDXWLRQVto make sure all parties are safe during SDFNRXWVPlease reach out for more LQIRUPDWLRQUHJDUGLQJWKLVSURJUDPWorkforce Development
ɽɾɳashleyk@doinggoodworks.com&DOORUHPDLOXVWRVWDUWWKLVFROODERUDWLYHSURFHVVWRGD\What a great pleasure and opportunity to work with the DGW team! Wanted to do a quick shout out especially to /RJDQ$OWPDQIRUKROGLQJRXUhands and walking us through WKHHQWLUHSURFHVV+HDORQJwith several other folks from WKHWHDPPDGHRXUJLȶER[project a fun collaborative experience and we are thrilled ZLWKWKHȲQDOSURGXFW2XUWHDPORYHGWKHLUJLȶV:KDWDJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\Looking forward to more SDUWQHUVKLSVDKHDGOur team loved WKHLUJLȶV
2021 Impact Reportnew jobs for peopleimpacted by foster carework hours for people impacted by foster carepeople accessed ɀQDQFLDOFRDFKLQJO\ɄULGHVSURYLGHGto and from workFRDFKLQJKRXUVIRU\RXQJDGXOWVSHRSOHUHFHLYHGFRDFKLQJinvested in our mission
ɽɾɳɳashleyk@doinggoodworks.comFor lead times or inquiries, reach out us at the following: