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Struction Site Case Study

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STRUCTIONSITECASE STUDYReducing risk, increasing efficiency,and improving communicationAt Norwood we leverage innovative and trusted technologies to enhance the quality,safety, efficiency, accuracy, and productivity of our construction projects. With theaddition of Structionsite it further enforces our dedication to continually improvetechnology on our projects making the construction process easier. Structionsite at Work After a first scan at our Doylestown Hospital site, Nate Hawkins noticed some oddframing for the laminar flow ceiling system placement. In an OR ceiling everything isbased off the center of the bed; all the lights, diffusers, access points, Med Gas, etc. Thelaminar flow ceiling placement is of critical importance as the calculations for airflow Our industry is experiencing a great deal of stress currently relating to the diminishingskillset and quantity of workers in the workforce. As a Construction Manager it isimperative that we enhance all of our tools, techniques, and relationships to ensure thatwe can provide the highest levels of service to ensure that our projects are planed andexecuted as efficiently as possible. The leadership team is happy to support the VDCgroup by making the investment in Structionsite and to integrate this into our dailyproject procedures. We have already cognized benefits and are excited to make thisaddition to the 'Norwood Way'.""-Joe Mitchell, President & CEOover the patient are figured with precisealignment of bed and diffusers. By rotating theview and viewing all 4 corners of the framing atonce in Structionsite, he was clearly able toidentify the hole in the framing was incorrect. After reviewing with team member TonySpino and further investigation, Tony was able toconfirm that the ceiling framing was laid outusing an old plan for the laminar ceiling systemcausing it to be off by several inches. This was identified before the ceiling was drywalled and laminar flow ceiling system was installed,there was no downtime for any subs and was able to be addressed via some minorrework. "We were only able to clearly identify the problem because we had a total view ofthe ceiling at the same time in Structionsite. If I had to infer the size of the framing fromseveral pictures, I would have never been able to identify the problem" explained Nate.

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Key Take AwaysStructionsite provides you with project risk management by finding the proofneeded in order to protect Norwood. By giving you the time stamped footageof what a job site looked like, Structionsite allows you to pin point issues andaddress them immediately. You are capturing the full life cycle of a project. Looking forwardStructionsite offers several advantages to both our Operations teams and ourclients. It allows all key stakeholders, regardless of location, to view real-timestatus of project development, it is a tool to confirm progress of actual vsscheduled task dates, and it provides a chronological database of progressphotos which can be used to quickly address future, post-completion needs(e.g. rough-in locations, above ceiling MEP layout/equipment orientation, etc.)without extensive exploratory effort within occupied space."-Frank Houder, VP of OperationsReduces Risk Through Project DocumentationIncreased Efficiency Improved Communication & Transparency Structionsite saves time and money. This detailed level of projectdocumentation allows teams to solve problems fast by getting right to theroot of the issue. Without having to open up walls looking for a problem,hiring someone to come fix the problem, or finding it too late, Structionsiteeliminates delays, all while making the most of our clients' constructiondollars. Collaboration with internal and external project teams through Structionsiteeliminates the back and fourth. Time stamps and photos allow users to findimmediate answers to questions. Any found issues can be communicatedquickly to all direct parties finding a fast solution. Remote viewing allows youto be off-site and still access the most up-to-date job site photos in seconds.The end result being a happy partnership from all teams. "Structionsite does not completely alter the way we typically work. It helpsexpedite, organize, and support the work that we already do. By reducing risk,increasing efficiency, and improving communication, it will only make Norwood'sjob more successful. We look forward to working with our project teams to get theprogram implemented, and make this part of our standard operating procedure.As our associates advance their experience with Structionsite through everydayuse, we anticipate more stories of success! For more information please contact the VDC Group: John Miller Robyn Johnston267-321-0112 | jmiller@norwoodco.com484-883-1585 |