CHILD AT HEARTWe hold the child at the heart of the decisions we makeand the way we work.WORK TOGETHER We work together and support each other as a team, aswell as working collaboratively with other organisationsas the current challenge is larger than any one person ororganisation.MAKE A DIFFERENCEWe strive to create lasting, meaningful impact withempathy and compassion.www.move-more.orgTHE MOVE MORE WAYSTRATEGY2024 – 2027EVERY CHILD THRIVESWHAT WE DOBy supporting schools, families and communities we seek to establish nurturing,positive and stimulating environments that will enable all children and youngpeople to live an active and healthy lifestyle.In striving towards our vision of ‘Every Child Thrives’ our work is diverse in itsapproach and involves engaging with multiple stakeholders. Subsequently, we workwith a wide range of children and therefore have a variety of programmes andapproaches to suit their needs. We also recognise that a greater focus on childrenexperiencing inequalities is required to ensure that all children can be physicallyactive within supportive environments and experience the physical, social andmental wellbeing benefits in order to thrive.EVERY CHILD THRIVESThe Move More way was created following consultation with the wholestaff team and the board of trustees. It highlights our shared values anddemonstrates the behaviours which will influence our decision makingand impact our work daily. We are proud to live by the Move More way, which involves adhering tothe following principles:- Charity Number: 1175899We are passionate about empoweringevery child, irrespective of theircircumstances, to thrive. We advocatean active and healthy lifestyle thatpositively influences various aspectsof a child’s life through a holisticapproach which has sustainablelifelong benefits. We recognise that the surroundings inwhich children grow play a crucial role in enhancing their outcomes.Consequently, whilst holding children atthe centre of our work we activelysupport the three main environment’sthat impact children. STRATEGY2024 – 2027EVERY CHILD THRIVESCharity Number: 1175899
THE CHALLENGE...Children with disabilities are twice as likely to belonely compared to their non-disabled peers(72% compared to 36%). They are more likely tofeel they have no one to talk to, to feel left outand to feel alone. Children and young people from lower incomefamilies are less likely to be active, are twice aslikely to be living with obesity, and have lesspositive attitudes towards physical activity. The gender gap is re-emerging, with a 5% gapbetween girls and boys classed as active . Almost half of parents (47%) say that the cost ofliving crisis has had a negative impact on thenumber of opportunities their children have tobe physically active and take part in sport.EXPERIENCINGGREATERINEQUALITIES97%Our children are… 18%45% of parents are concerned about their child’smental health.of children aged 7 to 16 have a probable mental health disorder.The number of children in England needingtreatment for mental health problems has risenby 39% in a year.of teachers are concerned about the mentalhealth of young people in their school.BECOMINGUNHAPPIEROur children are… BECOMINGUNHEALTHIERThe prevalence of overweight (including obese)children across Cheltenham and Tewkesburyincreases from reception (23.3%) to Year 6(31.2%).Children and young people from the mostdeprived areas in Gloucestershire are twice aslikely to be classified as overweight or obesewhen compared to those from the leastdeprived areas.Less than half (47%) of young people in Englandare meeting minimum physical activity levels.Our children are… MOREDISTRACTEDOur children are… of parents believe that children are spendingtoo much time online and not enough timewith each other in person.Over 3 in 5 (62%) of parents believe that digitaldistractions mean that their children arespending less time being active.Almost half (46%) of 7- 8 year olds and 38% of 9-11 year olds agree they spend more time onlineor watching TV than they do talking to theirfamily.And the most disadvantaged insociety face the highest barriers… Children and young peoplewith Black, Asian and otherethnicities are the leastlikely to be active.78%Educate children with the knowledge and skills to lead an active and healthylifestyle whilst supporting their personal, social and emotional development.Instil a passion for being active in every child through providing high quality,enjoyable and inclusive opportunities. Support families, schools, and communities in creating caring, positive, andengaging environments for children that address their physical andemotional needs. Continue to grow as a resilient, sustainable charity that is responsive tochange.Increase the visibility of the charity and champion children’s wellbeingthrough advocacy, influencing and evidencing our impact.VISION:MISSION:To empower children within Gloucestershire and the surrounding area,irrespective of their circumstances, to reap the many benefits of an active,healthy lifestyle, fostering lifelong behaviours fundamental for their overallwell-being.OBJECTIVES:EVERY CHILD THRIVES WHAT WE DOBy supporting schools, families and communities we seek to establish nurturing,positive and stimulating environments that will enable all children and young peopleto live an active and healthy lifestyle.In striving towards our vision of ‘Every Child Thrives’ our work is diverse in its approachand involves engaging with multiple stakeholders. Subsequently, we work with a widerange of children and therefore have a variety of programmes and approaches to suittheir needs. We also recognise that a greater focus on children experiencinginequalities is required to ensure that all children can be physically active withinsupportive environments and experience the physical, social and mental wellbeingbenefits in order to thrive.We are passionate about empoweringevery child, irrespective of theircircumstances, to thrive. We advocatean active and healthy lifestyle thatpositively influences various aspects ofa child’s life through a holisticapproach which has sustainablelifelong benefits. We recognise that the surroundings inwhich children grow play a crucial role in enhancing their outcomes.Consequently, whilst holding children atthe centre of our work we activelysupport the three main environment’sthat impact children.
THE CHALLENGE...Children with disabilities are twice as likely to belonely compared to their non-disabled peers(72% compared to 36%). They are more likely tofeel they have no one to talk to, to feel left outand to feel alone. Children and young people from lower incomefamilies are less likely to be active, are twice aslikely to be living with obesity, and have lesspositive attitudes towards physical activity. The gender gap is re-emerging, with a 5% gapbetween girls and boys classed as active . Almost half of parents (47%) say that the cost ofliving crisis has had a negative impact on thenumber of opportunities their children have tobe physically active and take part in sport.EXPERIENCINGGREATERINEQUALITIES97%Our children are… 18%45% of parents are concerned about their child’smental health.of children aged 7 to 16 have a probable mental health disorder.The number of children in England needingtreatment for mental health problems has risenby 39% in a year.of teachers are concerned about the mentalhealth of young people in their school.BECOMINGUNHAPPIEROur children are… BECOMINGUNHEALTHIERThe prevalence of overweight (including obese)children across Cheltenham and Tewkesburyincreases from reception (23.3%) to Year 6(31.2%).Children and young people from the mostdeprived areas in Gloucestershire are twice aslikely to be classified as overweight or obesewhen compared to those from the leastdeprived areas.Less than half (47%) of young people in Englandare meeting minimum physical activity levels.Our children are… MOREDISTRACTEDOur children are… of parents believe that children are spendingtoo much time online and not enough timewith each other in person.Over 3 in 5 (62%) of parents believe that digitaldistractions mean that their children arespending less time being active.Almost half (46%) of 7- 8 year olds and 38% of 9-11 year olds agree they spend more time onlineor watching TV than they do talking to theirfamily.And the most disadvantaged insociety face the highest barriers… Children and young peoplewith Black, Asian and otherethnicities are the leastlikely to be active.78%Educate children with the knowledge and skills to lead an active and healthylifestyle whilst supporting their personal, social and emotional development.Instil a passion for being active in every child through providing high quality,enjoyable and inclusive opportunities. Support families, schools, and communities in creating caring, positive, andengaging environments for children that address their physical andemotional needs. Continue to grow as a resilient, sustainable charity that is responsive tochange.Increase the visibility of the charity and champion children’s wellbeingthrough advocacy, influencing and evidencing our impact.VISION:MISSION:To empower children within Gloucestershire and the surrounding area,irrespective of their circumstances, to reap the many benefits of an active,healthy lifestyle, fostering lifelong behaviours fundamental for their overallwell-being.OBJECTIVES:EVERY CHILD THRIVES THE CHALLENGE...97%Our children are… 18%45% of parents are concerned about their child’smental health.of children aged 7 to 16 have a probable mental health disorder.The number of children in England needingtreatment for mental health problems has risenby 39% in a year.of teachers are concerned about the mentalhealth of young people in their school.BECOMINGUNHAPPIEROur children are… BECOMINGUNHEALTHIERThe prevalence of overweight (including obese)children across Cheltenham and Tewkesburyincreases from reception (23.3%) to Year 6(31.2%).Children and young people from the mostdeprived areas in Gloucestershire are twice aslikely to be classified as overweight or obesewhen compared to those from the leastdeprived areas.Less than half (47%) of young people in Englandare meeting minimum physical activity levels.
THE CHALLENGE...Children with disabilities are twice as likely to belonely compared to their non-disabled peers(72% compared to 36%). They are more likely tofeel they have no one to talk to, to feel left outand to feel alone. Children and young people from lower incomefamilies are less likely to be active, are twice aslikely to be living with obesity, and have lesspositive attitudes towards physical activity. The gender gap is re-emerging, with a 5% gapbetween girls and boys classed as active . Almost half of parents (47%) say that the cost ofliving crisis has had a negative impact on thenumber of opportunities their children have tobe physically active and take part in sport.EXPERIENCINGGREATERINEQUALITIES97%Our children are… 18%45% of parents are concerned about their child’smental health.of children aged 7 to 16 have a probable mental health disorder.The number of children in England needingtreatment for mental health problems has risenby 39% in a year.of teachers are concerned about the mentalhealth of young people in their school.BECOMINGUNHAPPIEROur children are… BECOMINGUNHEALTHIERThe prevalence of overweight (including obese)children across Cheltenham and Tewkesburyincreases from reception (23.3%) to Year 6(31.2%).Children and young people from the mostdeprived areas in Gloucestershire are twice aslikely to be classified as overweight or obesewhen compared to those from the leastdeprived areas.Less than half (47%) of young people in Englandare meeting minimum physical activity levels.Our children are… MOREDISTRACTEDOur children are… of parents believe that children are spendingtoo much time online and not enough timewith each other in person.Over 3 in 5 (62%) of parents believe that digitaldistractions mean that their children arespending less time being active.Almost half (46%) of 7- 8 year olds and 38% of 9-11 year olds agree they spend more time onlineor watching TV than they do talking to theirfamily.And the most disadvantaged insociety face the highest barriers… Children and young peoplewith Black, Asian and otherethnicities are the leastlikely to be active.78%Educate children with the knowledge and skills to lead an active and healthylifestyle whilst supporting their personal, social and emotional development.Instil a passion for being active in every child through providing high quality,enjoyable and inclusive opportunities. Support families, schools, and communities in creating caring, positive, andengaging environments for children that address their physical andemotional needs. Continue to grow as a resilient, sustainable charity that is responsive tochange.Increase the visibility of the charity and champion children’s wellbeingthrough advocacy, influencing and evidencing our impact.VISION:MISSION:To empower children within Gloucestershire and the surrounding area,irrespective of their circumstances, to reap the many benefits of an active,healthy lifestyle, fostering lifelong behaviours fundamental for their overallwell-being.OBJECTIVES:EVERY CHILD THRIVES Children with disabilities are twice as likely to belonely compared to their non-disabled peers(72% compared to 36%). They are more likely tofeel they have no one to talk to, to feel left outand to feel alone. Children and young people from lower incomefamilies are less likely to be active, are twice aslikely to be living with obesity, and have lesspositive attitudes towards physical activity. The gender gap is re-emerging, with a 5% gapbetween girls and boys classed as active . Almost half of parents (47%) say that the cost ofliving crisis has had a negative impact on thenumber of opportunities their children have tobe physically active and take part in sport.EXPERIENCINGGREATERINEQUALITIESOur children are… MOREDISTRACTEDOur children are… of parents believe that children are spendingtoo much time online and not enough timewith each other in person.Over 3 in 5 (62%) of parents believe that digitaldistractions mean that their children arespending less time being active.Almost half (46%) of 7- 8 year olds and 38% of 9-11 year olds agree they spend more time onlineor watching TV than they do talking to theirfamily.And the most disadvantaged insociety face the highest barriers… Children and young peoplewith Black, Asian and otherethnicities are the leastlikely to be active.78%
CHILD AT HEARTWe hold the child at the heart of the decisions we makeand the way we work.WORK TOGETHER We work together and support each other as a team, aswell as working collaboratively with other organisationsas the current challenge is larger than any one person ororganisation.MAKE A DIFFERENCEWe strive to create lasting, meaningful impact withempathy and compassion.www.move-more.orgTHE MOVE MORE WAYSTRATEGY2024 – 2027EVERY CHILD THRIVESWHAT WE DOBy supporting schools, families and communities we seek to establish nurturing,positive and stimulating environments that will enable all children and youngpeople to live an active and healthy lifestyle.In striving towards our vision of ‘Every Child Thrives’ our work is diverse in itsapproach and involves engaging with multiple stakeholders. Subsequently, we workwith a wide range of children and therefore have a variety of programmes andapproaches to suit their needs. We also recognise that a greater focus on childrenexperiencing inequalities is required to ensure that all children can be physicallyactive within supportive environments and experience the physical, social andmental wellbeing benefits in order to thrive.EVERY CHILD THRIVESThe Move More way was created following consultation with the wholestaff team and the board of trustees. It highlights our shared values anddemonstrates the behaviours which will influence our decision makingand impact our work daily. We are proud to live by the Move More way, which involves adhering tothe following principles:- Charity Number: 1175899We are passionate about empoweringevery child, irrespective of theircircumstances, to thrive. We advocatean active and healthy lifestyle thatpositively influences various aspectsof a child’s life through a holisticapproach which has sustainablelifelong benefits. We recognise that the surroundings inwhich children grow play a crucial role in enhancing their outcomes.Consequently, whilst holding children atthe centre of our work we activelysupport the three main environment’sthat impact children. Educate children with the knowledge and skills to lead an active and healthylifestyle whilst supporting their personal, social and emotional development.Instil a passion for being active in every child through providing high quality,enjoyable and inclusive opportunities. Support families, schools, and communities in creating caring, positive, andengaging environments for children that address their physical andemotional needs. Continue to grow as a resilient, sustainable charity that is responsive tochange.Increase the visibility of the charity and champion children’s wellbeingthrough advocacy, influencing and evidencing our impact.VISION:MISSION:To empower children within Gloucestershire and the surrounding area,irrespective of their circumstances, to reap the many benefits of an active,healthy lifestyle, fostering lifelong behaviours fundamental for their overallwell-being.OBJECTIVES:EVERY CHILD THRIVES
CHILD AT HEARTWe hold the child at the heart of the decisions we makeand the way we work.WORK TOGETHER We work together and support each other as a team, aswell as working collaboratively with other organisationsas the current challenge is larger than any one person ororganisation.MAKE A DIFFERENCEWe strive to create lasting, meaningful impact withempathy and compassion.www.move-more.orgTHE MOVE MORE WAYSTRATEGY2024 – 2027EVERY CHILD THRIVESWHAT WE DOBy supporting schools, families and communities we seek to establish nurturing,positive and stimulating environments that will enable all children and youngpeople to live an active and healthy lifestyle.In striving towards our vision of ‘Every Child Thrives’ our work is diverse in itsapproach and involves engaging with multiple stakeholders. Subsequently, we workwith a wide range of children and therefore have a variety of programmes andapproaches to suit their needs. We also recognise that a greater focus on childrenexperiencing inequalities is required to ensure that all children can be physicallyactive within supportive environments and experience the physical, social andmental wellbeing benefits in order to thrive.EVERY CHILD THRIVESThe Move More way was created following consultation with the wholestaff team and the board of trustees. It highlights our shared values anddemonstrates the behaviours which will influence our decision makingand impact our work daily. We are proud to live by the Move More way, which involves adhering tothe following principles:- Charity Number: 1175899We are passionate about empoweringevery child, irrespective of theircircumstances, to thrive. We advocatean active and healthy lifestyle thatpositively influences various aspectsof a child’s life through a holisticapproach which has sustainablelifelong benefits. We recognise that the surroundings inwhich children grow play a crucial role in enhancing their outcomes.Consequently, whilst holding children atthe centre of our work we activelysupport the three main environment’sthat impact children. CHILD AT HEARTWe hold the child at the heart of the decisions we makeand the way we work.WORK TOGETHER We work together and support each other as a team, aswell as working collaboratively with other organisationsas the current challenge is larger than any one person ororganisation.MAKE A DIFFERENCEWe strive to create lasting, meaningful impact withempathy and compassion.www.move-more.orgTHE MOVE MORE WAY2024 – 2027EVERY CHILD THRIVESThe Move More way was created following consultation with the wholestaff team and the board of trustees. It highlights our shared values anddemonstrates the behaviours which will influence our decision makingand impact our work daily. We are proud to live by the Move More way, which involves adhering tothe following principles:-