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Student Bulletin 23.10.16. test

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Music Trip to Italy departsFri20thUpcoming EventsThu19thYear 8 Parents’ EveningMon30thStart of TermMon23rdFri27thHalf termWeek beginning 16th October 2023-

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0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000Canterbury Coventry Guildford Westminster House Points4911431749474366

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House Points4911431749474366

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When your child needs to leaveduring the school day for amedical/dental appointment or anauthorised absence, please ensurethat you send them in with a notewhich they then need to take toStudent Services in order to besigned out correctly.MedicalAppointments& AuthorisedAbsenceMany thanks for yourhelp with this.Student Services

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If you take your child out of school without ourpermission for 5 days or more, you will be liableto receive a penalty notice. Currently the amount payable under a penaltynotice is £60 if paid within 21 days. This will riseto £120 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If thepenalty notice remains unpaid after 28 days theLocal Authority will consider a prosecution inthe Magistrates Court. Please note that penalty notices are issued perparent/carer per child, so if there are 2 parentsand 2 children they will receive 4 penaltynotices. Further details are available in ourattendance policy. AttendanceReminder to Parents/Carers

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Returning to schoolafter sicknessUnlike primary schools,The Priory School doesNOT have a 48 hour policyon returning to schoolafter sickness. Parentsplease use your discretionand send your children inonce they are well.

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StudentMedicationPlease remember that that the schoolis unable to give studentsantihistamines or pain relief. If your child needs allergy or pain reliefmedication please send them to schoolwith the appropriate medication.Medications may be kept in StudentServices for staff to administer or yourchild can carry them and take whenrequired. Thank you for your cooperation.Antihistamines and Pain relief

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MondayPriory Young Voices E2E3Lower Steel Drums (Y7,8)TuesdayGuitar Club (all years)E2E3GCSE Revision ClubThursdayRock BandPracticeRoomsFridayUpper School Steel Drums(Y9,10,11)E3Music Clubs2023/24 Lunchtime