ABOUT US Stroll creates hyper targeted publications for America s most affluent neighborhoods More than 1 4 million residents receive a free Stroll magazine each month filled with stories written by and about their neighbors Reaches 550 established neighborhoods nationwide like Stroll Paradise Valley
OUR TEAM Let s meet our team members who are professional and have rich experiences BRITT BENNETT TIFFANY BROWN MINDY WELLS DAVID LEE Publisher Creative Director Advertising Manager Photographer Ethical Strategist
WHO WE REACH Paradise Valley Arizona Arizona s wealthiest municipality Median Income 212 773 Median Property Value 1 66M Median Age 59 6 years old Distributed monthly to the residents of Paradise Valley
Why Niche Print TARGETING MATTERS The ability to concentrate your ad dollars on the people you know are right for your product or service is a game changer The idea isn t new though It s why digital advertising has been a budget staple for companies of all sizes for years Our print magazine offers the same benefits of digital media by hyper targeting some of America s most affluent residents and it is through a medium our audience trusts and better yet contributes to
RELATIONSHIP MARKETING We deliver neighborhood connections Residents Events Summary Residents share stories offer advice recipes and achievements through a trusted medium that evokes a sense of privacy through the exclusivity Stroll hosts small and large events to provide a platform for residents to meet the advertisers in an organic and personal way Residents develop a relationship with the advertisers and a sense of trust is established through the entirety of the medium